Suggested Work For Monday 27th April, 2020. Second Class.

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Suggested Work for Second Class Pupils

Monday, 27th April 2020

Term 3: Week 2, Day 1

 Watch Cúla4 ar Scoil on TG4 at 10:00am -10:30am

 Watch RTE2 Home School Hub: 11am - 12noon.

 Spell Well: Week 32 pg. 66 Box 101 + Exercise p66(A) & p67 (B)
 Read at Home: Week 26, pg. 101 ‘School Tour’. Please answer Check-Up Questions orally.
 Handwriting:’ Go With The Flow C’ Text Book pg. 41 – practise writing ‘ ss’ and ‘ll’ words. You
can find additional handwriting activities/games for ‘Go with the Flow C’, along with demonstrations of
how to form each letter, on:

 Tables: Please revise some of your Add 3 and Subtract 3 Tables in pairs, as you practised them last week
(0+3=3/3-3=0, 1+3=4/4-3=1, 2+3=5/5-3=2, 3+3=6/6-3=3, 4+3=7/7-3=4 )
 Maths Time: Week 30 pg.60 Section (A)
 Maths Shadow Book: Capacity pg.49 Q.2 A – G
 Practical Activity using Capacity:
Raspberry ( or Strawberry) Dream Smoothie
350 ml orange juice (which is between ¼ and ½ litre)
3 handfuls raspberries/strawberries
1 tablespoon (1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons) thick natural yogurt
4 ice cubes, crushed
Place all the ingredients in a blender and whizz until smooth. You will need to ask an adult to use the
blender for you. Pour into 2 glasses and enjoy!

 Bua na Cainte: Irish Spellings pg. 130 Box 1 + Exercise 1.

 Bua na Cainte pg.83 Please learn/revise the meaning of the words at the bottom of this page. Then
complete both written exercises on pg.83.
Thug Mamaí uachtar reoite dó. = Mammy gave an ice-cream to him.
Thug Mamaí uachtar reoite di. = Mammy gave an ice-cream to her.

 Weaving Well-Being Journal: We’ve talked a lot about Kindness in school and even based our assembly
on it. Do you remember our song ‘Love Shine a Light’? Perhaps you can ask an adult to let you hear it
again! During this week, we’re going to do our own ‘Light up the World with Kindness Challenge’. Every
day this week, I’d like you to keep track of 3 Acts of Kindness you do. On pg.11 please record your 3 acts
for Day 1. Colour in a lightbulb for each kind deed you do.
 Mindfulness Activity: You Tube ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga – How to deal with anxiety & feel better!’. Our lives are
very different at the moment. This might help you when your feelings feel a bit funny.

 Remember: Daily Diary, Life Skills and Read for Pleasure –everyday, if you can.
 Keep safe!

Dear Parents, do only what you can!

Hazel Atkinson

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