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Republic of the Philippines


Sta. Mesa, Manila

First Regular Session

HOUSE BILL NO. ________

Introduced by HON. JUAN DELA CRUZ

AN ACT…. (Long Title)

(Overview of the bill. What are the goals, how will it be achieved)?
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila

First Regular Session

HOUSE BILL NO. ________

Introduced by HON. JUAN DELA CRUZ

AN ACT……. (Long Title)

Be it enacted by the House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

(Enactment Clause)


SECTION 1. Short Title. – (Short Title of the bill)

SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. – (Public policy behind the measure. May serve to help the
reader in interpreting the enactment where there is pervasive uncertainty in its specific directions,
authorizations and prohibitions. It may also serve as a guide to the administrator who is given by
the Act wide discretion in applying it to concrete cases).
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. – (It is entirely competent for Congress to provide its own
definition of a word in a bill which it enacts. When it does so, that statutory definition must
necessarily control. New terms must be uniformly used in the body).

The body (substance and controlling provisions - - the heart of the bill) *
 Subordinate principles; legal and procedural provisions broken down according to
subjects (amendments, new and suppletory provisions)
 Administrative provisions (e.g. powers and duties of implementing body/concerned
official, creation of new agencies and officials, is any, salaries, allowances, expenses,
tenure, reports)


Penal provisions (if any) *

 Penal laws shall have no retrospective effect unless advantageous or favorable to the
accused or convict
 Ex post facto law prohibited by the Constitution
 Punitive vs. restorative justice (in lieu of penalties, it might be advisable in some
instances to put incentives to encourage compliance to the law).

Exceptions, provisos and saving clauses*

 As a rule, these terms save rights rather than create them. Their objective is the
exclusion of a class from the general operation of the Act
 Exceptions are used to except something absolutely from the operation of a
 A proviso is another way of saying “but.” It is intended to restrict what precedes
it. It takes a special case or class of cases out of the operation of the body of the
section in which it is found
 Saving clause is more comprehensive as it keeps the law from any operation on a
particular subject.


SECTION __. Appropriations. – (If an appropriation is needed to carry out the purpose of the
bill, a section on the matter should be placed following the administrative provisions or the
saving clauses if there is one, and immediately preceding such formal provisions as liberal
interpretation and severability clause).


SECTION __. Separability Clause. – (A severability clause is a legislative declaration that is

any section or provision of the Act is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect the validity of
the other Sections or provisions thereof).
SECTION __. Repealing Clause. – (A repeal section is not essential to the validity of a new act, but
it serves at least three purposes:
– to make it easier to keep the law simple in form;
– to avoid uncertainty as to how the old law is replaced; and
– to preclude judicial legislation
If the proposed amendments to a law is so extensive, it would
be advisable to repeal the entire law and use a special law format).

SECTION __. Effectivity. – (In the absence of a special provision as to the effectivity of the
law, Section 11 of the Revised Administrative Code provides that a law shall take effect at the
beginning of the 15th day after the completion of the publication of statute in Official Gazette, the
date of issue being excluded).

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