Garbage Collection: Which Environmental and Human Needs Does It Satisfy?

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Which environmental and human needs does it satisfy?

It satisfies the human need to feel useful and with a higher moral authority, as well

as the governments need to show social responsibility to cheer voters and social


Who would buy it?

The government to promote their “green” work, and the recycling companies.

What are the characteristics of the product or service?

The product is the person, specifically their garbage and their desire to feel their

social responsibility satisfied.

Through this idea, government financing is sought for garbage collection in certain

areas of Puebla, with recycling in mind. As in first world countries, the separation of

garbage will be requested for collection during different days. The non-separate

garbage will be charged per kilo. The idea is to facilitate the subsequent work of

recycling and the correct distribution of the material to recycling or composting

centers. This being said, the plan is to give benefits to people, such as cardboard

bags for organic waste, a loyalty program that gives money to the users, or

agreements with the government to forgive taxes.

What would be the marketing problems of the project?

The biggest problems are obtaining the corresponding sanitary permits and obtaining

the attention of people.

What investment capacity is required?

Investment cost:

The average price of a new vehicle: $1.5 million pesos

Freight vehicle price: $1.5 million pesos

Warehouse price from scratch: $3 million pesos

Service price per vehicle: $4,000 pesos

Can this start as an SME?

Yes, it can start as an SME

Where will it be convenient to install geographically?

Given the distributed presence of recycling centers in Puebla, the proximity to a fast

track as the ringway would be convenient. Also, Lomas de Angelopolis would be a

good market if the first option cannot be done, so Santa Clara Ocoyucan would be a

good center.

It is a private non-profit charitable foundation, dedicated to rescuing and distributing

reliable food to communities with food insecurity in the region.

They collect, select and distribute food from companies, supply centers and

greenhouses, which are no longer marketable but are 100% edible, to provide to

low-income families.

However, a large amount of waste is found with fruits and vegetables, which is why

alternatives are searched to increase their life span by affecting as little as possible

the nutritional value, or otherwise seek a way to use what is no longer consumable.

What environmental need does it satisfy?

The main idea is to dehydrate the vegetables and fruits to increase the lifetime and

in this way, the properties of food are not drastically affected, in the case of what is

no longer consumable we propose to designate a space for composting, which can

later be sold or donated.

Who would buy it?

In the case of food, the mission is to donate it to needy families; on the side of the

compost, it can be sold to the same greenhouses that provide us with fruits and

vegetables, all in order not to add extra chemicals to the earth.

What are the characteristics of the product or service?

The mission of the food bank is to fight with a solitary spirit the food insecurity of

vulnerable people in the region by providing them with reliable food, nutritional
training and another training on the development of food self-sufficiency. This can be

complemented by reusing those foods that are no longer edible but can be

manipulated to return them to the earth as a substitute for agrochemicals.

What would be the marketing problems of the project?

Like any charitable foundation, we face the problem of transportation, because there

is not enough volunteer or with freight vehicle lenders.

Since it is a charitable foundation, it cannot have enough capital to carry out the

project autonomously, which is why the main objective is obtaining investors.

Can this start as an SME?

Yes, it can start as an SME

What investment capacity is required?

Investment cost:

Freight vehicle price: $2 million pesos

Warehouse Price from scratch: $2.5 million pesos

Where will it be convenient to install geographically?

For the reduction of production and storage costs, it is recommended that the

composting center be located next to the food bank, since it is also close to the

ringway, to minimize times and problems on deliveries.

Green Roofs

Market Study

Green roofs are transforming the urban landscape of today. According to human

needs, these types of roofs that benefit the hearing pollution, since it works as an

acoustic insulator that modifies the noise inside the building by up to 30 decibels. For
convenience, it provides a psycho-social well being to people who enjoy the view or

who make use of this green space for positively influence. The environmental needs

that the project helps are the reduction of the heat island effect in the cities by

helping to regulate the temperature increases. It increases the square meters of

green areas per inhabitant, the life of the roofs and decreases its maintenance cost

and surplus-value of property. Finally, it reduces environmental pollution, capturing

air particles thus providing oxygen.

Estimated buyer proposals are divided into homes, primarily without grass zone or

some green area, and both departmental and governmental buildings. The local

housing sector reached its annual goal of 21,000 houses built-in 2018. It also

currently has around 40 buildings with a height of 50 to 150 meters high.

The green roofs propose the installation of a garden on the roof, that allows

cultivating any type of vegetation from grass to a tree or orchards. In addition, putting

a green roof is one of the necessary requirements to take advantage of government

incentives for Green Mortgages or the possibility of reducing property tax payments

in Mexico City. The estimates materials to use are multipanel, metecno, fixing

accessories, roof panel, wall panel, roll and ribbons, fences, refrigeration panels,

smooth blades, corrugated sheet, translucent art print, insulations, sustainable

products, etc.

Building´s marketability can be increased by green roofs. It is a symbol that is easy

to identify and can act as an incentive for those people that are interested in all
benefits that Green roofs offered. Have been identified as facilitating on sales, lease-
ots, increased property value due to
increased efficiency and make the
recruiting employee more easy.
Stabilized ecosystems of ecological
goods for example: medicinal plants,
materials, vegetables, fruits, etc.
Finally in the social scope we have
more visual and environmental
A direct problem would be the investment in organic material (plants, fertilizers, etc.)

because they are perishable and, therefore, their storage is not a durable option.

The use that already established buildings has on their roofs, because some may

have installed terraces, roofs, etc. They can also have facilities such as water tanks,

ventilation, skylights, heliports, etc.

Size and location

The initial investment costs necessary to put this business idea into operation consist

mainly of space, tools and necessary materials. This project is planned to be applied

to the roofs of all buildings and homes, therefore it would be applied in the central

cities, places whose number of settlers and buildings are greater. In addition, today

society is worrying more about the fact of caring for the environment, and especially

in the city of Puebla has been investing more in caring for the environment, an

example of this is the exponential increase in the use of solar panels. So it can be

predicted that promoting green roofing services will be received in a great and

successful way.

Process Identification

In order to develop a robust business strategy, it is necessary to understand the

green roof assembly process. There are five mains stages: pre-design, design,
contracting, implementation, and maintenance. Each stage can be broken down into
several different sub-phases. For instance, in the pre-design stage, you conduct a
feasibility study, scope, come up with design suggestions, create a schedule, and
carry out site analysis. Implementation requires to prepare the site and materials, as
well as to provide quality assurance (Johnson, 2018).

Some of the first conditions that must be had to start with the creation of this
business proposal are (Expert market, 2019):

● How will you carry out your business?

● Creating a legal entity of your business, registration as tax payer and other
legal issues

● Selecting the green roof plants and their details

● Maintaining the green roof top

● Installation of green roof with proper care

● Requirement of utility, equipment, tools, plantation, etc.

● Requirement of labors, experts and other employees

● Capital Investment and Returns

● Care and Precautions

Another crucial part is to select what type of green roof will be installed in each
building because there are extensive roofs and intensive roofs. Extensive green
roofs are subject to strong weather conditions, it does not require great depth of
substrate, it can house grasses, perennial and annual, succulent herbs. The
intensive green roof usually gets under care against wind or solar radiation, mineral
substrates provide very low capacity to absorb harsh temperatures, droughts, frosts
or others. They are mainly used for urban gardens. (Thuring, 2015).

The four most important elements that should be considered for the installation of
green roofs are the supports, drainage, geomembranes and vegetation. Plants must
be selected depending on their origin, water requirement, climate, nutrients and
maintenance. Then, all of them should be suitable to live in Puebla.

For the installation it must be very precisely because you have to considerer if you
need any kind of permission for green roof installation, engineering knowledge to
know whether the building will be able to endure the load of the green roof, if the roof
is already prepared for a green roof or it need a special water connection, proper
sealing, maintenance, etc. In addition to the installation, it should be considered that
it is subsequently necessary to maintain the green roof top and also the building.

There are some expensive equipment that are suggested to be rented at the
beginning to save expenses while basic tools and materials should be purchased.
Some of these tools include drills, level hoses, meshes, screws, fasteners, bolts,
guides, brushes, rollers, couplings, etc.

Job creation is a key factor for the development of the project. The growth of green
roofs in the market creates the need for new jobs for people to manufacturing all the
accessories and machinery, plant growth, gardening, design, installation,
maintenance, etc. In each areas the abilities that we are looking for are that the new
staff need to have the knowledge about gardening, that is the basic because without
plants or grass the project cannot be exist. A study, conducted by American Rivers,
says that if $10 Billion dollars were invested, 190,000 jobs could be created for a
construction of 48.5 billion square feet of green roofs per area. Also, most green
roofing businesses work with architects, landscape professionals, installation
companies, suppliers, manufacturers, and other subcontractors. It is necessary to
have an engineer, for the installations, labor or gardener along. Beside to give an
analysis report of the building in order to know if the building has the right conditions
for the installation of the green roof.

Costs and income

Some of the necessary costs to start the project include the following:

Concept Quantity Total cost ($)

Machinery and tools 5 30,000

Grass and vegetation 60 m3 15,000

Tools 6 18,000

Geotextile/geomembranes 60 m3 3,319

Substratum 200 kg 22,000

Waterproof cover 1,55x20m 30,000

Accessories - 20,000

Plants - 125,000

Holders - 10,000

Total 273,319

Based on data and projections obtained in an investigation for the Autonomous

University of Cali, on landscaped roofs, some data is taken as a reference for the

possible budget that could be had with the installation of green roofs (Posada, 2013):
“The monthly production budget of the product and its cost of each square meter has

a cost of 16.75% of the value of the sale. It should be taken into account that the first

months of year 1 are unproductive, these months are dedicated to product launch


Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Product 0 0 0 50 70 70 70 70 90 85 95 110

Cost 0 0 0 1.67 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 3.01 2.84 3.18 3.685
5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 5. 7. 2. .0 00
000 000 000 000 00 000 500 500
Table 1. Monthly production budget.

“The following tables show the monthly production budget of maintenance service

and its cost, each square meter has a cost of 20% of the value of the sale.”

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mainten 0 0 0 0 0 30 65 90 10 100 120 125

Cost 0 0 0 0 0 60.0 130. 180. 20.0 200. 240. 250.

00 000 000 00 000 000 000
Table 2. Monthly maintenance budget.

“In the following tables a projection of monthly sales in which the units to be sold are

appraised in square meters with a sales value of $ 200,000 c / u, this projection is

directly related to the program of purchases and with the production budget.”

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Product 0 0 0 50 70 70 70 70 90 85 95 110

Cost 0 0 0 10.00 14.000 14.00 14.00 14.00 18.00 17.0 19.000 22.00
0 .000 .000 0 .000 0. 0. 0.000 00 . .000 0.000
000 000 000
Table 3. Monthly sales projection.


Existing supports

In Mexico and particularly in the capital of the country, since 2007, the Directorate of
Urban Reforestation, Parks and Cyclovías of the Secretariat of the Capital
Environment promotes the nature of the roofs in buildings of various types.

The United States Finance and Environmental Preservation Commissions of

the Federal District Legislative Assembly (ALDF) approved discounts of up to 25
percent in the payment of property tax to those who install green spaces in their

It establishes that those who have adult and living trees or green areas not wooded
on their surface will be subject to said deduction, provided they occupy at least one
third of the land area.

In the case of adult and live trees, they must be attached to the ground and not in
pots, planters or other similar containers in addition to receiving the necessary
maintenance, in accordance with environmental regulations.

Mexico City has the Environmental Standard for the Federal District NADF-013-
RNAT-2007, which establishes the technical specifications for the installation of
green areas on roofs, in addition to a tax incentive of 10 percent in the payment of
property for those who enable this type of space.

This discount can be accessed by taxpayers who submit the document issued by the
Ministry of Environment with which they prove that their property has the record of
environmental preservation.

What is it? DAVID



Gases de efecto invernadero



Market Study SINAI

Necesidad humana y ambiental que satisface

Compradores (Número de población y características)

Características del producto

Problemas de comercialización

Size and Location ELLIOT

ubicaciones ideales

montos de inversión

aumento de plusvalía

capacidad de producción

formas de adaptación de viviendas

Process Identification Lisset

Costs and Income

Existing Supports Ale


Aceromundo. (2018, March 2). Los Techos verdes y su aportación al medio

ambiente. Retrieved from


EL UNIVERSAL. (2018, July 11). ¿Cuántos poblanos suman en 2018?. Retrieved



EXCELSIOR. (2016). Ofrecen beneficios fiscales por instalar azoteas verdes en el

DF. octubre 25, 2019, de Excelsior Sitio web:

Expert Market. (2019). Starting Green Roof Installation Business. Expert Market.

October 26, 2019, retrieved from:


Green Roofs Project. (2019). About Green Roofs. October 26, 2019, retrieved from

Green Roofs for healthy cities:

H, Antonio. (2013). La Azotea Verde, tiene Incentivos Fiscales y otros Beneficios.

October 25, 2019, retrieved from Libre sin deudas:

Johnson, A. (2018). How to Set up a Green Roofing Business. Green Business

Bureau. October 26, 2019, retrieved from:
Posada, L. & Puentes, J. (2013). PLAN DE EMPRESA PARA LA CREACIÓN


Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. Retrieved from:

Thuring, C. (2015). Ecological dynamics on old extensive green roofs: vegetation

and substrates > twenty years since installation. University of Sheffield.

Sheffield. 368 pp.

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