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Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.

Chapter Title: List of Tables

Book Title: Diet of Worms

Book Subtitle: Quality of Catering in Kenyan Prisons
Book Author(s): Jacqueline Cheptepkeny Korir
Published by: Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.. (2011)
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List of Tables

2.1 Prison menus, Worcestershire, 2008....................................27

2.2 Prisoners Diet (Monday to Sunday), 2008...........................29
2.3: Recommended intake of some typical nutrients ..................32
4.1: Personal information of prisoners in prisons, 2009.............62
4.2: Type of food in prisons, 2009............................................64
4.3: Food increased for sexual favours in prisons, 2009.............70
4.4: Gender, prison and food for sex cross tabulation in
prisons, 2009...................................................................71
4.5: Food preparation, selected prisons, 2009...........................77
4.6: Conditions under which food was prepared
in prisons, 2009...............................................................80
4.7: Food service in prisons, 2009...........................................88
4.8: Temperature of food served in prisons, 2009.....................92
4.9: Temperature of food taken at intervals
in prisons, 2009...............................................................93
4.10: Prisoners level of satisfaction with quality of
catering in prisons, 2009................................................111
4.11: Warders level of satisfaction with quality of
catering in prisons, 2009.................................................112
4.12: Correlations in prisons, 2009..........................................115
4.13: Coefficients...................................................................116
4.14: Model summary.............................................................117
4.15: ANOVA results for food preparation in male
and female prisons, 2009.................................................123
4.16: Independent samples t-test comparing actual
diet and Prisons Act diet, 2009........................................125


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4.17: Prisoners diet (Monday to Sunday), Prisons Act
Cap 90, 2008..................................................................126
4.18: Frequency of food items consumed by prisoners
in prisons, 2009..............................................................127
4.19: Tabulated frequency of food on a 5 point likert scale
in prisons, 2009..............................................................128

List of Figures

1.1 The conceptual framework...................................................16

2.1 Food guide pyramid.............................................................19
4.1: Prisoners’ views on nutritive value of food
in prisons, 2009................................................................67
4.2: Aesthetic value of food in prisons, 2009..............................73
4.3: Persons cooking food in prisons, 2009................................78
4.4: Selection of persons to cook and serve
food in prisons, 2009........................................................82
4.5: Views of quantity of food served in prisons, 2009.................89
4.6: Time food is served in prisons, 2009..................................94
4.7: Percentage satisfaction of prisoners and prison
warders with quality of catering in prisons, 2009..................113
5.1: Proposed Model for Quality of Catering .........................137


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