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A. Benefits of Critical Journal Review

This Critical Journal Review has several benefits, such as the main one, which is to
fulfill curriculum and learning subject assignments. In addition to knowing the
contents of the journal more in other benefits is that we get information, increase
knowledge and increase knowledge from the contents of the journal. We can also
find out what is in the contents of the entire journal

B. Purpose of Writing Critical Review Journals

The purpose of the Critical Journal Review is to review the contents of the journal
precisely to review the entire contents of the journal. In addition to reviewing the
contents of the destination journal, knowing what information is contained in the
entire journal.



Title : a correlation between student's mastery of past

tenses and their achievment
Journal Name : tell journal
Issue Issued : April 2016
Writer : Ahmad Zainuddin, Gusti Nurhafifah, Armeria Wijaya
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University
City of Emerging : Surabaya
ISSN : 2338-8927
Vol :4


Journal 1

Title : Humanities education

Journal Name : The Rhetorical Moves and Verb Tenses in Article Abstract
Issue Issued : December 2016
Writer : Leo Candra Wahyu
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
City of Emerging : Malang
ISSN : 2338-8110 / 2442-3890
Vol :4

Journal 2
Title : Implementing Scientific Approach of 2013 at KTSP Based
For Teaching Present Continous Tense
Journal Name : English Education
Issue Issued : 2017
Writer : Fajar Sodik, M. Sayid Wijaya
Publisher : UIN Raden Intan Lampung
City of Emerging : Lampung
ISSN : 2086-6003
Vol : 10

Journal 3

Title : The Abilities In Applying Verb Tenses in Writing Sentences

Using Mixed Model
Journal Name : -
Issue Issued :-
Writer : Herdi
Publisher : Padang State University
City of Emerging : -
Vol :-

Journal 4

Title : Improving Students Simple Tense Mastery by Using Song

at MA
Nurut Taqwa Come
Journal Name : International Confrence on Education
Issue Issued : Juli 2016
Writer : Nur Hayati , Yeni Mardiyana Devanti
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Jember
City of Emerging : Jember
Vol :1
Journal 5

Title : Time and Tense in Language

Journal Name : International Journal of Linguistic
Issue Issued : 2013
Writer : Mohammad Jafar Jabbari
Publisher : Faculty of Literature and Humanities , Yasouj University,
Yasouj Iran
City of Emerging : Iran
ISSN : 1948-5425
Vol :5



English Tenses, especially learning about grammar, grammar is
related to a set of rules in language communication. Grammar has a
relationship with tenses. Tenses means to consider changing the time
and form of verbs. Being aware of tenses, we must consider the
timing and form of verbs. In Indonesia, the form of verbs does not
work because the system does not appear, making English subjects
difficult. In English, the change in inference time is in the form of
verbs, so the change in verbs is time dependent. According to Frank
(1972: 47), tense is a special verb that ends or accompanies auxiliary
verbs that indicate the time an event occurred. Discussing the form of
words, we can find the form of verbs by considering the time and
place. Different verb forms will be displayed. Cook and Sutter stated
that the current point is happening now, while the past happened in
the past. The forms are part of sixteen words. In a nutshell above, the
tenses are verb tense elements that depend on time changes. Thus,
the verb form will indicate when the change occurred in the present or


Journal 1
 This study aims to examine the rhetoric movement and explore
the use of verbs in the abstract of the research article. This
study uses a corpus-based approach using the AntConc 3.2.4w
corpus toolkit. The subjects of this study were 29 research
articles. The findings reveal that the preferred rhetorical
movements of the abstract are Move 2-purpose, Move 3-
method, and Move 4-result. The use of present tense is
dominant in all five movements. In addition, past tense is mostly
found in the transfer method. In this case, the writer uses the
steps of rhetoric favored and the different verbs in each
movement to emphasize the writer's objectivity.

Journal 2
This study uses a quasi-experimental design. In the design of
experiments, the authors use quasi-experimental research
designs. Pseudo experiments include assignments, but are not
random assignments of participants to groups. This is because
experiments cannot artificially create groups for experiments
(Creswell, 2012: 309). The author chooses two classes, one
class is the experimental class and the other class is the control

Journal 3
This researcher assumes the ability to use verb tenses is very
much needed

Journal 4
Researchers assume that Simple Tenses are an important part
of learning English. This assumption leads researchers to
conduct research on the competencies of Simple Tenses,
especially simple tenses. In addition, in the 2013 curriculum
syllabus the high school curriculum requires students to be able
to use simple word forms. They are simple present tense, past
past tense, and future tense.

Journal 5
"Tense" is a linguistic phenomenon, while "time" is an extra-
linguistic concept. Tense is a grammar category that correlates
with time differences. Each language is able to express events
that occur at different times. Distinguishing between time and
tension in languages is far from easy. This has proven to play an
important role in language learning and translation. By
examining the time-tense dichotomy, this article aims to show
that there is no one-to-one correspondence between time and
tension, both in and between languages and also to show how
this is very important in language learning and translation.
C. Critical Journal

 there are words that are repeated in the study

 poor grammar

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