Travel Essay

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Nothing has changed me more than my trip to University of Santo Tomas.

Excited and
thrilled to go to UST, I eagerly packed all of my “special stuff” and most importantly my
requirements. The big day finally came, me and my mother traveled early in the dawn
to get to the university as soon as possible. Broadening my horizons, this trip was the
most memorable day of my entire life. That was my first arrival at UST. Soon after I
entered the gates, this unexplainable feeling went into my body that literally gave me
chills. It was very crowded that morning. Every building has its own line that seemed to
be longer than a line at an amusement park. They were students like me who was
taking the opportunity to study in a prestigious university. When the moment I saw
those students lining up, I was frightened but also excited because I felt like I was in a
competition competing with thousands of people not knowing their capabilities and
knowledge but I became even more competitive and took it as a challenge. I knew that
it was childish to think that to make the entrance exam a competition but I also thought
that it would be a great motivation for me to focus more on the exam.

Time’s almost up before we enter our room assignment. University’s assistants guided
us of where our examination rooms are. I was specifically assigned to room 402. I was
there forty-five minutes early. Soon as I opened the door, cold air suddenly blasted
right into my face as if the AC was right in front of me. There were only 3 students
including me in the room that time. I became nervous that my heart started to beat
faster and my hand were shaking constantly. What could be worse in having a runny
nose while taking the most exam in my life? I just disregarded it and continued to
reviewing about the exam. As many examinees entered the room, I became even more
excited while I was munching my chocolate-filled snack. I stopped reviewing soon after
the last examinee entered the room and prepared myself for the exam. The proctor
finally came into the room after being late for thirty-five minutes. I was filled with so
many emotions that my hands started to sweat even thought the room has two split
type air-conditioning. the proctor instructed us on the rules and guidelines before we
start the exam.
Exam sheets and scratch paper was given to us individually. I immediately filled up the
information needed on the paper and started the first subject. We were given one hour
to answer the test. Though there were many of us taking the exam I felt like I was in a
soundproof room with no one around. While taking the exam I had to pull up my runny
nose because it was near drooling on my paper. I finished the first test and immediately
called the proctor that I have to sneeze at the comfort room. I came back to the room
and we started the second subject. Once again, I had to go to the comfort room to
sneeze and came back to the room again. For the last subject we took, I was the first
one who finished the entire exam and sheepishly asked the proctor if I can go to the
room for the final time. It was so awkward because I was the only who always go out
to go to the bathroom. But still, I finished the exams which was difficult because some
parts were unfamiliar to me.

I realized that dreams can be achieved by working hard and taking chances. Pursuing it
is a way where we can foresee if we really deserve it. After I took the exam it felt like it
was one of my greatest achievement in my life and passing it would just be the bonus
part. Taking chances or risks that we would be afraid of in the first place is a great
factor that the chance you take would be worth the take.

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