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Phrases d'argument pour les discussions

1. Je suis du même avis (I am of the same opinion)

Think of this as a tried-and-true way of formally saying, “Yeah, dude. Totally.”

Je suis du même avis, l’échauffement climatique est un problème. (I am of the same opinion,
global warming is a problem.)

2. Nous sommes convenu que (We have established that)

This sentence builder, which contains the passé composé (perfect past), is appropriate to use
as a way of making sure that everyone is on the same page regarding the conversation so far
before proceeding.
Nous sommes convenu que recycler est une nécéssité. (We have agreed that recycling is a

3. Oui, je dois bien le reconnaître (Yes, I must agree)

Here, the pronoun le can refer to votre avis (your opinion) or votre point de vue (your point
of view). This is a good phrase to use as a concession.
— La terre n’est pas une ressource inépuisable. (Earth is not an endless resource.)
— Oui, je dois bien le reconnaître. (Yes, I must agree.)
4. Être [fermement] opposé à (to be [firmly] opposed to)

Since you can’t say “No, that’s stupid” in a formal setting, this sentence builder is useful for
those situations when someone says something that makes your ears bleed.

Je suis fermement opposé à l’augmentation des impôts. (I am firmly opposed to the

increasing of taxes.)

5. Se prononcer contre (literally translates to “to pronounce oneself against” and means “to
be against”)

In a similar vein, this is another useful phrase to use when you feel your blood pressure
beginning to rise. Also, pronominal verbs feel fancy.

Je me prononce contre le référendum. (I am against the referendum.)

6. Il est illusoire de s’imaginer que (It is fanciful/ridiculous to believe that)

Think of this as a more formal way of saying, tu rêves ! (This literally translates to “you’re
dreaming!” and means “in your dreams!”)
Il est illusoire de s’imaginer que le gouvernement va baisser les impôts. (It is ridiculous to
believe that the government will lower taxes.)

7. Ce serait une erreur de croire que (It would be an error to believe that)

Ah, the good ol’ conditional! This is a great phrase to use when you want to convey the
negative consequences of your interlocutor’s point of view.

Ce serait une erreur de croire que les choses vont changer avec un nouveau gouvernement. (It
would be an error to think that things will change with a new government.)

8. Rien ne sert de (There is no point in)

Rien ne sert de voter dans la prochaine éléction. (There is no point in voting in the next

9. Sans vouloir vous contredire (literally translates to “without wanting to contradict you”

but is understood to mean “I don’t want to contradict but”)

While the previous phrases could be interpreted as a bit blunt, this sentence builder is a way
of more delicately expressing your opinion, with your point of disagreement expressed in a
second clause.

Sans vouloir vous contredire, les impôts augmentent chaque année. (I don’t want to
contradict you, but taxes increase every year.)
Avoiding Expressing an Opinion
10. Il m’est impossible de donner un avis [définitif] sur (I can’t give a [definite] opinion

Talk about avoidance! This is a great phrase to keep in your pocket when you feel like it
would be best to keep your opinion to yourself.

Il m’est impossible de donner un avis [définitif] sur la crise economique. (I can’t give a
[definite] opinion on the economic crisis.)

11. Je n’ai jamais vraiment réfléchi à (I have never really thought about)

Sometimes a situation calls for a little white lie.

Je n’ai jamais vraiment réléchi à la dette nationale. (I have never really thought about the
national debt.)

12. Je n’ai pas d’opinion bien précise sur (literally translates to “I don’t have a very precise
opinion about” but is understood to mean “I don’t have strong feelings about”)
Je n’ai pas d’opinion bien précise sur son mandat. (I don’t have strong feelings about his
Argument Phrases for Casual (and Polite) Debates

When you’re sitting around a dinner table with people you know (maybe even love!), things
don’t have to be so serious. The formalities can be dropped and offering one’s opinion is
often just as good as citing established facts. Still, it’s usually best to keep things friendly
(even if you’re convinced your opinion is more legitimate!).

Offering an Opinion
13. Selon moi (literally “according to me” but is understood to mean “in my opinion”)
Selon moi, habiter en ville présente des opportunités aussi bien que des inconvénients. (In my
opinion, living in the city offers advantages as well as disadvantages.)

14. À mon avis (In my opinion)

A mon avis, les tickets de métro coûtent trop cher. (In my opinion, the metro tickets are too

15. Personellement (Personally)
Personellement, je trouve son comportement immoral. (Personally, I find his behavior

16. Je ne peux pas m’empêcher de penser que (literally translates to “I cannot prevent

myself from thinking that” but is understood to mean “I can’t help but think that”)
Je ne peux pas m’empêcher de penser que ses propos ne sont pas sincères. (I can’t help but
think that his words are not sincere.)

17. En ce qui me concerne (As far as I’m concerned)

En ce qui me concerne Marielle est malhonnête. (As far as I’m concerned Marielle is

18. Je suis totalement d’accord (I completely agree)
Je suis totalement d’accord ; l’économie entre en récession. (I completely agree; the economy
is going into a recession.)
19. Sans doute (Probably)
Tu as sans doute raison. (You are probably right.)
20. À cent pourcent (literally translates to “at 100 percent” but is understood to mean “I
agree 100 percent”)
Je suis d’accord à cent pourcent. (I agree 100 percent.)
21. Ça sert à rien de (It’s useless to)
Ça sert à rien de manger les produits biologiques. (It’s useless to eat organic products.)

22. Ne t’énerve pas mais (Don’t get upset but)

Ne t’enerve pas mais ton point de vue est illogique. (Don’t get upset but your point of view is

23. J’espère que tu ne le prendras pas mal si je (I hope you won’t take it badly if)
J’espère que tu ne le prendras pas mal si je ne suis pas d’accord. (I hope you won’t take it
badly if I disagree.)

24. Je suis contre (I am against)

Je suis contre le référendum. (I am against the referendum.)

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