Assingment For English

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How to organized a picnic

Thesis statement: To organized a picnic, we need to follow some steps: planning (location,
time, guest list), execution (transport, food, checklist) and plan for activities.

Body paragraph1: First of all, we need to make a plan.

Supporting details:
1. Select location.
2. Select day and time.
3. Guest list

Body paragraph2: Then we need to select transport, food menu etc.

Supporting details:
1. Select transport
2. Select food menu
3. checklist

Body paragraph3: Make and distribute formal invitations for a bit of fun.
Supporting details:
1. Plan for activities
2. Arrange some fun activities
3. Some gifts

Concluding sentence: If you are follow all those steps, you can organize a good picnic.

How to organized a picnic
Picnics are a fun way to enjoy time and refresh your mind with your family or friends
outside! If you're wanting to go on one, planning ahead will help your event go off without a
hitch. To organize a picnic, we need to follow some steps: planning (location, time etc ) ,
execution( transpose, food etc) ,finish those steps properly.

First of all, we need to make a plan. Select a location, the location is important, and it will
help determine some of the other details you choose so pick it first! You could go to the park, the
beach, the mountains, or even just your backyard. Some museums have lawns for picnicking, or
you could head to any area with natural attractions, such as lakes or rivers. We have to select a
day when we can go for a picnic. We have to select a day on which the weather will be favorable
for us. Maybe you want to plan a picnic just for your family or maybe you want to throw a big
picnic for your friend’s birthday. Take some time to consider who you want to invite, then make
a list of the people you'd like to come.

Then arrange other things. For example: select transpose, food menu etc. You have to select
which way to go to the destination. You can select bus or microbus. You must be select food
menu for breakfast and lunch. You can select cheese and bread, hard boil egg, potato salad, fruit
etc for breakfast. You can select briyani, kacchi or rice and mutton for lunch. Create a checklist
of what you need to bring with you. You'll need utensils, plates, a cooler, activities, and bags for
cleanup. You'll also likely want a tablecloth or blanket to spread out wherever you go.

Make and distribute formal invitations for a bit of fun. Often, a picnic is about more than just
the food. See what activities the area offers, so you know what you need to bring. For instance, if
the park doesn't have much of a playground, bring some fun sporting equipment with you, such
as Frisbees or a soccer ball. You can provide some competition such as singing, acting, recitation
of poems etc. You can also give some gifts who are the best performer.

The picnic give us much pleasure and removes our monotony. Picnic refresh the everyman
mind. If you are follow all those steps, you can organize a good picnic.

Production & Sales of Tobacco Must be Made Illegal

Thesis statement: Production & sales of tobacco must be made illegal, tobacco use increases
people’s addiction, terrorism and health risks.

Body paragraph1: The number of people using tobacco consumption increased day by day.
Supporting details:
1. teenagers
2. Turned into food habit
3. Enough supply

Body paragraph2: As a result of tobacco use, terrorist activities have increased.

Supporting details:


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