حل واجب عناصر 2

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Mohammad Aqel

Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology


ITME 3331: Mechatronics Components

2nd Semester, 2018/ 2019

Homework (1)


1. A potentiometer with a total range of 350° is supplied with a voltage of 12 Vdc. Find
the output voltage for an angle of 135°.

2. A potentiometer with a total range of 350° is supplied with a voltage of 8 Vdc. The voltage
at the wiper is 3.7 Vdc. What is the present angle of the pot?

350 deg corresponds to 8 V

3.7v corresponds to (3.7/8) * 350 deg = 161.875 deg

3. A potentiometer with a total range of 350° has a linearity error of 0.25% and is connected to
a 10 V source. If the pot is used as a position sensor, find the maximum possible error in

Given, range of potentiometer = 350 degree 

            that is full scale = 350 degree

           has linearity = 0.2 %

          maximum error of a linear instrument is given by exam =   full scale * linearity

                                                                                      exam =   350* 0.2/100

                                                                                                 =   0.7 degree

 maximum possible error is 0.7 degree. (Answer)

4. A pot with a total range of 350° is supplied with 5 Vdc. The output of the pot is converted
to binary with an 8-bit ADC (which is also referenced at 5 Vdc). Find the 8-bit binary output of
the ADC for a pot angle of 60°.

total range of pot = 3500

pot supplied with 5V

resolution of pot= 5/350

output of pot= (5/350) x60=0.8571V

therefore, input to the ADC=0.8571V

ADC output= input/ resolution

ADC resolution=5/28

ADC output= 0.8571/ (5/2 8)=43.8857V

therefore, the ADC output will the nearest to the value 43.8857 which is (00101011) 2

5. An absolute optical rotary encoder has five tracks. How many bits is the output, and what
is the resolution in degrees per state (that is, degrees per LSB)?

6. An absolute optical rotary encoder in a certain application must have a resolution of 3°.
How many tracks must it have?

7. An incremental optical rotary encoder has 720 slots. Starting from the reference point,
the disk turns 200 slots CW, then 80 slots CCW, then 400 slots CW. What is the final angle
of the shaft?


8. The counter for a 500-slot incremental optical rotary encoder has a value of 101100011.
a. What is the resolution in degrees—that is, what is the value of the LSB?
b. What is the current angle of the encoder shaft?
‫الحل األول‬

‫الحل الثاني‬

9. Compare an LVDT with a potentiometer as a position sensor. What are some

advantages and disadvantages of using an LVDT?


10. Explain the basic principle of extracting velocity data from position sensors.

11. Position data from a pot is being processed to yield velocity data. The sample
period is 0.5s. The position is 68° at the first sample and 73° for the second sample. Calculate
the velocity.

12. Data from an optical shaft encoder are providing velocity information. The sample period is
0.25 s. The present data are 10000111, and the previous data were 10000101. Find the present
velocity (LSB = 1°).

13. A toothed-rotor sensor has 30 teeth. Find the rpm if the sensor outputs pulses at 100 Hz.

14. A tachometer is being used in a system which has the following specifications:

Output voltage: 2 V/KRPM

Linearity error: 0.2%
Speed range: is 1-6000 RPM

If the tachometer output was 0.85 V. What is the velocity in rpm?


15. Describe one application of using a limit switch as a proximity sensor.

16. Both optical and Hall-effect sensors can be used as proximity switches. Name one
possible application for each.

17. Explain the operation of a slotted coupler optical sensor. Use an

application in your explanation.

18. Explain the principle work of the following proximity sensors:

 Inductive proximity sensors

 Capacitive proximity sensors
 Hall-effect sensor
 Optical proximity sensors

NOTE: The homework due date is 21st of March (Thursday). Any late submission will not be accepted.

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