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Pathogenesis and treatment of psoriasis:

exploiting pathophysiological pathways for precision medicine

W. Alwan, F.O. Nestle

St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, ABSTRACT with psoriasis, particularly the early on-
Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals Psoriasis is a common, chronic inflam- set form (5).
NHS Foundation Trust, London, matory skin disease associated with Genome wide linkage analyses have
United Kingdom.
multi-system manifestations including identified multiple chromosomal loci
Wisam Alwan, MBBS arthritis and obesity. Our knowledge of statistically linked to psoriasis suscep-
Frank O. Nestle, MD, FMedSci
the aetiology of the condition, including tibility (PSORS1-12) (6). The most
Please address correspondence to: the key genomic, immune and environ- important of these loci is PSORS1 (7),
Frank O. Nestle,
St. John’s Institute of Dermatology,
mental factors, has led to the develop- with an odds ratio of approximately 4.7
King’s College London and Guy’s ment of targeted, precision therapies (8). PSORS1 is located within the ma-
and St. Thomas’ Hospitals that alleviate patient morbidity. This jor histocompatibility complex (MHC)
NHS Foundation Trust, article reviews the key pathophysiolog- on chromosome 6p21 – a region con-
Floor 9, Tower wing, ical pathways and therapeutic targets taining genes such as HLA-C (linked
Great Maze Pond, and highlights future areas of interest to the HLA-Cw6 allele), coiled-coil
London SE1 9RT, United Kingdom. in psoriasis research. alpha-helical rod protein 1 (CCHCR1)
and corneodesmosin (CDSN). Single
Received and accepted on September 2, Introduction nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) char-
Psoriasis is a complex multifactorial acterisation across the PSORS1 locus
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2015; 33 (Suppl. 93): condition related to a combination of combined with family based associa-
genetic, environmental and immuno- tion studies have identified two SNP
© Copyright Clinical and
logical factors that affects 1.3-2.2% of markers that define a 10kb region prox-
Experimental Rheumatology 2015.
the world population (1). It represents imal to HLA-C that serves as a major
Key words: psoriatic arthritis, a clinically heterogeneous disease, psoriasis risk haplotype (9).
psoriasis, precision medicine, with clearly defined clinical subtypes Due to the extensive linkage disequi-
microbiome, genomics, immunology, including chronic plaque (or psoriasis librium within PSORS1 identification
pathogenesis, treatment vulgaris), guttate psoriasis, and gener- of a causative allele has been difficult
alised or localised (pustular) psoriasis. but HLACw6 is a major candidate, with
The chronic plaque form is most com- further possible associated risk alleles
mon (85–90%) (2, 3) and the clinical across the MHC (10). The functional
manifestations include well-demarcat- mechanism by which disease associ-
ed, symmetrical erythematous plaques ated alleles confer susceptibility to pso-
with adherent silvery scale. Common riasis is unknown. However, expression
affected sites include the scalp, elbows, of HLA-Cw6 on antigen-presenting
knees and pre-sacral area of the back. cells enables a potential regulatory role
Nail involvement is common and pso- of the innate and adaptive immune sys-
riatic arthritis is recognised in approxi- tem, which may contribute to the im-
mately 30% of people with psoriasis. mune dysregulation in psoriasis (11).
Sequence variants in the HLA-C pro-
Genomic basis of psoriasis moter region can abolish the response
Genetics to key cytokines interferon (IFN) gam-
The genetic basis of psoriasis is sup- ma and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-
ported by the increased incidence of the alpha (12).
disease observed in first and second- Genome wide association studies
degree relatives of psoriasis patients (GWAS) have identified approximately
(4) and a 2–3 fold increased risk in mo- 50 genetic loci associated with psoria-
Competing interests: F.O. Nestle has
nozygotic twins compared to dizygotic sis risk (8, 13-16). The gene variants of
received consultancy fees and honoraria
from AbbVie, Celgene, GSK, Janssen, twins. interest can broadly be categorised into
Lilly, Novartis, Pfizer, and Sanofi; Studies of the human leukocyte anti- skin specific and immune (both innate
W. Alwan has declared no competing gens (HLA) have identified a variant, and adaptive) specific genes (17). The
interests. HLA-Cw6, which is strongly linked immune genes highlight fundamental

Pathogenesis and treatment of psoriasis / W. Alwan & F.O. Nestle

immunological processes and path- that is highly expressed in psoriasis and psoriasis skin and healthy volunteers
ways that appear crucial for disease induces keratinocyte proliferation and (34). In these latter groups, Actinobac-
susceptibility, namely antigen pres- stimulates anti-microbial peptides (28). teriae were most prevalent and signifi-
entation, nuclear factor kappa B (NF- Transcriptional profiling identified cantly underrepresented in the psoriasis
kB) signalling (important in sustaining PIM1, a gene encoding a serine-thre- group. Propionobacterium species were
chronic inflammation), the IL-23/IL- onine kinase, which was regulated by also underrepresented in psoriatic le-
17 axis, innate immune signalling and IL-22 and upregulated in psoriatic skin sions. Alterations in the cutaneous mi-
the type I IFN pathway. Interestingly, vasculature. The increased vasculari- crobiota of psoriasis patients also have
SNP’s in these loci are associated with sation and epidermal thickening seen been replicated in other studies (35, 36).
other autoimmune diseases including in psoriasis could be partially reduced
inflammatory bowel disease and anky- in experiments with PIM-1 knockout Immunopathogenesis of psoriasis
losing spondylitis (13). mice, therapeutic anti-IL-22 and small Psoriasis arises as a result of dysregu-
An example of an important immuno- molecule inhibitors of PIM1. Devel- lated interactions of the innate and
genetic association is gene variants in oping inhibitors of this pathway offers adaptive immune system in the context
the IL-23 receptor (IL-23R) - a crucial potential therapeutic application to pso- of skin epithelium and connective tis-
psoriasis cytokine receptor - that ap- riasis patients. sue (Fig. 1) (2). It is within the spectrum
pear to confer protection to develop- of autoimmune-type inflammatory dis-
ing psoriasis (18). SNP’s in the genes Environmental factors eases. Innate immune cells induce a
responsible for subunits of the IL-23 Psoriasis lesions can be induced by pro-inflammatory cytokine cascade. In-
cytokine and IL-23 receptor genes (19- trauma (Koebner phenomenon), strep- terferon alpha released from plasmacy-
21) have been associated with modifi- tococcal pharyngitis (29), stress (30). toid dendritic cells is a crucial cytokine
cations in disease risk and are differ- and drugs including lithium and beta- in the initiation phase of psoriasis (37).
entially expressed according to disease blockers. These triggers are probably Keratinocytes are vital contributors in
severity (22). most relevant in patients with a genetic the immunopathogenesis of psoriasis,
predisposition to developing psoriasis. and are a rich source of antimicrobial
Transcriptomics peptides, including LL-37, beta de-
Meta-analysis of gene expression stud- Skin microbiome fensins and S100A7 (psoriasin). LL-
ies has defined a core psoriasis tran- 16s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequencing 37 combines with host DNA to form
scriptome (23). Microarray analysis of and total microbiome DNA sequencing DNA-LL-37 complexes stimulating
differentially expressed genes in psoria- have helped to characterise the diverse plasmacytoid dendritic cells to produce
sis has reinforced the view that the de- microbial population on the skin sur- interferon-alpha to act on the myeloid
velopment and potentiation of psoriasis face. As the skin is the primary interface dendritic cells (38). Other key innate
is dependent on key cytokines and re- between the environment and immune immune cell types also act on myeloid
lated pathways including IL-23/IL-17, system, it is hypothesised that cutane- dendritic cells such as keratinocytes
TNF and type 1 IFN regulated genes. ous microbiota may be vital in educat- (mediated through IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-
Transcriptomic analysis allows classifi- ing the immune system. Staphylococ- alpha), macrophages (mediated through
cation of patients into different molecu- cus epidermidis, previously thought TNF-alpha) and natural killer T-cells
lar subgroups (disease endotypes); for to be a harmless skin commensal, has (mediated through TNF-alpha and In-
example, those that have enrichment been shown to be crucial for protective terferon gamma).
of pathways related to transforming immunity against Leishmania Major in Dendritic cells are key immune system
growth factor β and ErbB (24). Recog- a T-cell dependent manner (31). sentinels that drive the adaptive im-
nition of these pathways may also guide Dysregulation of immune responses to mune response in psoriasis. Their num-
stratified therapy as normalisation of microbiota may contribute to inflam- bers are increased in psoriatic plaques
upregulated cytokines and chemokines matory pathology. Analogous to this, and can induce auto-proliferation of
crucial in the IL-17 pathway is seen af- defective immune tolerance to intestinal T-cells when activated (39). Activated
ter IL-17 targeted therapy for psoriasis microbiota has been proposed to pro- dendritic cells function as antigen-
(25, 26). mote Crohn’s disease – seen four times presenting cells and secrete cytokine
Our group (27) performed tran- more commonly in psoriasis patients mediators including IL-12 and IL-23
scriptional profiling of skin using a than in the general population (32). which drive differentiation of T-cells
xenotransplantation (XT) mouse model Further investigation of the role of mi- into Type 1 and Type 17 T-helper cells
of psoriasis. Differential gene expres- crobes in psoriasis etiology is supported respectively. Th17 cells are particularly
sion was analysed between normal skin by an altered microbial profile demon- important and may have a role in epi-
on the XT model after injection with strated in psoriasis patients and upregu- thelial immune surveillance (40). Ac-
recombinant IL-22 (creating a psoriasis lation of antimicrobial peptides (33). tivated Th17 cells produce cytokines
like phenotype), normal skin, psoriatic On a phylum level, Firmicutes were including IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-22.
skin and psoriatic skin treated with an significantly overrepresented in pso- IL-17 also may be released by innate
anti-IL-22 antibody. IL-22 is a cytokine riasis patients compared to non-lesional lymphoid cells, mast cells, other T-

Pathogenesis and treatment of psoriasis / W. Alwan & F.O. Nestle

Fig. 1. Innate and adaptive immune effector cells, cytokines and pathways in psoriasis.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells are potential initiators of the inflammatory cascade by releasing type I interferons which act by activation of myeloid dendritic
antigen presenting cells. Keratinocytes, NK-T-cells and macrophages can also provide pro-inflammatory stimuli through the secretion of IFN-alpha, TNF-
alpha, interleukins 1-beta and 6. Activated myeloid dendritic cells drive differentiation of T-lymphocytes into IFN-gamma producing Th1-cells through pro-
duction of IL-12 and IL-17 producing cells through production of IL-23. IL-17 can be released from CD4 and CD8+ T-lymphocytes (Th/c-17 cells), gamma
delta T-cells,mast cells,innate lymphoid cells and possibly neutrophils. Cytokines exert their effect through activation of intracellular signal transducers
such as JAK-STAT and cyclic AMP, which affect gene transcription for key cytokines and messengers. Cyclic AMP mediated anti-inflammatory activity is
inhibited by hydrolysis of cAMP to AMP by the enzyme phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE-4). IL-17 producing cells act on keratinocytes via production of IL-17A,
IL-17F, IL-22 and TNF-alpha. This drives keratinocyte proliferation and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and antimicrobial peptides that
act via a positive feedback loop to further support the inflammatory process.
Adapted from Nestle et al, NEJM, 20092.

lymphocytes (e.g. gamma-delta T-cells duces endothelial adhesion molecules dimerisation and modulation of pro-
and CD8 positive Tc17 cells) and po- that stimulate further migration of im- inflammatory gene transcription (43).
tentially by neutrophils. mune cells into psoriasis lesions (42). Inhibition of this pathway with drugs
Keratinocytes are activated by IL-17A, such as tofacitinib results in improve-
IL-17F and IL-22 from the Th17-as- Intracellular signalling pathways ment in psoriasis (44, 45).
sociated pathway and TNF-alpha and Cytokines exert their effects by acti- TNF-alpha acts in part via NF-κB
IFN-gamma from the Th1 pathway. vating intracellular signalling and tran- which is a transcription factor im-
These pathways lead to keratinocyte scription pathways. Type-1 interferons, portant for cellular proliferation, dif-
proliferation and production of pro- IFN-gamma, IL-12, IL-22 and IL-23 ferentiation and apoptosis (46). Phos-
inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, activate the Janus kinases (JAK) and phorylated (active) NF-κB is elevated
TNF-alpha), chemokines and anti-mi- signal transducers and activators of in psoriasis. In addition to anti-TNF
crobial peptides. A positive feedback transcription (STATs) pathway. Janus therapies, fumaric acid esters may also
loop exists to attract other innate and kinases are tyrosine kinases (JAK1, act by inhibition of this pathway (47).
adaptive immune cells and further po- JAK2, JAK3 and tyrosine kinase 2 The T-lymphocyte and potential ke-
tentiate the inflammatory process. The (TYK2)) linked to cytokine receptors ratinocyte response also is modulated
inflammatory cascade also activates that can activate the STAT pathway. by the intracellular messenger cyclic
mediators of angiogenesis (41), and in- Activation results in phosphorylation, adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).

Pathogenesis and treatment of psoriasis / W. Alwan & F.O. Nestle

Table I. Selected biologic and small molecule inhibitors for treatment of moderate to severe genetic loci that explained up to 36% of
psoriasis. the variation in 19 immune traits.
Drug Target Formulation
Many of the SNPs influencing immune
traits mapped to loci associated with
Etanercept TNF-receptor Human p75 Fc fusion protein susceptibility to autoimmune and in-
Infliximab TNF-alpha Chimeric monoclonal (IgG1) fectious diseases, for example SLE and
Adalimumab TNF-alpha Human monoclonal (IgG1)
Ustekinumab Anti-IL12, IL-23 (p40 subunit) Human monoclonal (IgG1)
inflammatory bowel disease. Particular
Brodalumab* IL-17 receptor Human monoclonal (IgG2) SNP’s (i.e. genotypes) can impact cell
Ixekizumab IL-17A Human monoclonal (IgG4) surface protein (e.g. CD32) expression
Secukinumab IL-17A Human monoclonal (IgG1) on dendritic cells that have the potential
Apremilast Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Small molecule inhibitor (oral)
Tofacitinib Janus Kinase (JAK-STAT pathway) Small molecule inhibitor (oral) to directly modulate immune responses
and potentially alter the risk of devel-
*Brodalumab development is under review due to observations of suicidal ideation and behaviour dur- oping autoimmune diseases. The data-
ing clinical trials (50). set provides numerous novel pathways
for investigation of common diseases,
cAMP is hydrolysed by the enzyme The small molecule inhibitors target and in addition to molecular signatures
phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE-4). Drugs enzymes within the psoriasis signalling from microbiomic data (59) represent
such as Apremilast inhibit this enzyme pathways. These drugs are potentially an exciting development in precision
and increase levels of intracellular advantageous compared to the biolog- medicine with the potential to benefit
cAMP (48). This process reduces ex- ics as they can be administered orally patients with psoriasis, as well as other
pression of proinflammatory cytokines and topically rather than parenterally chronic inflammatory diseases.
TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-12, and may be less expensive.
and IL-23 and causes an increase in the Apremilast is licensed for moderate to Conclusion
anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 (49). severe psoriasis and acts through inhi- Psoriasis therapy has evolved as our
bition of phosphodiesterase-4, which understanding of the basic science has
Therapeutic aspects leads to a reduction of proinflammatory developed. Further characterising the
Mild psoriasis is amenable to topical cytokines (49). Inhibition of the JAK- key genomic, immune and microbi-
therapy such as corticosteroids, coal STAT pathway with small molecule omic pathways involved will help to
tar preparations and vitamin D ana- inhibitors such as Tofacitinib (inhibitor identify novel disease mechanisms and
logues. Severe psoriasis often neces- mainly of JAK 3, but also JAK 1 and novel therapeutic targets. Ultimately,
sitates treatment with phototherapy or 2) also is effective in the treatment of precision medicine based on these ad-
systemic agents such as methotrexate, psoriasis (54). vances will help to reduce the patient
cyclosporine, fumaric acid esters or morbidity associated with psoriasis and
systemic retinoids. Advances in our Precision medicine other inflammatory chronic diseases.
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