Reflection Paper

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Catherine Jeffers


Dr. Marian Ellis

April 2, 2020

My Reflection Paper on Mrs. Walden’s 5th Grade Math Classes

My observation took place at Rains Intermediate School in Emory, Texas. I have been

employed at Rains ISD for five years. My current employment is at Rains Intermediate School

as an instructional inclusion aide and dyslexia teacher teaching MTA. I observed Mrs. Walden’s

5th grade Math classes. I have done inclusion with Mrs. Walden in third grade for several years.

Mrs. Walden moved this year to fifth-grade math this was a new experience for both of us.

At the beginning of my college education, I said many times I would not teach math and I

would not teach 5th grade. After observing Mrs. Walden’s classes I had a change of heart and

now this could be a possibility for me. I learned a great deal in her class during the year and my

time with her during this observation. The first question I had for her is “Why did you switch

grade levels and why fifth grade?” Mrs. Walden explains to me with a smile she needed a

change to keep her on her game and to keep her teaching inspired. Mrs. Walden believes you

should change your grade level, subject or both every 5 years so you don’t lose your spark and

inspiration. I really enjoyed these classes and got quite a bit of knowledge from her teaching. I

loved her teaching styles and her classroom was like a well-oiled machine. Monday and

Tuesday were teacher lead instruction and she provides them new concepts for the week. She

did this by examples on the board, videos, and powder points. The rest of the week was filled

with student-centered learning by station rotation. This flowed very well and you can tell she
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had modeled this many times because each student knew exactly where to go and when on what

day. Mrs. Walden had prepared each station over the weekend. She repeatedly expressed to me

that you have to stay prepared, focus on student assessments, and be very organized. She said

when she did not model or one of those things the students knew it and this was the point of no

return and it quickly turned into chaos. Each station focuses on past, present, and review skills

for up and coming TEKS. Her students love stations that encourage them to give their undivided

attention on Monday and Tuesday.

I believe I learned a lot due to this was her first time teaching 5th grade TEKS. I

observed her and her mentor teacher work together. They prepared lesson plans and teaching

strategies that have worked for the mentor teacher for Mrs. Walden to use on the really

unfamiliar TEKS. I saw how she was open with her class on her learning process and they

supported her when she made a mistake. I saw how Mrs. Walden used numerous resources

provided by the district such as backward planning and TEKS resource for curriculum ideas.

She also networked so she had tremendous support and resources at her fingertips. She stressed

the importance of this to me. Mrs. Walden allows me to see documentation and

accommodations and how she prepares for differentiation in the classroom. Please note because

I provided inclusion support for these students I already had access to this information she did

not break any confidentiality laws.

I will use all that I have seen in her classroom in my classroom. Mrs. Walden is an

amazing teacher and has offered her support in my teaching journey. I just wanted to say thank

you to Mrs. Walden and her 5th-grade math classes for the love and lessons we learned together
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and making me feel apart of their classes. I would also like to thank Rains ISD for supporting

the teachers and staff.

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