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Good: better – the best

Best: Worse-the worst

Funny: Funnier-funniest


Long Longer than The longest
Fats Faster than The fastest
Pretty Prettier than The prettiest
Beautiful More beautiful than The most beautiful
Ugly Uglier than The ugliest
Thin Thinner The thinnest
Fashionable More fashionable than The most fashionable

Old Older Good Better

Strong Stronger Large Larger
Modern More modern Pretty Prettier
Important More important Bad Worse

a. This building is very old. It was the oldest building in the town
b. It was very happy day. It’s the best of my life
c. It’s a very good film. It’s the best I have seen
d. It was very bad mistake. It was the worst in my life
e. It was a very cold day. It was the coldest of the year
f. She is a very boring person. She is the boringest I know
g. He is a popular singer. He is the most popular in the country
h. This house is very big. It is the biggest I ve lived in
i. My cousin is vey tall. He is the tallest I have
j. Laura is very pretty girl. She is the prettiest I know


 Tom´s car is as big as his friend´s

 Who is the shortest person in your family?
 Who is the most independent person you know?
 These sofas are more comfortable than ours
 My brother is the tallest in the class
 Is Jason´s dog older than yours
 Who is the best singer in the world?
 We are younger than the rest of the class
 My hair is straighter than your hair
 He is the most popular singer in the world

 Gary is taller than rick

 John has got new trousers light
 Mary likes bigger clothes
 Rick is wearing an expensive coat
 Carol has got the shortest scarf
 He is the tallest student
 Mary was the most popular actress
 He was the best footballer
 Mary plays better than you
 Your father is stronger than mine


 Carol is as good as you at sport

 We like wearing the latest fashion
 These trousers are the more comfortable than those jeans
 She is as happy as now than he was last year
 You are the prettiest girl in the class
 My grandma is older than my grandpa
 The red dress is the most attractive in the shop
 I always tell the funniest jokes
 My hair is shorter than yours


 London is the largest city in England

 Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world
 Whales are the biggest animals
 San Francisco is the most beautiful city in the United estates
 Summer is the best season of the year

Good The best Pretty The prettiest

Far The farther Small The smallest
Expensive The most expensive Nice The nicest
Old The oldest Comfortable The most
young The youngest Bad The worst


 Anne is the oldest

 Carol is the youngest
 James is the tallest
 Carol is the shortest
 Anne is the heaviest
 Carol is the lightest
 Carol is the richest
 James is the poorest


Happiest Saddest Best Worst

Most comfortable Most uncomfortable Nearest (cercano) Farthest (lejano)
Easiest The most difficult Most expensive Cheapest



 Snakes are faster than snails

 London is bigger than Madrid
 Snails are slower than snakes
 My literature book is more difficult than my English book
 Lord of the rings is more interesting than mission impossible


 English is more important than mathematics

 A tortoise is slower than a cat
 My friend is more handsome than I
 Chocolates milkshakes is better than lemonade
 A tiger is more dangerous than a rabbit
 The north pole is colder than Africa
 Swimming is easier than skating
 The Eifel Tower is bigger than my house
 A stone is heavier than a feather
 Planes is faster than cats


Big bigger Good Better

Happy Happier Easy Easier
Expensive More expensive Great Greater
Intelligent More intelligent Interesting More interesting
Boring More Boring Bad Worse

 Summer is hotter than spring

 Winter is colder than summer
 The Eifel Tower is more modern

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