Human Development Foundation: Kainat Arif Malik

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Kainat Arif Malik

[Company address]
Human Development Foundation

1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Background and Context..............................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the Study.................................................................................................................3
1.4 Literature Review.........................................................................................................................3
2. Situational & SWOT Analysis of Human Development Foundation.....................................................4
3. Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................5
3.1 Finding & Recommendation........................................................................................................6
4. References...........................................................................................................................................7

Human Development Foundation

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

The human development foundation North America (HDFNA) was organized by a group

of visionary Pakistani expatriates in 1997, with its headquarters in Chicago, USA. HDFNA’s

sister organization, human development foundation (HDF) Pakistan was created in 1999. The

goal of HDF is to develop sustainable community development models, to transform lives

through holistic approach of integrated programs. HDF works with it partner communities to help

them achieve the millennium development goals (MDGs). HDF has the vision to establish the

tradition of philanthropy and volunteerism among the communities wherever they may be.

Ultimately, HDF imagine is a regional network that aims to strengthen and illuminate deprived

communities worldwide. HDF holds the dream of stable, inclusive, vibrant communities that are

ready to face the challenges of the Millennium Development. These practices are only feasible by

sponsorship from the society. HDF uses the concept of collective leadership to accomplish these

goals and shares roles that enable volunteers to be leaders in their own field of operation. Acting

as a catalyst, HDF works with the people, providing them with resources to handle their own

affairs and implementing an integrated community development plan that involves community

engagement and the development of social capital, literacy and education, health and wellness,

economic growth and sustainable environmental initiatives.

1.2 Background and Context

Rural development progress depends on the rural people's active involvement and

enthusiastic co-operation by self-help organizations and volunteer agencies. In recent years,

volunteer agencies have acquired greater importance and importance than before because the

administration was unable to reach people, especially the poor and weaker sections. They were

Human Development Foundation

able to make their presence known from the local to the national stage, and now even globally.

Many of them have pioneered research in areas that have been neglected by the late national

development planning process, tremendous progress in programs such as immunization has been

achieved around the world, eradicating analphabetism; empowerment of the weak and the

underprivileged, creating self-managed institutions of the poor etc. There is a symbiotic

connection between process of social mobilization and process of growth. The real progress lies

in the social mobilization. It gives impetus to the required changes which must take place before

growth, whether it is social, political or economic. In order to define, resolve and solve a common

issue, social mobilization is the process of discussion, negotiation and consensus building for

action by individuals, groups and organizations etc. It can be a successful strategy to build the

kind of positive atmosphere that is required to create sustainable behavioral change that will bring

resilience and self-reliance to community engagement.

1.3 Objective of the Study

The research was carried on HDF with the objectives to study its work environment and its main

activates as follows.

1. To research the work environment of NGO.

2. To learn how an NGO actually executes its strategy and activities in field.

1.4 Literature Review

Reviewing the literature is important for identifying the relevant research methodology and specifying
the correct analytical framework for the study in hand. Gurumoorthy claims empowering women leads to
social growth. Economic growth may be achieved by social change in any country whether developed or
underdeveloped. The Self Help Organization pays rural women micro credit in order to make them
entrepreneurial women and inspire them to participate in entrepreneurial activities. Efficient social
mobilization strategies found for service delivery in Pakistan's urban contexts, according to Haqet. It was
found that while there is a variety of material that uses the word social mobilization and also focuses on

Human Development Foundation

Pakistan, much of this material does not apply to service delivery social mobilization. According to
Haqet, successful social mobilization strategies were established for providing services in Pakistan's
urban contexts. It was found that while there is a variety of material that uses the word social mobilization
and even focuses on Pakistan, much of this material is not relevant to service delivery social mobilization.

2. Situational & SWOT Analysis of Human Development


Situation analysis is crucial in order to facilitate the process of planning in a systematic, strategic,

integrated and coordinated manner. Situation analysis is ongoing process

The Foundation for Human Development (HDF) has been battling extreme poverty and

inequality through an innovative holistic development paradigm based on sustainable change. The core

stone of HDF activities is its dedication to engaging directly with communities through the system of

social mobilization. Through this initiative, HDF facilitated the creation of organizations of democratic

society that enable individuals to have a say in the decisions that concern them. The programmed work

areas are education, health care, economic development, physical community infrastructure and social

capital. From 1999. At village level a VDO has the representatives of all the village classes, castes,

segments, and areas. It is the village's fair and accountable body together with its subcommittees, making

continuous efforts in coordination with all the stakeholders to effectively pursue the growth initiatives.

The activities of the NGOs often lack a proper legal basis, including
- Registration problems;
- Government limitations and controls
- Lack of clear legislation concerning NGOs and NGO networks.

Lack of government official’s information with respect to NGOs and their activities. Small

participation of the NGOs in planning and policy making. Lack of proper distribution to the NGOs of

information concerning environmental issues, in particular international environmental agreements.

Human Development Foundation

The SWOT analysis is a highly powerful method for all businesses like NGOs to understand and

take decisions. SWOT is an acronym for Powers, Vulnerabilities, Chances and Risks. The method can be

used in business planning, strategic planning, evaluation of competition, marketing, product development

and more.


 High demand for services.

 One major donor.


 Lack of community awareness.

 Under developed board of trustees.


 Public service contracts soon to be put out to tender.

 Developing links with the business community.


 Other more similar well established NGOs with kind of similar services.

 Limited financial reserves.

3. Conclusion

This term research was carried out with the intention of researching the working environment of

development organizations and HDF activities. The HDF began its program of social mobilization in six

union councils i.e. Chamtar, Khazana Dheri, Manga, Maho Dheri and Mohabad Abad of the district since

1999. The program aims at empowering the community at the gross root level or at building knowledge

Human Development Foundation

within the local population, local organization and local leadership to recognize their problems and

propose solutions to the problems. Social mobilization needs complete community support with active

participation of local agencies, community members and people working collaboratively toward common

goal. The Social Mobilization's objective is to build social capital and train the communities to pursue

sustainability initiatives. The technique employed by HDF for social mobilization is Participatory Rural

Approach (PRA). The goal of this approach is to integrate rural people's views, expertise and opinions

into the planning and management of development projects and programmes. The Social Mobilization

Team makes the Rural Development Organizations (VDOs) in the rural through this method.

3.1 Finding & Recommendation

The report's findings concluded that since 1999, HDF has been operating through its multiple system

in Pakistan. The way these services operate in such a way is a leading path to community growth. It helps

to organize and mobilize the communities to enhance their capacities. It encourages involvement of

citizens in the planning process and sensitizes them to make concerted efforts to influence the system

through the structure of its VDOs and subcommittees. By involving the populations in program

initiatives, HDF works hard to achieve program objectives. The system has been running in Pakistan for a

long time, but due to some constraints found, it did not achieve adequate performance. The constraints

were; insufficient male and female staff, language barrier and community perceptions about tangible


On the basis of the conducted research, the following recommendations are enlisted\

 The recruiting of competent and trained personnel is important for the smooth running of the
achievement of the project on the ground.

 There needs to be a proper training arrangement and various seminars to improve the skills of
employees for the successful development goal implementation process.

Human Development Foundation

 Field visits with respect to community members must be scheduled at appropriate locations and


4. References

Hussain H (2012) The Role of Agha Khan Support Programme in agricultural and livestock production in
District Diamer, A case study of three selected villages in Tehsil Astore, Institute of Development
Studies, KPK Agricultural University Peshawar Pakistan.

Israr, Ahmad (2009) Village organization activities for rural development in North West Pakistan. Sarhad
J Agric 25(4): 641-648.

Zulfiqar AK (2011) The Role of Agha Khan Support Programme in human resource development in
Northern Areas; A case study of three selected villages in sub division of Hunza, Gilgit (Hons.)
Thesis Institute Development Studies, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan
Haq Z, Khan W, Rizwan S (2013) Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for tuberculosis
control in Pakistan: A qualitative case study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 17(3): 394-399.


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