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The Roadrunner

Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — Nov./Dec. 2005


BASICS. Saturday, November 5th—that is the date for that great fall get-together of many from all
around the Chapter. A 6-course Chinese dinner at Bill Lee’s Chinese Chopsticks Restaurant, 1203 18th
Street, in Bakersfield (661.324.9441) will be the culinary highlight of the evening. Dinner will begin at 7
PM. Our lively Social Hour begins at 6 PM, with a no-host cocktail hour. A mere $14.50 reserves your
complete dinner, including tax and tip.
PROGRAM. Allison Sheehy, manager of the newly acquired Audubon Sprague Ranch, will give a
short photo presentation on the geographical and biological significance of the Southern Sierra, one of
the most unique areas in North America. During dinner, “spotlight snapshots” of the conservation efforts
of your Chapter’s members and groups will be featured.
A very special part of the evening will be our celebration of Jim Clark’s 99th (yes, 99TH!!) birthday
on November 20! We will honor Jim with song and a special dessert.
SIGN UP NOW. Reservations are a must, to be received no later than Wednesday, November 2, but
call past that date if you find you can come. There may be openings from canceled reservations.
Questions? Call Georgette Theotig, 661.822.4371, in Tehachapi. Please send a check (no cash, please)
for $14.50 per person, written out to: Kern-Kaweah Chapter, Sierra Club, and mail it to: Georgette
Theotig, PO Box 38, Tehachapi, CA 93581. We are looking forward to seeing you all for this evening of
fellowship and friendship renewed.
PS. Sierra Club calendars and note cards will be available for purchase. A good time to buy holiday


with publication of NOTICE OF PREPARATION (NOP)
Friday, Nov. 4th, final date for input with concerns.
The Notice of Preparation gives everyone opportunity to express their concerns and ask questions that
must be answered in the draft EIR by the proponent of a project.
Mountain Village basic information reveals plans for 3,450 residences as well as 160,000 square feet
of commercial and resort development which would include 750 lodging units at up to 7 locations. Four
golf courses are proposed. This project would be located around Castac Lake (visible from I-5 at the top
of the Tejon Pass) and into the mountains.
Questions already being raised concern wildlife protection (for starters, the site is located in wildlife
corridor areas connecting the Sierras to the Coast, and is near a possible Condor Preserve area); the
effect of water needs on local areas; future costs to taxpayers in order to provide police, fire services; the
wisdom of building on a fault area (two faults run into Castac Lake in the center of the project); and

NOP opportunity lasts until November 4th, 2005. You can write, fax or e-mail your concerns to Kern
County Planning Dept. Here are the addresses: 2700 M Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 / FAX: 805.
862.8601 / E-mail: Add To the attention of Cheryl Casdorf (she is the
planner in charge.) All comments expressed must be answered in the draft EIR (environmental impact
report) for this project. Take up your pens and open up your computers now. Time’s a-wasting!


Basics: On Tuesday, September 20, at the Norris Veterans Hall, the Chapter sponsored a solar
conference for the home builders in Bakersfield, along with local school districts. The conference came
about because of Gordon Nipp’s work in getting the builders to agree to having solar panels on homes as
a means of mitigating air pollution in our valley.
The Chapter, with financial help from one builder, financed the event, thus not charging either the
participants or solar vendors. With over 60 participants in the audience, from builders to architects to
city/county planners, the solar vendors and experts were able to explain the economic and environmental
advantages of providing solar panels on new and existing homes. The vendors were from throughout
California, from the North Bay to Oceanside. As a result of the feedback from the conference, all were
excited about the prospect of setting up an office in Bakersfield, realizing that with over 700 homes
being constructed each month, Bakersfield is a prime market.
Program: The conference began with opening remarks from Mayor Harvey Hall, followed by coun-
cilmen Mike Maggard and Zack Scrivner. Sandy Miller from the California Energy Commission
explained the financial incentive program for home buyers who select solar. For the builders, the
highlight of the conference was a panel discussion led by Castle & Cooke, on how to incorporate solar
into the planning stage of a development. Castle & Cooke will be the first home builder to offer solar as
a standard feature in its next development. The conference concluded in the afternoon with the general
public attending and talking to the vendors. Literature left by the vendors will be placed at the Oildale,
Southwest, and Downtown library branches.
The next step is up to you. If you are in the market for a new home or know of a person who is, you
need to ask the home builder about solar roof tiles, with what vendor have they contracted, etc. All
builders now have the “right” answers. In the world of economics, the solar conference provided the
“supply” portion. You now have to provide the “demand” part of the equation. Bakersfield can now
become a solar community. By Harry


read on


Ever-watchful Sierra Club eyes helped to stop it.
Past: In August we received a copy of a press release from the Forest Service warning the public to
watch out for logging trucks on the Parker Pass road in the Giant Sequoia National Monument. Since the

Proclamation that created the monument, signed April 15 2000, prohibited commercial logging we were
naturally curious about what was going on. Upon investigation we found that logging was starting on the
Saddle Timber Sale which was put under contract in 1998 and was grandfathered in under the
Proclamation. It was expected that the sale would be completed within two years after creation of the
monument according to information provided by the White House at the time. Furthermore, contracts
expire in five years if they are not implemented. We discovered that the Forest Service had extended the
sale contract in 2003 with no public notice.
Present: Our Sierra Club attorneys asked for a temporary injunction, which was granted by United
States District Judge Charles R. Breyer. He agreed with our primary complaint that after several years
the environmental assessment for the project was outdated. Specifically, new information about the
Pacific fisher, which is found only in the southern Sierra in California and is in grave danger of
extirpation, should have been used to update the environmental impacts of the project. Furthermore, the
judge questioned the need to extend the contract just because the market for saw timber was not good,
one of the reasons given by the Forest Service.
Future? The injunction will remain in place until the case comes to trial or the Forest Service offers a
settlement. The Forest Service could appeal the decision, but that is unlikely as time goes by. In the
meantime logging is occurring at a rapid pace in fisher habitat outside the monument, and we are
considering our options in view of the critical status of the fisher. A petition has been filed under the
Endangered Species Act to list the fisher and develop a recovery plan. A decision on listing is expected
within a year.
Thanks. We are especially appreciative of the efforts of Sierra Club attorney Pat Gallagher, who
jumped in on the spur of the moment with no advance warning. Pat is helping us monitor the situation
closely and is ready to do what is necessary as things develop. By Joe Fontaine
Governors of New Mexico, Oregon AND California have joined in a suit against the Federal
Government for attempting to weaken the Clinton ruling by requiring vast amounts of paper work in
order to apply for returning the Roadless Rule to our public lands. The rule would require states to
survey all roadless areas within their borders and devise protection plans, then submit the plans to
Washington for approval, with no guarantee of success.
The U.S. Forest Service this week suspended more than 170 public land projects in Oregon and Wash-
ington, including 13 logging sales, after a judge revoked a Bush administration rule that eliminated
public input on the work. Administration officials issued the rule in 2003 to speed thinning of fire-prone
trees under the Healthy Forest Initiative the president launched in the wake of Oregon’s 2002 Biscuit
fire. They promoted it as a tool to alleviate bureaucratic delays for smaller logging projects.
Environmental activists countered that it would inflame controversy and distrust by short-circuiting the
public’s say.
as reported by Planning And Conservation League... Arnold did a lot of damage but...
AB 1328 will forever protect 31 miles of the Cache Creek River as “Wild and Scenic.” SB 484 will help
us figure out if the makeup we wear is full of cancer-causing chemicals. AB 338 will increase the
amount of recycled tire material we use to build our roads. AB 383 will help more low-income motorists
get financial assistance to repair their cars to pass Smog Check. SB 771 will reduce the amount of filth
that ocean-going ships dump in waters along our coast. AB 841 will deliver much-needed air quality
monitoring equipment to the San Joaquin Valley. All of these are good bills that will in one way or
another make our environment cleaner. But, for the most part, the stuff the Governor signed this year is
pretty modest. A lot of bread, a lot of veggies, but not much beef.


Regarding Prop 73, Sierra Club supports a woman’s right to choose, and to have unfettered access to
family planning services. “Prop 73 is a blow to women’s reproductive freedom, and would be an
unreasonable burden on young women from abusive homes, as well as victims of incest.” Sierra Club
joins the CA Medical Association, CA Nurses Association and Planned Parenthood in opposing this
Regarding Prop 75, the Sierra Club opposes Prop 75, the effort to limit the political activities of labor
unions. “As a grassroots volunteer-driven group, Sierra Club supports the right of membership
organizations to engage in political activities, and opposes Prop 75’s biased attempt to shift power
toward big corporations.”
Proposition 76, the Governor’s proposal to change California’s budget process, is strongly opposed by
the Sierra Club. Prop 76 would allow the Governor to slash budgets for environmental protections under
a variety of fairly common circumstances, without any oversight or involvement by the Legislature. This
new authority could be devastating in the hands of an anti-envirormental Governor.

Chapter Round-up
Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities. Requirements: You must be in condition for
type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a Sierra Club release from liability. You must be
willing to follow leader’s directions. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you. Customary appropriate
equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, sun tan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants
recommended. Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Change of plans may be

BUENA VISTA GROUP. Glenn Shellcross, Chair 661.832.3382 Bakersfield

Tuesdays: Conditioning hikes 7 PM 4-5 miles. Corner of highways 178 & 184. Gordon: 661. 872.2432
or Larry 661.873.8107 (KK Chapter)
Meetings will be held on the first Saturday of November and December at Jungle Cafe (700 Truxtun)
8:30 AM. Program announcements not available at this time, but you can be sure there will be
interesting speakers. Breakfast will cost you $5.00
Quick Notes on recycling meeting reported by Donnell Lester of Buena-Vista Group. The
speaker was Chuck Magee of Kern County Waste management, Recycling Division. Useful information
included the following:
1. Reduce waste, then reuse materials before recycling.
2. Don’t know what to do with certain materials that aren’t paper, plastic or glass? The answer was a
real eye opener; look it up in your SBC phone book.
3. Recycling depends on the ability to separate like materials, meaning that brown bin trash is not
recyclable. So take the time to sort and take recyclables to recycling centers if there is no pick-up in your
neighborhood. See full article on the Kern Kaweah Chapter web page under Roadrunner.
See p. 7 for further Buena Vista group info.
CONDOR GROUP: Ches Arthur, Chair. 661.242.0432 Pine Mountain Club
Nov 26 (sat) Final 2005 Hike: Thorn Peak. Beautiful drive down Lockwood Valley Road to Grade
Valley Road to Thorn Meadow. Leaving from Thorn Campground, we will climb 3 plus miles to an old
Forest Service Fire Watchtower. Spectacular views on all sides going up, super spectacular view if we
luck out with a perfectly clear day. Then you can see the Pacific Ocean. Bring lunch and water. Meet 8

AM, tennis courts, PMC or arrange for later pick-up at Lockwood/Cuddy Valley roads. Call Dale, 661.
242.1076 or Ches, 661.242.0423.
Dec 3 (sat) Holiday Party. 6 PM. Pool Pavilion Room, PMC Clubhouse. Please bring a dish to share
AND here we go again. Bring a white elephant (something that is nice but really doesn’t fit in with your
decor or you have two of or—well, you know what we mean!) Wrap it up (more fun when you disguise
what it is!) and we will take it from there. By the way, you don’t need your table service. Just come
ready for the good times that are part of the season!
Everyone is BUSY. Water extraction project has now been assigned to a judge. Response to NOP for
Mountain Village is being prepared. Local water diversion project is being mediated. Four Forests Plan
being analyzed further. Tejon Industrial Complex comes back for consideration.
KAWEAH GROUP: Pam, 559.784.4643 or Diane 559.781.8897 Porterville
Holiday Party is on the calendar for Saturday, Dec. 19th. Boyd and Mary Leavitt will be hosting the
potluck in their home. Call 559.784.2783 for directions. Please bring a dish to share with everyone—and
be prepared for a merry time.
MINERAL KING GROUP Kim Loeb, Chair, 559.798.1764 Visalia
Insert sierra club + mineral king group in your search engine for more info
Nov 19 (wed) 6 PM - Dinner Social at Pita Kabob restaurant, in Kohl's shopping center (Mooney Blvd.,
across from Visalia Mall). To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or
Nov 28 (mon) 6 PM dinner, 7 PM meeting - Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square
Restaurant, 3301 S. Mooney Blvd. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or

OWENS PEAK GROUP, Dennis Burge, Chair, 760.375.7967 Ridgecrest

Nov 19 (sat) CLOVER MEADOW FROM KENNEDY MEADOW (Next meadow N of Kennedy Mdw
on the PCT, 7150 ft, 1000 ft gain, 9.5 mi RT) We will follow the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) N from
Kennedy Mdw as far as Clover Mdw, just E of Crag Pk. The trail takes a gorgeous route along the S
Fork of the Kern, switching sides at a handy footbridge. A couple of knobs along the way may tempt the
peakbaggers, and hiking to the far N end of Clover to the Beck/Clover saddle would close with a hike
we did Oct 2000 when we climbed Deer Mtn from Monache Mdw. This will be a hike anyone can
enjoy! Easy/Moderate due to distance. Meet Sat, Nov. 19 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking
lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161.
Nov 28 (mon) SURPRISE CANYON. BLM Program. 7:30 PM. Maturango Museum. No Dec program.
Dec 10 (sat) DESCENT OF TOP OF NINE MILE CANYON (6190 ft at top, 1600 ft loss, 500 ft gain
back to road, 2.5 mi). This hike, requiring a short car shuttle, will explore the bottom of Nile Mile
Canyon from the top at the Inyo, Tulare Co line 2.5 mi down the steepest, ruggedest part of the canyon.
The route is littered with artifacts from the building of the road and from the use of the road for access to
the Kern Plateau. A veritable historical record is found down there from the early days of building the
road through its use as a logging road to huge items from the most recent widening of the top end. Easy,
but brushy, cross country hike. Meet Sat, Dec 10 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. Call
as above.

REPORT: Meeting of the RCC in San Luis Obispo

Saturday/Sunday, September 24-25
Grassroots. Delegates from all the California chapters and the Nevada chapter meet twice a year in
San Luis Obispo to learn about conservation issues affecting the states and to vote on resolutions
brought forth by chapters. The meeting is a prime example of “grassroots,” that is, the membership of
the Club gives guidance and direction to the staff, regional/state office, and national club on California
conservation issues, from coastal to desert.
The Kern-Kaweah Chapter had two delegates at the meeting, Ara Maderosian and myself, with
Arthur and Lorraine Unger being delegates-at-large. On Saturday morning, workshops convened on
topical issues. I attended one on energy, chaired by Ken Smokaska, our advisor for our solar conference.
Renewable energy choices and re-permitting nuclear power plants were the topics and thus became
discussion issues at the regular meeting.
Highlight. The highlight of the meeting is always the report from the Sacramento office on the on-
going legislation and the political outlook in the state. Bill Alayaud, our senior lobbyist in Sacramento,
painted a picture of both hope and despair, realizing that with an election in November and two in 2006,
environmental issues are election topics and become “political footballs.” Sierra Club California, of
which the RCC is the membership portion, voted to endorse Bill Lockyear (currently attorney general)
for state treasurer and Jack O’Connell for superintendent of public instruction. Both have been primary
supporters of the Club’s ideals in Sacramento.
Sequoia and more. Joe Fontaine of our chapter and a member of the Sequoia Task Force spoke
about the legal successes in stopping timber sales in the Giant Sequoia National Monument. Other topics
of discussion and information at the meeting were Yosemite National Park, OHV legislation, cooling
practices by coastal power plants, and farming practices that protect rivers and fisheries. I explained our
successful solar conference of September 20, with two delegates interested in duplicating it in their
Kudos to Lorraine Unger for her election as secretary to the southern section of the RCC, which
represents the chapters from Kern-Kaweah south in the state. She won by an overwhelming majority.
Join in. Your role in this “grassroots” event is easy and important. Contact Ara, Lorraine, Arthur, or

me about a topic that interests you and you believe important for the statewide Sierra Club California
discussion. It can be one to take action on or just for information. As delegates, we really represent you,
your ideas, your concerns, and, of course, your frustrations. By Harry Love.

“For my part, it has always seemed a good rule never to support or advocate any moral
act that I would not be prepared to witness in person.” Matthew Scully
A major surprise recently was an essay by conservative columnist George Will, published in
Newsweek and based upon an article in Pat Buchanan’s magazine The American Conservative: “Fear
Factories: The Case for Compassionate Conservatism—for Animals,” by Matthew Scully. Will warns
us that to read the article, or Scully’s book “Dominion,” will threaten our peace of mind. I have just
finished the book, and he is right: it was an ordeal. As a lifelong liberal, it has humbled me to discover
that what, from a safe distance, I have long assumed to be morally repugnant and profoundly wrong, has
been publicly exposed by the courageous personal witness of a man who is politically conservative.
Scully’s concern for animal welfare and human morality takes him from factory farming to the
decimation of species by the abuses of trophy hunters, both in this country and elsewhere. He has a full
chapter on Safari Club International, including his attendance of their convention in Nevada where he
listened to the raptures of trophy hunters who put out bait to lure such species as elephants and lions, or
who hunt in fenced preserves where animals are imported and released for easy shooting.
He pays tribute to the game food hunters and fishermen who hold these kinds of abuse in absolute
contempt. Though he has been a vegetarian for twenty-five years, he does not judge against swift and
merciful killing for food, or the consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products from humanely raised
animals and poultry.
Because of Scully’s influence, I have looked further into the question of factory farming, where I
have learned much more than I thought there was to know about the corporate attack upon family farms
in this country and all over the world. I have also been led to the question of world hunger, and to the
debunking of commonly believed myths about the practice of vegetarianism. Because I believe these
subjects are entirely compatible with concern for the natural environment, I will devote at least one more
Midgebuzzings article to them.
In the meantime, I have a practical suggestion for those people who have problems of conscience, not
to mention health, in the eating of corporation-marketed meat, poultry and dairy products. Because I
now have satellite television, I have access to stations which are free of corporate influence. From them
I have become acquainted with the lively and growing family farm movement in this country. From The
National Family Farm Coalition, The Community Alliance for Family Farms, and The Leopold Center
of Ames, Iowa, I have some websites that should be of interest to readers of The Roadrunner. For now,
try There you can type in your zip code and learn of markets in your community
that carry meat, dairy products and eggs raised humanely on family farms.
I was pleased to see the Diestel Family Turkey Ranch recommended. On visits to the California
Motherlode country, I have passed that farm often, and witnessed fields of free-ranging birds. They are
the best I have ever tasted.
Family farmed products are somewhat more expensive, but for people who can afford nice homes and
recreational adventures, surely the price difference is not too great.
Happy Thanksgiving!. By Ann


Wind Wolves, the wonderful privately held preserve at the northern foot of the Grapevine, has a
monthly work day which can involve anything from whacking tamarisk to planting oak seedlings. You
can join in the projects simply by calling and telling them you are coming. Your reward: the great
feeling that you are doing something to help our natural planet AND you have the opportunity to enjoy
the natural beauties that you find on Wind Wolves. Call now to get further information, 661.858.1115 or
661.747.0374. Your first opportunity to join in is Saturday November 12.

Election of Ex-Com Members Coming Up.

Ches Arthur, Pine Mountain Club. Incumbent. Chair of Condor Group, Co-Chair of hikes, active in
local politics, including chairmanship of PMC Finance Committee.
Stephen A. Montgomery Bakersfield. Former Roadrunner editor. Participated in chapter advocacy,
received Susan Miller Award, worked on Bakersfield General Plan, now working on recycling plan.
Advocate of sound urban planning, opposes dumb sprawl and consumption of farm land.
Georgette Theotig. served on Ex-com for 17 years, during which time gained experience as Secretary,
Vice-Chair, and Chair. Actively involved in protection of local public lands and wind farms issues.
Committed to being an active environmentalist.
Arthur Unger. Arthur’s statement: The excom has good attendance and is operating well. Although it is
a privilege to participate, new members may bring new ideas and be more in touch with younger
members than I am.

Sincere thanks, Nominating Committee, for all your efforts: Margie Bell, Bugs Fontaine, Monty Harper,

Ballot for
2006 Chapter Ex-Com

Buena Vista Group requests your help

Call for officers. If you reside in Bakersfield area codes 93301,-04 to -09, and -11 to -13, please
respond to the call for nominations for 2006. Send this form to Glenn Shellcross, 5001 Surrey Lane,
Bakersfield, CA 93309-4744 no later than 11/30/05. (great opportunity to volunteer yourself—get
I nominate for:
Chair: ________________________________ Vice (Program) Chair ______________________
Secretary ______________________________ Treasurer: ______________________________

Membership: ___________________________ Outings and Activities __________________ __

Quality of Life Issues ____________________ Publicity________________________

Member name:______________________ telephone number _____________________

care of.
The Kern Kaweah Chapter Ex-com
Yes, I want to join the Sierra Club. Check
Next ex-com mtg: Saturday, Dec 3rd. Verify
announced date with Chair for time and place of
Lorraine Unger, Chair, 661.323.5569; Harry
City State Zip
Love, Vice-chair; Ara Marderosian, Secretary.
Check 1:
Marisa Albridge, Ches Arthur, Richard Garcia,
Intro $25 Sing $39 Joint $47 Send
Mary Ann Lockhart, Gordon Nipp, Arthur Unger.
to Sierra Club, PO 52968, Boulder, CO 80322
(Janet Wood, Treas.)
F94Q W 6000-1
Want to contact Roadrunner?
An Equally Good Gift Idea:
Mary Ann Lockhart 661.242.0432
Want to change your address for Sierra Club pub- just 10 dollars each.
lications? Call 415.977.5653 and listen to menu. Call Georgette Theotig, 661.324.9411 or
We are not able to do it locally. Good luck! Mary Ann Lockhart, 661.242.0432, to make
Want to be sure that listed events are really going arrangements for purchase.
to happen? Call and check with numbers listed.
Send to PO Box 3357
Bakersfield, CA 93385

Happy Holiday
Wishes to
A very nice holiday gift to give?
Yes indeed!
Giving loved ones and good friends a Sierra
Club membership is a fine way to let them
know you care about them—and the
environment. Just fill in the form below with
the name and address of the person you
wish to honor with a membership, enclose a
check, mail it, and your gift-giving is taken

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