The Roadrunner: Kern Kaweah Chapter'S April 16Th Spring Banquet To Feature Awards, Wind Wolves

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The Roadrunner

Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — March/April 2005


Honorees and Wind Wolves. The big social event of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter, the annual April banquet, will be
held on Saturday, April 16. The highlights of the evening will be the honoring of the Conservation work of the
club members and the formal presentation showing the world of the Wind Wolves Nature Preserve, which is
supported by the Wildlands Conservancy. South of Bakersfield, Wind Wolves is 150 square miles in size and
includes lands that are splendid examples of grassland and mountain areas in which are spotted some of the finest
examples of Native American art known. The presentation will be made by the preserve directors, David and
Sheryl Clendenen. The Clendenens will explain the successes of the preserve, its unique beauty, and how you can
get involved as a volunteer.
Norris Veterans’ Hall is the meeting place for this year’s banquet. It is at 400 Norris Road, near Chester Ave, in
Oildale. There will be plenty of parking. The Hall itself is considerably larger than our former meeting place, so
EVERYBODY sign up so we can fill it to the top! Directions: No exit directly from 99. Take Airport Drive exit,
go north on Airport Drive, turn right (east) on Norris Road.
Groups and environmental organizations have always prepared displays as a means of presenting pertinent
information to attendees of the banquet, and this year will be no exception. There may be a raffle this year again,
but its fate is uncertain. Anyone want to volunteer to solicit donations from our local merchants and friends? Call
Harry Love to sign up! 661.589.6245.
Dinner will be an Italian theme, with chicken marsala or vegetarian soup as the entrees, along with fettuccini
Alfredo, asparagus, Caesar salad, bread, and cherry cheese cake. The social hour will begin at 5:30 PM with
dinner served at 6:30 PM. Price: $18.00 per person.
Socializing will be encouraged! During the social hour there will be time to visit and to view the exhibits from
local environmental groups. It is a great time to meet new members, to renew old friendships, and to get re-
vitalized in the community. Please plan to come and celebrate the good news, though November’s headlines
might lead you to think otherwise. State and local efforts have won some rewards for the environment, and
activists have increased in numbers, determination and stubborness. We will not give up!
Please complete the coupon below and mail to Harry Love, as directed below. Make checks out to KERN-
KAWEAH CHAPTER, SIERRA CLUB. RSVP by Wednesday, April 6. Need more info? Call Harry Love,


Join a three-hour vehicle tour to see wildflowers, wildlife and much more.
DATES: March: Saturday, 19th; Sunday, 20th; Saturday, 26th
April: Saturday, 2nd; Sunday, 3rd; Sunday, 17th; Sunday, 24th
May: Saturday, 7th
Saturday Tours at 9 AM, 1 PM, Sunday Tours 1 PM only. Bring a lunch and picnic during or after tour.

Yes, I wish to attend the 2005 Annual Banquet of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club on Saturday, April
I have included a check for the total at $18.00 per person.
Number attending: ____ (@ $18.00) Total amount: $___________
Desired entrée: place number requested for each entree:
____ chicken marsala ____ vegetarian soup
Please mail check and this coupon to: Harry Love, 13500 Powder River Ave., Bksfld, CA, 93314 by April 8.


The Sierra Club and other conservation organizations have challenged the Bush administration’s decision to log
Giant Sequoia National Monument in federal court. The groups also encouraged the administration and the court
to look to neighboring Sequoia National Park for a better way to manage this rare forest.
Giant Sequoia National Monument boasts two-thirds of all the Giant Sequoias in the world, with most of the
remainder found in the adjacent National Park. The popularity and awe-inspiring beauty of the Sequoia forest and
its wildlife led President Bill Clinton to permanently protect the forest as a National Monument. Earlier, President
George Bush Sr. had proclaimed the Sequoia groves off limits to commercial logging. Bruce Hamilton, Sierra
Club Conservation Director. said: “It makes no sense for the Bush administration to sacrifice such a spectacular
national treasure. It also happens to be illegal.”
Earlier this year, the Bush administration officially reversed those policies by finalizing plans to allow what
amounts to commercial logging in the Monument, including the prized Giant Sequoia groves. The
administration’s plan would allow 7.5 million board feet of timber to be removed annually from the Monument,
enough to fill 1,500 logging trucks each year. This policy would include logging of healthy trees of any species as
big as 30 inches in diameter or more. Trees that size can be as much as 200 years old.
“The plan proposed by the Forest Service reverts back to an outdated strategy that ignores the clear
recommendations of fire scientists on the Monument Science Advisory Committee, that fire risk reduction is not
about logging large trees,” stated Craig Thomas, Director of the Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign. “This
plan opens up huge areas to logging and specifically targets trees big enough to sell, undermining the whole
purpose of the Monument,” added Carla Cloer, representing the Tule River Conservancy. Carla Cloer is also
chairperson of the Sierra Club Sequoia Taskforce. Updates on the course of this suit will be reported in future


All members may suggest nominees
Nominations are now open for chapter awards, which will be presented at our annual Chapter Banquet on April
16, 2005. Any member can nominate any other member for any award. Persons are eligible to receive the same
award more than once over an extended period of time. Below is an overview of our Chapter’s five awards.
Kern-Kaweah Sierra Club Cup Award: This is the highest award granted by the Kern-Kaweah Chapter. Its
symbol is simply a Sierra Club cup engraved with the awardee’s name. Selected by previous awardees.
Ruth Allen Award: An award named in honor of one the Chapter’s activists who quietly worked behind the scenes
providing important institutional support.
Chairman’s Award: The recipient of this award is selected annually by the incumbent chair of the Chapter.
Long Trail Award: This award recognizes long service for the Chapter. The award is traditionally accompanied by
a walking stick.
Community Activist Award (New): For an individual or group outside the Sierra Club that is noteworthy in
protecting or preserving the environment within the Chapter’s boundaries. Selected by the ExCom.

Please send your nominations, giving the name and the reasons you nominate the person, by March 22, 2005 to:
Janet Wood, P.O. Box 3543, Visalia, CA 93278; e-mail:, or by telephone: 559.739. 8527.

Kern Kaweah Ex Com and Group Chairs

(Usually meets at the Beale Library, Bakersfield, once a month: call the Chair for specific information.)
Lorraine Unger, Chair, 661.323.5569; Harry Love, Vice-chair; Ara Maderosian, Secretary. Marisa Albridge,
Ches Arthur, Richard Garcia, Mary Ann Lockhart, Gordon Nipp, Arthur Unger. (Janet Wood, Treas.)
Buena Vista Group: Glen Shellcross, 661.832.3382 Condor Group: Chester Arthur, 661.242.0423 Kaweah
Group: Pam Clark, 559.784.4643 Mineral KingGroup: Harold Wood, 559.739.8527 e-mail harold@
planetaryexploration. Owens Peak Group: Dennis Burge, Chair, 760.375.7967


Three important ballot measures will be subject to a vote.
Let’s double voter participation over last year’s record!
Another potentially contentious national Sierra Club election is upon us. This year, not only are 15 candidates
running for 5 positions on the Board of Directors, there are three ballot measures, two of which would alter rules
for future elections, and a third about whether the Club should adopt a policy on limiting immigration into the
United States.
The Population Ballot Question asks members: “Shall the Sierra Club policy on immigration adopted by the
Board of Directors be changed to recognize the need to adopt lower limits on migration to the United States?” The
Club Board of Directors recommends a no vote on this question.
The two other ballot measures propose changes to the bylaws that affect the election. Bylaws Change #1 would
remove the requirement to provide space for write-in candidates on the ballot. Bylaws Change #2 requires one
year of continuous membership in the Sierra Club in order to run for the Board. (Currently, members can file a
petition to run for office on the same day they become a member.) The Board recommends a yes vote on the two
bylaws changes.
Last year’s election controversy generated a spate of coverage in local and national newspapers, even a New York
Times editorial. Due to the extensive publicity, more Club members voted than ever before: 171,616 voters, or
22.7 percent of Club members. Can we meet and exceed that number this year? Vote no matter what it takes!
To find out more about the candidates and measures, visit Club members should
receive their ballots in the mail by mid-March. Votes must be cast by noon Eastern daylight time on April 25. To
vote online, follow the instructions in your printed ballot.

KERN-KAWEAH NEWSLETTER vol.2, number 7, June 28, 1953

Italicized remarks in parentheses were made by present editor of RR.
Old Man Weather froze us out of our June Box Dinner Social, but we’re right back with it on July 17.
Ladies will bring gourmet delights, inside boxes - outside boxes, not a hint of what’s inside. Auctioneer
will sell box (and lady). Proceeds will go to rock climbing section for equipment. (Who is up to rock
climbing now? Please step right up!)
Outing to Mineral King July 25, 26. Horses are available so you can ride instead of hike on this trip if
you wish.
For more information read the June issue of SUNSET MAGAZINE in which you will see an article called
“High Sierra” (the great Sunset Mag that did so much to educate folks about the out of doors.)
Call Ralph Zock ph. 20842. (oh, for the days of those old phone numbers)
ODDS and ENDS. Life magazine, June 29th, carries Mt. Everest pictures and promises color pictures in
July. (A special treat in those days! And now, for better or for worse, even the grocery ads come in

CONSERVATION NEWS: Hunting in State Parks: Bill is dead for this year. Stockmen’s Bill: Still a
threat to the Wilderness. There’s been a lot of loud protests, some heard and perhaps heeded. Billboards:
Smart lobbyists get bill through, governor can veto it. Letters from you to him could help a lot. (Some
things never change—though it seems much more frantic these days.)
Where did all these quotes come from? Mr. James Leonard of Hanford was cleaning out his files, found this number and
sent it to us. It is printed on the old purple-producing ditto machine—and producing color means it was not only purple print
but purple all over your hands and elsewhere.
Mr. Leonard is one of the charter members of the Kern Kaweah Chapter. He was the first editor of the Newsletter but not
of this number. Mr. Leonard is now nearly 85 and doing well. By the way, his wife was a student of Ann Williams when she
was in the 8th grade.
Wonderful memories—Thank you, Mr. Leonard, for sharing this “artifact” from 1953 with us.


Required Reading: Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities.
Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a
Sierra Club release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It
will be a no-go for you. Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Customary appropriate
equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, sun tan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants
recommended. It is always wise to call before coming to a listed activity.
Every Tuesday. Conditioning Hike. 7 PM. 4–5 miles. Corners of Highways 178 & 184. Bksfld. Gordon 661.
872.2432 or Larry 661.873.8107 (KK Chapter)
Mar 5 (sat) Buena Vista Group Breakfast. 8:30 AM. News from the Forests. Ara Marderosian will give
overview of what is happening with Sequoias and more. Meet at the Jungle Cafe at Hill House Best Western. Call
Glenn for more info. 661.832.3382
Mar 5-6 (sat, sun) California-Nevada Conservation Committee Meeting. San Luis Obispo. Cost $35, Late
regist. $45. If you intend to attend any part or all of meeting, fee is the same. Make your reservations via e-mail
( or mail to CNCC Registration/Ives, 112 Harvard PMB 297, Claremont, CA 91711 ON
OR BEFORE MARCH 1 (Tuesday) if at all possible.
Mar 9 (wed) 6:00 PM. Mineral King Evening Social - Brewbaker’s, Main St., Visalia
Mar 19 (sat) Flowers, Flowers, Flowers (Best flower site we can find; details to be announced, max elev. 4000–
5000 ft, 1500–2000 ft elev. gain, 4–8 mi RT) In what promises to be an exceptional flower year, we will find a
good display and hike to that, and maybe bag a peak in the process. We want to see how the pattern develops
before picking the exact location. The hike will be announced a week before via email, or you can call the
numbers below. This will be an easy/moderate hike and a great photo opportunity. Meet 7:30 AM at the
Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at
760.375.8161. (Owens Peak Gp)
Mar 19 (sat) 9 AM, done by 11 AM. Highway Cleanup. Buena Vista Group has the privilege of maintaining the
cleanliness of Hwy. 119 (Taft Hwy) coming east from Buena Vista Road to Gosford road, a distance of about 2
miles. Meet at the midpoint at Old River Road in the parking lot of the Monte Carlo Club. Come and bring your
kids older than 16 only (Hwy danger considerations). Bring water, a sun hat, gloves, sunscreen. We will then head
for Rite-Aide on Panama Lane for ice cream. Call Glenn 661.832.3382.
Mar 18-20 (fri-sun) Cambria Hike on coast: Joanne and David Dudley, Leaders, R.S.V.P. mtnlover@ (Mineral King Gp)
Mar 26 (sat) Piedras Blancas National Recreational Trail, only national trail in the Condor Group area. Two
part hike (you can do only first part and return): First part, 6 miles round trip with approximately 900 feet
elevation gain, to the Upper Reyes campground. Beautiful hike, crossing 2 or 3 creeks with water this year.
Campground located beside Reyes Creek in an attractive cedar grove. Part 2: Continue on to Beartrap
Campground, which involves a steep climb and adds 6 miles. Beauty of the setting makes it worth the effort. Meet
at Tennis Courts,, PMC, 8 AM or MiniMart, Lockwood Valley and Cuddy Rds. 8.20 AM. RSVP to Dale,

661.242.1076 or Ches, 661.242.0423. (Condor Gp)

Mar 28 (mon) 7:30 PM: Indian Wells Valley History Project video, with interviews with long-time residents
and including old-time pictures. Liz Babcock will tell us about the soon to be released video. Maturango Museum,
100 E. Las Flores. For more info call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967. (Owens Pk Gp)
Mar 31 (thur) Kaweah Group. Meeting. Call Pam for latest info. 559.784.4643
April 2 (sat) Buena Vista Group Breakfast. 8:30. Gordon Nipp. The Scoop on Sprawl. Meet at the Jungle Cafe
at Hill House Best Western. Call Glenn for more info. 661.832.3382.
April 2nd (sat) The Trails of Los Padres. Karen McKinley, Mt. Pinos District Recreation. 6 PM, Potluck, PM,
7 PM, Program. Pool Pavilion Room, PMC. Bring dish to share, silverware. More info? Call Ches,
661.242.0423 (Condor Gp)
April 3rd (sun) Kern Kaweah Ex-com. Ungers, 2815 La Cresta Drive, Bksf. 11 AM, lunch. Noon, Mtg.
April 13 (wed) 6 PM. Mineral King Evening Social. Keo Thip Restaurant, Visalia. (Mineral King Gp)
April 16th (sat) 9 AM, done by 11 AM. Highway Cleanup. Buena Vista Group has the privilege of maintaining
the cleanliness of Hwy. 119 (Taft Hwy) coming east from Buena Vista Road to Gosford road, a distance of about
2 miles. Meet at the midpoint at Old River Road in the parking lot of the Monte Carlo Club. Come and bring your
kids older than 16 only (Hwy danger considerations). Bring water, a sun hat, gloves, sunscreen. We will then head
for Rite-Aide on Panama Lane for ice cream. Call Glenn 661.832.3382.
April 16 (sat) Wildflower Hike in Three Rivers. Meet at 8:30 AM at Mary’s Vineyard shopping center near
McDonald’s if you wish to carpool. Call leader to RSVP: Sharon Meckenstock 559.732.8458. (Mineral King Gp.
Yes, it is the same day as the Chapter Banquet, but we will be back in plenty of time to attend! Please call
559.739.8527 or e-mail to carpool from Visalia.)
April 23 (sat) Nelson Range (Galena BM) Nelson Range is N of Lee Flat, which is 18 mi N of Hwy 190 between
Owens Valley and Panamint Valley, elev. 7696 ft, 1500 ft gain, 2 mi RT. This high point of the Nelson Range,
Galena Bench Mark, is located in the middle of many old prospects for the lustrous lead oxide mineral giving it its
name. Outstanding views from the top include Race Track playa, Inyos, Saline Valley, bits of the Sierra, and Mt
Charleston on a clear day. If we have time, we will climb Hunter Mt (elev. 7455 ft, 300 ft gain, 1.5 mi RT), taking
care of a miss from last year. Hunter Mt has even better views than Nelson Range! Climb one or both.
Easy/moderate hike. Meet Sat, Apr 23, at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information,
call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161. (Owens Peak Gp)
April 23 (sat) Yellow Jacket Trail. An OHV trail that leads to several vernal pools and an unnamed stream that
have water this spring. Water means wildflowers, a special treat for this hike, which is approximately nine to ten
miles in length with only 200 to 300 feet elevation change. Wet feet may result from this hike. Meet at Tennis
Courts, PMC, 8 AM, or MiniMart, Lockwood Valley and Cuddy Rds. 8.20 AM. Call Ches, 661. 242.0423.
(Condor Gp)
Apr. 25 (mon) 7:30 PM. Slides of January trip to Patagonia (Chile & Argentina), presented by Steve Smith.
Maturango Museum, 100 E. Las Flores. For more info call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967. (Owens Peak Gp)

Coming Up
CNRCC Desert Committee trips. For a complete listing contact Craig Deutsche 2231 Kelton Ave, Los Angeles,
CA 90064, (310-477-6670). Trips may also be received via e-mail from <>.
May 21,22 (sat,sun) Hetch Hetchy. Details below.
Sept 8 to 11 (thur to sun) Sierra Summit, San Francisco. The Sierra Club will hold its first large-scale
convention. It will bring 3,000 members and activists from all over the country together with top-notch keynote
speakers and entertainers. There will be 60+ educational workshop sessions, an exhibition hall filled with
hundreds of the latest outdoor adventure and “green” ideas, products and technologies, and an opportunity to
showcase the Sierra Club’s work. It will be a time to celebrate accomplishments that show us just how much we
can do together and give us an opportunity to talk together about the Club and its future direction.

Hetch Hetchy—Time for you to help it flow!

Come to a weekend full of informative and fun events relating to the possibility of restoring Hetch Hetchy Valley,
Yosemite’s buried treasure, on May 21 & 22, 2005. On Saturday, May 21, the Sierra Club’s Hetch Hetchy
Restoration Task Force and the independent Restore Hetch Hetchy Board of Directors will meet jointly during the
day at the Evergreen Lodge. Early Saturday evening, there will be a reception at the Evergreen Lodge, with wine,
cheese, and good munchies; our award-winning documentary film, “Hetch Hetchy: Yosemite's Lost Valley;” and
a presentation regarding our Restoration Feasibility Study by the technical/engineering team. Sunday morning,
May 22, a Yosemite National Park Interpretive Ranger will lead a day trip to Hetch Hetchy. Natural history,
spectacular waterfalls (Tueeulala and Wapama), great granite walls, and wildflowers will be on the menu.
Mark your calendars; May 21 & 22, 2005. Make your reservations at the Evergreen Lodge. Discounts to those
who tell the reservation clerks that they are with “Restore Hetch Hetchy.” Contacts: 800.935.6343; FAX:
209.379.2606; e-mail:; website:

And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs.
Gerard Manley Hopkins
In the old film version of “The Grapes of Wrath,” the Joad family, sharecroppers driven from their Oklahoma
farm by drought and the callous indifference of landowners to their plight, come to a river just before their
entrance into California. The men strip to their long johns and immerse themselves in the first water of any
quantity they have seen since the beginning of their desperate journey across the desert. The film is focused upon
the bleakness of the family’s situation. But in the background, in soft contrast to human misery, and clearly
audible to anyone with discerning hearing, are the wistful and delicate calls of killdeer.
Another film involves the decline of a woman into the helplessness of old age. Although “Driving Miss Daisy” is
gently humorous, there are moments of great poignancy and sadness. In one late evening scene, Miss Daisy,
having lost mastery of her life, is left alone for a brief time in the back seat of her automobile on a country road
while her driver, Hoke, disappears into the darkness to relieve himself. In growing panic and with a trembling
voice, she calls his name: “Hoke? Hoke?” Again in the background, in quiet opposition to her mounting terror, are
the calming sounds of tree frogs.
On the eve of the fiery siege of Baghdad, I saw an interview with a family conducted by a courageous reporter.
The desperate father of a diabetic daughter demonstrated his family’s plan to keep her alive when the electricity
they relied upon would be lost, and the medications necessary for her life could no longer be refrigerated. He led
the interviewer to a well in his back garden, and demonstrated how the medications would be lowered in a sealed
jar to the cool water below. Yet even in that grim place, with the poor prospect for his success, the air was alive
with the madcap and merry songs of sparrows.
Arising one morning in late January, well before daylight, I could not shake off thoughts about the growing
tragedy of our national situation and of the world. I was grieving both for humanity and for the natural
environment. I had not been consoled the previous evening by reassurances from historically sophisticated friends
that we have been in such straits before and have gotten past them, and will again. As I see it, even in the worst of
times in human history there have been vast unexploited places in the world of nature from which we could draw
aesthetic solace and resources for physical health. Now those places are rapidly disappearing, as appreciation
gives way to the crush of population and our seemingly inherent ambition for dominance and gain. Then, as I
went out into the dark for the morning paper, I heard, startlingly close, a Great Horned Owl. His was a familiar
voice, but this time I heard it in the form of a question: “Who are you? Who? Who?”
How appropriate it seemed to me on that dark morning to be interrogated by a member of another species, a
citizen of the natural world which my own species is destroying with appalling speed and efficiency. Indeed, who
are we? Will Hopkins’ morning dawn upon an empty world, or will we understand what we must understand
before the last lights off the black West go? The owl’s question must become our question now.
Ann Williams


Last spring members of the Kaweah group visited SCICON (Science Conservation Tulare Ed. Center ) to have the
chance to view the night skies through the new 120-pound Meade 14 depth magnitude telescope. A perfect night
was picked, a night after the full moon and before the new moon. What they saw was incredible: close-ups
(relatively) of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, stars of the Big and Little Dippers, Arcturus, the 4th largest star, and Sirius,
the brightest star. It was a grand event. Notes from Diane Jetter
Many of us who live in the Central Valley know this exceptional place well. A long valley located between two
mountain ranges, the Temblors and Calientes, it is the grassland that many say still looks like the old California of
a hundred or so years ago. It is the place that we go to see Sand-hill Cranes, all types of raptors, antelope and
spectacular displays of wildflowers. An “added attraction” is the fact that one can see the San Andreas Fault
clearly, as trees and other vegetation do not hide evidence of the Fault’s presence and it is the home of threatened
and sensitive species. The area has been described as the Serengeti of California.
The status of this area was raised to National Monument in the waning days of the Clinton Administration. The
agency now responsible for management decisions is the Bureau of Land Management, which is preparing a
revison of a 1996 plan written to carry out the goals for management of the Monument
The central goal in the plan is as follows: “to manage the area so that indigenous species interact within a
dynamic and fully functioning system in perpetuity while maintaining compatible scientific, cultural, social and
recreational activites. . . All authorized livestock grazing shall be managed to foster restoration and enhancement
of plant communities and listed plant and animal species, not to establish federal grazing preferences.”
So the question arises. Is the proposed revised plan of action really capable of achieving the above stated
objective and having that achievement verified by data? This is seriously questioned.
First: the objective states that all native plants are to be protected and encouraged to increase, not just threatened
and endangered species. Has this broader goal been a guiding force in making decisons about grazing leases?
Apparently not. It seems that no data have been collected to determine one way or another how decisions made by
the BLM have affected the natural patterns of change and development of the plants and animals in the
Monument over the last years. In fact, the contents of the data collected have not been revealed, which makes one
wonder if data of any kind were collected in the past It appears that simple tradition has been followed in
granting grazing permits in the area, grants that were given to extend over ten years.
In one of the proposed revisions of the management plan is a tool designated as “free-use” leasing for grazing,
which would seem to be a step in the right direction. This would grant permissions for cows to graze on areas
within the Monument based on biologists’ assessments made each year as to benefits the grazing might have for
the health and increased spread of native species.
However, the decisions of the BLM, if free leasing is included in the final plan, would be based on a simple
Environmental Assessment. What is needed is the far more intensive and detailed review called for in an
Environmental Impact Statement. Basing leases on inadequate environmental information can be as harmful as no
What you can do to help protect this unique area of California is to pick up your pens and write.
The best of the plans offered by the BLM Vegetation Plan is Alternative Three, which includes the free-lease
proposals and the call for the Environmental Impact Statement. It is also supported by California Fish and Game.
Please send a letter of support for this plan to Mike Pool, Calif. State Director, BLM, 2800 Cottage Way, Suite
W-1834, Sacramento, CA 95825. Please do it at once, as time is a running out
Thanks to Peter Knapp and Cal French of the Santa Lucia Chapter for providing the basic information and reviewing the
content of this article. All errors of interpretation are the editor’s.
April 1-3 (fri-sun) Volunteer Service in Carrizo Plains National Monument. In this large, relatively unknown natural
grassland tucked between the Coast Range and the Central Valley, miles of barbed wire from former ranching days need
removal to allow pronghorn antelope and tule elk freer access to the plain. Meet Friday at Selby Campground, remove
barbed wire on Saturday, then hike Caliente Ridge on Sunday. Enjoy spring wildflowers, lush meadows, and abundant birds
and wildlife. Contact Ldr: Melinda Goodwater,, 408.774.1257. (CNCRCC Desert Com)


WHERE: San Emigdio Canyon WHEN: Saturday, March 12th, MEET AT 9:00 AM, at “The Crossing” in San
Emigdio Canyon. We’ll be getting back to Tamarisk Whacking in Pleito Creek.
We provide drinking water, barbecue dinner, and a warm campfire. You must rsvp if you want to partake of the
barbecue!! Call 661.858.1115 or 661.747.0374 to rsvp. Those who wish may camp at The Crossing in San
Emigdio Canyon, and take a morning tour on Sunday. Can’t make it this date? Mark your calendars with these
dates: April 9th, May14th, June 11th.
March Appeal The Roadrunner
The generosity of members of this chapter has always Kern Kaweah Chapter
been outstanding. We thank you for your past Sierra Club
contributions and hope you can continue to help; with Send to: P.O. Box 3357
litigation in many cases being the only way to curb Bakersfield, CA 93385
extreme anti-conservation action, dollars are needed. Return service requested

SPECIAL NOTE From the KRV Hiking Club: The April 23–24
Mount Jenkins 20th anniversary celebration has been cancelled,
due to family obligations for Ruby and Bill Jenkins. The
maintenance hike along the PCT from Walker Pass to
Jenkins/Owens saddle on April 23 at 9:00 is still scheduled. If you
have loppers please bring them to cut brush along the trail. No
other tools will be available this time.”

Roadrunner Contact: Mary Ann Lockhart, Editor 661.242.0432

Yes, I want to join the Sierra Club. Check enclosed.


City State Zip

Check 1:
Intro $25 Sing $39 Joint $47
Senior: (sing) $24 (joint) $32
Send to Sierra Club, PO 52968, Boulder, CO 80322
F94Q W 6000-1


Here is a Mini-List; who knows what else might come along!
Logging in the Sequoia Monument scheduled for Sequoia groves. Oil and gas drilling
permitting is being expanded on Forest lands. Logging is being increased in National
Forests. Moves are being made to weaken controls on air polluting emissions.
No energy conservation is being considered for cars and otherwise. Roadless areas may
not have national protection any longer. Arctic Wildlife Refuge is threatened again.
Clean water regulations to be weakened. CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act)
and Endangered Species Act threatened... on and on and on!
The obstacles are HUGE but we can make a DIFFERENCE!
We do have a chance to stop these damages. Read On!

1. Join Sierra Club California's Legislative Action Network at: .

2. Join the National Sierra Club Action List. Go to Sierra Club Home Page for directions.
3. Join the local Action List. Call Art Unger to sign up 661.323.5569.
4. THEN DO IT! Write an email, write a fax, write a letter, telephone, attend a public meeting,
YOUR VOICE, joined with others,

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