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Adrales, Melody

MM 2a
Human Resources Management
1. How covid-19 affects the small, medium and large enterprise/Businesses in the country?

 Covid-19 pandemic has impact in the decline of the economy of our country, based on the
study of government our GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has decline to 2% to 3% because of
the product we bought from other country who are also affected by NCOV especially china
where most of place in their country are in lockdown so some of factories are close. The
importation of our country to other country has a big impact not just in a small and medium
enterprise but also in a large enterprise.
 Our country is also affected by the covid-19 pandemic where our government implement of
regulation of Enhance Community Quarantine where all citizens should stayed in their house
to prevent the spread of virus and because of that some businesses close their businesses.
 Because of implemented regulation by the government some large enterprise cannot produce
goods because their employee cannot go to their respective work and the shortage of raw
materials from the importation to our country, and because of that they don’t have enough
stock to contribute to the small and medium enterprise. The small and medium enterprise cant
bought merchandise item from the manufacturer so they decide to close their business to
prevent huge losses of capital and prevent expenses in paying the salary of their employee
and other expenses of the business.

2. What do you think will be the possible intervention of the CEOs of the company to cope with
this kind of inevitable situation.
 I think the possible intervention of CEO must do when it comes importation problem and
shortage of their raw materials, he should find raw materials that can replace to their original
materials to the local manufacturer or local exporter of the product to be able to continue to
produce their goods.
 As for the system operation of the company, because of the employee who can’t go to their
offices because of ECQ they should make a system or application that can access by their
employee where they can work at home and also to monitor the work flow of their employee
through the system they use. (it will also reduce the expenses of the company in their
electricity, internet connection fee etc.

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