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Higher Education-t lev1s1Qn of Scales of Pay of Teachers in Engieenng Colleges
C,, ,t',
it,rst r-. -. - -;. .y4-t tr- '.• r'.tp..
: —. Iñipierheñtatibri of the Scheme Recommended by..AICTE as approved by Gov
ernmeiit of India Orders issued. ntte3i i bii.rzii:, -:oD i'F
............................................ .../
......................... thgher Educafion (G) Deparent . •. ........ ;(•
_,1r• •t,

G.O.(P) 68/2000/H.Edn. . - . . Dated 18.5.2000

Reàd: 1.G.O. (P).81/90/H.Edn. dt. 27.3.90.. . .......... .. . .
,iLi$2 1d9 LL(IJs,,j .$ULJ w nji gi iuw 21 rncka 3lDtk bt,n 3dT
2 Letter No F 37-104/95 T S II dt 9 10 98 from the Govt. of India,
MHRD,Dept. of Ed..
o x.0
3. G.O. (Rt) No. 976/991H.Edn. dt. 28.8.99. . ..
frUI1 q o b... ii
Govemment of .. India in their letter
......................:......... read as. second
.........-...- . paper
...- above
.. have
inforned ht• the Central Government have decided to provide •- r

- asic5e to the State Governments who wish to adopt and implement the Scheme of
revision of Pay Scales subject to the following terms and conditions -
(a), The Central Government will provide financial assistance to the State Gov-
Li ernments which have opted for these revised pay scales to the extent of 80% iq
oof the additional expenditure involved in the implementation of the revision
(1)) Thet State Government will met the reIiiiirg 20%f the pnditire frbm
.... .:-- . ....• _..:
their own sources.
The financial assistance, indicated above would be provided for the period
from 1.1.1996to 31.3.2000. . . . .
The entire liability on account of revision of pay scales, etc., of teachers of
degree-level technical institutions would be taken over by the State Govern-
ment we.f. 1.4.2000. . . .
The Central assistance would be restricted to revision of pay scales in re-
spect.of only those posts which were in existence and filled up as on 1.1.1996.

(t) The entire schemes of revision of pay scales, together with all the conditions
to be laid down in this regard by the AICTE. is implemented by the State
Governments as a icomposite scheme.

2. The government as per G.O. read as 3rd paper above have decided to accept
the revised AICTE scheme for revision of pay scales in principle and constituted
' Comniittee to work out the details for the implementation of the scheme in the
State and submit the recommendations for the consideration of the Government.
The Committee submitted its recommendations to the Government. After
having examined the recommendations, Government are pleased to issue the fol-
lowing orders.

3.1. Coverage
The revised AICTE scheme 1998 will be restricted to those categories of staff
only who were broughtunder the AICTE scheme 1986.

3.2. Date of Effect

The revised scales of pay effective from 1st January, 1996.

3.3. Pay Scales

The revised scales of pay will be admissible to the various categories from
1/1/96 as given in Appendix I. While arriving at the revised scale of pay as on
1.1.1996, the Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Lnterim Relief, if any admissible as
on 1.1.1996, wiIlbe taken into account.
.The fixation of pay of LecWrers.(Seletion Grade)/Assistant Professors in the
pre-revised scale of Rs. 3700-5700 who were selected strictly in accordance with
the stipulation with the instructions contained in the Ministry of Human Resources
Development letter. No.6-1/88-T.5 dated 28.2.1989 and who were in position as
Lecturers (Selection Gade)fAssistant Professor as on 1.1.1996 will be made in a
manner that theyget their pay fixed at the minimum of Rs.14940/- in the revised
scale of Rs. 12000-420-18300 as and when they complete 5 years service in the

3.4. Dearness Allowance and Other Allowances

The revised scale of pay and Dearness Allowances willbe given from 1.1.1996.
The teachers will be eitiUed to receive the Dearness Allowance at the rate admis
sible to the Staic from to time. Thcy will be eiIticcL
to receive other allowances viz, House Rent Allowance, city Compensatory

1owance etc., from the date of order at the rate applicable
State Government. Regarding the DA
of the ernplyees to the employees of
with effect from 1.1.1996 will be ellgjb for the f011jg whrates
opt for AICTE
of DA fromscale
dates menoned below.

Dates from whzq

payable Rates of DA per
Mensum -
3.5. Pa 13%
Yment of Arrears

The aears will be pd from 1.1.1996 The

wifl be credited t
aears up to the date of Order
o the General Provident Fund Account of the thdjvjd
Incenti ves for
At the tithe of recnJjent as lecWrers, four and two advan
menu wjfl be adssjble to bose of ces cre
the Sc.
WhO, ciencejuma.
shold ph.D and M.Ph. respectively ff es faculties
facu1 wh hold Ph.D and and to thos of the Tecjcal
Degrees respectively.
A LecerWjth Ph.D Will be eligible for two advance increments when
he/she moves to Se1ec o Grade/Assistant Professor
will be eligible for two advance thcrem
acq ire Ph.D .degree in the Seljce Career. ent as and When they
Note All the incenves meno fled above will be effecpe on
i.e., the
datesue of leer of Mi s ly fronz 9 -10-1998
ment Gover,1 of Indi y of Human R
esources Develop
3.7. Age of Supera

The age of supernfluaon will be the same as that of the State

3.8. Retirement Benef
The retirement
benefits for teachers in
as per the exist
jn' rinc,
ruies of he State Co:le e vil1 be ailwed

ave Rules as per KSR ij

Colleges: be.conued for all teachers inEneeg
3.10.Workload and StffPae
3.10.1. Workload 0 •

The norms of work load stipulated in

enforced - the revised cm
scheme will be scUy

The total Working hors of the facuJ thc1u

Teacng, Reeasch, Labo-
work, Drawing and Pracdj Classes, Assigpe0 Valuaon, Preparao for C1s
Ljbra and Réãd- 1dent6usellj_id
acbvjtjes of siden and other sj acti xtra cucu1ar
vies in the campus will be 40 h6u
per week. The.following number of Ôönta hours will be sugsted for .VariOUS ls
Catego of teachg pos . .
CJrer/Se1ectjo Grade Lecirer
Assjs Professor : , :16 his.
-.1 •1 . ,..
Professor -. . ..........
14 his.
•' '.:.
:. . .
- -

- PrincipalS -
12 hrs.

I. 4 his.
In order to Cope up With the work load of 4 I

8.30 A.M to 5 0 hour/wek a Wo±ing time of,

4TTENDANCE will P.M wille ordered. To ensure the compliance P C}G OF
be 'noduced in Enneeg Colleges
The Heads of institutior, shall :.
.ensu e that the above
Strictly in the iflStitutjo . . 1ideljnce pmplied
3.10.2 . 1
Staff pattern ...,

. .,: ..\ .
The desab1e rao for Pofeso Asjstant Professor: Icerwffl be fixed
as 1:2:4 as per the norms of the AICTE.The teache will ena e in Group7Cj
sizes for
foal teaching in the ratio given below.

Student..Teacher Ratio
Theory Lecture Class
Lab Practicallwothhop, Drawing
Project Yotk .1

AICTh urges Upon e institutions and the Universities to
the number of workThg stctly adher to
Semester s SPECE of the date, of a
cheme the fill ength of semester (i.6.90 wo sjon Under

before the students are petted to take the exa4atjonsrking days)

themust be rnn
Hence number of
worJcg daY4 per semestewilJ be fiXed as 90. Th stipulation on Workioad d
number of teaching daysshould be sct1y enforced
Proper records Should be maitajned by the t
tjes o eac1ers as well as the College
authon the number of working days/teaching days aained 'I'llese records
must be made available for inspection of authoSd
.Techpjcai Education. The fo'rmatof these Officer of
the Depment of
Director of Techpjcaj Education records would be prescdbed by the

In the Pedormance Appraisal of teachers there Shoul

actual number of teaching
d be an ent, on the
ance Appraisal Report is days achieved by the teachers.Th Form of Peorm
given in Appendix IV A.
Student's Evaluation form is given in Appendix
iv B.
The code of professional ethics
and "on -teaching Should be apllcJ to all teaching
Staff flCluding
3.10. Administrators (Appendix IV)
Qualifications and method of recruitment
In G.O.(p)
81/90/HE dated 27.3.1990, theAIC
ordered to be implemented in the State. Even though the b TE scheme 1986 was
was given to the teachers th nefit of new pay scales
appoin to the. vaous e tipuJatio regarding quali efic0 and ethod of
failure of Gov posts could not be enforced
till date because
of th e
1967 in ernment to amend the existing Technicaj Education Special Rules
line with the MCTE scheme 1986
as a package to ban The
g over all improvement in stand AICTE scheme w envisaged
with of technical education
and higher
Jj by way
n t to hig f beer pay scales and alsb higher qu&ificaj0
her level posts ns
teachers for beer peormanc to insure healthy competition among
Uons and recjt e The failure to adopt the Stipulations on quac
State a
fl]ents Without COCSpOfljg Government sejce has 'resulted in high
er emolu
cation level of improvement
Standards of tecJcal edu-
Sti The AICTh scheme shoJd be unplemcnted s a packa only and the
pulations on uahificaijo and ethod of recrnitment should be stctIy rfo.ced
by Sritable alpcndmcflr.of th
'essz and G tuje and
vcmrnent will invoke special po%vUniversity stwtes wherever nec-
ers to over I
Tl lie the objectio5 of•
P.S.C. This will be dOne within a period of three months from the date. of the order
accepting the new scales of pay. . . ..

3.11 Career Advancement

All Lecturers who have comp1eted six years of service after regular appoint-
ment, participated in refresher courses or summer institutes,or similar training.
'rogramrnes, of eight weeks (tobi) duration and have consistntly satisfactory
appraisal reports will be placed in the Senior Scale. For those whohave M.Tech./
M.EJM.Phil, the above period will be five years and for those who have Ph.D, the
above period will be four years. All Lecturers (Senior Scal& who have completed
five years of service will be placed in the Lecturers (Selection Grade).
The period of deputation of teachers in Engineering Colleges under Quality
Improvement Programme scheme of AICTE will be reckoned as qualifying serv-
ice for placement in Senior/Selection Grade.
The Following past service will be considered for placing the teachers in
Senior/Selection Grade
I. Period of service as Lecturer [Lecturer (Senior Grade) in AICTE approved
Engineering Colleges in the state.
Period of service as Lecturer/Asst. Lecturer in Polytechnics in the State after
acquiring a degree in Engineering. 4

Experience in a Scientific or Industrial Organisation under'Govt. of Kerala

or Govt. of India service and State Govt.service subjectto a maximum of
three years, provided the post is comparable (the minimum qualification for
the post as same as that of Lecturer in Engineering Colleges).The provi-
sional /contradt service of teachers in Engineering Colleges! Polytechnic

will also be counted as qualifying service.

Note: A grace period upto 31.3.2001 will be given to the existing staff for coin-
pleting the required number of short term courses wit/i the following con-
The sanctioning of the increment in the post to which they have been placed
(Senior Grade/Selection Grade) will be potponed to the date on which they
complete the required number of short term courses.
If they did not complete the required number of courses by 31.3.2001 the
excess amount they have drawn should be refunded immediately.
- ;. ------•---------_ - '

An undeâjj Pt
1d be obtained from
b for the Proceedjn s of placement is the concerned staff
to this effect
isued in such cases.
3.12 Pay
Fixation Formula

Pay fixation formula for implementing the revised scales of pay is shown as
Appd II and form for xercising op On as Appendix
in the i ru .DicuJ ties
mplementation of th scheme any,
will ht the
t notice of the Govem
meat for clarification be bruao
3.13. The Staff
fixation, if any, will be áken up separately. The DTE will te
appropriate action
fixed by AICTE to get central assistahce in accordance with the guidelj5

By order of the Go

PncipaI Secretay tOGovei.mnet


The Director of Techcal Educao

\-Alf"Principals, n.
Engjneeg Colleges.
AG(A & E), (Audit) Kerala
(This jSSUes with the COflèuen
ce of)
Secretary, Govt of India MHRD Dept. of Edn
CL). New DeJ11 (wjffi
Finance Depamei.t

GA (SC) Dept. (vide item 4430 dt. 15.5.2000)

PIg & EA Dpa1-tthent
Higher Education (3)
Director, LBSC
Director, rHRD, Thiruvaflanthapura m.
opy to PS. to Minister (Eductjon & Works)
Copy to : PA- to
c'Pal ecretar, (Hjher Education)

.... ......



Existing Pay Scale
Revised Pay Sce

Lecturer (Senior Scald) 30001003500 125 5000

Lecturer (Selection Grde)
3700 125950150 5700
Asst. Professor
37001259001505700 120002018300
Deputy Director (P&T)
1640050 20900 500 22400
Ptincipals of Engineen4500-
g 4800150572
7300 1840050022400
Colleges/Joint Directors
(Minimum to be fixed at
Director of Tecbical
5100I505700200 7300
Education 2200050024500

Including Professor (Dect Payment) in the Directorate
of Technical Education.

Cs 1LLLcoPJ 04 kLDe(
oik4 LxI p Reerd fr C

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