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Stellenticket ID: 73768 / Offers from 26/11/19 / closing date for applications 05/01/20

Technische Universität Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:

Research Assistant - salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen -1st qualification period
(PhD candidate)
part-time employment may be possible

Faculty IV - Institute of Commercial Information Technology and Quantitative Methods / Software and Business
Engineering Research Group
Reference number: IV-844/19 (starting at the earliest possible / for 5 years / closing date for applications 05/01/20)

Working field: Teaching and research in the “Software and Business Engineering” group, research in at least two of the
following fields: Software Engineering for Information Systems, Business Engineering, Business Process Management
/Process Mining, and Blockchain.

Successfully completed university degree (Master, Diplom or equivalent), in computer science or similar fields (e.g.,
computer science, information systems engineering/management, or related areas); preferably with very good marks
Interest in scientific qualification (Ph.D.)
Didactic skills, interest in teaching
Interest in Software and Business Engineering as well as prior expertise or in-depth studies in at least two of the fol-
lowing areas: (1) Software Engineering for Information Systems, (2)Business Engineering, (3) Business Process Man-
agement/ Process Mining, and (4) Blockchain
Excellent communication skills
Very good written and oral language skills in English and German, at least at the levels C1 (English) and B2 (German)
Very good programming skills in at least on programming language, preferably Java

Please, send your application with the reference number and the usual documents (cover letter, CV with final grades,
certificate of Master’s degree) preferably by email to or in writing to Technische Uni-
versität Berlin – Der Präsident – Fakultät IV, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Quantitative Methoden, FG Soft-
ware & Business Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ingo Weber, Sekr. EN6, Einsteinufer 17, 10587 Berlin.

To ensure equal opportunities between women and men, applications by women with the required qualifications are
explicitly desired. Qualified individuals with disabilities will be favored. The TU Berlin values the
diversity of its members and is committed to the goals of equal opportunities.

Please send copies only. Original documents will not be returned.

The vacancy is also available on the internet at

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