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(19) World Intellectual Property

International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2016/130028 Al
18 August 2016 (18.08.2016) PO PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: (74) Agent: ADAMSON UNIVERSITY; Innovation & Tech
F21L 4/00 (2006.01) F21 V 15/01 (2006.01) nologies Support Office (ITSO), c/o Arty. Maria Gladys
H01M 6/34 (2006.01) F2 V 7/12 (2006.01) Vilchez, Hechanova & Co., Inc., Chemphil Bldg, 85 1 Ant
F21 V 21/00 (2006.01) F21Y 101/02 (2006.01) onio Arnaiz Ave., Makati City 1223 (PH).
F21 V 7/00 (2006.01)
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(21) International Application Number: kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
PCT/PH20 15/000001 AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
(22) International Filing Date:
24 February 2015 (24.02.2015)
(25) Filing Language: English KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
(26) Publication Language: English PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
(30) Priority Data: SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
1-2015-000053 13 February 2015 (13.02.2015) PH TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.

(72) Inventor; and (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(71) Applicant (for A , BR, CA, CL, CN, DE, FR, GB, ID, IN, kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
[PH/PH]; #17 Lipa Heights Subdivision, Tambo, Lipa TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
City, Batangas 421 7 (PH). TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,

[Continued on next page]

(54) Title: A LAMP DEVICE

(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a lamp device comprising: a translucent main
body ( 1 1) having interconnected sidewalls ( 1 1a), an open top ( l ib) and bottom ( 1 1c) por
tions; a first reflector (12) being secured to the top portion of said main body ( 1 1); an associ
ated cover (13) being secured to the upper portion of said first reflector (12); a base cover (15)
being secured to the bottom portion of said main body ( 1 1); a second reflector (16) being
provided on the upper portion of said base cover (15) and disposed within said main body
( 1 1); a lighting means (17) being provided on said base cover (15); and a power means (P) be
ing provided below said base cover (15) and electrically configured with said lighting means
(17). The power means comprises a cartridge holder (22) and a cartridge member (23) being
provided with electrode elements and a salt water solution, wherein said water solution is
filled through an opening of the cartridge holder (22).
w o 2016/130028 Ai III II II 11 I Illlll I
111 II III lllll 111 Hill Hill lllll 111 llll 11 llll

DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, ΓΓ , LT, Published:
LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, . . t t . , , t t

Wl onal search report (Art. 21(3))
GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).

Declarations under Rule 4.17:

— of inventorship (Rule 4. 1 7(iv))


The present invention relates i n general t o lighting implements, but more
particularly t o a portable lamp device that uses salt water as a source of


The most popular means of gaining light n case of emergency or in case
electricity is not readily available i n most households is the use kerosene-
based lamps and candles which we find hazardous and unsafe t o use. There
are clear evidences that such system results i n fire accidents and even
casualties. Furthermore, i n case of blackouts, there are no immediate power
source devices


To solve the aforementioned problems of providing readily available

lighting devices that are not hazardous and unsafe t o consumers the present
invention i s t o provide people without any access t o electricity, a cost-
effective, safe and environmentally friendly lighting system i n replacement t o
kerosene- based lamps and candles. This lamp can also charge handheld
devices like cellphones, smartphone and mp3 players for emergency purposes.
The present invention provides for a lamp device using salt and water solution
as the power source which i s safe and environmentally friendly since it
produces no form of harmful gasses.

The present invention for a lamp device comprises of a translucent main

body having interconnected sidewalls, an open top and bottom portions; a first
reflector being secured t o the top portion of the main body, an associated
cover being secured t o the upper portion of the first reflector, a base cover
being secured t o the bottom portion of the main body, a second reflector
being provided on the upper portion of said base cover and disposed within
said main body, a lighting means being provided on said base cover, and a
power means being provided below said base cover and electrically configured
with said lighting means.

Another object of the present invention is t o provide lamp device that can
be manufactured using readily locally available materials and technology.

These and other objects and advantages of the present invention will
become more apparent upon a reading of the ensuing detailed description
taken i n conjunction with the appended drawings.


FIG. 1 is a perspective view showing the lamp device of the present

FIG. 2 is an exploded view thereof;
FIG. 3 is a perspective view showing the base cover and the installation

thereon of the lighting means of the present invention;

FIG. 4 i s an exploded view of FIG. 3;

FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of the current means of the present

FIG. 6 i s an exploded view showing the power means which includes the
cartridge holder and the cartridge member of the present invention;
FIG. 6A is a sectional view taken along line A-A of FIG. 2;

FIG. 7 i s an exploded view of the preferred embodiment of the cartridge

member as shown i n FIG 6 ;
FIG. 8 is another embodiment of the cartridge member of the present
invention; and
FIG. 9 is an exploded view of the cartridge member shown n FIG 8 .


Before describing the present invention i n detail, it is t o be that the

phraseologies and terminologies used herein are for the purposes of
description and should not be regarded as limiting.
Referring now t o the drawings, wherein like reference numerals designate
the components or elements throughout the ensuing enabling description, the
present invention provides for a lamp device designated as 10.

Referring now t o FIGS. 1 and 2, the lamp device 10 of the present

invention includes a generally rectangular translucent main body 11 having
interconnected sidewalls 1 1a, an open top 1 1b, an open bottom portion 1c,
and a slot 1 d provided on the lower edge of a side wall 1 1a, a first reflector
2 provided and secured t o the open top portion 1 b of main body 11 and an
associated cover 13 having a handle member 14, the associated cover 13 is
secured t o the upper portion of the first reflector 12. The lamp device 10 of
the present invention further includes a base cover 15 secured t o the open
bottom portion 1 1c of main body 11 and a second reflector 16 provided and
secured t o the upper portion 1 5a of the base cover 15 and disposed within the
main body 11. More particularly, the second reflector 16 is directly disposed
on the open bottom portion 1 1c of the main body 11 and is provide with
corner holes 16a and central holes 16b. A lighting means 17 is provided and
disposed on the base cover 15 and a power means "P" is provided below the
base cover 15 and electrically configured with the lighting means 17.

Referring again t o FIG. 2, the first reflector 2 is generally rectangular i n

shape t o conform with the shape of the main body 11 and is formed by an
upper section 1 2a and a reduced lower section 12b and a central opening
defined by open top portion 12c downwardly extending t o the open bottom
portion 12d. As further shown, the upper section 1 2a is formed by peripheral
wall 12a' and the reduced lower section 12b is formed by peripheral walls
12b', respectively. An adjoining wall 1 e downwardly extends from the
peripheral wall 12a' and terminates t o the abbreviated top wall 12f of the
reduced section 12b.

Referring again t o FIGS. 1 and 2, the associated cover 13 i s formed by a

top portion 3a and a skirt portion 3b downwardly extending therefrom. The
top portion 13a is provided with a pair of spaced apart slots 13c t o secure the
handle member 14 thereon. In accordance with the present invention, the
handle member 14 is formed by a horizontal portion 14a and leg portions 14b
downwardly extending from the horizontal portion 14a. Preferably, an
inwardly extended anchors (not shown) extend from the free end of each of
the leg portions 14a and 14b to secure the handle 14 on the top portion 13a
of the associated cover 13 . The associated cover 13 i s secured to the reflector
1 by means of adhesives provided on the outer surface of peripheral wall
1 a ' of the upper section 12a and corresponding adhesives provided on the
inner surface of skirt portion 13b. As such, when the associated cover 13 is
fitted unto the reflector 12 , the skirt portion 13b is instantly secured to the
peripheral wall 2a ' by means of the adhesives correspondingly provided on
their respective surfaces.

Referring now to FIGS. 3 and 4 , the base cover 1 5 is formed by a bottom

wall 5a and peripheral wall 15b extending therefrom. More particularly, the
bottom wall 15a is provided with at least a slot 15a' disposed on one end
portion thereof and connectors 1 5c on the corner portions thereof. The
peripheral wall 1 5b is formed by an auxiliary peripheral wall 15d and extends
to an upper reduced auxiliary peripheral wall 15e. The base cover 1 5 i s
secured t o the main body 1 1 by means of adhesives provided on the outer
surface of auxiliary peripheral wall 15e and corresponding adhesives provided
on the inner surface of the lower portion of the sidewalls 1 1a. As such, when

the base cover 15 is fitted unto the main body 11, the auxiliary peripheral
wall 1 e is instantly secured to the lower portion of the sidewalls 1 a by
means of the adhesives correspondingly provided on their respective surfaces.

As further shown again in FIGS. 3 and 4 , the lighting means 17 i s securely

provided on the surface of the bottom wall 15a of the base cover 15 . The
lighting means 17 comprises of a circuit means 18, a plurality of spaced apart
lighting elements 1 which are electrically configured with the circuit means
18 and a push button -type switch element 20 which is electrically configured
with the lighting elements 19 and the circuit means 18. The reduced
peripheral wall 1 e of the base cover i s provided with a first hole 1 e and
second hole 15e" oppositely disposed from the first hole 15e The circuit
means 18 is secured t o the first hole 15e' while the switch element 20 is
secured to the second hole 5e". Preferably, the first hole 5e' has a
generally rectangular section t o accommodate the rectangular shape of the
circuit means 18, and the second hole 5e" has a circular shape to
accommodate the circular shape of the switch portion 20a of switch element

In accordance with the present invention as shown n the schematic

diagram 2 1 of FIG 5, the circuit means 19 is a DC-DC step up converter "C".
The DC-DC ste up converter "C" is preferably a "Joule Thief" circuit to attain
the utmost luminosity level of a 5v LED bulb. The drcuit means 19 generally
comprises of a circuit board 21a which includes mainly of a ferrite toroid with
wound magnetic wire (not shown) electronically configured with
interconnected with electronic elements 21b such as diodes, capacitors,
resistors and transistors. The diameter of the toroid and the number of turns
would determine the produced inductance which n return would give us the
voltage and current output.

Referring now to FIGS. 6 , 6A and 7 , the power means "P" comprises of a

cartridge holder 22 and a cartridge member 23 removably and slidably
secured to the cartridge holder 22. The cartridge holder 22 is formed by a
main housing 22a having a pair of opposed sidewalls 22b with a substantial
thickness ' , an adjoining rear wall 22c, a bottom wall 22d, an open top
2 2e defining a confining space 22f and a front opening 22g. The top surface of
each of the opposed sidewalls 22b is provided with a shoulder 22b' outwardly
extending to the front portion of thereof and having curved corners 22b", and
similarly, the bottom wall 2 2d is further provided with extended bottom wall
22d' at the forward portion thereof and having curved corners 22d"
corresponding to the shape of curved corners 22b". The thickness "T" of the
opposed sidewalls 22b are provided with threaded holes 22h along the surface
thereof. And the extended bottom wall 22d' has an extended width "W
In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and as further
shown in FIGS. 6 and 7 , the cartridge member 23 comprises of a cartridge
housing 23a having a pair of opposed sdewalls 23b, adjoining front wall 23c
and a rear wall 23d, a bottom wall 23e and an open top 23f. The cartridge
housing 23a i s provided with a pair of opposed first inner channel 24 and

second inner channel 25 disposed within the cartridge housing 23a defining a
central channel 26 formed therebetween. The first inner channel 24 and
second inner channels 25 are formed from the edges of the opposed sidewalls
23b. The front wall 23c is further formed by a pair of opposed abbreviated
extended front walls 23c' having curved portions 23c" at the top and bottom
corner portions thereof and is provided with holes 23g on each extended front
walls 23c'. The total width "W2" of the front wall 23c including the opposed
pair of extended front walls 23c' i s equal t o the total width "W1" of the
extended bottom wall 22d' of the main housing 22a of cartridge holder 22.
The cartridge housi n 23a is adapted to be secured to the confining space 22f
through a front opening 22g of the main housing 22a. When the cartridge
member 23 i s slidably secured to the of the cartridge holder 22, the width
"W3" of the rear wall 23d is fitably secured into the confining space 22f and
the extended front walls 23c' having a width "W2" which is the same a s the
width "W1" of the extended bottom wall 22d' is held thereon, i.e, the pair of
opposed abbreviated extended front walls 23c' having curved portions
23c"are correspondingly held in abutment with the shoulder 22b', more
particularly on the curved corners 22b" and the curved corners 22d" of the
extended bottom wall 22d' the rear wall 23d of the cartridge 23 is held in
abutment with the rear wall 22c of the cartridge holder 22 and the bottom
wall 23e is held in abutment with the bottom wall 22d of the main housing
22a. The cartridge holder 22 and cartridge member 23 are secured by
conventional fastening means such a s screws passing through corresponding
holes 23g provided on the extended front walls 23c' and holes 22h provided
on the thickness "T" of the opposed sidewalls 22b.
As further shown in FIGS. 6,6A and 7 , the front wall 23c has a forwardly

inclined upper wall portion 2 7 upwardly extending from middle portion

thereof and forwardly extending from the pair of opposed first inner channel
24 and second inner channel 2 5 to define an opening 27a thereon when the
cartridge 2 3 is assembled and inserted on the cartridge holder 22. The
cartridge member 2 3 i s provided with electrode elements "E" and salt water
solution "S". The salt water solution "S" is provided within the cartridge
housing 23a and i s electrically configured with the lighting means 17 which

includes the circuit means 8 , lighting elements 19 and switch element 20

through interconnecting wires passing along slot 15a' of bottom wall 15a of
the base cover 15 . The opening 27a serves the conduit to receive the
connecting wires between and the lighting means 17 the electrodes "E" in salt
solution "S" provided on the cartridge 23. Preferably, the composition of the
salt solution "S" is 1/3 glass of tap water and 2 tablespoons of table salt which
is equivalent to the salinity of the ocean water having 35ppt.

Preferably, the electrode elements "E" comprises of a first cathode

element 28 and second cathode element 2 9 which are correspondingly
provided on the first inner channel 24 and second inner channel 25,
respectively, and a n anode element 30 provided on said central channel 26.
Preferably, the first cathode element 28 and second cathode element 29 are
graphite and manganese dioxide cathodes, and the anode element 30 i s a zinc

In another embodiment of the present invention, and as further shown in

FIGS. 8 and 9 , cartridge member 3 1 may be provided on the cartridge holder

2 2 in lieu of cartridge member 23. Cartridge member 3 1 comprises of a

cartridge housing 31a having a pair of opposed sidewalls 31b, adjoining front
wall 31c and a rear wall 31d, a bottom wall 31e and an open top 31f. The
cartridge housing 31a i s provided with a central wall 32, more particularly
disposed between the longitudinal opposed walls 31b t o define a pair of first
inner channel 32 and second inner channel 3 3 disposed within the cartridge
housing 31a. The front wall 31c is further formed by a pair of opposed
abbreviated extended front walls 31c' having curved portions 31c" at the top
and bottom corner portions thereof and i s provided with holes 3 1 g on each
extended front walls 31c'.

Referring again to FIGS. 6, 6A i n relation t o FIGS. 8 and 9 , the total width

"W2" of the front wall 31c including the opposed pair of extended front walls
31c' is equal t o the total width "W1 " of the extended bottom wall 22d * of the
main housing 22a of cartridge holder 22. The cartridge housing 31a is adapted
t o be secured to the confining space 22f through a front opening 22g of the
main housing 22a. When the cartridge member 2 1 i s slidably secured t o the of
the cartridge holder 22, the width "W3" of the rear wall 31d is fitably secured
into the confining space 22f and the extended front walls 23c' having a width
"W2" which is the same as the width "W1" of the extended bottom wall 22d'
is held thereon, i.e, the pair of opposed abbreviated extended front walls
31c' having curved portions 31c " are correspondingly held i n abutment with
the shoulder 22b', more particularly on the curved corners 22b" and the
curved corners 22d" of the extended bottom wall 22d\ the rear wall 31d of
the cartridge member 3 1 is held i n abutment with the rear wall 22c of the
cartridge holder 22 and bottom wall 3 1 e of the cartridge member 3 1 is held
n abutment with the bottom wall 2 d of the main housing 22a. The cartridge
holder 22 and cartridge member 3 1 are secured by conventional fastening
means such as screws passing through corresponding holes 31g provided on
the extended front walls 31c' and holes 22h provided on the thickness "J" of
the opposed sidewalls 22b.

As further shown in FIGS. 8 and 9 , the front wall 31c has a forwardly
inclined upper wall portion 35 upwardly extending from middle portion
thereof and forwardly extending from the pair of first inner channel 33 and
second inner channel 34 to define an opening 35a thereon when the cartridge
member 3 1 i s assembled and inserted on the cartridge holder 22. The
cartridge member 3 1 i s provided with electrode elements "E" and salt water
solution "S". The salt water solution "S" is provided within the cartridge
housing 31a and i s electrically configured with the lighting means 17 which
includes the circuit means 18 , lighting elements 19 and switch element 20
through interconnecting wires passing along slot 15a' of bottom wall 15a of
the base cover 15 . The opening 35a serves the conduit to receive the
connecting wires between and the lighting means 17 the electrodes "E" in salt
solution "S" provided on the cartridge member 3 1 .

Preferably, the electrode elements "E" comprises of pairs of first cathode

element 36 and second cathode elements 36' correspondingly provided on the
opposed end portions of the first inner channel 3 3 and second inner channel
34. The electrode elements "E" comprises of a pair of anode elements 3 7
correspondingly also provided on the first inner channel 3 3 and second
channel inner channel 34 and disposed between the pairs of first cathode
element 36 and second cathode elements 36'. Preferably, the airs of first
cathode element 36 and second cathode elements 36' are graphite and
manganese dioxide cathodes and the pair of anode elements 3 7 are a zinc


In use, the lamp device 10 in accordance with the present invention can

easily be assembled by interconnecting the different main components, i.e.,

the generally rectangular translucent main body 1 1 , the first reflector 12 , the
associated cover 13 having a handle member 14, a base cover 15 , lighting
means 17 provided and disposed on the base cover 15 and a power means "P"
which is provided below the base cover 1 5 and electrically configured with the
lighting means 1 7 . The associated cover 13 is secured to the first reflector 12
by means of adhesives, and similarly, the base cover 1 5 is secured to the main
body 1 1 also by means of adhesives as previously described. Furthermore,
when the base cover 15 is fitted unto the main body 1 1, the switch portion
20a of the switch elements 20 which outwardly extends from the auxiliary
peripheral wall 15e is fitted unto slot 1 1d in order to properly accommodate
the switch portion 20a therein and readily facilitate the turning off or o n of
the switching element 20 when the herein lamp device 10 i s assembled for
use. Further, the second reflector 16 is secured to the upper portion of the
base cover 15 by means of fastening means such as screws "F" securely
provided on corner holes 16a and connectors 1 5c. The central holes 16b of
the second reflector 16 is made to align with the lighting elements 19. The
lighting elements 19 which are preferably LEDs are also screwably secured to

the bottom wall 5a of the base cover 1 5 by means of screws "F" passing
through holes "H" provided on the lighting elements 19 and the bottom wall

Before installing the power means "P", the cartridge member 2 3 or 31,
depending which cartridge is to be used, is first loaded with the corresponding
cathode and anode elements (as previously described) and i s filled with the
salt water solution. The wires "W" from the lighting means 17 , more
particularly the circuit means 18, are then connected to the cathode and
anode elements submerged i n salt water in the cartridge member 2 3 or 3 1
through slot 5a of the base cover 1 by means of wires "W". With this
arrangement, electricity is produced from the salt solution in the cartridge

member 23 or 3 1 to light u the lighting elements 19, which are preferably

LEDs by pressing the switch portion 20a of the push button -type switch
element 20 disposed on the outer portion of the main body 1. When the
switch element 20 is on, the light generated from the lighting elements 19 is
directed towards the second reflector 16 and central holes 16b and further
spreads and illuminates towards the first reflector 12 and the transparent
main body 1 1.

Additional advantages and modifications of the present invention will

readily occur to those skilled in the art n view of these teachings. The
present invention in its broader aspects is not limited t o the specific details,
representative contrivances, and illustrative examples shown and described
herein. Accordingly, various modifications may be made without departing
from the spirit and scope of the general concept a s defined n the appended
claims and their equivalents.

. A lamp device comprising:

a translucent main body having interconnected sidewalls, an open top and
bottom portions;
a first reflector being secured to the top portion of said main body;
an associated cover being secured to the upper portion of said first
a base cover being secured to the bottom portion of said main body;
a second reflector being provided on the upper portion of said base cover
and disposed within said main body;
a lighting means being provided on said base cover; and
a power means being provided below said base cover and electrically
configured with said lighting means.

2. A lamp device according to daim 1, wherein said lighting means

comprising a circuit means, a plurality of lighting elements being electrically
configured with said drcuit means and a switch element being electrically
configured with said lighting elements and said circuit means.

3. Alamp device according to claim 2, wherein said drcuit means is a DC-

DC step up converter comprises of a circuit boards which includes a ferrite
toroid with wound magnetic wires electronically configured with
interconnected diodes and transistors provided thereon, the diameter of said
toroid and the number of turns of the wire determines the inductance which in
return would produce the voltage and current output.

4. A lamp device according to claims 1, 2 or 3, wherein said power means

comprising a cartridge holder being formed by a main housing having
sidewalls, an adjoining rear wall, a bottom wall, an open top and a front
opening, and a cartridge member being removably secured on said cartridge
housing through said front opening, said cartridge member being provided with
electrode elements and salt water solution, said salt water solution being
electrically configured with said circuit means.

5. A lamp device according to claim 4, wherein said cartridge member

comprising a cartridge housing having sidewalls, adjoining front and rear
walls, a bottom wall and an open top, and a pair opposed first and second
inner channels being provided within said cartridge housing defining a central
channel therebetween, said front wall having a forwardly Inclined upper wall
portion extending from said opposed first and second inner channels defining
an opening thereon.

6. A lamp device according to claim 5, wherein said electrode elements

comprising a first and second cathode elements being correspondingly
provided on said first and second inner channels, and an anode element being
provided on said central channel.

7. A lamp device according to claim 6, wherein said first and second

cathode elements are graphite and manganese dioxide cathodes.

8. A lamp device according to claims 7, wherein said anode element is a

zinc anode.

9. A lamp device according to claim 4, wherein said cartridge member

comprising a cartridge housing having sidewalls, a bottom wall and an open
top, and a pair of inner first and second channels being provided within said
auxiliary housing.

10. A lamp device according to claim 9, wherein said electrode elements

comprising a pairs of first and second cathode elements being
correspondingly provided on the opposed end portions of said first and second
channels, a pair of anode elements being correspondingly provided on said
first and second channels and disposed between said pairs of first and second
cathode elements.
11. A lamp device according to claim 10, wherein said pairs of first and
second cathode elements are graphite and manganese dioxide cathodes.

12. A lamp device according to claim 11 , wherein said pair of anode

element are a zinc anodes.

13. A lamp device according to claim 1, wherein said associated cover is

being provided with a handle member.
INV. F21L4/00 H01M6/34
ADD. F21V21/00 F21V7/00 F21V15/01 F21V17/12 F21Y101/02

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) o r t o both national classification and IPC

Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
F21L H01M F21V

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)

EPO-Internal , PI Data


Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

US 5 192 126 A (REMEYER STEVEN C [US] ET 1, 2 , 13

AL) 9 March 1993 (1993-03-09)
col umn 4 , l i ne 9 - col umn 6 , l i ne 64 3- 12
f i gures 1-3

US 5 340 662 A (MCCARTER WALTER K [US] ) 3

23 August 1994 (1994-08-23)
the whol e document 4- 12

US 5 963 009 A (BR0THERS0N GAYLEN M [US] ) 4-12

5 October 1999 (1999-10-05)
col umn 2 , l i ne 1 - col umn 3 , l i ne 25
f i gures 1-4

US 8 337 040 Bl (EASLEY MATTHEW N [US] ) 7 ,8, 1 1 ,

25 December 2012 (2012-12-25) 12
the whol e document 4-6,9 , 10


X| Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . See patent family annex.

* Special categories of cited documents :

"T" later document published after the international filing date o r priority
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
the principle o r theory underlying the invention
to be of particular relevance
"E" earlier application o r patent but published o n o r after the international
"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
filing date considered novel o r cannot b e considered to involve a n inventive
"L" documentwhich may throw doubts o n priority claim(s) orwhich is step when the document is taken alone
cited to establish the publication date of another citation o r other
"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
special reason (as specified)
considered to involve a n inventive step when the document is
"O" document referring to a n oral disclosure, use, exhibition o r other combined with one o r more other such documents, such combination
means being obvious to a person skilled in the art
"P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than
the priority date claimed "&" document member of the same patent family

Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report

16 September 2015 24/09/2015

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer
European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2
NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040,
Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 Soto Sal vador, Jesus

Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

US 4 626 482 A (HAMLEN ROBERT P [US] ET 1-13

AL) 2 December 1986 (1986-12-02)
the whol e document
Patent document Publication Patent family Publication
cited in search report date member(s) date

US 5192126 A 09 -03- 1993 NONE

us 5340662 A 23 -08- 1994 NONE

us 5963009 A 05 -10- 1999 CA 2272735 Al 25-11-2000

US 5963009 A 05-10-1999

us 8337040 Bl 25 -12- 2012 NONE

us 4626482 A 02 -12- 1986 AU 579306 B2 17-11-1988

AU 6498786 A 21-05-1987
CA 1286715 C 23-07-1991
CN 86107892 A 16-09-1987
EP 0227289 A2 01-07-1987
P S62177873 A 04-08-1987
US 4626482 A 02-12-1986

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