Tugas Writing Muhamad Faisal Arrozi 019141027

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Paragraph 1 : Opening sentences : dance is a symbols of abstract motion that is difficult to be

understood but its beauty can still be felt in the form of expression of all feelings
Introduction of anger, dissapointment, fear, pleasure,that appear in changes arrising from the
movements of limbs.

Thesis Sentences : dance is a gesture that is rhytmiclly in tune with the music
perfomenced at a certain place and time for the purpose of assocoiation
expressing feelings, intentions, and thoughts.
Supporting examples : the uniquess
of this saman dance in its amazing
Topic sentence : dance is a cohesiveness. Saman dancers can move
special movement movement simultaneously to the harmonios rhytm
of music. The regular movements
humans have to comfort
seemed to be moved by one body,
continued, to dance in a compact manne,
Topic sentence : dance allows following a dynamic song.
us to relieve our stress! This
can help us relax and divert
our minds fom the daily
problems we experience Supporting examples : saman dance
Paragraph 2-5 : practicing togetherness in tempo /
rhytm of the song imaged in the
Body (Supporting saman dance is a fast rhtytm, and
Paragraphs) Topic sentence : dance are also energetic but still prioritizes beauty.
an essential cultural symbol for Supporting examples : saman dance
a country that is believed in is an imagine that the movement of the
saman dance is to unite the hands of
genereations of the nation fom sabang
merauke for satisfying results , as the
term suggest.
Topic sentence : dance can
affect a country and its
people Supporting examples : Saman
dance is a gayo tribal culture In
southeast aceh. According to history.,
this dance is believed to have been
ceated by shaykh saman as one of the
media for islamic propaganda in the
land of aceh,. The messages
contained in are
togetherness,courtesy, religion,
education, heroism, and

Paragraph 6 : Saman dance can be classified as a perfomance dance or entertainment because a

dance perfomance is not
Descriptive and tied to theWriting
Expository event, time, or in the ceremony. Can be
displayed at any oppotunity., which is lots and fun.
Erfin Wijayanti, M.Pd.
Name : Muhamad Faisal Arrozi (019141027)

Theme : Describe Traditional Dance In Indonesia

The saman dance is part of the cultural heritage of the gayo people of aceh province in
sumatra. Boys and young men perfom the saman sitting on their heels or kneeling in tight
rows. Each wears a black costume embroidered with colorful gayo mofits symbolizing nature
and noble values. The leader sits in the middle of the row and leads the singing of verses,
mostly in the gayo language. These offer guidance and can be religious, romantic or
humorous in tone. Dancers clap their hands, slap their chests, thighs and the ground, click
their fingers, and sway and twist their boodies and heads in time with the shifting rhytm-in
unison or alternating with the moves of opposing dancers. These movements symbolize the
daily lives of the gayo people and their natural environment. The saman is performed to
celebrate national and religious holidays, cementing realationship between village groups
who invite each other for performances. The frequency of saman perfomances and its
transmission are decreasing, however. Many leaders with knowledge of the saman are now
elderly and without successors. Other forms of entertainment and new games are replacing
informal transmission, and many young people new emigrate to further their education. Lack
of funds is also a constraint, as saman costumes and perfomances involve considerable

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