Get Started With Supporting Your Students 1 PDF

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How can you support or engage with your students? ​Here are some 20-minute task ideas to get you started. 

Create and share a Start a central place for sharing Create community and collegiality
study/engagement/task helpful links, guidance, support
plan with key dates and

● Encourage students to ● Choose helpful resources per week ● Put prompts into courses to
create personal to highlight encourage students to introduce each
timetables and other
planners for themselves. ● Where appropriate involve students
through adding or reviewing ● Run small and fun competitions for
● Put timetables and resources ‘best comment’ or contribution
updates in a format such
as a pinned post/shared ● Signpost learners to the entire list in ● Upload a very short audio recording,
document. email communication, within a video or picture
course, on a VLE or a particular
● Remind students or their course step ● Plan informal small group
carers to check this synchronous sessions with a
central place regularly. ● Provide a section of services for non-coursework focus
students in need of pastoral support.

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