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Trident University

Carlos Torres


Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability and Protection

Module 3

Session Long Project


Critical Infrastructure Report


Terrorism-related threats and risks call for the amplification of homeland defense and

security. Measures and initiatives are enacted by the government to address the concerns relevant

to security and defense of the nation including critical infrastructures. Through the

implementation of Critical Infrastructure Security, the United States was able to strengthen its

measures against domestic and international threats and risks (Hemme, 2015). The initiative also

focuses on the early detection of physical attacks directed towards the critical infrastructures of

the country. Furthermore, the vulnerabilities on the technology of the United States pose risks to

the security of the nation and its people. Presidential Decree 63 was enacted by President Bill

Clinton on May 22, 1998 in order to address the threats and risks affecting human economic

security and welfare. The enactment focuses on safeguarding the critical infrastructures and

addressing its vulnerabilities during natural disasters and incidents. Basically, the enactment calls

for the amplification of the security of critical infrastructures to prevent the disruption of the

economic activities and ensure public safety in times of emergency and disaster incidents.

Furthermore, the Critical Infrastructure Report is concerned with carrying out strategies that will

lessen risks and threats due to natural disasters to avoid the destruction of 16 critical

infrastructures in the United States.

The DHS (Department of Homeland Security)


There are many considerable challenges and hindrances that came upon the Department

Homeland Security in carrying out its functions in cases of international and domestic

emergencies (Klitz, 2015). Some of the controversies and issues relevant to security policies and

restrictions faced by the agency include the incorporation of drones to address crimes,

cyberspace and information systems security and the response operation after the occurrence of

the earthquake in Haiti in 2010.

The Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Directive or PPD 21 is concerned

with improving the coordination of involved agencies and partners in maintaining and

strengthening the security of the nation’s critical infrastructures by addressing its vulnerabilities

(White House Office of the Press Secretary, 2013). The critical infrastructures of the United

States play fundamental role in ensuring the sustainability, efficiency and productivity of the

nation since these affect the economic and political spheres. Critical infrastructures are intricate

and multifaceted since these include centralized organization, various organizational structure

and framework and organizational procedures concerning different segments, duties and

standards. To ensure that the finances and resources will be safeguarded, management and

leaders supervise individual acts and assets and identify effective implementation processes. It is

important that response operations will also include securing critical infrastructures by

addressing its vulnerabilities in case of emergency and disaster incidents. The government has

enacted emergency framework to manage threats and risks and institutionalize response and

recovery initiatives. The initiatives of the government focus on safeguarding the principal asset

stakeholders of the public and private sectors across the federal, local, tribal and territorial

regions. The government also acknowledges that measures and policies should be aligned with

safeguarding critical infrastructures of the nation. It also recognizes that partnership with the

private sector will amplify its initiatives. Involved agencies from different levels of the

government work closely with partners from private entities to carry out strategies that will

protect the economy, public health and welfare and homeland security and defense of the United

States. Basically, PPD 21 aims to lessen risks and threats against critical infrastructure through

early detection and systematic emergency management. Furthermore, the initiative also upholds

the roles of the United States in preserving and promoting peace and security not only within its

borders but as well as in areas with the involvement of the Federal government.

The DHS Directive 7

To perform its duties and functions, the Department of Homeland Security carries out

measures and initiatives to ensure the security of the nation’s critical infrastructures against

threats and risks including physical harm and cyber attacks (DHS, 2013). One of the directives

concerning homeland security and defense is Directive 7. This directive embodies and defines

the roles of the federal, state and local governments in relation to homeland security and defense.

It has been pointed out that terrorist organizations are deliberately seeking to destroy,

undermine and eliminate critical US infrastructure and vital services that can lead to defense,

economic health and public morality. Critical information protection in nations is rendered

susceptible to criminal threats, such as cyber breaches and technological advancements.

Terrorism organizations understand the significance of critical infrastructure in the cultural,

security and public relations of American countries. The Department of Homeland Security is

responsible for the implementation of government laws, methodologies, protocols and

recommendations for the protection of facilities. DHS will also coordinate defense operations in

all major facilities, including energy, internet, electrical, sea, military, land and shore networks,

rail and pipeline networks, ambulance and postal services, and in the marine and maritime

industries. The DHS is often affiliated with numerous agencies and organisations that have

explicitly defined these critical fields as clinics, government buildings and manufacturing

facilities. In order to ensure the security and efficacy of the system, the DHS must carry out an

evaluation and review of all procedures and measures taken to minimize the harm to critical

assets. This law has enabled the cyber capacities of the Departments of Justice, the Department

of Trade, the Department of Finance, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the

State and Central Intelligence Agencies, and the federal, state and local governments, private and

public entities to be combined and cooperated. The Group would also support the Department of

Justice and other law enforcement departments to monitor, detect and prosecute security

violations and cyber attacks.

The SSAs (Sector-Specific Agencies)

According to Homeland Security (2018), sector-specific entities have their own particular

goals and ways of securing those vital infrastructures. We have different features, operating

models and risk profiles across unique expertise and skills. The Agency will also implement

agile, organized and standardized plans for these sector-specific operations, and the PPD-21 will

also execute disaster management functions securely and effectively through its own agency and

be established in cooperation with the Homeland Security Department and other relevant federal

departments and agencies. The following are what comprises the Sector-Specific Agencies:

a. The Department of Homeland Security includes the gasoline, agricultural,

telecommunications, essential technologies, transportation, health services, electricity,

resources, materials and waste industries. The Organization is made up of both industries.

b. The Defense Department is the largest customer for military acquisitions.


c. The Energy Department is responsible for the energy market with the exception of

industrial nuclear power stations, namely oil and gas and electricity production, transport

and procurement.

d. The Department of Finance would include financial assets, such as banking and


e. Food, poultry and egg products are classified in the Department of Agriculture and the

Department of Health and Human Services, while all meat, meat, poultry and egg

products are protected by environmental safety and security.

f. The Home Defense and Repair Services Division is expected to work in state-owned


g. The Department of Homeland Security and Transportation is responsible for the train


h. The Environmental Protection Agency guarantees the safety of clean water and sanitation

services in the world.

i. The Department of the Interior is responsible for landmarks and national parks.

The Sector of Defense Industrial Base

The Department of Industrial Bases (DB) covers a diverse manufacturing process and

network worldwide in which research and growth, fabrication, assembly and maintenance of

military weapons systems, subsystems and parts are sponsored to fulfill All military

requirements and standards. The vital infrastructure operates mainly for the Army, for

government-owned facilities / contractors operating in tandem with the PPD-21. The system

includes domestic and local businesses, supports manufacturing property located in various

nations, and does not involve economic infrastructures such as power, telecom, transport and

military assets as controlled and integrated in other business entities. In addition, the Defense

Department mainly performs Sector-specific Industrial Security Base Planning and focuses on a

range of counter-terrorism techniques and militant systems. The Defense Industrial Base has

different goals and objectives: first, intelligence and protection management; second, data

storage and exchange; and third, armed operations. The Department must plan, incorporate and

collaborate alongside other government and private sector agencies to fulfill its goals and

accomplish its goals.

The Critical Infrastructure Plan requires the Department of Defense to insure that this

critical network remains safe and fully functioning, because any threat or risk to the program can

do significant disruption to economic prosperity, public security and the people of the United

States. The Department of Defense has always maintained a critical network that is secure and

secured from threats and risks.

The DoD (Department of Defense)

Sensitive technology is more likely to be compromised and is a significant focus for acts

of aggression, such as cyber assaults or physical incidents. There are also risks that may harm

and intensify vital resources, including natural disasters. Technological growth is seen as a

concern for sustaining and retaining the integrity of the numerous critical infrastructures, since it

has an effect on the other industry, because one industry occurs and both of them are interlinked.

Anonymous (2013) said Teresa Takai, Chief Technology Officer of the Defense Department, has

begun looking for ways and methods to limit the usage of the Internet while retaining

connectivity. Connectivity requires an secure and spontaneous sharing of knowledge between all

agencies in which the Department of Defense needs to connect through the Internet. It is believed

to be too dangerous, but it is safe if the advantages are used effectively. The network has been

susceptible to cyber threats related to viruses and malware, and has since upgraded and discussed

the network to mitigate, mitigate and fix future problems, including virus protection. Cyberworld

is usually faced with a number of threats owing to its limitations and, with the aid of IT

experience and security teams, the company is able to prevent risks, handle accidents and react to

the accident.

DASD (Security and Information Operations) (1998) stated that the Department complied

with Directive 63 on the safety of some national infrastructures and the well-being of Our

citizens. The Policy calls for the protection of critical infrastructure. Specifically, the Directive

encourages public-private alliances in order to sustain and develop a national agricultural

framework to ensure continuity and effect. It has been confirmed that the Department of Defense

will obey the guidelines and acts of the anti-terrorism efforts of the Police Department. The CIP

must cooperate with the Army to defend the facilities, whilst the CIP must guarantee that the

network works to safeguard the staff, resources and services from future threats.

The DCIP (Defense Critical Infrastructure Program)

The CIP networks establish the foundation for and promote a system that encompasses

risks from nuclear conflict, global intelligence technology, modern warfare, tactical battle issues,

mobilizations, offensive campaigns, acts of aggression such as electronic warfare, civil unrest,

flooding, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes and telecommunications.

The Department of Defense (2008) suggested that it has the role of ensuring successful

risk control by identifying weaknesses in infrastructure, delivering risk assessment reports and

enforcing risk management response steps. The Department of Defense was responsible for

maintaining effective risk management. The approach to risk reduction includes prioritization of

finite funds, technical advancement, identification of properties, natural resources and financial

resources. In particular, the software guarantees that the capabilities of the Defense Department

are available and promotes the successful recognition, evaluation and control of national security

policy challenges. The Defense Department has established five DCIP objectives: to provide the

DCIP Strategy and Policy Guidance; to encourage DCIP Strategic Alliances and Technologies;

and to implement and execute all DCIP Programs, Projects and Resource Levels.

Security on the Cyberspace

Lange (2018) said cyberspace plays a central part of America's priorities and a general

position. This is provided by the Department of Defense to recognize intelligence resources, to

system the system effectively and to function at its will wherever. In fact, technical

developments may be used to undermine the economy, disrupt the machinery of government and

place at risk the core resources for militants, offenders and outsiders. The White House presented

the 4-pillar National Security Plan for America. The first is to protect the individual, the country,

the American way of life, the economic structure and the network. In reality, it encourages

efficiency while preserving consistency and promoting creativity. First, stability and security can

be sustained by establishing close relations with American friends and allies to improve

America's capacity to threaten Internet users. Eventually, to improve the capacity of the United

States to develop and enforce a stable and efficient network for everyone. In fact, the Department

of Defense was required to expand on the plan to lead to an successful foreign approach. First,

awareness-raising for a more versatile and adaptable consumer drug. Indeed, cyber security and

protection can be improved with the cooperation of the public and private sectors, because the

exchange of knowledge between the public and private sectors is now available. Upgraded

essential infrastructure networks and mechanisms need to be set in order to reduce the possibility

of cyber threats on transport and communications structures. Where there is an alleged illegal

crime, the crime must be recorded to the Department of Defense in order to conform with

information protection requirements. Third, a credible collaborator is established to support a

combat activity, exchange knowledge with other federal agencies and international partners,

activate advanced cyber technologies, and then evaluate their effectiveness in strengthening

partnerships and attracting new collaborators. Fourth, restructuring the Organization to raise

security literacy by both management and personnel assessments to determine if they are

technology-friendly and professional. Third party suppliers will also be liable for the removal of

documents and sensitive details, as well as for the need to react to technical and operational

developments in the networks. Fourth, promote creativity and submit people to the cyber

workforce, while also enabling them to become conscious of interactive worlds. The goal is to

increase the awareness of computing, electronics, technology and mathematics in schools in

order to enable technological innovation to flourish. Every technology specialist should be

chosen by evaluations and other processes to support the Department of Defense tackle the most

important concerns and include opportunities for computer-related research through a program

that encourages participation through joining the private sector and guarantees fair engagement

of service suppliers, citizens and contractors in assisting operations.



The Department of Defense is primarily responsible for the development of a strategic

infrastructure system with a view to maintaining the protection and wellbeing of sensitive

facilities against potential physical or technical threats and dangers that may result in a

catastrophe or man-made operation. Terrorism often uses critical infrastructure as a main goal, is

always deemed fragile and requires the highest degree of protection. In this situation, the right

strategy and knowledge about how threats can be handled and controlled must be pursued and

applied. The Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies, domestic and foreign

stakeholders would all benefit from this scenario. The approach is based on practice and must be

guided by guidelines and policies. The Departments of Homeland Security and Defense are

collaborating together to counter physical and technological risks and other forms of cultural,

human protection and public safety.



Critical Issues in Homeland Security : A Casebook. (2014). Retrieved from:

Critical Infrastructure Protection: Maintenance is National Security. (2015). Retrieved from:

Defense Industrial Base Sector. (n.d.) Retrieved from:


DoD CIO Takai Cautions Against Over-Connecting Critical Infrastructure To The Internet.

(2013 April 16). Retrieved from: https://search-proquest-

DOD’s Cyber Strategy: 5 Things to Know. (2018 October 2). Retrieved from:

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7: Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization,

and Protection. (2015 September 22). Retrieved from:


Homeland Security Sector- Specific Agencies. (2018 August 22). Retrieved from:

Presidential Policy Directive -- Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. (2013 February

12). Retrieved from:


Program Management Study. Department of Defense Critical Infrastructure Protection Program.

(2003 July) Retrieved from:

Resiliency Rules: 7 Steps for Critical Infrastructure Protection. (2014 October 6). Retrieved


Strategy for Defense Critical Infrastructure. (2008 March). Retrieved from:


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