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Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank DPDC-2014, BUET

Recruitment Test Question of Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC)

Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07)
Post: Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
Time: 90 minutes Full Marks: 100
Exam Date: 07.11.2014 Venue: BUET

[ পরীক্ষায় মমাট প্রশ্ন ছি঱ ১০৪ টা। নন-ছিপাটটমমন্টা঱ MCQ ৬০টা (৩০ মার্টস), ছিপাটটমমন্টা঱ MCQ ২৮ টা (২৮মার্টস), ছিপাটটমমন্টা঱ ছরমটন প্রশ্ন ১৪ টা (৪২
মার্টস)। মাত্র ৯০ ছমছনমট এতগুম঱া প্রমশ্নর উত্তর মেবার পর সবগুম঱া প্রশ্ন মমন রাখা ছনিঃসমেমহ খুব র্ছিন র্াজ। কয়েকজয়নয ঳঴য়মোগীতোে ময র্টা প্রশ্ন যতটুর্ু মমন
আমি মূ঱ভাব ছির্ মরমখ ছনমজর ভাষায় মসগুম঱া এখামন তুম঱ মেয়ার মেষ্টা র্র঱াম ]

MCQ ( Non-Departmental) 60 x 1/2 =30

1. Free market is
(a) a condition in the international market where nations do not impose customs duty or other
taxes on import of goods
(b) market where the price of a commodity is determined by free play of the forces of supply
and demand
(c) ports that are exempted from payment of customs duty on articles of commerce, primarily to
encourage tourism
(d) None of the above

2. For which of the following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded?

(a) Physics and Chemistry (b) Physiology or Medicine
(c) Literature, Peace and Economics (d) All of the above

3. Chrometophobia is the fear of

(a) height (b) money (c) chromium (d) clock

4. The Homolographic projection has the correct representation of

(a) shape (b) area (c) baring (d) distance

5. 'Citius, Altius, Fortius' slogan is the motto of which organization ?

(a) Olympic (b) Oscar (c) Microsoft (d) Diners' club

6. The first lady Prime Minister of a country was

(a) Srimavo Bhadaranaike (b) Maria Estate Pew
(c) Junko Taibei (d) None of the above

7. The gas usually filled in the electric bulb is

(a) Nitrogen (b) Hydrogen (c) carbon dioxide (d) oxygen

8. Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of

solu 10.
(a) lead (b) chromium (c) zinc (d) tin lamda=ln(2)/half life
9. Which material is used for cooling of nuclear power plant? n(t)=n(o)exp(-lamda*t)
(a) Water (b) Graphite (c) (d) n(t)/n(o)=exp(-0.346*6)
10 . The half life period of an isotope is 2 hours. After 6 hours what fraction of the initial quantity of
the isotope will be left behind?
(a) 1/6 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/8 (d) 1/4
Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank DPDC-2014, BUET

11. The audible frequency range for human is

(a) 20Hz – 20,000 Hz (b) (c) (d)

12-15. উ঩য়যয প্রশ্নগুরয ভত ঳োধোযণ জ্ঞোয়নয অযও ৪ টো প্রশ্ন ছির ভয়ন যোখয়ত ঩োছযছন।

16. ‘঳োত ঳োগয়যয ভোছি’ এয যচছেতো কক ?

(a) পযরুখ অ঴য়ভদ (b) (c) (d)

17. ‘কফয’ কছফতোছটয যচছেতো কক ?

(a) জ঳ীভউদ্দীন (b) (c) (d)

18. ‘কভোয়দয গযফ কভোয়দয অ঱ো’ এয যচছেতো কক ?

(a) ঄তুর প্র঳োদ ক঳ন (b) (c) (d)

19. ‘঩ল্লী঳ভোজ’ এয যচছেতো কক ?

(a) ঱যৎচন্দ্র চয়রো঩োধযোে (b) (c) (d)

20. ‘গল্পগুচ্ছ’ এয যচছেতো কক?

(a) যফীন্দ্রনোথ ঠোকুয (b) (c) (d)

21. ঳ভো঳ ঱য়েয ঄থথ ছক?

(a) ঳ংয়ে঩ (b) ছভরন (c) ঳ংমুক্ত কযো (d)

22. ‘গোেক’ ঱য়েয ঳ছি ছফয়চ্ছদ ছক?

(a) গগ + ঄ক (b) (c) (d)

23. ‘ফছি’ ঱য়েয ঄থথ ছক?

(a) অগুন (b) (c) (d)

24. এক কথোে প্রকো঱ঃ ছপ্রে কথো ফয়র কম যভণী –

(a) ছপ্রেংফদো (b) (c) (d)

25. ককোনছটয ছরঙ্গোন্তয ঴েনো?

(a) যোষ্ট্র঩ছত (b) কফেোআ (c) ঳ঙ্গী (d)

26. ‘঄নুযোগ’ এয ছফ঩যীত ঱ে ছক?

(a) ছফযোগ (b) (c) (d)

27. ‘নোভোজ’ ককোন বোলোয ঱ে?

(a) পোযছ঳ (b) (c) (d)

28. কোজী নজরুর আ঳রোভ ঳ম্পোছদত ঩ছিকো ককোনছট?

(a) কভো঳য়রভ বোযত (b) ধুভয়কতু (c) ঳োওগোত (d)

29. ছক কথয়ক ছিেোয উৎ঩ছি ঴ে ?

(a) ধোতু (b) ধ্বছন (c) ঱ে (d)

30. ‘঳ছি’ ঱য়েয ঳ছি ছফয়চ্ছদ ছক?

(a) ঳ভ + ছধ (b) (c) (d)
Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank DPDC-2014, BUET
31. Who is the writer of Romeo Juliet?
(a) O Henry (b) William Shakespeare (c) (d)

32. Who is the writer of Daffodils?

(a) O Henry (b) Willium Wordsworth (c) (d)

33. What is the synonym of ‘Limpid’ means clear

(a) (b) (c) (d)

34. Disease spread by atmosphere .....

(a) epidemic (b) Infectious (c) Contagious (d)

35. What is the synonym of

(a) (b) (c) (d)

36. What is the antonym of Ambivalent? having mixed feelings or contradictory

(a) (b) ideas about something(c)
or someone. (d)

37. What is the antonym of Desiccated? means dry

(a) (b) (c) (d)

38. What is the antonym of Courteous?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

39. Find the missing word: We emphasized their coming.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

40. What is the plural of hypothesis?

(a) Hypotheses (b) Hypothesises (c) Hypothesus (d)

41. They were --- late by severe traffic Jam.

(a) Caught down (b) Made (c) (d)

42. I wish if I ---- there, I would have been done the so.
(a) was (b) were (c) would have (d)

43. I Just – the news.

(a) heard (b) have heard (c) (d)

44. Persons who eats human flesh and animals that eats its own kind is called
(a) cannibal
(b) flesh eater
(c) meat eater
(d) non vegetarian

45. ভয়ন যোখয়ত ঩োছযছন।

Rony Parvej’s EEE Question Bank DPDC-2014, BUET
46. Which side is open of parabola x+8y2 =5.
(a) Left (b) Right (c) Up (d) Down

47. The probability of happening A is ---, the probability of happening B is ---, The probability that A
and B both will happen is ----. What is the probability that A will happen if B happens?
(a) (b) (c) (d)

48. The first box contains – big chocolates and --- small chocolates. The 1st box weights – pound. The
second box contains --- small chocolates and --- big chocolates. The second box weights --- pound. The
weight of the boxes are not included in these counts. What is the weight of a small chocolate?
(a) (b) (c) (d)

49. log 2 n + log 2 6 - log 2 3 = 1. What is the value of n? (n*6)/3=2, so, n=1
(a) 1/3 (b) (c) (d)

50-52. ভয়ন যোখয়ত ঩োছযছন।

53. How many arrow keys usually a standard keyboard has?

(a) Four (b) Five
(c) (d)

54. If we write something in Microsoft Word that is temporarily stored in

(a) EEPROM (b) ROM
(c) RAM (d)

55. In Microsoft Excel we can know the location of a column by

(a) Status bar (b) Formula bar (c) (d)

56. The Smallest unit of computer memory is

(a) byte (b) bit
(c) bit/s (d)

57. If we want to start a new paragraph in Microsoft Word then which command is used?
(a) Enter (b) Ctrl + Enter (c) (d)

58. If We want to undo anything in Microsoft Word then which command is used?
(a) Ctrl + Z (b) (c) (d)

59. .mpg is the extension of

(a) a video (b) an image (c) (d)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

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