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2, FEBRUARY 2015 187

Channel Analyses Over Wide Optical Spectra

for Long-Range Scattering Communication
Changming Xu and Hongming Zhang

Abstract—Ultraviolet scattering communication provides none-

line-of-sight connectivity for two separated transceivers, but it is
limited by low emitting power and high atmospheric absorption in
long-range case. This paper adopts a Monte Carlo based multiple-
scattering model, and studies associated power losses of optical
signals from ultraviolet to visible and infrared bands. Aerosol
scattering and absorption coefficients dependent on wavelength
are calculated, and wide-spectra Mie phase function is further
derived. Data rates at different wavelengths are analytically com- Fig. 1. Non-line-of-sight scattering communication model.
pared under a specified bit error rate with daytime background light will have more advantages in transmission. Numerous
light considered. Simulation results reveal that visible and in- researches on NLOS UV communication channel modeling
frared light have low path loss and high data rate advantages in
and experimentation have been reported recent years [6], [7].
long-range scattering communication.
However, scattering power loss over wide optical spectra has
Index Terms—Monte Carlo, non-line-of-sight, scattering com- not been studied, but definitely necessary for NLOS scattering
munication, wide optical spectra. communication system design and performance study.
I. I NTRODUCTION In this paper, we follow the Monte Carlo multiple scattering
channel modeling approach [8] in which we find key elements
U LTRAVIOLET (UV) scattering communication has been
studied for decades, mainly used to redirect the incoming
optical signals to different directions and thus offers much flex-
for different wavelengths, including molecular and aerosol
scattering and absorption coefficients, and scattering phase
functions. In Section II, methods of coefficients calculation
ibility to build a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communication link are introduced based on large amount of meteorological data
particularly when a direct line-of-sight (LOS) communication and MODTRAN. A modified Mie scattering phase function
link between a Tx and Rx is blocked for communication on is deduced and the asymmetric factor for wide-spectra light
the move [1], [2]. But in long-distance NLOS communication, scattering is provided. Section III applies those results to
this light is easy to be absorbed by atmosphere and its emitting Monte Carlo simulation under different conditions. Channel
power is often a limit compared with visible or infrared (IR) path losses and communication data rate are evaluated using
light. On the other hand, ultra-narrow bandwidth filters such as those parameters and phase functions at different wavelengths,
Atomic Resonance Filter (ARF) have made great process these with different emitting powers and lighter filters, under different
years [3] and are successfully used in Submarine Laser Com- communication ranges and visibilities.
munication Satellite (SLCSAT) [4] and meteorological laser
radar [5]. This technique tremendously reduces background
sunlight noise, and makes detecting weak visible or IR light
in free space optical communication (FSO) a reality. Our analyses are based on Monte-Carlo model and the
Scattering and absorption occurs over wide optical spectra, communication structure is shown in Fig. 1. Denote the range
from ultraviolet to visible and infrared bands. Ultraviolet sig- between the Tx and Rx by r. Define θ1 the transmitter elevation
nals undergo much stronger scattering and absorption than visi- angle and θ2 the receiver elevation angle. φ1 is the Tx beam
ble and infrared signals. At short range, absorption makes little divergence and φ2 is the Rx FOV (field of view). θs is the angle
effect and scattering help more UV light arriving at receiver. between the beam axis and FOV axis.
At long range, scattering is fully performed and absorption When a photon is emitted from the transmitter, it will prop-
plays a key role. With the distance increasing, long wavelength agate a distance Δs before it is scattered. The distance Δs
between the transmitter and the first scattering point or between
two scattering points is determined by
Manuscript received May 11, 2014; accepted November 30, 2014. Date of
publication December 10, 2014; date of current version February 6, 2015. ln η(s)
This work was supported by a grant from the Major State Basic Research Δs = − , (1)
Development Program of China (973 program) (No. 2013CB329201) and the
National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863
Program) (No. 2013AA013601). The associate editor coordinating the review where η(s) is a uniform random variable between zero and one,
of this paper and approving it for publication was M. Brandt-Pearce. ks is the scattering coefficient, which is the sum of molecule
The authors are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua Ray
University, Beijing 100084, China, and also with the Tsinghua National Labo- (Rayleigh) scattering coefficient ks and aerosol (Mie) scat-
tering coefficient ks . The other two atmospheric coefficients,
ratory of Information Science and Technology (TNList), Tsinghua University,
Beijing 100084, China (e-mail: Ray
the molecule absorption coefficient ka and aerosol absorption
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online Mie
at coefficient ka , are also key parameters for determining the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2014.2379658 scattering channel properties, which are shown next one by one.

1089-7798 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Rayleigh scattering coefficient ks is given by [9]
8π3 (m − 1)2 6(1 + δ) 1−δ
ksRay = 3 + , (2)
3 λ4 N 6 − 7δ 1+δ

where m is air refractive index, λ is wavelength in unit µm, N

is the molecular number density (2.54743 × 1019 cm−3 ) for
standard air, and δ is the polarization defect factor (0.035). At
sea level, m equals m0 which can be obtained by
2480990 17455.7
(m0 −1)×108 = 8060.51+ + . (3)
132.274−λ−2 39.32957−λ2
Rayleigh absorption coefficient ka is a combination of
different gas absorption such as H2 O, O3 , CO2 , and O2 . These
data are readily obtained by MODTRAN.
The Mie scattering and absorption coefficients can be ob-
tained by [10]
Fig. 2. Asymmetric factor (g) distribution versus wavelength. Particle radius
ksMie = NQsca πa2 , kaMie = NQabs πa2 , (4) is an average value of 0.1535 µm.

where a is the radius of the aerosol particle. Fitting with measurement and calculation data [13] show 115◦ is a suitable
the MODTRAN data, particles consist of 70% water-soluble choice for θs in [0.2,1.7] µm to ensure that the corresponding
particles with a radius of 0.005 µm and 30% dust particles with phase value is always close to the minimum phase value of
a radius of 0.5 µm[11]. Values N are obtained in both clear every wavelength (the extreme point). This choice gives µ =
weather of 23 km VIS (visibility) and haze weather of 5 km VIS cos θs = −0.423. Substituting it into (9) and then (9) into (8),
scat-Luo. The Mie scattering and absorption efficient factors we obtain a modified Mie scattering phase function suitable for
Qsca and Qabs can be obtained by [10]. wide optical spectra
To completely characterize a scattering channel over wide

optical spectra, phase function at different wavelengths is nec- 1 − g2 1
essary. The total scattering phase function is a weighted sum of pmie (θs ) = 3
4π (1 + g − 2g cos θs ) 2
Rayleigh scattering phase function pray (θs ) and Mie scattering 
phase function pmie (θs ) [8] g(3 cos2 θs − 1)
+ 5 . (10)
Ray 0.845(1 + g2 + 0.845g) 2
ks kMie
ptotal (θs ) = pray (θs ) + s pmie (θs ), (5)
ks ks
According to Mie theory, the asymmetric factor g is given by
in which pray (θs ) is given by ∞ 
  4 n(n + 2)

3 1 + 3γ + (1 − γ) cos2 θs
g= 2 ∑ n + 1 Re an a∗n+1 + bn b∗n+1
x Qsca n=1
pray (θs ) = , (6)
4(1 + 2γ) 2n + 1
+ Re(an bn ) , (11)
n(n + 1)
where λ = 0.0178. The Mie scattering phase function has been
modified for UV signal as
where an and bn are functions of size parameter x = 2πa/λ and
1−g2 1 3 cos2 θs −1 complex refractive index m
pmie (θs ) = +f . (7)
4π (1+g2 −2g cos θs ) 23 2(1+g2 ) 2
mψn (mx)ψn (x) − ψn (x)ψn (mx)
an =
mψn (mx)ξn (x) − ξn (x)ψn (mx)
Parameter f takes a value of 0.5 for the UV region, but ψn (mx)ψn (x) − mψn (x)ψn (mx)
changes greatly with wavelength. So we generalize the previous bn = , (12)
Henyey-Greenstein (H-G) function to be applicable to a large ψn (mx)ξn (x) − mξn (x)ψn (mx)
range of wavelengths. We parameterize it by λ as [12] (1)
  where ψn (x) = x jn (x) and ξn (x) = xhn (x) are respectively the
1 1−g2  Bessel function and Hankel function, and the refractive index m
pmie (θs ) = +λ (3 cos θs −1) , (8)
(real part) is obtained from [11] and its value is from 1.51 to
4π (1+g2 −2g cos θs ) 32
1.53. Numerical results for g are shown in Fig. 2 where the
where summation for n is up to n = 10 for adequately high accuracy.
In the UV range, g is near 0.7, and the second term of (10)
−g(1 − g2 ) except (3 cos2 θs − 1) gives 0.1375. This value perfectly agrees
λ = 5 , (9)
2cosθs (1 + g2 − 2gcosθs ) 2 with that in (7) which is 0.1325.
From above analyses, all parameters and phase function in
for pmie (cos θs ) = 0. θs is a generalized lowest phase angle. As different wavelengths are available, and Monte-Carlo simula-
the method in [12], considering the refractive index [11], large tion to study the path loss can be performed as [8].


Fig. 4. (23 km VIS) Path loss for different ranges at 4 wavelengths.

sions. Once the scattering geometry is set, the transmission path

length is proportional to communication range, and absorption
effect will play the leading rule with the photon transmitted
farther after scattering.
Utilizing SPCTRAL2 [15], a neutral time of 9 o’clock in the
morning and a day of spring are chosen. The elevation angle
of sun within range of receiver FOV is set to 20 degree. Four
corresponding background powers are shown in Table I.
The average detected number of signal photons per bit is
Pr η f ηr λ/(Rhc), where Pr is receiving power, η f is the filter
transmission, ηr is the detector quantum efficiency and λ is
wavelength. Assuming threshold-based direct detection with
OOK modulation, the Poisson distributed symbol error prob-
Fig. 3. (23 km VIS) Path loss over wide spectra at 3 different ranges. ability is given by [16]
1 mT (λs + λb )k e−(λs +λb ) 1 ∞ λkb e−λb
2 k=0 k!
+ ∑
2 mT +1 k!
. (13)
In this section, we present numerical path loss results for a
wide wavelength range of [0.2,1.7] µm under different commu- λs is signal arrival rate and λb denotes the background ra-
nication range, and data rate results under same bit error rate diation photon count rate. The optimal detection threshold can
(BER) and different visibility (VIS) conditions. The simulation be obtained as mT = f loor(λs / ln(1 + λs /λb )) by minimizing
parameters are listed as Table I, not including all wavelengths. Pe _OOK . Fig. 5 depicts data rates versus emitting power at four
Fig. 3 shows path loss distribution over wide optical spectra wavelengths, with a raw BER (no coding) requirement of 10−4 .
at three different ranges. Except singularities due to absorption As ARF filter width is generally narrowed than 1 pm to 0.1 pm
peaks by some particular atmospheric constituents, path loss [3], we choose a wider range to compare 10 pm and 1 pm
first falls then rises with increased wavelengths. There is an scenarios. Data rates decrease with range increasing and shorter
inflection point that has the lowest path loss. Longer trans- wavelength decreases faster. But when filter width enlarges,
mission distance, path loss falls more sharply and rises more shorter wavelength decreases more slowly than longer one. This
gently, with the lowest point moving to longer wavelength band. is because longer wavelength light has long-range transmission
This change proves that absorption plays a more important advantage but high background noise disadvantage. Increasing
role in long-range scattering channel. In our simulation, we the emitting power can weaken this disadvantage and do benefit
also find that path loss changing with elevation angle enlarging to longer wavelength light. When the distance is 10 km, with
have similar changing law with range increasing, because larger proper narrow-width filtering, the longer wavelength lights
elevation angles produce longer transmission path length in the perform distinctly better than the shorter ones.
scattering geometry. Since visibility (VIS) reflects concentration of aerosols
Path losses with continuous transmitting ranges at four wave- which may enhance scattering and absorption effects in scat-
lengths (266,532,1064,1550) nm are shown in Fig. 4. These tering communication, we compare path loss under low VIS
results are consistent with Fig. 3. Path loss increases with condition (VIS = 5 km) with Fig. 5 in Fig. 6. Under low VIS
transmitting ranges. Clearly at different wavelengths, path loss condition compared with high VIS, light scattering commu-
obeys the power law of L = ξrα eβr , as [14], where ξ, α and β nication performs better at short distance but worse at large
are path loss factors which are non-linear functions of angles. distance as both scattering effect and absorption effect are
As the average scattering length is 1/ks , most of VL and IR strengthened. Longer wavelength light attenuates slowly with
scattered photons are only scattered once during their transmis- distance increasing because its absorption effect is weaker.

With development of device technology, wide-spectra light
scattering communication through a long-range NLOS channel
is becoming more attractive and can meet a practical appli-
cation need. In this paper, a Monte-Carlo multiple-scattering
method is adopted to analyze path loss under different con-
ditions. Methods to calculate the atmospheric coefficients at
different wavelengths are summarized and the Mie scattering
phase function is modified. Afterwards, path losses at different
wavelengths and communication ranges, and data rates under
given BER and visibilities are numerically studied. Results
reveal that longer wavelength light has low path loss and high
communication data rates in long-range scattering transmis-
sion, under the condition that background light is properly
filtered. It needs to be concerned that these analyses are based
on on-off keying (OOK) modulation. Some other modulation
and detection modes can reduce its dependence on ultra-narrow
bandwidth filters, causing visible and infrared band light more
practical in long-range scattering communication.

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