Use of Tenses: Talking About The Present Talking About The Past

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Use of tenses

Talking about the present Talking about the past

Use of tenses
The present progressive is used: The past simple is used:
m to talk about an action that is happening m to talk about an action that took place
now, or about a temporary situation: in the past:
j We’re just having breakfast. j He got up, paid the bill and left.
j What are you reading? j I didn’t read the letter, I just gave it to Lee.
j She’s not listening to me. j What did you say?
j They’re spending a year in Spain.
N Often a specific time in the past is
m to talk about something that is not yet mentioned:
finished, even if you are not doing it at the j Did you speak to Amy yesterday?
moment when you are talking:
m to talk about a state that continued for some
j I’m learning Italian.
time, but that is now finished:
j She’s writing a novel.
j I went to school in Scotland.
m with always, to talk about something that j Did she really work there for ten years?
happens often, and that you find annoying:
m to talk about actions that happened regularly
j He’s always asking silly questions.
in the past:
j They’re always coming round here to borrow
j I often played tennis with her.
She always won.
N Some verbs are not used in the j They never went to the cinema when
progressive tenses, for example need, want, they lived in the country.
know, agree, seem, appear, understand,
smell, hear, etc. These verbs refer to a state, The present perfect is used:
not an action. m to talk about something that happened during
j I need some new shoes. a period of time that is not yet finished:
j He wants to go home. j The train has been late three times this week.
j Do you know Tania Smith? j He still hasn’t visited her.
j They love Japanese food.
m when the time in the past is not mentioned,
j She hates her job.
or is not important:
N Other verbs are used in the present j He’s written a book.
progressive when they refer to an action, and j We’ve bought a new computer.
the present simple when they refer to a state:
m when the action finished in the past,
j He’s tasting the soup.
but the effect is still felt in the present:
j The soup tastes salty.
j He’s lost his calculator (and he still hasn’t
j She’s being difficult again.
found it).
j She’s a difficult child.
j What are you thinking about? m with for and since to show the duration
j Do you think I should leave? of an action or state up until the present:
j I have worked here since 1998.
The present simple is used: j She hasn’t bought any new clothes for years.
m to talk about a permanent situation or
m in British English, with just, ever,
something that is always true:
already and yet:
j He lives in Spain.
j I’ve just arrived.
j Does he work in a factory?
j Have you ever been here before?
j Insects have six legs.
j He’s already packed his suitcases.
j What temperature does water boil at?
j Haven’t you finished yet?
m to talk about things that happen regularly:
N In informal American English the past
j She leaves for school at 8 o’clock.
simple can be used with just, already and yet:
j We don’t often go out for a meal.
j He already packed his suitcases.
j What time do you catch the bus?
j Didn’t you finish yet?
The present perfect progressive is used: m for requests, promises and offers:
m with for and since to talk about an activity that j Will you buy some bread on your way home?

started in the past and is still happening: j We’ll be back early, don’t worry.

j I’ve been working since eight o’clock. j I’ll help you with your homework.

j He’s been learning English for several years. However, other tenses and expressions
Use of tenses

m to talk about an activity that has finished, are also used to express a ‘future’ idea.
but whose results are visible now:
The present progressive is used:
j My hands are dirty because I’ve been
gardening. m to talk about future plans where the time is
The past progressive is used: j He’s flying to Japan in August.

m to talk about an action that was in progress j What are you doing this evening?

at a particular time in the past: j I’m not starting my new job till next Monday.

j What were you doing in the summer of 1999?

Be going to with the infinitive is used:
j Was it raining when you left home?
m to talk about what you intend
m to talk about something that was already in
to do in the future:
progress when something else happened.
j I’m going to phone Michael tonight.
(You use the past simple for the action that
j What are you going to do when you
interrupts it):
leave school?
j The doorbell rang while they were having
breakfast. About to with the infinitive is used:
N As with the present progressive, m to talk about the very near future:
this tense cannot be used with ‘state’ verbs: j Go and ask him quickly.
j The fresh bread smelled wonderful He’s about to go out.
(not was smelling).
The present simple is used:
The past perfect is used:
m to refer to a future time after when,
m to talk about something that happened as soon as, before, until, etc.:
before another action in the past: j Ring me as soon as you hear any news.
j I had already met Ed before he came to Bath. j I’ll look after Jo until you get back.
j When I got to the station, the train had left. j You’ll recognize the street when you see it.

The past perfect progressive is used: m to talk about future plans where something
m with for or since to talk about an activity that has been officially arranged, for example
started at a time further back in the past than on a timetable or programme:
j We leave Palma at 10 and arrive in
something else:
j She hadn’t been living there very long when
Luton at 12.30.
j School starts on 9 September.
she met Mark.
m to talk about an activity that had a result The future progressive is used:
in the past: m to talk about actions that will continue
j My hands were dirty because I had been
for a period of time in the future:
gardening. j I’ll be waiting near the ticket office.
I’ll be wearing a green hat.
Talking about the future j This time next week you’ll be relaxing
in the sun!
There are several ways of talking about the future.
m to ask somebody about their plans or
The future simple intentions:
(will with the infinitive) is used: j How many nights will you be staying?
m to talk about a decision that you make as you j Will you be flying back or going by train?
are speaking:
j ‘It’s cold in here.’ ‘OK, I’ll close the window.’ The future perfect or
j I’ll have the salad, please. the future perfect progressive is used:
m to talk about what you know or think will m to talk about the duration of something that
happen in the future (but not about your own you will be looking back on at a particular time
intentions or plans): in the future:
j Her mother will be ninety next week. j They’ll have lived here for four years in May.

j Will he pass the exam, do you think? j She’ll have been working here for a year

j This job won’t take long. in October.

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