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mt 2917 . ‘This question paper contains 12 printed pages. 6927 Your Roll No. LLB. /IV Term G Paper LB-401 : CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - II Time: 3 hours * Maximum Marks : 100 (White yout Roll No. on the top immediately ‘on recelpt of this question paper) Nore:— Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. feowht— ga seTaa ar oat attat aT fect fr we ara # afore caer ah aed or eT ue A aa aiee Aitenapt any five questions All questions carry equal marks, Peet uber seat & sae afere 1 | wet eat & ates ort B1 1. Answer the following: Prafafaa & sox df: . (@) “. This contrivance of carrying on business activities by the State through statutory corpora- tions, government companies and other bodies with legal personality, simplifies ‘and facilitates 2 transactions and operations beyond the traditional” and tardy processes of governmental ... . But to use the corporate methodology is not to liberate the State from its basic obligation to obey Part IIL. .. Otherwise, a cunning plurality of corporations taking over almost every State business ... will cheat the people of Part IIT rights by the easy ion for the bill of rights; no State 1n will be told that ‘the State has ceased {0 be, save for the non-negotiable sovereign functions; and fundamental: rights may suffer eclipse only to be viewed in museum glass cases. Such a situation will be a treachery on the founding fathers, ... .” Critically examine the statement on the basis that ‘Article 12 is a special definition with a broader goal, in the light of new socio-economic realities of 21st century India.’ an Senfres frm, werd drei et arp afee aet are afhfrdt & mem 8 wT a arate afatafedt at ant wet at ae ae war H wigan TH at arifatedt & ek ate wo ta @ acig¢ G gM. fet frafia vata at are an ae af wate fe TET ator nn at are wet ys aor Be eo. ae Pat at Ts ae AGATA ie was oT a afta Fa eh ‘att & wer nr & afeart at avant wat & ect “art; “anftramdt fret 3 forte te waar at 8 ) 2. (a) 3 ont are use et vet 2” eB eT TT “wa ware Bt rar @, Tae ara % fae ase, vitferss saftraret st wen rit athe Sarer aaeret 4 wiht & aaa Fa 2S oe ws et fafa dens aed a faraana tn.” ‘2027 wat & wa At eh omnis aniis arate at tert a, agese 12 care wea are ww fe atm @ & oe KR aK fet 1a wer at SHAT SARE BASIE | ‘The view that the expressions ‘void’ and ‘to the extent of such inconsistency’ and ‘to the extent of the contravention’, used respectively, in Articles 13(1) and in Article 13(2) carry same meaning, entails the conclusion that the doctrine of eclipse may have application as well to laws made after the Constitution has come into force. Explain. STB 131) WE PST 1302) F wa at aE aftoatral ‘frie’ ud ‘et ayeom st we ae’ we ‘serint a ee ae’ or ue et od 2, a ae freed frre @ f& wen & frert ar dar & ary oF & ae a arp a oh wea A Tat 21 WERT! The constitutional conception of equality had, traditionally, been worked out with the help of ‘legislative classification’ “ doctrine. In 1970s, PTO. on 4 however, the Supreme Court devised the theory of ‘reasonableness or non-arbitrariness’ to instil new vigor and potency into the protection guaranteed by Article 14. Elaborate. wana at déafrs seem woats oro faarht aif’ frera St werrar 8 Frere aT ari wenft 1970 4 Bite ae 3 fata tare fear ‘ofa ar tear’ a, ayes 14 ae SH Bren Yat ates ate area a ser & fees (b) ‘Democracy is essentially a form of society. Political democracy without social, democracy cannot last long. ... Political and economic democracy would be of no avail unless social inequalities are removed.’ Explain the above statement in light of- the ‘Abolition of Untouchability’ and other related provisions in the Constitution. ‘area afert wr 8 wat ww oT th annie citar & fer cerifes cect oe ena aa WaT) Te TH TTT seared wr ad o ond oe ae Tries ante draws a ate ore ae ey deer F gar aa ak ar wafed swear wi dent F aay fa 7a Het A AHMET! 3. A group. G, mainly comprising of a set of castes, in state S, pleas for reservation in government services as 5 on BCs (Backward Classes of Citizens). Due to the intense agitations, sometimes violent, threatening to bring the state to the verge of political instability, the state S concedes to the demand of G. The contentions of the leaders of G are that opportunities of employment and livelihood outside the government have shrunk after the liberalization of economy. The group which traditionally depended on agriculture and petty business does no longer find the latter as a viable option after the transformation of Indian economy. Consequently poverty ration within the group is consistently increasing to the extent that a large portion of it is not able to meet even their basic needs. Within the government the opinion is divided. One section of the bureaucracy is of the opinion that extending reservation to them would violate the limits and conditions as interpreted by the Supreme Court. ‘The other section of the government holds the view that these conditions and limitations need to be re-examined in light of the fact that ‘social and economic conditions have changed’ in last three decades and also the reality that quite many groups within the classes of citizens who have so far benefited from the reservation policy, on empirical study, may not themselves qualify any more to be entitled to such facilities. ‘The Government of State § seeks your advice. we tm s Hw aH G, frat qe wi a smfrat ar aye wire @ fees ah & we A mT RTO. on G Sens orem & fee age wen ti ate ate Sar, st avast fas wt a, sit too at fae onfereen heim AR BT TBI eT, THIS, G a att at ama @1G & dat & aa gfe wen & amet them sit srstfeer saat aorren 3 sata S ae ue ma 1 st aR weMfis wr a oR ak og ora Finke ae om, ae aethe arforsen % uftady & are ara sR a us Pree & 808 arent of od) gerry, aa & tae ante a fee cman ga ae ag we fe eR TH oF Sed sect Bg as od ' War & vie wa Prnfea 21 sect & ww fed i we ca @ Re sak fet ome ager aia sie wat or seeiat at maar @ ot acta =e ant @ wef G1 weer & gRt ave a uret é fe er wal si Mion St ga wer} ware YX fer B ata at srevasa @ fis fred aia cea Y “amntae ite sift featrit % acca arn 2” sit ae ot areata @ fe af wept a ama 3 ex a st ant 1 ATT ger Ke ae sife F aatad z Se Be gfe & ewe BF fee ae a a 1 Ts S St AER aral Ta ae 2 4. The right to freedom of speech and expression 1 on conferred by Article 19 of the Indian Constitution has essentially been interpreted with the help of two ‘working principles: ‘Free market place of ideas’ and ‘imminent tendency-to cause harm’. Critically examine the sufficiency of these interpretative tools in Jight of the fact that notion of power has shifted from the ‘concentration of economic power in’few hands to the power of thought exercised through control of mass media such as press, electronics and telecom- munications. endta dire & age i9 we fq mE ATs afteats % after at-afrard wa & at ard-frerdt at aga & aren ston 8: “frat aT yw a” ait “qaar ar aro A at see wafer RTT Sea at ater: aT sree tert Safer) ge ares srearer Af aa BT ar |S eet % anffa-wiaaat werma a as dart om tifen Ba TEU, gagites agen & Pera Fare sr faq my Prat a wits Tt earrafta & 7G 21 Fe wer ST aTerrers are aif | 5. Answer the following: fret ar sae chee (a) Briefly examine the meaning of the right to ‘life and personal liberty’ under Article 21. How far can they be interpreted to impose a positive duty upon the state to create conditions, through its Jaws and polices, in which these rights become ) exercisable even by the weaker, poor and deprived of the Indian populace? Has the Judiciary been effective in similar efforts? ages 21 & oenfa ster sit afer waa & afer & af ar dia wet athe) afeert at fra dtr ae caren a ot wart @ fe Usa Te wares Seer any feet on watt fa ot arp a aifeal & te wera ae fs credia svar & anit, ota, afer In reference to imine the relevant statutory ani ion f tisqualification on conviction s eo og arp TET {HoT pat aatea St ded 1 GS oo. ee aa K wana TE writin Aen * wa tution of India . ie to the Constinton a fe democratic ‘| jotets, decares Hin 10 Oe explain the rigs Of tement, right of this stat in Indio. ama a F a rere ara & Afae coe gt) eR HTT sat ‘House of jon of Chandra Prakash (© the ection 3 os People was challenged on the ground that on the date of filing his nomination paper he was below 25 years of age. Can the election of Chandra Prakash be quashed? ie wor & fare fratfar ax sare & qa a We ome Shit a mi 8 fe ania fate seat ary 2s af @ am dy an saat Ge ‘Preet fasar or rere 2? 10 (b) What are the requirements for valid nomination of a candidate for the election to the House of the People? ats am & qa & fae we satan & de ania @ er srarasant #2 10 7. Fair and free elections are essential requisites to maintain the purity of election and to sustain the faith Of the people in clection itself in a democratic setup. In the light of above statement answer the following: Siecle da 1 ara stim chit sr fears aT TSS fae ait Guat a are-qaa are wad & fare Frm ae eats gare amas 21 aadhe sey seer fret a sat cfr: (@) How are the Provisions relating to corrupt Practices classified under the Scheme of Representation of People Act, 1951? Representation of People Act, 1951 4 ats % P.T.O. esr 6 we omer a water waar a da aiga fesan wat &? 10 (®) Critically examine the concept of corrupt practice on the ground of appeal to religion. How far have the courts adhered to the constitutional norms of secularism during the election processes? we aaen St deere a, ef at ara & sre We oneierers whem str) gare strane # ara 3 adPrtect & ddefe ards a fara Wert frat 8? 10 8 What is the object and purpose behind the Constitution (Fifty Second Amendment) Act, 1985 in introducing provisions relating to anti-defection under the Constitution? Do you think that anti-defection lew is essential to maintain the efficiency of Parliament? Critically examine the implications of anti-defection law on separation of power between the legislature and executive in India, ‘afar (zat dette) afufran, 1985 at afaerr & aria ae-aeet fate & waar at sega Fa A ear ater st armen a? gat ang fra F qeeaet fadeh amp sag at erator at ay cat & fae sree 2? una 8 feenfaer ait artent at wfc eS ye F aa a & fafemet a sretrerrers wit athe | 20 200 (This question paper contains 8 printed pages.] 69424, LL.B. VI Semester G Paper : LB-601 ADVOCACY, PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND ACCOUNTANCY FOR LAWYERS MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION PAPER Time : 45 Minutes Maximum Marks : 20 (rite your Rolt No. on the top immediately ‘on receipt of this question paper.) All questions carry equal marks, There is no negative marking. {Ifthe Presiding Officer of the court make certain adverse remarks in the judgment against an Advocate who represented the client before him, What should an Advocate do to get the remarks removed from the judgment? @ Issue Notice to the Presiding Officer under section 80 of CPC. ©) File a suit against the Presiding Officer for damages (©) In the appeal filed by the client, seck expunging of the remarks, @) None of the above. 2. When an Advocate abuses another Advocate without any reason or justification and uses vulgar words, what is he guilty of (a) Lowering the dignity of the legal profession (©) Committing Professional Misconduct 69424 2 (© Violating the duty towards Colleagues (@) All of the above. 3. If the State Bar Council is unable to dispose of the matter before it within one year the matter (@) Stands disposed of. (b) State Bar Council can request for an ext sion. (©) Automatically stands transferred to the Bar Council of India (@) None of the above 4, ABC entrusted his cases to a partner in the law firm in relation to recovery of money. However, it was found that the law firm had misappropriated the money given to it towards fees and expenses and has failed to account for the same. In this case who can be held guilty for professional misconduct: @)_ Law Firm. (b) All the partners in a firm. (©) Partner who signed on the vakalatnama (@ None of the above. 5. While exercising powers under which section of the Advocates Act, 1961, Bar Council of India have framed Chapter II of Part VI of Bar Council of India Rules i.e, Standards of Professional Conduct and Etiquette: (@) Section 15, (b) Section 49 69424 3 6. 1. 8. (©) Section 7 (@ Section 28 That nature of proceedings in the cases of professional misconduct: (a) Is criminal in nature. (©) Is quaskcriminal in nature. (©) Is civil in nature. (4) Neither civil nor criminal. ‘An advocate committed some professional misconduct. Complaint was filed by the client at State Bar Council (SBC). In proceedings before the Disci Committee (DC), advocate filed 2 Memorandum of Understanding (Compromise) signed by him and the complainant/client. (@) The DC has no option but to exonerate the lawyer of the charge of professional misconduct. (b) The DC must continue with the disciplinary proceedings. (©) The DC must continue with the disciplinary proceedings only with the consent of the complainant, (@ None of the above. As per Rule 17(2) of Part VII of Bar Council of India Rules, the date of initiation of the proceedings at the instance of State Bar Council is when (@) Office report is prepared and presented before State Bar Council. (b) Resolution to refer the complaint to Disciplinary Committee by State Bar Council is passed. 69424 4 (© Disciplinary Committee of State Bar Council takes cognizance. (® Complainant makes first appearance. 9. The disciplinary Committee of State Bar Council does not have the power to pass following orders: (@) Suspend the Advocate from practice. (b) Award compensation to the Complainant. (©) Remove the name of advocate from State Roll. (@ Award cost. 10. The standard of proof required in a case of professional misconduct: (a) Is beyond reasonable doubt. (b) Is preponderance of probabi (©) Depends upon case to case, (@)_Is based on suspicion. 11. X (client) engages Y (advocate) to represent his case before the court but is not satisficd with his services. X discharges Y as his Advocate and then engages Zz (Advocate) to represent him. However, X finds that before the court the other side is represented by Y. Choose the correct option: (a) X cannot have any remedy against Y in such situation as Y is free to be engaged by other side. (b) X has hired another advocate to represent him before the court, hence Y cannot be faulted if he represents the other side before court. 69424 5 (©) There is no more client-lawyer relationship existing between X and Y in the above situation. @)_Y is guilty of professional misconduct in the above situation as he was earlier the counsel for X. 12. X (Advocate) demanded that the client first clears his fees before asking for the return of the gase documents. Such refiisal by X to return the case documents upon demand by the client: (@) Did not amount to misconduct. (>) Amounted to misconduct. (©) Did not amount to misconduct, if no loss is caused to complainant by such non-return of documents. @ Did not amount to misconduct if there are no malafides on the part of advocate in not returning the documents of complainant. 13. An advocate who has once accepted the brief and then wishes to withdraw must: @ Has sufficient cause. (b) Has given sufficient not (©) Has refunded sufficient part of the fees. (@ Allof the above. 14, If an Advocate is convicted for contempt of court and thereafter Disciplinary proceedings are also initiated against him for the said offences. Whether linary Proceedings are maintainable? (@_ No, because it would amount to Double Jeopardy. PTO. 6942A 6 (©) Yes, because both the proceedings are different in nature. (© Yes, only if the contempt was of the trial court. @ None of the above. 15. ¥ (Advocate) approaches X and guarantees him that he would get immediate relief from the cougt as he is very friendly with the judge. Choose the correct option: (@) Y's promise amounts to professional misconduct. (0) Y’s promise does not amount to any professional misconduct as according to Y, it happens normally. (©) Y's promise does not amount to any professional misconduct as it was open to X to accept or reject ¥'s offer, and X chose to accept the offer. (@_Y acted in order to help his duty, and hence he committed no wrong. jent, which was his paramount professional . An advocate is fined for jumping the red light. After paying the fine, he continued his legal practice. Has he committed any professional misconduct? (@ No, he is perfectly within his rights to continue his practise as the act of jumping the red light does not amount to offence involving moral turpitude. (b) Yes, because section 24A of the Advocates Act, 1961 talks about admission whi includes continuance. (©) Yes, because he has acted in a manner unbecoming of an Advocate. @ None of the above. 69424 17. Choose the incorrect statement (@) The disqualification under section 24A of the Advocates Act, 1961 applies only to enrolment of the advocate and not to his continuation to practice as an advocate Under section 44 of the Advocates Act, 1961, an order reviewed by the Disciplinary Committee of State Bar Council will be effective only after the approval of the Bar Council of India If State Bar Council is unable to dispose of complaint within a period of one year from the date of receipt of complaint or the date of initiation of proceedings at the instance of State Bar Council, as the case may be, such proceeding shall stand transferred to Bar Council of India (@ For summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on Oath, under Section 42 of Advocates Act, 1961, the Disciplinary ‘Committee of a Bar Council shall have same powers as are vested in a court under Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. 18. Can an Advocate while practising as an advocate, be a sleeping partner in his family business? (2) No, because it will amount to professional misconduct. (©) Yes, he can regardless of the nature of the business as long as itis the family business. (©) Yes, he can provided the nature of the business is not inconsistent with the dignity of the profession in the opinion of the State Bar Council. (@ None of the above. 19, Whether an Advocate can accept a brief from a company of which he is a director? (®) No, he cannot. 69424 (b) Yes, he can. (© Yes, he can as long as he confines himself to court appearances. @ None of the above. 20. The dis ry committee of the Bar Council: (@) Is bound by the procedure laid down by Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. (®)_Is bound by the procedure laid down by Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. (©) Is bound to follow Principles of Natural Justice. (@)_ Need not follow any of the above. (2200) ‘OLd V higke Beiek) Q Eh HBR RE the hinge Jee Yh [eelhite) BRK be Bk} bhkte) bp -ajou rossmord wosy 11 ysindunstp pue ‘aBueyoxg Jo [TE plea e Jo sounyeoy UTES amp ssNasIC “T 1. bibabe soto So bake Yate (Rigg We se yebi Bh [Petey “Sanu yonba duo suousanb ye suopsanb aayf dun idwony 1 apie Lela 12 22 Abele Mb PRE Yo kw DY fe Lhe bd [Rey PY) te WEle we Me khbak BE —iInmal -taded ayy mmoy8nosy pasn 2q pnoys wmipau auos ays mq spuagr uy 40 ysySug up soya warm aq Kou sidssuy —!310N (aded uopsonb fo rdo01 10 pseu deny 0 08 OK TUM) OO 9uDyy wemurxoy & samoy gam, AONVUNSNI GNV ONDINVE ‘SLNAWNULSNI TTEVLLOON + 2b09-0T Fodeg ° way TA / a TT ‘ON Hea nok oreo ‘sad porusad p surmuos sadod uousonb sry old ‘POT UA IV (1p61) Puelod 4 suse} Jo osee Ut so[NT asayy paydde Azesipnf oy; moy Sunezogele Soxjod souvansut jo uonerardsayur Jo sajdroutsd oy ssnosiql * @ (DAR hI Ye Yelp sbklep Yee Yelok| setae: Kb blade BE | 2 BB Bykite dh BibAb) nh Rebbe eb lblp,, pue suorsioap [eraqpnf jo day oy arydxg sopyf aouquegn o1e 9000: Vie 2ubd ub pbuh IB DIE oe STOT ‘abkytayte (RIB) Be) bleh b 1881 ‘hbewJe Eb) felith f Reh se ke Mbhlte ff [bite ge + tddiele se pe C2 WR BRbe Sh wb Imdinie Me we “sonbaya Jo snouoysip Jo Surprefas $107 1o¥ (isompuoMy) swasumnnsuy ON aq) GSO) 18RT sjwaums}su] NO) UL appar sodueyo o osty jsouayo ue onboys v Jo anouoysip st Uhuyye ype Ys dh ybth yeLue se Eppyh johmah 22 lb ppp ieje} se kre EBPE] Me PIPED Yh InMPhe JUkDh wh PAP HbtIwIte PBJ brlysph [euayeu Jo 19949 (eH9] oy O5Ie ssnosICE nen © uo Ka -ansuy 9{qenofoy oy) Jpun yWoUNIIsUE a]qeNOBOU F ‘af afieqosip oF shem snouea oy) are TUM“ < ug Mele mite se [lb Bak) we} He yp die p elie BEYE Me hppa Ime Daj Web PwikP Wile [se WehdA | Bri RybIlak Poploop qs pue me] YsESuE ayy pue ey ue uaaayoq ‘fue 31 ‘2ouas9jJ1p 942 ino Tung pue anp Ul JeploH, Jo sdaouos ayy oupumexs Ayp URBUBhe ‘pp Ibi sp YRYIAY Be epic Ebi op Buh Hie Ebb sb 2apek “ye Bh dh se RLY blth ‘mp ystfsug pue erpuy Jo VoISssIMMOD Av] Jo suoMepusUTos Jo 38H Oy ur juouingysuy a{qeo8ou e Jo epjoy, wser ay wrELd “7 | Ye inbl spbS Ys B pee Ibblb ke rb BLE Ub Jhb) Jhb bie Ye 08 009 ke A “wry 09 anp 9q [1eys olga suns xayo {J pue Qo9 “sy a oF astwosd 1 (4) VB web pip be bbb bpLh we 08 OOOT th 2gile tk ke F “Q00T “SY 19p10 20 g Aed oF astosd 1 (e) €2 kh bee Bp PEyBYesk) Leb {ser0u Azossimosd plea syuaumnnsu; Supro}joy ay) ay z v6 VebipEte b wy lep Epishie fy Joh (P) [bbYbkip: b Bole 0% Ba IW (p61) Bpth tle yg Dybe JB dh BARBY oe bone Ye RAD lle one old parmodde ‘Aysiaatuy) a1eig 8 30 sopFe0NeGD 221A (e) IPUJ JO VoHN SHON ay} JO (e)(T)TET Pue (e)(1)zor “wy J9pun parytenbsip o2e suossod Surmoy]o} ayy Joyioqm siuapaoid jo djoq aur YIM ssnosiql Zauomuseac3 ay sopun, ploy st wyoId Jo aaqjo ue wy) Suro 1ap 103 sso) fedisund oy ae EYAL “T 1g belate ete se sak Yate (ey me Yebk yh feet “spin ponba Auvo suopsonb ty ssuoysanb aatf rdwany 1 ge we eh nbals We BE yt bike Dany fe dhs > Pe) P-3/ Ie YL le WWE be Kbbde BE —iYnma} uadod ays moysnonp pasn 2q pynoys wmpeu aus 241 ing 4piapT uy 10 ysiSugq up sayste uarmum aq Kou siamsuy —!LON, (zadod wonsand 09 fo sja201 wo Aonorpouran dora wo “ON ty amok 21H) OT 2 Sop wmuanenpy sinog ¢ aun (asano9 PIO) SNOLLOSTS OL ONLLV TAY MVT: PhO9-AT Joded 3a we, A/T ON mer 0% 169 -salind pons 9 suroruos sadod uowssonb stay Old se [Sol ‘bhkjRjte olpodle ‘ke IWR sblejbik oe ‘pibibe bejpe | Lye bie fp UR) Ye Akhil ye Ap BY), bho eB 2 REB Be Bp Une so) Ibe) Ibbip Us Bk 2 Mei EE 1 tek) Uek Le Polk ERY, Mbt ERE kiN) ‘Ipe| Inblls sh EL se baie Uhgyue Ebb) Up pie PR UbPwIE fe Ulplie pie pppris Pyble e IS6T ‘RIK Le ‘hkbe Pajyels 1B ph bikbJe 8p PUA Uhigjue Ike b) Ub bjt) Ye wbue PIER rok mBD ye ywhue bie hue Da +b EIbRIR Ye Bute GUkS [2 WhIDR Ye AB Le [phle Bb Urb Ye Ungle Abas jell Le Ble DAP ve pjhBie ppp yp kinkJR | bu 2p jplh RED mete bh WW ‘Due ips 2 1B Uke teh) be PRYLEAE) ih Edie DH) Be wEype ye we Bie eh vg ipih (pbie y EE ge kee Ineseyp seh IW | DELLE Joba») winiepIpUe Le Kb Yee) BEE —> oe Pals sywapooaid Bu std Sq “BIpUy UE Me] TOND9F9} Tebbsble be Yet pure (4) pyneEne ibe} ppbr} te pbiabjpsb) bel eb @ hyp ye yPHE ye wBipjpae} DIE bibbsp (©) Tune Jab B WRI ub IPB wh 2 relpte yo Etky lee (@MLL6L Hee (Dot pebte 4 kinnlB mips (2 inyh wh lek Dey & kee injhe} Ke: kg bBYpie Me BID BEED Lele se DN, wedwoo quourus2005, pny (4) porutodde ‘Assan yo sopjooury 21a (®) Oud Ry) falgfing] BABY rh B Bey ‘ou Sue WO SO10U IOUS SAB V higjke Yee bh (PUB ShIbpR REY se bale UB REIEE! 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BE DEY gw yp Bass, (48) iB Ieee ouejee dine RIK we A Ye bb) Ay @ fom pe why 000 am ine “BE yD Balk (2) juownrsuy afqen (ig sug ph yea) ich mg web oe job bpuh ue 2 coos we eh edie gpeme, () Arossiuiorg pue a®ueyoxg Jo [jg Uoamsoq ysin: ct V9S69 = Pr Old Hane TABR [lb Phglblel edie eb debe! Ts Bg injeey Oeie gp Wipe Ba kivbl ie sae, fe ype inp keys (1) S102 ‘khe|RYe (nue) PEM ped (M) ge ap pry npn ELE we 676i Imes Heme le!) re] Yetag] Paige ah Biel Ne Irish ie ine Be beh @ pie oh ee (4) same tag beans. (4) sap tm gue pub ae (1M) s _ v9s6t 2 eee Leon (Aleiue Jam 2 UhlG We Leth EAE fe Dab) Ye Le FABRE Lb 2B PPHOBE DEBI | el DIN Le Leel “ebbig|le PRI mh ighyh QR WE BB net FE ke ee

US ipeel phic ©) a8 Woe IDS I EI b Line DB; (eles pROpaty 2b kb bh DIK bh BE 12 Wah Wee bel ke WBjph kn? [b he MID 08 We re wbh Eble did} uUeG “saIySAL MopLA Si Vig phaape) 1be Jub Yl be fein ikH BEBE AD Ub Lik Le Hele) f jbl fb ibhy bhle & Babi) kB aie Ikb &h Luli Didte & Db} |b Whi Ehie (~) yp Be (> blk B HBR [2 Lh @ mS penEpe by WR) SbyIEhYe Ge RJ) 12H eh tek Ibe bt Bo bpic EN @ klbbke hp khie 1) Vustue pS wp eho Bib 0! Bb} & BEDE; B Ih) Ehie O66! RE (H top wh ie) 2 PRRb] B Ike Ehie B c6l Be) 5 Q Uhl ee dpbieb Pepek} Spal Helly B2y 1 Ye pipe} Load), ese. (oe) Owd ‘pe (2 bk ae Ly eb lene we Dd eh B 5% pb PR Lb ddIhabl WH} p 7561 — DAI Bb ¢ gph Bak & BYE p Riel bee Ue lee high bells VibSh ih & Ber Web pyle ch ible BD} DIS VAD 13k B Yoh b m2pS 2op ‘thd} Db bbb) kb wah by pebp BE pp keke ke wre keesS% pipall | bible Lb 0007-I-£ 1 ge BEfkak wey est @ 64) BB ee & Deb Ge by ele b kh gw WHE yon Whe ERE Le 0001 Ibs} bite ME ie ED leh B tS Beh ERE Bbly Unk ch petin en Le Ped InP bye ERE Ee 0 UW AyOY Jo aseys oy OF pannUD st wi ese (9) OWd Ajab BA Soh Bh [eM jh B bis w BR B 2961 We Bb kh A Ub Diab bee ERE bie RE Il bib) ik b F561 ERE LbRIN Ia 2 Be Ei Bhib Wb M ( Bite IRE EX b 6561 Hb BE dbPple th BE bb 4) [4b Balk Ys} Lb biale Bb be S561 Qe tse} Bh De ES Bk wb Ln woh & mM Uz Mb E> Ye Xb Bj BS p Fs6 EAE I pim & PRD B Bh Eble Bhs pnble pp os6l kM & 9S61 Iudy ur parp pey ay yt (07) & Ausdosd ay {WE We tb kobe BR b 910 fh Le X Be Vaile Peajepste dhe ee pyle HE Wy PAIURRYE B kjk) Beh] BBbllbe fe pre (@) pay) 2X die 12 (i2 pbjn Yeh ep bby Le @p Eble ERE 1° eh papppye we (Rabb) & 0661) ‘d {ch #2 ‘(ie lbh B BYbIkh b bh tte Bb bbeebis & x) 'S EB ah “(its tbe) Lette ah pe B ERE Lebel) M hb) [Eble glh Eble phe > bk B bok p 100c pe x ba) ablbey oh West ca) a (7) Whey Bue 12 Ibaih BIR while ae pe Q ample yoay phe fb pw Bik deApER ye Ryne ab 2 bale eb amt eel b> Ie be Bune oh bhi Win & Leis sk] 2 Ibe Balle fe bp DB Pe bible Bb Bibek dip we bak bbe 13h @ BE [ene 2dte © Bik bh w gle Dh, b2 Bephe ie Blink jbhie DB pote gih te wep he Lbibebe fp ha de bile Eble Ik2y de bp Rh & bbe [kh wnle 1 byinb foheb phte 1g BabA Imp 2 bh Bombe ab ie kp wh dye bike ER Dine nab bb & whe poy YER ssc i) VRpyky lake ¢ Wh B Dk we BE 961 ‘bye M yk (0) é ils B alk tw bk p C961 Ikbj DE Eble Ub Bjeh We WR Br She b Bh 2X bb Dn bioe e pb bib M db OH) @ WER) b 9sol pik bb Bab Be @ eb) PL bb Bhib eM b 6561 yb © 2 In dhe bo we wphile BSE Ue ¢ MB BAB 2b ib Vibee{ Ib be 1st Co) Old Bblhie Ye hig Uh bbph) uk ene Ee ¢ Bile Lae Pile) blob Bb RIP Lb Uke Le Delkie Ue lle Webi) 2 Ub BE BIB Lp dete DR Phiie kX 12 yeu pipe melee BEX ge Bie BE 1g teu they dion By (bie Phihle-H:) wea We (ible Ipilisie ) kb WED wh eR thle We plete eye Ba Q pa seinuAbe FID) Yh Dbihle Deke ve cc6F ‘aye. Wasi Sb phe) Diy bebe] Me Webi DIh Le Velie ah 8 Alb) bad imp webs WLip pun we WE ghle 12 WHE Me Ble sei, Beh _B Ahh ple PY WE bee plete BIE belo biyye Leek, be Be Ee ¢ Q tobe phe eibe Yb Bite (be Bw 2 ae ik aLih DR) & EMb pop PLY WEEE kek de ¢ 2 WB keys the BA aw suey play WBE unk 0) OLd Vig Bees DB gee fp blles ub fuk bfaly dye ypne phe pub ¢ 2 wy tbsb}i Urb lb bile Bieble Ba yaw pia yee Wises eB BE 12 ADIN fe tool Libs a gle Uae ibe bie) sb bebe DeAUNE Be [Ye Quem Righ BQ wae woe wiped ue ip kale kiN @ BLEW Hip Hhiejue abe fe Meas Yolb lle piece D2 ib Lub appt 12 Bee B pe Eh & eh Fo pueueaD tb 2 BE Mblle Ie kbps sey 2 WR wie Ub Dienye Bh iy we Bey ye pene Ie Unde) obi rakRes may wh Ye HI ue Bey PRY IDWS BhK Beh) HBA Eble Didte sb V Sor Mille [ WEP S2 bin BM (y) 2 2 WER be biol Lb Bete Ly leg ge alk byte ge C61 wale Iba Bp Vineje aba By Ble de Uabiyte ke pupboiy (0) asc esd Vay Hebel bb pibaje eb) ballDelh DHS BSpbilsk} ys Wejne pabepe ea aA ase Co» Old VDE Ley WD BE Rake Uh jey Bybte 2 OOF bib be WHR lbw Sp 12 Wer B pe Wie bib) pediaas D2 wD ke Bypoynip yeh so) Q wre Velbinlic N12 Iblle bel Indies By Qe pyre Bpne Uk Ye M 2b Nb Bip 12 Wis te) Sen De) e be A Pebstny Me bifulniaby BIRR Ye setyb) keke th 2 Ws tet) ode) dh N 1g Wed Behe Wa Le A bBlb ie bbe bh Be WR Ube 2 Iw BB 6 4 byte Hhtmnly @ duLe Re Vly kbeky Us Le babys ot bE fie RIE biDlbtbe ke EAE oe way 38 WDE pn wh we bb bhite Dab) bX ibe 2 ibe B BIR Me be bh Dab) bX 2b th Mae Ply EYL tab 12 Lewis B DME Leidtele Le Bee Ue 2 RDhie WR Lp 1g fl be sh met on) hay banjh vpoete gp (OLL ba bb ELot "RE egy fp bbls op eee 1 le ate poe bpaliae pia sp (@) yee ye pale 2h X Oy OWd 1g RBebe] flo eb gp RB ible aD be Dy ge weve Vakyye Leb} ise Lb 4B ble Bobble B Hblbhjle DI bible We sblelpte bus bjbete dh Bele ble 12 lb IbibD bole Le bb a Be (lis tke) BibK be kee uphoiy BR toa ge Min BE Eby) IB Yb IOC “Ypbie SI aye bb teR Lb GRD kb SIOC “pbkie toh BkNe »é 2 we Hebi bb in & ke ne hoe B Be wey) Vteyye bey ib eibbae) Bh [be lata) tak] vue cma oy mip ip bain sp aw & wap bye IPetJ& be sb Intims| dle bie ‘nbete 6) a SE 2 2 PB wen) be pip & behad re belee @ bebnpe’ b Ue BR (hee Bayh ue wwe PHP lab [be ERE (hele Hab) B ha be RieL biol} ¢ 2 Be eink qe beKE ub been Ble fe bg winnie mb pea le Ibe) Bh Lp eile sprypnite phible @ Cy be Ue wap wah 2b howe Isbhie mlphiate lee Vhig Libbb) be (bbe|le paypybte Ub ball mop blmie @ 7#P Din yp £161 “WAP Ine Ba) ah bial Od BE bp 2 PE BY B BE Ihe wy Be & Mo tb Yb lh Wb yb! Bh & 1g we AJ Ye MB} Ylbbe BE inmpey Le Os tab me Be Ub O. BY & hbd AID Ss b bik MEV. Wal 1Q IWR Mb ile Bih gb Ge yibe| Pipe Bh ihe 2 WB URE Dad BID aSefvow ajgeynbs Ur vo g, Woy YET § SY SHOUOG.V, Vhigle bbb) lb BIB) Bib, I {200N, JO aULN0q amp ssnasiq (0) TZ ese a) 1@ Wee Tbh boryle te pe dam (eo eg BR Bee DW bible Le Bie 9 IBD Lb bk fb DinB Ibhie [eRe We Hee e228 B Pe Be Ibb bm oes Seur Buz ‘fue) e wioy eBpnys sxower pue ABsp os i9enuOD @ (1) = bite Le ebibh [peb sbb pe bjh ie ERE by BUS [bey ‘surak § 40J YSY YIED pue aye] ay sdIUa OF YB e (Ht) Dibryie ae nate @ WR be dh Be Dbl 2h Sash yey ‘Pur| Jo rojd B uo pay se) eI sanp r99)}09 or YBUE (i) peje dbl Ib 2 fA he DRY oy Digi Lape) aD igje 2B eb Ph bib sb ltd dots dle blab ee Cz) ova dh 2 He @ PHL) BRE BylaB dye Ely QE Dhl. le Biieb Iibl B base hy 2 Eb Ue pA BE Mund Bk mith) ye pee hh ga) pr pA EV. fe BBb) lnbde (dj be Wb sab hie D2 Baw bw, Bile bEsbb] kb LWbhie & x. B WEAR Ye hie) blak} Ye Uepne yb php (iho, 2 & Belk Ye lab V. 2biR une phe imp gk B BL ye. 1B nba ease Cs) bd Bre Lpphle Leo, g uh ‘iby 2 Qh eX We aymd Ghd &G ImD ¥, 1g Yabs gb dhR LInE & Bin 4h Ode 8. WV. Vue bial DE pm? b bike Le (zk, 1B Be Duele fia ajc de — Ome Bob) p De Wh Ve 12 WR knb ve GIy bE) Bibs db ese (a) Ube PIQVe Le PR wrablie bw) & EB LA 7 Wh bb 788l ‘bine Imble Bia @) Ma) Vhayb bebe) Le Wrellthje) bb ibbie Bb eX. We Leh Ye 8. ube bb X. 2k DQ Wh HDL €. dip} Q ub feb? 2p b Bb) 12 wre byple B be ebpe 2h EB bik fe ye bb 1% phe te yh pile pe GM) Me pype nb) @ bbls YEG Lb de kale WV. Ps 7 19) 01 Wilejye UnBlie Yb labb} Bab) ge Weed a Cree acetone ne Vig bbe} 2B? fp bila Le jheehe sbhjbj buBB 7881 ‘kbbiaite Imuie bjt 12 BYb LP BE Beh Yb bik Bae hg. Woh 2h WR ie By Bee pRe A ay g bbe th pid BE Lb A, ke bh dh [enie xX, @Q hlbaje) PIR (ph DpEe ge [oe bbAlejbl aXe [edhe sett Ibe haus beaLb) 12 Le Ub pi [bbe ed tba) deb Baia die DE we lbl> Lb feb 2h Bish dh dklle Bh bY. 12 Be be lh O. [eke a ST Aaa 90): @ owe Viiyjb pbAbjey 12 il binbibie dye Bhbeb dlp Ie) we) 2 Ibi “biphile 8.12 Wb beh ve bak ~ ene ¥. Nibie] Bho ISDS Ib |b bbib lu hb dh Dubs Ge EM B SLOZ 1Q eR Ue trees Dbjih wate ~ Bln :@ ble Ep Gh bible 4b Biicb Ihb YeQ kal BER gb bblk la BRbR AYR slike sl Ieb| db RBI sb hibie Ub fae Of te pk 82 Sab bRRR) # Bh GM lb kh Unie p otOZ EY. ‘Digjh abd 22 UB lal eb Yh tale Me bette 0g ‘wpidxg .-uondopos jo Aunbs uo F019, 1 eum — ( Vale Beth) “2 wR Uae Daibak| Gb Les] a 1g We Ea) fp Bh & G & bie bblbie: 12 We re LD (2. Ye dh DB BBR seep “hv. Eble @ ED bey g pip BE 1g ume Beh Die Bg mpph @ kb 9 19 WO Bor) & EEE Yeie bh Able! Y. ubEte ge |ebebb] We 12 Wh bik be Le be mie Ol Ib 2 Wr shige [Yb A kb de Eble 1, Jo sajsue], *s uonras (4) “ipuepsany owiuy — (r) Old eg ee by JpoUALie kb) RERpEIe ine ue Phun Dib ib lle de Leth lb) bibape, nd se} jeuoneussiUr K PROM mony | halle me wh bale kb POS Jhb kebIR Shie> fe dll, seo Yee) IPA) he Uitte awe Lb eh-LaK BS —! Yonap soded PAV IWNOLIVNYBINI MaNd—s02- a uel nett Pest ON NOY ang {s28ed ponuid 147 suwos ssded vonsonb sip atest see neers becbhte BEG bel 12 tbls tbe} DIAL] B bial sb phe bbe ep ypble BIBT kok Ipish ke kb Ried epic fp ubidls woh PAE sb} 8 WL Lisbite V fase @ Q WEP Us De wriael of Pile bi} ib ladbile Dkyhk| te DINPEL DI8. hob B2 Lisl sb kb Pbk Le BRIBE de bed Ibe Vogt le ge pub buh kebab @ EDBEe 4b hye) pubs mipDie Vaya) Yan2} PakYP ab IBIS |e , IRR (PLOT) BY kb bhyZe,, 98 (P102) A889 ULB HOUR. JO IOUEDYIUBIS 41 HO TOU OHS F AMI — CH) Uiigkb Ebb) 1 lo eOplle gb fhobh Ik Le Fk PebR IpeBee chlo Bele kup pipes (@) wynepe eae) DBE} ain} ake é & bee ke y “bhyb ebb g ibis wanYe bb Gubbys LDP wb BE fe 60-8007 Ihe TDR Rye Ye bbe Up Yewb ube sb baila bie, bhi whl mS Zan web vest ts) cay uowiny Jo ssomod pur suonsuny -urfuo amp suex (hiyke kbpb) BB pp idlba be Ibe biel} @ Q leb Jobin Bl Hhie DIB ZR6L “Lukes ER Th dh jb) Phi DW) sb Eee BaYRYR Lb LhdiR ‘lpia Le lboke ted} Refiake Ue aby B&B RHE Job B Balk OR IAB, fe Aye) aYapbAe be @ GB WbDh Ibb bile 12 Wb \Rhbh Lehie Rwy Qh Be BHA Joie MAP gb pblble bEaple V pad 12 Bb Mie) 2 Diy sblle} ue EBee [ye Upbelto, . | ree Cry old 12 Eli seis ge eA Yat Vhiyye EAR en Be ‘oyu nbs Kuso suonsanb 117 suousanb auf fue wuony hye LEB bral Mb Re Yah Espa Thiel fe thls ‘eh Pb) [p3j ip pile We be Eh-kaK BE —! Yomn2} -isded ay pos 2q plnoys wimpour ues ay Inq. ‘pup ui Jo ysiidug wy soya uauim 24.hew siomsuy — — 210 (2xdod wowssanh fasas uo spormipouaut do} 24) wo ON 001 smo ¢ ° 5m I-MV1IVNOLLALUSNOD Lor sade a wal AV ETT Lzst ON MoH an7k g/9¢ [sated powud z+g surewo2 saded uoysanb sty, ‘Old OL “1z Pue ot “Fi sajouty Jo diysuone a ayy uf Auaqy seuosiad jo 1uaIu0> pi ssnasip “ino auiaidng aip Aq Lisop pre] St mo] 12 We Bybee fee poe Debh) [ue feb sehikale ab Jplblbhk hile bbls Kb WDB held bp eta blo [gb bb sbebhaie Dulh IppIaR—Ye Qe IK We le AEKE Bp b jp] DeUem 1g pRyble lbik ise uaa) weTiy DA, & ibtaliabl Ba dle lnkere %ST DY 2 (ebb) & fue BPS Bone sie fp RDIBD) bb sbkaabote DIK WER de bulk Wb pbie| hehe Bk fe Bib] byes + bpp aU be aol th WPielshjk) (e DeYbaleue} elke tale kb Lyle phile sb fib) bhaly DuBR we us Ce) bRbID 12 WBE Uae Lubbjalle Ke ble) eb fy ema gb (ila cba pe sbuaphatie ih pe whaphole Bik WhIap-2p “blk Wr) ysledh thinlfalk Yh b bel X bale {quo papreun pue papre Jo yew a sinodde 20) suoneayiyenb umop “sey 924 yBnonp “a aS) Buono) 2p Jo Aupyyen oui ssnosic. Vinee IWib jab Dipl} Ub bil nik 2} Dy g Eble] maP Reap fe Bh & Web Ein We eRyeK BoB ugaite Que Ry Eb Dayply We ionK BR & BENE OG Be BY DY g Le Beybly Le Dim} Yb Ibe f be DIS web Ee beh xX : BRIE bye Ye Whe seep |e Pepa a palo powsuand soxedsn: are aul puc soied o 21s sooo} soujod 2p Aq uenesodo ue Jo e299 Hap amp 3p &q ponsst sopuo uy) ast oc) ig wer b pbEe jbo Yb babe fb Hak) Pay ie hejeb BYE Ye Whp seiheR be PRIRB bjnph Du Ds) die w eel “DEE vz DB ped b bile ke BARA) ~ IER syle, PRE) IP Dkjbhyle MIS wll bbpae 12 Bk be [fe Eb zk BE DEIR eB PRIA Le Hiab sb) Q isey Dye ble Peas np pooure 0} sanod ain vem ploy sey vn0> auaudns UL Unmapbie bie @ IZ wy ol ‘pL pebie |) \Dappie imp ple tb Webb) wae p Linble 0 : Rhye Ebpe) Lb PRYRIs) BB RD fe bila [b jbl Diepwhlihte MMB blslalke EDEL ast Cp) ‘Old Jo Koyod amp jo wed se Auedwos 24) &q, pray Sareys sn Jo %001 YUM .X, uoMRIodi0> Gomes y lake pa Me iby () HERWAR sbune Kb 9L peBie wp tinbip DB Re Weblo Le bed Dey ge Mb EibbIs B2 lola PIyR Were sbhyllor|h ‘pill bieh b jib Dh fe Melby bhbste sb ale Bh @ Wpbjiekle DeIBEie we tenia PrJBEte 0) Phin Bie be Wiel) Ye Peale) DA pm & bike [b Ip Paaeb) We Bhlap bbitkeh buaR (2) sip ou su Jo wjoned pue jonied 40 to wwenafas Jo 1481, ut 1g ble ealR Qhih ble @ (uebbb-b) Th fg ble sbjbe Diep Hep Yaka} eb ke tba yee @ Bue ie @ ne Sp bin sb) 2 Fle be epi pie] ‘IRBlle ble eee} le m2 A>iajpaD — () 12 BB aby @ yedy (he pip Eb Ph Whale mpHk: tke] DIA B aye ‘eb Uj te bjt ah BR ey B Ubde Mate} Appetit bie) 2 pb Lhwiyte We yeibha BE beleky ub (ehie fe poy bay al DIE te) d eee + piel Ebb) tb Welhijb} Le PEYeibels Be Phill Le lk UB Eble plane eine 4) 2 bab GDp Leble oh BER Me BB Dalle PIER Lb lpia ge SIbIR A nb pyphnge pr hap BR ages) fe bie) beth BE 1g eb meh) ie bj IS phe h pine BE phe gp BB) seh ge Dye pee) pie Mere 12 Db bie) InP Intgayh gp piss bey we be “B Pyke 1 MER Dk db\e DIRK ble} “Hkt} sbhJeUB eh @ me seo unio ,A, A005 pure .X, uowerodso.) Jo sa6oqdiua o» soinpe mo yo siowsue ayeredos 2019 "9CL BV 10 71 PHY “rgpun ay} {Wm suonnad 1m ypns sa4ytoym UO UII astAPY uowouny noun Suduoqrey> suornad 1a ay ve2 s22Kodu seam Jatjaye uo 291Ape amok 39s pue “porEmuuiar 299 aney «Ay Aato05 58 19m SE .X, UOMO; 30 S99KOHEHD 2, ares eon jonensiioy, Wg Ebb sie @ leat yb (MEY we ~ bak Bly bib sy jonbo Aue suotronb Wy 118 uy suonsanb of wduony Ung LB $a brik Le PRE [kR bE Shiny & lll eh {he} ja) db jistie ie kb kh-LaK BS —! Yama?) saded 241 moySnouy pasn 2q Pinoys worpaw awes a1 Inq 40 usy{3uy UY sayite uaNUN aq Kew Siamsuy 2108) (1adod wo 001s er WN MV TIALLVAISININGY zor a7 sated, a waay AE 11 87ST ON [024 Ok [sed pawud z+g suas soded uonsonb stuf ova @ 2 Pea Me ph Le pb hb) Wb LnURR wpEe b bh] AE Dee Lipbie pox ba-hB @ bib) Ba) eee Lk Le [pbeJe Vinh DB PRB WRE Wh byes eh 12 kalpjalie eels ue belle ele] E22 pbb) bigp DER We Yelk Pletal Ye mb aye Hpk) (12 ph Me bbb Lb btllnby Welbikh wey BoE weg ph aj Ubhie Ehie Be bbjlhb] bb phe Diellblek [Pb [eek LIRR, © % tele apie up Hidlblte: bab Ike TD] ek} ue Eade bole libby setup Ye tar DY be pap & biibbe Bae 2A ebilk 24 Bh [be bin De Ibbinie el C2 DEE Me YOPBMD & poze, Bub Me ee Eebwep|ER Why 2h We 282 phe @ pei Ke Ihene @ Hhgb @ buh ¢ gwen ve ue Le Mea Ug BtobEle (bibl pibbb dp bb ‘Od “9p 948 10 -paoaas nox fawuuoses Sen xX “WUD! sad xIS 40 pa1sisu0> plyes ae Hike} 4b kh B Ete MeB) rh tebe BE den we 2h p pep @ we Ue pine rae pedi [ ely QUERR ‘Ile BE pidbke db IBD BE pee te uajbeh mye) yp wurp in 2 pen we yp teh A wh maybe YB Aloe ch) gre pine ub Bye BE — Weep Belk @ Bee (3 Ue thd) Mb bP Lb BLiRh InP bb) DBA Le 1B3} — bbijk be @ hjble |b Psa ay Bo tbb tee BE APY Yo ladbhale sbiaaye Yh lab BE Uh Dibbj eile they S RLIE (0) higjye ERpb] Ub hells} (fe UeSlb}de DEYIsL qi “Siapen {IP oF 34 pines uonduxs wana yey Aovjod MUO} fq xe e jo wowXed woy uondwax> jo ques 40 -0)098 anutesado-09 aIp Ul 260 suoneo1jdde sopisu0> ay uo oq uo 21nd: SuONDE FuMMO}I) 2 Jo. 4p CST re) @ ( Q repne mpbic kb wee b pe BR inp Q Wi banda bb vb bls Da} SAE LE yigh mye ue pba pln an inate BSP Views we By BBL Pb vbAkjel { 2 vAB B DE AE hile Itch wi? 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