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Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.

Chapter Title: Index of Subjects

Book Title: Diet of Worms

Book Subtitle: Quality of Catering in Kenyan Prisons
Book Author(s): Jacqueline Cheptepkeny Korir
Published by: Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.. (2011)
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Index of Subjects

Catering quality in Prisons 17, Food Service in Prisons 40, 87,

88, 91, 137 95-101, 109, 134
Conceptual Framework of the Food Storage in Prisons 107
Study 14 Further Research Suggestions
Cooking Equipments in prisons 114
84, 102
Cooks Relationship with Hypotheses 9
prisoners 77, 82
Correlations 115 Independent Samples T-Test
56, 124
Data Analysis and Presentation Inferential Statistics 113
59 Ingredients Used for Cooking
Data Analysis Procedure 54 In Prisons 86
Data Collection and
Instruments 49 Kenya Prisons Act Cap 90 28
Descriptive Statistics 60
Diet Penal 43 Literature Review 17
Dining in Prisons 104
Meals Number and Timing 42,
Food Cultural Significance 36 87, 94
Food Preparation in Prisons 76, Multiple Regression Analysis
80 55, 114
Food Punishment in Prisons 34
Food Served in American Nutrition Prison 31, 32
Prisons 22 Nutrition of Adults Prisoners 32
Food Served in African Prisons Nutritive Value of Food Served
24 to Prisoners 66
Food Served in British Prisons
23 Objectives of Research 8

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184 The Quality of Catering in Kenyan Prisons

One-Way ANOVA Technique 56, Research Primary Data and

122 Sources 52
Research Secondary Data and
Preparation of Prisons’ Food Sources 53
37, 132 Response Rate of Research
Prison Special Meals Questionnaires 60
Prison Food Menu 26, 136
Prisoners’ Body Composition Sample Size 48
33 Sampling Frame 47
Prisoners Personal Information Sampling Procedure 48
60 Scale of Diet 42
Prisoners Questionnaires 145 Sensory Characteristics Food
Problem Statement 5 Served to Prisoners 29, 72
Purposes of Food Service in SERVQUAL Model 18
Prisons 69 Study Area 45
Study Assumptions 10
R Square 121 Study Challenges 12
Recommendation to Study Purpose 8
Government of Kenya 143 Study Rationale 10
Recommendation to Kenya Study Significance 10
Prisons Service Department Study Scope 11
Reinforcement Theory 12 Target Population 47
Research Design 46 Tests of Research Hypothesis
Research Discussion, 119
Conclusions and Theoretical Framework of the
Recommendation 129 Study 12
Research Instruments 49 Type of Food Served to
Research Methodology 45 Prisoners 22, 64, 131
Research Questions 9
Research Pilot Test 54 Water Storage in Prisons 108

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