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Success Story Geistlich Pharma AG

Back to the bone:

traceability without any gaps

High demands on quality and

Geistlich has full command over the
entire product chain. From the selection
and evaluation of raw materials, to
research and development, production
and warehousing through to distribu-
tion – all steps are performed in one
smooth process and meet the company's
high requirements in terms of quality
and safety.

To master this complex operation, the

company evaluated a more efficient ERP
system in 2012, one that had to meet
FDA validation requirements. “The central
element for meeting the quality
requirements is clearly the traceability
Dr. Renzo Salzmann, Director Technical Operations Geistlich Pharma AG (left), and Daniel Kuhn, of our products without any gaps,”
Senior Project Manager Swisscom Enterprise Customers
notes Dr. Salzmann. “We must document
processes, release the individual process
steps and keep track of everything elec-
Transparency and traceability without any gaps are of tronically in the system. By doing so, we
decisive importance to Geistlich. Thanks to Swisscom create documented proof of total trace-
ability and reproducibility.”
and SAP ERP, all its processes are FDA-conformant.
High IT requirements
Geistlich Pharma has had a significant impact around the world in Geistlich Pharma's existing ERP system
the market for regenerative biomaterials. The company is the market was stretched to its limits by the increas-
leader in regenerative dentistry and is considered a pioneer in the ing demands in terms of governance/
development of medical products for the restoration of bones, carti- compliance (computer system validation)
lage and soft tissue. Over 450 employees, and more than 50 distribu- and the complexity of the products and
tion partners, plus eight subsidiaries in the UK, Germany, Italy, markets. Transparency and access to
France, China, Brazil, South Korea and North America, market and real-time data were lacking, and also
sell its products around the world. The basis of the company's missing was an interface to key peripheral
growth, innovation and profitability is, in addition to the specialist systems such as the LIMS (Laboratory
expertise, an efficient and scalable IT. With the introduction of SAP Information Management System).
ERP though its implementation partner Swisscom, Geistlich Pharma When support and maintenance were
now has a solution that matches its needs perfectly. then also discontinued, the time was
right for Project TIGER (Targeted Imple-
mentation of Geistlich Enterprise
Resources). The new solution had to
provide full conformance with all com-
pliance requirements (EU, FDA) and, as a
scalable system, support future growth
and competitiveness. An additional goal
at Geistlich Pharma was to improve the
level of automation and maximum effi-
ciency in handling transactions.
“In Swisscom we have found a
partner that has the expertise
and necessary experience in a
validated environment.”
Dr. Renzo Salzmann, Director Technical Operations, Geistlich Pharma AG

Swisscom and SAP ERP: members who had decision-making Installed modules
the TIGER in the tank authority from all sectors of Geistlich's Production and logistics:
After a detailed evaluation in the search operating areas were represented,” • SD
for a suitable, fully integrated software emphasises Project Manager Daniel • MM
solution without any media discontinuity Kuhn. “In this way, we were able to • WM
between the core and support processes, ensure that a solution had been • PP-PI
management decided to implement created for Geistlich Pharma that met • QM
SAP ERP. As a standard feature, it se- all its business requirements and which • Workflow
lected SAP Best Practices for Chemicals would guarantee a return on invest- • SAP Archive
with a link to all critical peripheral ment in the short term." Finances:
systems. It also found a very suitable • FI
SAP consulting partner in Swisscom End-to-end traceability • CO
SAP Services. Geistlich Pharma manufactures bioma- Support processes:
terials using its own facilities and with • HR
TIGER had ambitious goals: a planned raw materials procured from around • SAP GRC
implementation with both a challenging the world. The company works with the • SAP Solution Manager with
schedule and clear budget guidelines. very latest machinery and equipment, e-Signature
Project directors defined a comprehen- some of which is developed in-house,
sive project management structure in order to ensure the highest level of Advantages at a glance
with a project handbook (governance product quality. If somewhere in the • Validated: Documented reproduc-
model), which included a project plan world a health problem arises in a ibility of all production and busi-
with milestones and which also defined patient, Geistlich must be able to show ness processes in the IT systems.
an escalation path, and contained tem- definitively the paths taken by all raw • Digitised: Thanks to CSV (com-
plates for communication, reporting material batches through the entire puter system validation), process
and monitoring. This was established production and supply chain. The regu- steps can be released and ap-
in the overall project team at the kick- latory requirements in the pharma- proved directly in the system.
off. Additional core elements of the ceuticals industry (e.g. FDA) require CSV • Compliant: Total compliance
successful project implementation (computer system validation) so that IT thanks to product traceability
were the strict limitation of change systems and processes are completely without any gaps (e.g. FDA Part
requests plus stringent cost controls. documented and all procedures are 11).
With the immediate set-up of an inter- reproducible. Thus, employees work • Scalable: Future growth can be
nal SAP Competence Centre, it was pos- with hand scanners so that the flow of accommodated successfully.
sible to establish internal project and materials is systematically traceable. In • Efficient: With the introduction of
operational support at an early stage. this way, it is possible at any time to ERP, business and organisational
determine the location and status of processes can be optimised and
Suffice it to say that the measures taken individual products standardised simultaneously.
with Swisscom were very effective. The • E-archived: Validation documen-
successful “go live” took place after only SAP ERP guarantees that sales, pro- tation is stored electronically in
10 months, and everyone is completely curement, logistics and production SAP Solutions Manager.
satisfied with the solution. “For us at processes are all electronically traceable.
Swisscom it was crucial that project

Swisscom IT Services Ltd

Enterprise Customers
001e – 05/14

Solution Center SAP Services

Pfingstweidstrasse 51
CH-8005 Zurich

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