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What is maintenance management?

Answered September 16, 2019 | Reading Time: 5 min

Maintenance management is the process of maintaining a company’s assets and

resources. The purpose is to ensure that production proceeds efciently and that
resources are used efectively.

Maintenance management is one of those aspects of managing a company that is

usually not explored in depth. People outside of the maintenance indusry may not
realize how much time and efort go into making the fow of products through supply
chains to the general world. Let’s go in-depth on these important processes and
undersand why they are important.

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Maintenance touches upon every part of a company’s assets and resources.

What is maintenance management?

Maintenance management involves keeping track of assets and parts. The purpose is
to ensure that production proceeds efciently and the minimum amount of resources
are wased. This is generally accomplished by a tailored combination of software,
practices, and personnel that focus on achieving these goals.

Objectives of maintenance management

Almos any business process has objectives and maintenance management is no
diferent. The fve main objectives are:

Scheduling work
Regulation compliance
Optimizing work
Improving safety


Maintenance managers usually work with a limited budget and they might have many

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diferent items that need that budget. When there is greater budget transparency, there
is greater potential to leverage the funds available.

Scheduling work

Scheduling employees and personnel is always a delicate balancing act. When

equipment is not maintained, the company schedule can be quickly thrown of balance.
This objective impacts many more aspects of the company than jus maintenance

Regulation compliance

It’s easy to lose track of all the regulations that you mus keep track of in your company.
However, mos of these regulations don’t change often and can be tracked fairly easily.
Quality maintenance management teams and software keep the needed information to
comply with regulations at your fngertips.

Optimizing work

Well-maintained equipment optimizes all the workfows involving equipment. In turn,

this optimizes employee efciency and company productivity. In ideal circumsances,
this creates a loop of optimization and efciency that serves the entire company.

Improving safety

Finally, safety levels increase when maintenance is properly managed. Equipment

breaks down less often, locations are better maintained, and the small risks, such as
improperly cleaned foors and shelves, are dealt with in a timely way.

3 Maintenance Management Examples

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An example of maintenance in progress.

What are the results when maintenance has been neglected and when it’s been
properly performed? Let’s take a look at examples of maintenance management
practices and their results.

1. Simmons Feed Ingredients

The Simmons Feed Ingredients company’s frs lubrication program worked reasonably

well. However, when they tried to switch the oil blend used, the company was left
scrambling to catch up.

It took maintenance over three-quarters of a day to get the plant back up and running
as a result of this poor decision. This cos the company a large amount of time and
resources to fx, including hiring an outside consultant to make the necessary
evaluations to get them back on track.

2. McDonald’s

McDonald’s is well known for the sheer amount of people that they serve on a day to
day basis. Many of those people are served by locations that are owned by individuals
as part of the larger franchise. One particular location has dramatically improved their
speed and productivity by using UpKeep software.

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This McDonald’s has brought equipment downtime to the lowes it can be due to their
quality maintenance management practices.

3. Marriott Hotels

Marriott hotels take pride in their seamless cusomer experience. Their old paper
sysem at one location in Cincinnati, Ohio was simply not rising to the challenge. When
they switched to UpKeep, the director of engineering operations described the process
“as smooth as one heartbeat to another.”

The team quickly learned how to use the UpKeep mobile application. Now, the
company’s day-to-day maintenance processes are smooth and transparent.

Types of maintenance management

Not all maintenance management is the same. However, it’s not necessarily the mos
intuitive either. Here are some of the diferent types of maintenance management and
their roles for businesses.


Time-based maintenance is an umbrella term used to describe all maintenance that is

based on the calendar. Examples would include daily, weekly, monthly, and more tasks
that need to be done at the same time, every time.


Predictive maintenance is a type of condition-based maintenance that specifcally

monitors asset conditions using sensors. These sensors send data to a central
database so that users can see what is happening as it’s happening in real-time.


Similar to time-based maintenance, condition-based maintenance is another wide

category of general maintenance management. It is defned by the use of sensor
devices on company assets and equipment.

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Run to failure

Perhaps the simples type of maintenance management, (run to failure maintenance) is

reaction-based. When an asset breaks, this maintenance is performed to get it back up
and running again.

Benefts of maintenance management

Before we get into the specifcs of what the benefts of maintenance management are,
it’s worth pointing out that many of these are positive results to the general objectives of
maintenance management. That’s not a coincidence; when the objectives are reached,
these benefts fow over the entire company in quesion.

Cos savings

Measuring and analyzing your assets on a regular basis also enables you to see where
improvements will need to be made. These coss can be calculated well in advance of
the need, enabling the company to fnd the bes price for new and/or improved assets.

Improve workplace safety

Properly maintenance equipment and well-kept facilities prevent more employee

accidents than mos other business safety measures. This is particularly true on a day
to day basis.

Enhance productivity

When workplaces are safer, employees don’t have to worry about as many daily risks,
particularly risks due to equipment. This has a direct impact on overall productivity.

Minimizes human error

A well-maintained facility also decreases the chances of human error. This is

particularly true when aspects of maintenance become automated.

Uncovers maintenance trends

Finally, a quality maintenance management sysem uncovers what exactly is going on

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on a day-to-day basis. If an asset, a piece of infrasructure, or other key part of your

company’s operation is consisently underperforming, you will fnd the fault much faser.

Key Takeaways
What should we take away from this?

Maintenance management is the process of maintaining the company’s -assets and

Its main objective is to sreamline company processes and protect assets
Examples abound both of maintenance management done correctly and incorrectly.
There are multiple types of maintenance management
Maintenance management solutions are worth the initial invesment and time that
they take to set up in order for your company to reach its full potential.

Maintenance FAQ
What is the scope of maintenance management?

The scope of maintenance management covers all aspects of maintenance in all areas
that need maintaining.

What are techniques of maintenance management?

These vary by need and company using them, but some basic techniques of
maintenance management include optimizing for efciency, protecting assets, and
sreamlining overall processes. 

Why is maintenance management important?

Maintenance management is important because it protects the company’s assets in a

real, tangible way. 

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