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Student : Nino Esiava

Assignement questions for battlefield case.

1. Frank has been a top performer in this industry for close to three decades. However,
the national sales manager feels that this territory has become far too unwieldy to be
serviced by a single salesman. Frank belongs to a by gone era and has a different view on
selling. Frank has not bought the management’s view of selective retail partners.
Personal problems, a drinking habit and debt problems seem to be ruining a promising
career. Apart from his personal problems he has been thoroughly unprofessional with his
working and reporting standards.

Frank’s way or highway approach. Frank’s success has won him the respecect of his
peers across the industry. However, he is head strong and refuses to do justice to his
territory and the organization is not achieving its sales potential because of such an

Frank is increasingly becoming an elephant in the room.while his performances in the

past do count for him, the organization is not bigger than the individual. We suggest that
the National sales Manager should talk with Frank regarding the differences in their
estimates of potential. If frank does see merit in the argument and commits to the
number, than the sales manager can think of giving him sometimes. If frank continues to
belilve that his old school method are the best methods for achieving results, then the
manager should replace Frank immediately .

Poul irons case throws up a difficult conundrum for the National Sales Manager. On
The one hand, poul has gotten him self into a financial quagmire which might be difficult
to wriggle out of if he is thrown out of work. On the other hand, Poul reporting standards
and performance standards have dipped greatly. Hence the recommendation to the
manager would be to help Irons sort come with a caveat that there would be a clearly
charted plan in which the road to recovery is planned and Irons must make a commitment
to himself if and the organization that he would adhere to this programme.

In case of Schmidt’s , the national sales manager should use his judgment to make a
simple cost benefit analysis. The manager should also realize that Schmidt has come in to
replace an old timer and the dealers may take time adjusting to his ways and means.
Schmidt would need to be given an off the record warning regarding his interactions with
dealers. If Schmidt fails to mend his ways it would be time to terminate his services.
Smith was a self-confidence person.
2. I think wrong management caused problems in the company it is necessary to start life
problems at work and concentrate only on work. It would be desirable to conduct
trainings. The training bring long-term benefits for both the company and the team
members.(its is another matter how much they will obey this challenge). The success of a
company is largely determined but a qualified and motivated team that shares the
company’s vision and strives to contribute to its growth and success. Staffing and
maintaining such a team is a great challenge for any company. Also important too hire
staff for a probationary period.
In order to gain an advantage among competitors, the company must attract the best
talents. This is not possible if the company does not have a well-defined personnel policy
and organizational culture, as qualified personnel are focused on continuing education
and looking for an employer who will take care of their professional development.

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