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On banks, ramps and pools, as in surfing, a It’s essential to center and control these 3. Decompress, or un-weight.

. Decompress, or un-weight. It sounds strange A simpler ( though incomplete ) explanation is RACING VS. THE ZEN OF IT ALL
kick-turn toward the front of your body is called movements with the muscles in your hips and to drive your weight backwards, but following that you’ve pushed ( through the wheel grip ) I don’t recommend gyrating as fast as slalom
backside, since your back faces the wall (or wave). abdomen. Imagine that your lower abdomen these steps will actually accelerate you off the ground, while steering the board to follow racers, unless you aspire to compete. Slalom

HOW TO… PUMP ? For ease of understanding, I’ll break things into
two parts, pumping frontside and pumping
backside. When you’re really gyrating, the two
merge into a single technique.
is the strongest part of your body, and try to
feel that you’re “pulling” your pelvis – and the
skateboard – with your stomach muscles. This
may seem confusing at first, but with time it’ll
become comfortable and natural.
forward. Again, center the action in your hips
and abdomen, and don’t slouch.

It’s very helpful to practice pumping in large
in the direction you’ve pushed.

As you improve, try tighter trucks for greater

power. You’ll have to weight the board more to
make the trucks turn, and you’ll generate larger
racers reach high speeds, but the amount of
power they generate with each pump seems
to diminish as the rate of gyration increases. To
maximize gyrations-per-second, they usually
tense their upper bodies a lot, too. For me,
PROPELLING YOURSELF WITH TURNS Weighting means putting weight onto your
board, more even then your actual body weight. THE FRONTSIDE ( or toeside ) PUMP It’s tempting to center the motions around leg
circles, so you can focus on learning to pump
in one direction at a time. Just remember to
centripetal forces when you gyrate. It takes
greater strength and endurance to pump with
power-turning is more enjoyable at a slower
pace. You can still generate great speeds, and
Let your weight start to drop, then catch yourself To pump frontside (toward the front of your body), thrusts, but your pump will be less powerful and reposition for each successive power-turn by tight trucks, but you’ll feel the difference in
PUMPING a re-edited version of Dan’s classic how-to article, written
and quickly push back upward. When you pump prepare by carving slightly backside. (More than efficient. Leg action should follow and accen- steering slightly in the opposite direction. If you greater speed and acceleration.
in my opinion, the feeling of power you get from
way back in 1989 when almost nobody in the skateboard a more concentrated gyration can’t be equaled.
POWER-TURNING world cared about this subject !
down a transition, you’re weighting your board. half your weight should be over your rear heel, tuate the motion that’s centered in your hips. If have enough room, try pumping in Figure 8s, too.
Weighting also increases traction, which helps and your pelvis should be turned toward your you’re using your hips properly, your legs will Gyrating lets you link moves without taking a
OR GYRATING PAR / BY > Daniel Gesmer PHOTOS > Robert Kittila you steer more quickly at speed. back. ) Next, weight the board ( see Photo 1 ). naturally add their power. Imagine that it’s your GYRATING Dan's eyes are squinting because of bright foot off to push. It looks damned smooth and
Then, in a smooth, coordinated manner, do three To really get the pump going, you must sunlight, but why is his mouth hanging open ? feels incredibly cool. You may even find pumping
pelvis, not your feet, riding the board, while
Un-weighting means taking weight off the things simultaneously ( see Photo 2 ) : seamlessly connect frontside and backside Pumping strokes are quick, and timing these addictive. It’s a truly magical feeling to propel
your torso rides atop your pelvis. Don’t forget
PROPELLING YOURSELF WITH TURNS ( PUMPING, STANCE AND POSTURE board. This isn’t a jump, but a matter of slightly power-turns. Then they become a single inte- pics was challenging. Dan cued the photo- yourself indefinitely, without ever touching the
posture – feel tall and lifted, even though your
POWER-TURNING, OR GYRATING ) IS AN EXTREMELY Slalom racing is essentially the art of gyrating lifting your body – so it’s momentarily suspended, grated motion – a gyration. On the horizontal grapher by yelling “Now” at the appropriate ground or lifting any wheels. Enjoy !
knees are bent.
SUBTLE TECHNIQUE, BASED ON VERY PRECISE, BALANCED, as fast as possible while weaving through cones. with little or no weight flowing through your legs. plane, your pelvis should move along an oval moment of each stroke.
AND RHYTHMICAL WEIGHT SHIFTS. BEGINNERS OFTEN In the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s, most slalom racers You start by simply pushing up with your legs, THE BACKSIDE ( or heelside ) PUMP or elliptical path, whose long axis cuts diago-
OVERLOOK THE SKILL INVOLVED BECAUSE IT SEEMS ALMOST used a semi-parallel stance, half-way between but it’s critical to follow through with your To pump backside ( toward the back of your nally through your deck (see Diagram 1). At the
EFFORTLESS WHEN DONE WELL. YET POWER-TURNING surf-style and parallel ski-style positions. In the abdomen – stretch your stomach upward, body ), prepare by carving slightly frontside. end of one decompression, your weight will PATH OF PELVIS DURING GYRATION ( EXAGGERATED FOR CLARITY )
IS ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT TECHNIQUES YOU CAN modern era, more top racers use a standard quickly and forcefully, after the leg thrust. This (More than half your weight should be over your settle, or compress, and become the start of DIAGRAM 1
LEARN ON A SKATEBOARD. IT’S ALSO ONE OF THE BEST surf-style stance, which has the advantage of adds length and control to the weightless phase. leading forefoot, and your pelvis should be the next decompression. You must precisely
TEACHERS OF TRUE STYLE, AND PROBABLY THE FINEST letting you integrate gyrating with other moves Un-weighting is essential for skating up transi- turned toward your front. ) Next, weight the coordinate foot-to-foot weight shifts, twisting
EXAMPLE OF USING A SKATEBOARD TO “SKATE” IN THE on varied terrain. tions and for maneuvers like power slides. board ( see Photo 3 ). Then, in a smooth, coordi- hip snaps, and the cycle of weighting and The lines at the corners of the ellipse indicate Your center-of-gravity moves beyond the edges
PUREST SENSE OF THE TERM — TO GLIDE POWERFULLY. ( You have to take weight off the wheels before nated manner, do three things simultaneously un-weighting with definite points along this path. the approximate axis of your hips at each of your feet and board. Relative to your body,
Place your rear foot on top, or slightly in front, extreme of the gyration. This axis should fluidly the board moves in an oppositely-directed
they’ll let go. ) ( see Photo 4 ) :
POWER-TURNING IS SOMETIMES KNOWN AS GYRATING of the rear truck, and angled perpendicular to It may seem like you need to remember an alternate in perfect rhythm with the gyration. elliptical path – thus the term “gyration.”
BECAUSE, WHEN DONE PROPERLY, YOUR BODY AND the board’s long axis, or slightly forward. Place Old-style (non-digital) bathroom scales can help PHOTO 2 PHOTO 4 impossibly long list of steps. But with prac-
BOARD GYRATE RELATIVE TO ONE ANOTHER – YOUR your front foot slightly behind the front truck you gain a sense for weighting and un-weighting. tice, the technique assumes a natural, A After a backside pump, your After a frontside pump, your B
and angle it forward 15 - 30 degrees. Keep your body settles in position to body settles in position to
HIPS ROTATE ELLIPTICALLY IN ONE DIRECTION, WHILE If you’re compressing properly, you’ll see the organic rhythm. And you’ll start to feel 1 2 3 4
weight into a frontside pump weight into a backside pump
THE SKATEBOARD BELOW ROTATES IN THE OPPOSITE knees bent, weight evenly distributed, back needle swing beyond your actual bodyweight. that you’re powering your skateboard
( Photo 1 ). Then drive your ( Photo 3 ). Then drive your
DIRECTION. IN BIOMECHANICAL TERMS, PUMPING IS ONE straight, arms relaxed and extended. Your pelvis If you’re de-compressing properly, you’ll see mostly with your lower abdomen. As center-of-gravity forwards at center-of-gravity rearwards at
OF THE MOST COMPLEX TECHNIQUES IN SKATEBOARDING. should be turned slightly forward, so it’s square the needle swing toward zero, even with your you get better, you’ll be able to a diagonal, snap your hips, a diagonal, snap your hips,
AN ELABORATE EXPLANATION IS REQUIRED. READ with your front foot. Let this small forward twist feet touching the scale. Try controlling how fast gyrate while turning primarily in one and un-weight ( Photo 2 ). and un-weight ( Photo 4 ).
CAREFULLY, AND TRY TO VISUALIZE WHAT YOUR READ. continue up your spine, so you’re facing where the needle swings. Depending on the situation, direction – in this case you’ll be pumping
you’re going. you need to weight and un-weight at different more powerfully to one side, but you’ll still
EQUIPMENT AND MINIMUM SPEED speeds. For instance, on a large ramp, you 1. Drive your center-of-gravity slightly forwards be gyrating.
Unfortunately, the trucks on pre-assembled As you bend your legs to lower your center-of- compress and de-compress more slowly than at a diagonal, so the majority of your weight
longboards are rarely good enough to pump gravity, keeping your back straight is increasingly on a small ramp. moves from your rear heel to your front PHOTO 3 THE PHYSICS OF PUMPING
well. Your trucks should make smooth, tight turns difficult, but increasingly vital to efficiency and forefoot. At first, it’s easier to think of pushing The energy of the pump comes from weighting B
and be loose enough to steer easily. Decks with power. Think of lifting your upper body out of Of course, it’s impossible to weight without off your rear heel. and un-weighting, which create centripetal forces.
moderate or no flex work best ; avoid boards your hips, by scooping your abdomen in and up first un-weighting, or to un-weight without first If a force is applied to push or pull a turning
with excessive vertical or torsional flex. Your from the groin level. Feel your weight pressing weighting ( unless you let yourself free-fall ). 2. Thrust your pelvis to add snap to the weight 1. Drive your center-of-gravity slightly rearwards object toward the center of the turning circle,
wheels should be reasonably fast and grippy. straight up from your heels, and imagine a cord This is as it should be, because weighting and shift and help bring your torso to a more at a diagonal, so the majority of your weight the object will accelerate – its velocity along
Buy quality gear that performs. pulling your head toward the sky. un-weighting work together on the board. upright position. As you do so, twist your moves from your front forefoot to your rear the turning arc will increase. When you drive
hips slightly frontside, and let the twisting heel. ( Photo 4 ) At first, it’s easier to think of your weight upward as you diagonally shift it
The longer your wheelbase, the faster you need WEIGHTING AND UNWEIGHTING FRONTSIDE ( toeside) VS. BACKSIDE ( heelside) momentum flow gently through your torso pushing off your front forefoot. during each half of the gyration, you generate
to roll to start pumping. The average rider on Before continuing, you need to understand We must also clarify the names used to indicate A A
and arms. a centripetal force. Through the wheels’ grip,
an average board needs to get going about weighting and un-weighting (also known as the direction of skateboard turns. These 2. Thrust your pelvis to add snap to the weight you’ve pushed against the riding surface. The
5 - 6 mph – a bit faster than top speed kick- compressing and de-compressing ). These are depend on the setting : flat /sloped surfaces 3. Decompress, or un-weight. If you do the first shift and help bring your torso to a more ground resists the pressure you’ve applied and,
turning from a dead stop on flat ground. Current critical concepts for virtually all high-performance vs. banked/vertical terrains. For example, on flat two steps properly, un-weighting becomes upright position. As you do so, twist your in effect, pushes you back. A component of
truck designs make it nearly impossible to gyrate skating. The world’s most powerful and skillful surfaces and hills ( the usual settings for power- a natural follow-through. Just remember to hips slightly backside, and let the twisting that push is directed toward the center of your REGULAR FOOT ( LEAD LEFT ) GOOFY FOOT ( LEAD RIGHT )
effectively at lower speeds. riders are those who’ve thoroughly mastered turns ), steering toward the front of your body use your abs to accentuate this step. momentum flow gently through your torso turn – therefore, you accelerate.
weighting and un-weighting. is called frontside ( toeside in snowboarding ). and arms.
58 | NAPHTE 1.3 AUTOMNE 05 1.3 FALL 05 NAPHTE | 59

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