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System of Dev., Implementing and Evaluating the Curriculum
EDFD 303


PhD ED.MGT. -1 May 3, 2020

Impact of Tyler’s Model of Curriculum Development to the

Philippines K to 12 Curriculum.

Education served as one of the best remedies to fight against illiteracy, poverty,
and ignorance. It always said to be measured to alleviate the financial or economic
status of the individual. A means the always provide the avenue and mechanism to
answers the political, fiscal, sociological, and industrial problems of various countries.
It always depends on the level of quality education that a country possesses. Low-
quality education means the low quality of living and poverty, high-quality education
means a high quality of living and affluence. Consequently, this economic inequality
indeed proved by the current status quo of the developed and developing countries in
which developed countries show higher quality education compared to developing
countries in which the quality of education is undermined. But how we can achieve
this quality of education that was believed to be a solution to attain a quality of life? Is
there this divergence of education promoted by different countries? Or it is because of
the ways in developing, implementing, and evaluating the types of educational system
or curriculum that a country wants to impose to address its contextual deficient and

If you look into the historical framework of educational development, there is

you can denote the important role of “Curriculum” in the system. This curriculum
served as the educational usage of the course of study. This served as the road of
education in attaining the goals and what is supposed to be achieved and targeted.
Curriculum as it is defined as the sum of all learning content, experiences, and
resources that are purposely selected, organized, and implemented by the school in
pursuit of its peculiar mandate as a distinct institution of learning and human
development. What is good in the curriculum is that it is flexible and subject to a
change and development according to the appropriate settings and needs of a country.
But this development or change must undergo a series of steps to be effective and
efficient. These steps involve identifying the purpose, it should be planned and
progressive. Considering the effective ways of changing or developing the curriculum,
there is this model introduced by Ralph Tyler that consists of Four Basic Principles;
namely the purpose of the school, the educational experiences related to the purpose,
the organization of the experiences, and the evaluation of the experiences. If we
examine the strengths and the advantages of this model, firstly it is logical as it
identifies the objectives, secondly, it is clearly defined, thirdly it follows a step by step
process, and finally, it is practical as it underwent in an actual process of curriculum
In the attempt of developing the curriculum of the Philippine education, I
believed that this attempt was influenced by Tyler Model of Curriculum development
because looking into the newly developed and implemented curriculum of the
Philippines, this so-called K to 12 Curriculum Program that covers a compulsory
Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6 years of Primary/Elementary, 4 years
of JHS, and 2 years SHS) was aligned in international standards in which the
Philippine purpose is to respond to the need for globally competitive graduates
undergone in international standards. Because based on the experiences of the
Philippines on RBEC which is consisted only of 10-years curriculum is a congested
curriculum that undermines the attainment of the mastery of concepts and skills in
developing lifelong learners. Moreover, Department of Education gradually and
systematically organized and evaluated their experiences on the RBEC and it comes
up with salient features of K to 12 that include the implementation of MTB-MLE, the
Spiral progression in core academic area and the specialization in the Senior high
school that prepares graduates for employment and entrepreneurship.

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