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Sometimes we may need to export a document in the form of a spreadsheet (MS Excel).

But often the problem of the automatic display by MS Excel.

Before export the data. we can create MS Excel templates and upload to SAP then run
template later.

1) Create Class Type

a) Access T-CODE: SBDSV1

b) Insert values:

Cl.documentos: BDS_LOC2
Cl.documentos: BDS_POC2
Cl.documentos: BDS_REC2
Nome obj.: BDS_CONN05

2) Prepare the MS Excel template

a) Create Template and save with “.xls” extesion

b) Upload template to SAP with transaction OAOR

     Class Name -> ZFI_TEMPLATES

     Class Type -> OT


3) Click tab Create then expand all and double click to Table template
4) Choose the Excel Template

5) Fill Description (Use in ABAP Program)

6) Check MS Excel template, back to first screen, and clear “Object key field” and
excute the transaction again
Result: New object was created

7) ABAP Program

  perform genarate_excel_with_template tables lt_excel

                                        using ‘ExcelTest’
*&      Form  genarate_excel_with_template
form genarate_excel_with_template tables pt_excel    type standard table
                                   using pv_template type bds_propva
                                         pv_file     type localfile.
   data: l_iref_template    type ref to cl_bds_document_set,
         l_oref_container   type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,
         l_iref_control     type ref to i_oi_container_control,
         l_iref_error       type ref to i_oi_error,
         l_iref_document    type ref to i_oi_document_proxy,
         l_iref_spreadsheet type ref to i_oi_spreadsheet,
         l_retcode          type soi_ret_string.
   data: lt_signature       type sbdst_signature,
         lw_signature       type bapisignat,
         lt_uri             type sbdst_uri,
         lw_uri             type bapiuri,
         lt_sheet           type soi_sheets_table,
         lw_sheet           type soi_sheets.
   data: lt_fields          type standard table of rfc_fields,
         lv_last_row        type i,
         lv_last_col        type i.
   call method c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control
       control = l_iref_control
       retcode = l_retcode.
   check l_retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
   call method l_iref_control->init_control
       r3_application_name      = pv_template
       inplace_enabled          = ‘X’
       inplace_scroll_documents = ‘X’
       parent                   = l_oref_container
       retcode                  = l_retcode.
   check l_retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
   create object l_iref_template.
   lw_signature–prop_name  = ‘DESCRIPTION’.
   lw_signature–prop_value = pv_template.
   append lw_signature to lt_signature.
   refresh lt_uri.
   call method l_iref_template->get_with_url
       classname                = ‘SOFFICEINTEGRATION’
       classtype                = ‘OT’
       object_key               = ‘SOFFICEINTEGRATION’
       uris                     = lt_uri
       signature                = lt_signature
       nothing_found            = 1
       error_kpro               = 2
       internal_error           = 3
       parameter_error          = 4
       not_authorized           = 5
       not_allowed              = 6.
   clear lw_uri.
   read table lt_uri into lw_uri index 1.
   check sy–subrc = 0.
   call method l_iref_control->get_document_proxy
       document_type            = ‘Excel.Sheet’
       document_proxy           = l_iref_document
       retcode                  = l_retcode.
   check l_retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
   call method l_iref_document->open_document
       document_url = lw_uri–uri
       open_inplace = ‘X’
       retcode      = l_retcode.
   check l_retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
   free l_iref_error.
   call method l_iref_document->get_spreadsheet_interface
       error           = l_iref_error
       sheet_interface = l_iref_spreadsheet.
   call method l_iref_spreadsheet->get_sheets
       sheets          = lt_sheet
       error           = l_iref_error.
   check l_iref_error->error_code = c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
   clear lw_sheet.
   read table lt_sheet into lw_sheet index 1.
   check sy–subrc = 0.
   call method l_iref_spreadsheet->select_sheet
       name            = lw_sheet–sheet_name
       error           = l_iref_error.
   check l_iref_error->error_code = c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
   refresh lt_fields.
   call function ‘DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE’
       data   = pt_excel
       fields = lt_fields.
   lv_last_row = lines( pt_excel ).
   lv_last_col = lines( lt_fields ).
   call method l_iref_spreadsheet->set_selection
       left    = 1
       top     = 2
       rows    = lv_last_row
       columns = lv_last_col.
   call method l_iref_spreadsheet->insert_range
       columns = lv_last_col
       rows    = lv_last_row
       name    = pv_template.
   call method l_iref_spreadsheet->insert_one_table
       data_table   = pt_excel[]
       fields_table = lt_fields
       rangename    = pv_template.
   call method l_iref_document->save_as
       file_name    = pv_file.
   call method l_iref_document->release_document
       retcode = l_retcode.
   free: l_iref_spreadsheet,
   call method l_iref_control->release_all_documents.
   call method l_iref_control->destroy_control.
   message ‘Generate Excel file’ type ‘S’.
endform.                    ” genarate_excel_with_template

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