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This book is a collection of articles I have written over the years and

revelations from the Word of God on healing and the help of the Holy
Spirit. If you read this book as you would a normal book, then what you
get out of it will be limited.. The things of God are not gained by sense /
head knowledge or by reading something once.. The things of God are
ONLY known by the Spirit of God, and God, Who is a Spirit, reveals
them to the HEART (spirit) of man!

Jesus said: “God is a Spirit..” John 4:24 and we are made “in His image
and in His likeness”

We are a threefold being.. The apostle Paul said “I pray God, that your
whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless..”

“The things of God are revealed to the

heart of man by the Holy Spirit”
This is the main reasons behind so much confusion about God. You
cannot reason Him out. he can only be revealed to your heart. He is a
Spirit (Jn4:24) and we are made in His image and likeness.. spirit, soul
and body. He teaches our hearts, not our minds..

“No man knows the things of God, save the Spirit of God and to who
He will reveal them..

No man knows the Son except the Son reveal him..

1 2
Subjects covered..
Healing belongs to us
Revelation verses Information. It when ‘head knowledge become heart
revelation’ that things really begin to work for us! Healing for the body is a part of the 'wonderful grace of God that
brings salvation to the world' Jesus paid the price for our healing as
The Prayer of faith. James 5:14 Just this alone should be more than enough the Scriptures plainly teach. Just because some fail to receive what
to get us all healed .. of anything.. the Lord did, doesn't change God's mind on it. Healing is based on
what Jesus did for us, not on a 'will I, won't I, attitude. He has healed
Why some are not healed. Just because some are not healed doesn’t mean
me numerous times and even delivered me from death! ~ His willing-
it’s not God will to heal them.
ness to heal is based upon what Jesus did and His great love for us..
Bible Authority. ‘Prayer is good and necessary but it will NOT take the place not on our efforts or works. He is 'no respecter of persons' ~ What
of authority. I give you authority over all of the ability of the enemy and I He does for one, He will do for all.
expect you to use it”
To demonstrate how the forgiveness of sin is so closely related to
The God Who cannot lie and does not change. Knowing these give us a healing. Jesus said to the paralysed man who was lowered down by
sure footing. If He healed one, He will heal all, If He saved one, he will save his friends through the ceiling.. "Son, be of good cheer, your sins are
all. forgiven you" but He didn't come for the 'forgiveness of sins' but
healing for his body! The Scribes started to argue about this and Jesus
Looking unto Jesus, not anybody else. People say .. “but what about so and said to them. "Why do you reason in your hearts? What is easier to
so?” The Bible says Jesus is our example,. Just become someone fails to
say?.. Your sins are forgiven, or to say rise up and walk" In the eyes of
receive, doesn’t change His desire to give.
the Lord, forgiveness of sin brought healing to the body.. Jesus also
Mark Chapter 4. The Primary Parable, Jesus said this was VERY important. told a man who he had just healed to "Go and sin no more, less a
“If you do not understand this parable, how shall you understand all para- worse thing come upon thee"
King David saw this too. "Bless the Lord.. Who forgives all your sins,
Jesus made things simply.. Religion makes it complicated.. Jesus said Who heals all your diseases" and James reiterates it in the "Prayer of
“Come learn of Me, for My yoke is EASY, My burden is LIGHT” Paul said “I faith that will heal the sick and.. if he has committed sins they shall be
would not have you moved from the SIMPLICITY that is in Christ’ 3 words.. forgiven him" James5:14 There are 3 'shalls' listed here... no maybes..
Easy, simple and Light.. “Lest you become as a little child…’ Jesus said..
The apostles Paul and Barnabus were in Lycaonia where "they
A child simply believes what their parents say and
preached the gospel" Whilst preaching the gospel, a lame man who
acts upon it.. What are you yoked to?
had ever walked, received faith to be healed (verse9) Where did he
get faith to be healed from? Romans10:17 states that "faith comes by
hearing and hearing by the Word of God" so this gospel that Paul
“You don’t have to be perfect to receive
preached, which hasn't changed, must have included healing as part
from God son, just righteous” of salvation.

Jesus is our righteousness..

3 4
What to do to receive your healing. the earth (your spirit) brings forth fruit of herself (that is the Greek
word for 'automatically') First the blade, then the ear, then the full
"My words are LIFE to those who find (grasp) them and health corn in the ear.. Then you reap the harvest..
(medicine) to all your flesh.. Proverbs 4
Jesus said: "The words I speak to you, they are spirit and Life.." "so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.."
“In Him was Life..” . Romans10:17. You ONLY get faith by 'hearing and hearing' If you will
"Being born again, not of corruptible seed.. but of incorruptible seed, 'attend to my words, incline your ears to my sayings' as described in
by the Word of God" Proverbs4.. The Word of God will start to produce its harvest in your

Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to a seed that a man would plant
into the ground.. God said in Genesis.. "..for as long as the Earth That's what I did.. for 3 whole days, morning, noon and night. I would
remains, it shall be seedtime and harvest.." (This is God’s spiritual write the scriptures down on bits of paper and start to meditate,
principle, not just planting corn..) mutter, think on over and over I combined this with praying in the
Spirit and worshipping the Lord.. The result? After around 3 days of
this, the healing power of God was all over me! If i can do it in 3
Jesus said that His Words were, "spirit and life" That is, they go to the days, not weeks or months! then anybody can.. :for God is no
spirit, or heart of man, where they will begin to grow. He then listed respecter of persons. he has no favourites.. "Whosoever will.." Jesus
some things that would stop the word (the incorruptible seed) from said. I reckoned myself to be a 'whosoever' so I just did it! and
growing and producing fruit. The cares and worries of this present healing, plus a revelation of healing was the result.
life" - They will choke the seed, much the same way as weeds do. The
lusts of other things The deceitfulness of riches" Read Mark chapter 4
in conjunction with this teaching. I am only a man and can only give So, I would download a copy of the healing scriptures to start with
you information. If you will study the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit will and play then over and over again. You may well get fed up hearing
give you revelation! my voice but the Word of God is going into you. There are lots of
sites, apart from this one, where you can get free healing scriptures
from on the Internet. Print them out and stick them all over your
The Word of God has the power within itself to produce the Life of house. On the fridge, in the toilet, by your bed.. anywhere you can.
God. "My words are spirit and life" The word 'life' here, is the Greek Read them over and over, listen to them over and over.. mix them
word 'Zoe' - or the God kind of life, or Eternal life.. with faith, prayer and praise and God says you WILL reap a harvest!

If I needed healing or wanted to stay strong in healing. I would Things that will STOP this:
continually plant 'healing' seed. God says.. "whatsoever a man sows, Jesus specifically mentioned some things that would stop the Word
that shall he also reap" This is not just talking about bad things.. He of God from working in your life:
said "whatsoever' So if you plant 'healing' seed from the Word of
God, He said you would reap a harvest of healing. The Word of God, The two main ones are:
planted inside your spirit, will produce the life of God. ..Mark4 .."for
5 6
UNFORGIVENESS: - "and when you stand praying, forgive, if you More on what to do to receive your healing
have anything against anybody" Mark 11-25 "if you do not forgive
people their sins, neither will your Heavenly Father forgive yours" I want to offer you today, an account of my experiences in healing
over the past 25 years with Jesus.. and also the ministry of John G
Lake. John Lake had one the most miraculous ministries ever seen on
UNBELIEF: "and He (Jesus) could do no mighty work because of their this earth.. His ministry to Africa in the early 1900's, was marked by
unbelief. It doesn't say He 'wouldn't'.. it says He 'couldn't' - "and the outstanding manifestations of the Spirit of God and upon his return to
Word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in Spokane in America, he opened what he termed 'his healing rooms'
them that heard it.." During 5 years of ministry there, over 100,000 recorded miracles and
healing's took place for the glory of God.. Spokane was declared one
of the healthiest cities in America, mostly due to Lakes ministry.
The Life of God, that is in the Word of God, has the power not only
to bring you eternal life but also to heal your mortal body! "My words About 25 years ago, at the start of my ministry, a copy of his original
are life (Zoe) to those who grasp them and health (medicine) to ALL sermons came into my hands in Western Australia. How they got
your flesh" Proverbs: 4-20 from America to me, God only knows. They were photocopied loose
leaf typing's, corrections and all. I believe Lakes wife (Jenny) was an
Remember.. Healing is a gift based upon what Jesus did for us, so excellent typist and it's due to her efforts that we have some of his
don’t ’try’ and earn it.. Just believe and freely receive from His grace. sermons today.

Some years ago, Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( got a

hold of them also and published them in a book. That book is availa-
ble from their website and I would highly recommend anyone who is
interested in the deep things of God to get a copy! As I received the-
se notes many years before this book, I don't have any problem quot-
ing from them..

There was one thing about his ministry that seems to have been, to a
large degree, lost today.. and that is what I call 'staying in there' or
persistence.. John Lake and the people in the 'Healing rooms' would
minister to people every day until they were well, or in a position to
get well. There is a tendency these days to pray once and if doesn't
happen instantly.. oh well..

"Why is this?" you ask? Why is it people get healed instantly and
others not? Lake said (and I have found this to be so as well) that the
healing seems to be dependant on a couple of factors. One is the
amount of faith present and the other is how much of the Spirit of

7 8
God is also present.. He believed that the Lord Jesus had such I would often minister to people until they were well. If they didn't
absolute faith and the 'Spirit without measure' that when Jesus minis- get it today. I would pray again tomorrow and so on.. Whether I got
tered to people, the power of God simply overwhelmed sickness and this a result of Lakes writings or direct from the Lord.. God only
disease and people were made whole. But even the Lord Jesus knows.. but it works! I knew Jesus wanted to heal people so I kept at
ministered to a man twice before he was made whole (blind man it until I got them well.. or they gave up! No-one, not even God can
example) and the 10 lepers were 'healed as they went' The healing violate your free will. Jesus said to me once.. "If you don't give up
manifested as they were obeying the voice of Jesus and on their way son, neither will I"
to see the priests.
If you are not well, then I would suggest you go and receive minister
We do not have the 'Spirit without measure' as Jesus had. We do until you are.. One case in question was Michael. I first met him at
have 'a measure of the Spirit' that can be increased as our faith and church. I walked in and immediately my eyes fell upon him and I
love in Him grows.. Lake would say to people.. 'Today, you have seemed to be drawn to him.. I also knew by the Spirit of God that he
received a measure of the Spirit of God, so come back tomorrow and had 'Aids' We got to know each other and after a while i said to him
receive some more..' They would pray and minister to people until that I would minister to him for 30 days if that was ok.. He said it was
they got well. Sometimes it was instant, other times it was (You got to get peoples willing permission!) One of his problems was
progressive.. that he couldn't eat very well. So after work, I would go around and
see Michael, have a chat, talk about the Word of God and pray for
This seems to confirm what the Lord also taught me about a 'New him. At first it seemed to make little difference. Sometimes I would
Day' (see here) We tend to see a day as a continuation of our lives.. only stay for a few minutes, other times for an hour or so.. I would
and so it is but the Lord see every day as a new day.. He says a lot use my faith and thank God Michael was delivered, even though
about it too! there was little evidence of this. This went on for some 10-15 days
(I think) and then this happened.. I started to pray for him.. he was
"His mercies are new every morning" (not week) lying down, not feeling to good, when I looked at his stomach.. he
leant up and saw it too. There was something moving about in his
"This is the day that the Lord has made" (again.. not a week or month) stomach! "There it is!" he said! I said "in the name of Jesus Christ.
come out of him!" It immediately left and things settled down..
"Give us this day our daily bread" I prayed for him again and left.. The next day Michael was ecstatic!
He had been to a fast food place and eaten a hamburger! (he had
It's amazing how much power, yesterday and tomorrow have upon been struggling eating just bread before, let alone greasy foods!) His
our lives. One has gone and the other hasn't yet arrived. Yet they appetite had returned and he was feeling much better!
seem to hold tremendous power over us. That's why Jesus said "Take
no thought for tomorrow.." The apostle Paul said "This one thing I What if I had given up? What if I had said "Well you never know what
have learned, forgetting those things that are behind" We carry God will do" or some other religious stuff? Jesus knew exactly what
yesterdays baggage with us and then add tomorrows worries and God would do and went about 'destroying the works of the devil'
wonder why we struggle through the day!! Have a read.. Acts10:38 and 1John

"His mercies (not mercy) are new every morning" So partake of them I continued to minister to him every day and he continued to
everyday! improve.. it was around the 25th day (not sure now) that another
9 10
remarkable thing happened.. I didn't know it but Michael had another "All things are possible to him that believes" (has faith). Faith ONLY
disease.. I went to pray and I heard a single word in my spirit.. comes from the Word of God. Just do what God told Joshua to do..
'Amourisis' I didn't even know what it meant! I thought about it for a meditate upon the Word of God night and day.. It is just like a seed.
minute and then asked Michael if he had it. (it’s a disease of the eyes It will go down into your heart and start to grow and bring for fruit
caused by nicotine use,) He said 'Yes' and seemed surprised that I (Faith is a part of that fruit!) Go and read Mark Chapter 4 and see
knew. I told him how I knew and we prayed. I place my hands upon what Jesus said about 'sowing the Word of God'
him and he was instantly healed of it!! Awesome Jesus!!
2) Unforgiveness: (not forgiving others) .
So at the end of the 30 days, Michael was a LOT better!! If you are This will stop the power of God in a persons life faster than anything I
not well, keeping BELIEVING and go and get help from your brothers have ever come across. Jesus said if you don't forgive others, your
and sisters in Christ. "The body is help together by that which every Father in Heaven won't forgive you!! Everybody loves Mark11:23 and
joint supplies" ~ " When one part of the body suffers, the whole body 24.. but it also comes with verse 25.. "and when you stand praying,
suffers" or supposed too! forgive.. if you have anything against anyone.."

Here's what Jesus said. "They shall lay hands on the sick and shall I was ministering one day and the power of God was present to heal.
recover.." The Amplified version says.. "and they shall get well" As I came to the end of my talk, the gifts of the Holy Spirit came into
Recovering is a process.. If you have been prayed for and hands laid operation and I 'knew' that there was someone in the audience that
upon you, Jesus said "you are recovering!" What do you believe? we was in need of healing. I then knew who it was and pointed to her.
see in James5:14.. "Are there any sick amongst you? (this is written to The lady hobbled forward.. She was full of arthritis. I prayed for her
the church) Then it tell the sick what to do.. 'Let them call for the and the power of God came stronger. I then asked to do something
elders of the church and let them pray over them anointing them she couldn't do before, like knee down. (Faith is an act!.. "When Jesus
with oil in the name of the lord.. (Now it tells you what will happen) SAW their faith..") She tried but was unable to bend. I thought
and the prayer of faith (not unbelief) SHALL heal (that is, restore) the 'strange' so I encouraged her to believe and prayed again. Yet again,
sick and lord SHALL raise them up and if they have committed sins, it the power of God came and still she couldn't bend down. Suddenly, I
SHALL be forgiven them" There are 3 'Shall's' here.. NO maybes.. If looked at her and said "Are you on unforgiveness?" She said "Yes! ~ I
you have been prayed for as above, then the Bible says the Lord was only asking God to forgive me this morning because I couldn't
SHALL.. heal and restore you.. Raise you up and forgive any sins.. All forgive what some people had done to me!" She went on.. "You don't
you have to do is believe what He said.. and give thanks.. know what those people did!" I said it didn't matter, only that Jesus
taught a LOT about unforgiveness! You see, the love and power of
"Thankyou Lord for healing me, Thankyou Lord you are raising me up God came to her but her unforgiveness stopped it from making her
and I am recovering.. I believe you Lord.." well. I told her to go home and forgive those people and when she
awoke in the morning, she would be well..
The 4 main things that will stop this from working for you is:
1) Unbelief (no faith) Being completely out of the will of God: .
The Bible says: "Jesus could do no mighty work because of their A lady friend of mine I had known for many years, told me one day
unbelief" It doesn't say He 'wouldn't' ~ It says He 'couldn't'.. that she had just had a hysterectomy. As I listened to her story, I
"Without faith, it is impossible to please God.." Heb11:3 started to think about why this thing had come upon her. As I did, the
Lord spoke clearly to me and said. "When she was 13 years old, I
11 12
called her to the mission field but she didn't go" I said to her. "When abides in the Holy Spirit, in regards to helping us. That is one of the
you were a young girl, did the Lord call you to the mission field?" She reasons He came.. "I will send you another (just like me) helper"
went a white as a sheet, her mouth dropped open and she said "How John14 ~ Ask Him for His help everyday. I lean upon Him greatly. I
on earth did you know that!!" (She was in her 50's now) I told her that spend a lot of time in the Spirit, allowing His grace to pray the perfect
the Lord had just told me. She confirmed this was the case but things will for my life and ministry. I treat Him just like Jesus. If the Lord
happened and she didn't get around to it.. Will she get to Heaven? Jesus Christ was walking the Earth now, we could go to Him and
Absolutely! but she just didn't enjoy God's best for her life here. receive help for whatever we needed. The Holy Spirit is just like Jesus
and He was sent to help us. He helped me receive my healing from
"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land" diabetes and He is no respecter of persons (has no favourites)
"I come to do thy will Oh God"
The Lord also said to me once. "The Holy Spirit will help you receive
Not walking in love: . from the Lord son" So ask Him to help you.. Ask Him to help you
Jesus said " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one walk in love. Ask Him to help you find God's perfect will for your life.
another AS I have loved you" It wasn't a request! The Apostle Paul Ask Him to help you receive your healing from the Lord.. "Ask and it
wrote "Make love your great quest..." Another Scripture says "Walk in shall be given you..." Jesus said.
love as dear children (of God).."

Not walking in love towards people, (or at least not making any
attempt to) will stop the blessing of God from operating in your life.
WE are commanded to do so. As you purpose in your heart to do
this, grace will be released to enable you to do it. You may (probably
will, like me!) miss it now and again but as long as the decision is
there, grace will enable you. If you miss it, then repent and move on..

None of this means God doesn't love you, or that you won't get to
Heaven. He loves you because you accepted Jesus as your Lord and
saviour. Jesus said.. "The Father Himself (tenderly) loves you because
you believe on Me and that I came out from God"

The help of the Holy Spirit: .

The Lord said to me a few weeks ago..

"The Holy Spirit is as passionate (willing)

to help you, as Jesus is to save you"

Few of us would doubt the Lords willingness and sacrifice to save us

from sin, yet very few of us seem to recognise that this same passion

13 14
THE AUTHORITY up His words because He did always those things that pleased Me" -
Jesus authorised you to act in His stead. He said.. In My name you
Part 1 shall cast out devils, - Look, I give you authority over all of the ability
The Lord said one morning: of the evil one.. If you ask anything in My name I will do it..
Whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven..”
"Prayer is good and necessary but it will not take the place of au-
thority. I give you authority over all of the ability of the enemy and I You,.. not Me!.. You = the Church, the Body of Christ. People who
expect you to use it" - have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him as Lord
and saviour..
Luke 10v19 states: "Behold, take heed and notice, I give you authori-
ty, the capacity, power, and strength over all the ability of the Authority = The legal right to act against the powers of darkness,
enemy.. You shall trample over serpents and scorpions (demons and using the name of Jesus. "In My name you shall trample on demons
devils) and nothing shall by any means harm you.." and devils.."

This is how it came to pass.. The Holy Ghost = The power behind the authority.

It was around 6-20am. I had risen earlier and had been extremely up- When Jesus was tempted by the devil, He answered with the Word
set the night before by a tragic event that I had just learned had just of God.. It is written.. He said. And again, It is written.. What a
happened to a dear Brother in the Lord. revelation! The devil is subject to the Word of God! The Word is on
your lips now! -Speak it out! - The devil is also subject to the Name of
I was still troubled about what happened and was making a cup of Jesus!- Philippians: "God has highly exalted our Lord and given Him a
tea and some toast for my wife and self. As I stood there waiting for name above every name that is named, that at the name of Jesus,
the kettle to boil, my eyes were drawn to a beautiful multi-coloured every knee shall bow, of things and beings in Heaven, things and
sunrise. Suddenly, the rays of the sun broke through the clouds on beings on Earth and things and beings under the Earth and that every
the horizon and hit a pure white cloud in the sky above my window. tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God
The effect was dazzling, to say the least. Then literally out of the blue, the Father" - The Scripture also says ..'that Jesus has sat down at the
the Lord spoke the following words: right hand of Majesty on High, expecting till His enemies be made
His footstool! - Who's going to do this? We are, in Jesus name!
"Prayer is good and necessary but it will not take the place of au-
thority. I give you authority over all the works of the enemy and I The disciples returned one day rejoicing and said.. "Lord, even the
expect you to use it!" devils are subject to us through your name!" Jesus gave "them (that's
us!) power over unclean spirits to cast them out"
and with the words came a clear understanding of what He had just
revealed. Praying.. 'Lord, do something about the devil!' is no good! - Why you
ask?.. because He has already given us the power and authority to
The basics were: - "Stop asking Me to do something I have already act in His place and He expects us to use it.. There is a great site on
given you the power to do. "Why criest thou unto Me Moses?" Jesus 'How to' use your God given authority and see situations change for
didn’t keep asking Me to do it. He did it by the Holy Ghost. I backed the glory of God. here..
15 16
God wants to STOP bad things from happening to us! Yes, He is Self: Do you feel heavy and 'down? Is every day a struggle? Are dark
there to help, deliver and heal but it’s His will that we don’t get in the thoughts clouding your mind? Do you feel that you are being
mess in the first place! How many of you want your children hurt? ‘harassed’ - Even though you can’t see anything? Do you want to
Don’t we as parents try to stop bad things from happening to our punch the lights out of something but you are not sure what? (Hey!
kids? ‘How much more does our Heavenly Father!’ I’m being honest here.. ok?) Then the chances are you are dealing
with a spirit being…
Use your authority EVERY DAY.. In the Old Testament, Almighty
God put a hedge around Job to protect him.. Job let it down through You can use your authority to get rid of it! Jesus gave us the right to
fear.. “The thing I have greatly feared has come upon me.. that which do so. "Behold, I give you authority over all of the ability of the
I was afraid of has come to me” Fear is BAD.. It brings to us the enemy. YOU shall trample on demons and devils and nothing shall
things we DON’T want.. It is the opposite of faith.. by any means harm you" Luke10:19 – - "If you shall ask anything in
My name, I will do it" John14:12-14 – YOU is the subject here.. The
Speak the Word of God out loud daily.. “Thy Word oh Lord is a devil is terrified of you finding out who you are in Christ and that you
shield..” “and take unto you the shield of faith whereby you are able have power of him!
to quench the firey darts of the wicked.. and take
SPEAK!: You have to say something. Jesus said "Whosoever (that’s us)
Read Mark 16v15-21. - Luke 10v19 - John 14v12.- Matthew 18v19 - shall say to this mountain, be removed and be cast into the sea and
until they get into your spirit. . shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things that he
says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he says" Mark
HOW TO USE YOUR AUTHORITY: 11:23-25 (Don’t forget the ‘forgive’ bit in here.. ok. It won't work with
There is something in mankind that wants to exert his authority. Deep unforgiveness in your heart..) Remember, Jesus told the disciples that
down, he knows that he is something special but outside of Christ, THEY should have used their faith and spoke to the storm..
lacks the power to become so.
So start by exercising your authority. Say "devil, in the name of the
THREE THINGS TO KNOW: Lord Jesus Christ, I demand that you hassling and harassing devils
I) God is on your side! "If God be for us, who can be against us" leave me. You have no rights over me. I am bought with the power
2) Your Heavenly Father loves you.. "For the Father Himself (tenderly) of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I command peace into my body in the
loves you because you believe on Me and believe that I came out name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ the Righteous One"
from God"
3) "Behold, Look and take notice! I give you authority over all of the THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!
ability of the enemy. You shall trample on demons and devils and I awoke very early one morning deeply troubled over a tragic event
nothing shall by any means harm you" Luke 10:19 that had happened to a dear brother in the Lord.. You know when
things ‘really’ bother you? I was waiting for the kettle to boil and
Firstly: Recognise that we have already been given authority through watching the start of a glorious sunrise. The sun was hidden behind
the righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ… and He is waiting for us some cloud.. When suddenly the suns rays broke through the cloud
to use it! and hit a fluffy white cloud in the sky above my window. The result
was blinding!
Authority for self.. and Authority for others..
17 18
Then, out of the cloud, the Word of the Lord came to me and said: and things and beings under the earth and that every tongue shall
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father" - The
"Prayer is good and necessary but it will NOT take the place of Bible says Jesus has "sat down at the right hand of Majesty on High
authority. I give you authority over all of the ability of the enemy expecting that His enemies be made His footstool" - Guess who is
and I expect you to use it" going to do that? - Us.. armed with the righteousness of Christ and
the wonderful name of Jesus!
A lot of things happen, because we allow then to happen! Jesus said
"I give you the keys to the Kingdom (realm) of Heaven and Get rid of the devil from around your children! Don't wait for
whatsoever you shall bind (prohibit) on Earth shall be bound in something tragic to happen! Stop it before it starts.
Heaven and whatsoever you loose (allow) on Earth shall be allowed
in Heaven" - Who did Jesus say was going to ‘Bind and loose’? - US! DEPRESSION: In 24 years of ministry, I have found that depression,
or the spirit of heaviness, is just that. It’s a spirit. Sent to ‘kill, steal and
I say this with all reverence and love for you. "If YOU don’t do it, it destroy’ as Jesus said in John10:10. Is can become so heavy, that it
probably won’t get done" literally feels like you are carrying around a great weight. You can’t
seem to think straight and thoughts of despair and hopelessness fill
The parable of the Dog in the Garden: your mind. You feel (and may well get these thoughts) as if God has
left you, or is mad at you.. You try and try but it’s all too much. You
Let’s look at the natural here for a bit. There was a lady who went pray but it’s like “the heavens are of brass” as the Bible says.. You are
outside one day to find a dog digging up her beautiful garden. “Dear dealing with an evil spirit that seeks to rob you of every blessing the
Lord” the lady prayed, “There’s a dog messing up all my hard work, Lord has for you and even your life if it can..
will you do something please?” The heavens were like brass.. Again
the lady prayed “Lord, the dog is making a huge mess of my garden, GOOD NEWS!: Jesus didn’t leave us helpless! He gave us power and
do something please!’ The heavens were still like brass. In pure authority over ALL of the ability of the enemy.. whatsoever we bind
desperation, the woman grabbed a broom and launched towards the in His name, He will back up! - He is our champion! He destroyed
dog yelling and brandishing her broom.. “Get out of my garden in the power of the devil at Calvary and then gave us the right, power
Jesus name!!” She yelled.. The dog fled as fast as it could.. and ability over all his works..

What’s making a mess in your life? Get rid of it in Jesus name! MAKE A DECISION: My days of oppression are over! Either get
someone, or more, with you (One can put a 1000 to flight, two can
So why don’t we do that in the spiritual realm? - where we "wrestle put 10,000 to flight) and start to use your God given authority. Say
not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, "devil, in the name of Jesus Christ, get of my mind and of my body!
rulers of the darkness of this age, against wicked spirits in the You have no rights over me! I am a blood covenant person for I have
heavenlies" Ephesians6 .. been bought by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, my Lord and
saviour! You have no rights over me! ~ I demand that you bow your
Jesus said "If you shall ask anything in My name, I will do it" Jn14:14 knee to the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and leave me NOW!" -
Philippians says that "God has highly exalted our Lord and given Him Now start to thank God it HAS gone, regardless of how you feel!
a name above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall Believe that the mountain of depression has left.. just because Jesus
bow, of things and beings in Heaven, of things and beings on Earth said so. You may not feel like it has and the only evidence that you
19 20
have is the Word of God.. and that’s all you need, for that’s what faith "devil, I demand that you leave this young man now in Jesus name!" -
is.. "If you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it" - Thank Jesus for Then, it spoke back to me!! and said "I’m not leaving!" I said.. "Yes
doing it! you are" It said.. "No I’m not"- I was about to say the same again
when the Lord stopped me.. I then felt my hand lift to Heaven and
KEEP GOING: Do this for a hour and then see how things are!! This is heard myself say "Thank God it HAS gone!" - I heard the thing say..
not a 'try it' - It’s a ‘do it, believe and give thanks.. ‘The bible says "no, I haven’t" - but it was weaker.. I thanked God again that it HAD
“NOW faith is.. it’s now! - Let’s get you free NOW! - Let’s get the left. The thing said again.. "no I haven’t" but it was very weak now
victory NOW! and a third time I thanked the Lord it had gone.. then.. silence -
Victory! Afterwards, the young man said to me. Do you know that
Goodness, If I could do it for you, I would! and Jesus loves you a nothing happened until you started to thank God it HAD gone.
GREAT deal more that I do! The devil is dethroned and defeated, When you did that, it felt like metal band was breaking around my
although he may try to spend a lot of time telling you he isn’t! “It head and the more your praised the Lord, the easier it became and
won’t work, you’re no good, God’s mad at you, He’s given up on now I’m completely well! —
you, it won’t happen and so on’ Jesus said “The devil is a liar, the
father of lies, there is no truth in him” but on the other hand, Jesus Faith is acting on the Word of God. I chose to believe what the Word
said “God’s Word is truth” of God said, as opposed to what the situation was. I used the
authority of the name of Jesus.
Truth has the power to change facts! - It may be a fact that you are
depressed but the Word of God says “Whom the Son has set free, is RESULT? The devil left, John was set free and God the Father was
free indeed!” glorified!

Now start to thank God it IS done.. You may not feel like it is done Rejoice in the goodness of God (you probably won’t feel like doing
but Jesus said ‘If you shall ask anything in My name, I WILL do it” - that much either!) Get someone, or 2, to help you. Don’t stand alone
The Scripture says “..that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall if you are not strong enough. It’s no shame to ask your brother/sister
bow..” Philippians.. in Christ to help you. That’s what the Body is for. "If one part of the
body suffers, the whole body suffers" 1Cor "Thanks be unto God
If YOU don’t use it, they won’t bow! Who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus" - "Out of it all, the
Lord delivered me and the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work"
MINISTRY EXAMPLE: I was ministering in a prison one evening and
at the end of the service, I gave a call for anyone that had needs to If you are Spirit filled, then praise God in the Spirit (in tongues) If not,
come forward for prayer. A young man came up and said he had a then praise Him out loud anyway. "The Lord inhabits the praises of
really bad headache. I prayed with him and asked the Father to heal His people" Keep this up for a while.
him. After the prayer, I asked him how he was. He said he was no
better! I said not to give up because Jesus said ‘Whatsoever you ask It’s by faith we overcome. ("This is the victory that overcomes the
the Father in My name, He will give it you” (John 16:23) So we world, even our faith") not magic. People want a ‘poof’ and a bunny
stayed there, just thanking the Lord for his healing. Then the amazing to jump out of the hat! Every time you say it and praise the Lord, your
started to happen (It always will, if you believe and refuse to give up) faith is giving substance to that which you hope for. "Faith is the
Jesus spoke and said.., "It’s a devil!" - I said.. "Oh!" and then said: substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"
21 22
1) Be assured that the Lord loves you, is for you, hasn't given up on
by John Reynolds.
you and never will.
I was strongly impressed the other day to talk again about authority
2) Use your authority in Jesus Name.
and what Jesus has given us:
3) Get the Scriptures into your heart by meditating the Word of God
As Christians, we seem to suffer many things.. and then we pray and
and by praise. Read Luke10:19 over and over and ask the Holy Spirit
get God involved and He picks up the pieces and puts us back
to help you and give you a revelation of it. together again..
4) Speak the Word of God to the situation and Use your authority..
BUT.. and it's a BIG BUT..
‘In the Name of Jesus Christ.. It is written..’
I don't believe this is God's best for us.. He's what Jesus said.. "In the
5) Praise God for the victory that Jesus purchased for you at Calvary..
world you shall have tribulation (tests and trials).." We seem to stop
there and say.."ok, we are going to suffer some things.." BUT Jesus
God Bless You went on to say.. "but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!"
Another translation reads .. "I have overcome the world and deprived
John it of its power to harm you"

He told me once:~ ‘The Lord is always merciful, the Lord is always I believe God's best for us it NOT to go into those things in the first
gracious, the Lord as always willing to lend a hand’ place..

Look at the Apostle Paul. He suffered a lot, yet on many occasions,

he didn't have to.. One time, he was on his way to Jerusalem when a
Prophet of God came to him, picked up his belt and basically said
"the man who owns this will be bound by it" He didn't say whether
the person should stay, or go. He just said what would happen if he
went.. Paul chose to go to Jerusalem.. The brethren tried to stop him
but he loved his people (the Jews) so much, he chose to go to them,
despite knowing what was to come to pass. God warned Paul by
sending the prophet to him.. but the decision was left to Paul..

Many times, Paul got in trouble because of the Jews.. He wasn't even
sent to them.. Peter was! God told Paul.. "I will send you to the
Gentiles" (non Jews) Peter was sent to the Jewish nation.. Paul kept
going to the Synagogues and talking to his people.. and this was one
of the main cause of his persecutions..
23 24
Paul deeply loved his nation (even to the point of saying he wished event that will shake the worlds financial systems" I don't know
himself accursed from Christ!) and despite it all, went to them and when it was to be but the fact that He said it, usually means it's
even won a lot of them to the Lord! There is no record of God ever not far off. (I am not a doom and gloom preacher by the way)
telling him off and Jesus still managed to get Paul to where He and I ONLY say these sort of things when I really KNOW.. (not
wanted to get him.. "love is the greatest of all.. and love never fails" believe or think) This type of vision doesn't happen very often
So whilst it wasn't God's perfect will for Paul to go to the Jewish to me.. The reason for it? To tell people to prepare for it.. This
people, Because of Paul's great love for them, He constantly was not a 'pray that it won't happen' one. ~ The apostle John
delivered him.. and saved them through him.. 'out of it all the Lord was shown some things in Revelation, that 'were shortly to
delivered me..' Paul said.. and God got him home in the end.. come to pass upon the Earth" These were events that were
going to happen. He was told to write them down.. for us,
Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit.. "He will show you things to the Church.. to warn us..
come" (John14) I want to talk to you about this.. You must
remember, Jesus never wasted words! It seems one small statement, 2) Things to come in your personal life: .
yet the power of it is awesome. "He will show you things to come" ~ Most times, these have come whilst praying in the Spirit.. (HE is the
Why? ~ What's the purpose of that? Well, one of them is so you One Who will show you, Jesus said) One time, I was at my desk,
won't have to suffer some things, like the devils traps he has laid for when suddenly I had a vision (It's like watching a small TV.. my eyes
us.. were open and I could see the natural world, yet there was like a
mini movie that was playing off to the right hand side of me) When
In my 25 years with the Lord, the Holy Spirit has shown me many you 'see' something.. it's like it's SO real. There is never any doubt.. It's
'things to come' These are future events.. The language of the Spirit is like the 'movie' is alive and it get's your attention! You are drawn to
in, Dreams, Visions and Revelations. "I will pour out My Spirit and it.. I saw 'me' in a car crash.. I was being violently tossed around as
your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream you would be in a serious crash. I was wearing a seat belt and I
dreams" ~ "What will it profit you brethren if I come speaking in recognised my car. This lasted some 10-20 seconds, then
tongues, except I speak by revelation" 1Cor14. disappeared. This is the Holy Spirit showing me what was to come..
Why? So I could do something about it! (This is ALWAYS the reason
1) Things to come concerning the world: . you are shown something from God!.. ALWAYS.. ALWAYS..)
In 2001, I was 'in the Spirit' when I had a visitation from the
angel of the Lord and was shown a tragic event that was soon So I immediately started to pray in the Spirit (Romans8:26) to obtain
to come upon the earth. (Read The Visitation) I saw a huge city, the help I needed to avoid this.. and kept going until I got the victory,
devastated by a massive.. and I mean massive earthquake.. as and overcame the potential disaster by His grace.. Jesus said many
far as the human eye could see was huge mountains of grey times in the Book of Revelation to the Church.. "To him who
rubble.. The Apostle John was 'in the Spirit on the Lords day and overcomes.." (That also means.. 'gets the victory') When the 'JOY'
was shown things that were shortly to come to pass upon the came, I knew I had the victory! I rejoiced and gave thanks to the
earth by an angel as well" (Rev1:3) These are not that common Lord.. then He spoke clearly and said "It's ok son, it has passed you
at all and serve as warnings and encouragement! by!"
Another example was when we were very recently ministering
in a church. It was during praise and worship, when the word of Wonderful Jesus! What grace! Now I could have done nothing and
the Lord came as clear as day! He said. "There is coming an maybe I wouldn't be writing this letter to you! The Holy Spirit showed
25 26
me what was to come.. and then enabled me in prayer to avoid the slowly got around to the subject. I told her that the woman I saw in
tragic event! What He does for one, He will do for all. He is NO the vision was her. She sat quietly and then she said.. "Yes, it is me.. I
respecter of persons. wonder why God showed you?" The reason He showed me, was that
He trusted me.. first.. NOT to tell anyone.. and secondly, to do some-
Jesus told me a few weeks ago: thing about it. He's in the restoring business remember. The woman
repented of it and years later, is now going on strongly in the Lord..
“The Holy Spirit is as passionate (willing) to help you, as Jesus is to
save you" The Lord said:
"The Holy Spirit will help you receive from the Lord son"
None of us would doubt for a moment about the Lords passion to We need His help if we are accomplish much for God! and it comes
save us from sin, yet we wonder about His help after He has saved through the Spirit.. "God is a Spirit.." (jn4:24) He is not a mind, or a
us.. Jesus said "I will send you another Helper" (John14) The word body,.. He is a Spirit being and His primary way of communication to
'another' is the Greek word 'alos' It means 'another of the same kind, us is to our spirits.. either by a 'Rhema' or 'spoken Word' or by
or the figure stamped'.. Like 2 identical coins. He is JUST like Jesus revelation of the 'Logos' or the written Word.... Even the Lord Jesus
and will do everything Jesus purchased for us. Jesus said "If you have Christ never did anything until He was baptised in the river and the
seen Me, you have seen the Father" How come? Because they are Holy Spirit descended upon Him.. He then commanded His disciples
exactly alike.. They have different personalities (much like identical 'not to go anywhere until they too had received Him" (Acts 1:8) Why
twins) but are united in deed and purpose.. So is the Holy Spirit.. on Earth do we think we don't need Him?? ~ "You shall be
empowered from on High, after that the Holy Spirit is fallen upon
The Lord said: you" ~ "The fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you"
"The Holy Spirit has no greater joy than to help
you through the trials of this life son" Look at the transformation in Peters life!.. As the apostle Paul wrote
to the church.. "I would that you all spoke in tongues" and again..
Selah ~ (or Pause and think about this for a bit) "I thank my God I speak in tongues more than you all!' (1Cor14:21)

3) Things to come in the lives of others: . He has guided me, preserved me and enabled me to do the will of
God won't even think about starting to show you things about others, God.. I would be dead if not for His help..
until He can trust you! (and He will 'try you' as well to see if He can..)
He is NOT a gossip! and the ONLY.. I repeat.. ONLY, reason, He will No wonder Jesus said "It is better for you if I go away, for if I do, I will
show you, is because He wants you to do something about it. Either send the Comforter (Helper, Councellor, Standby, Advocate,
to pray, or to go and see them. I was praying about a matter in the Intercessor, Strengthener) to you"
Spirit one time, when I 'saw' a woman committing adultery. I watched
(again, like a mini movie) as I saw her do this. I knew her too! She I pray that you would get to know and co-operate with Him Whom
was a friend of mine and went to the same church I did. I wanted to the Lord sent to us.. God Bless
get rid of this one and tried to talk myself out of it! but it was as real
as if I was there. So, after I had finished praying (don't go anywhere
unto you do!) I went to see her. We talked for a while and I (very) Prayer is asking the Father for something in Jesus name (Jn16:23)
Authority is telling the devil to do something in Jesus name (Jn14:12)
27 28
The Healing Scriptures. time praising God for them and then after a couple of weeks, the
How to receive your healing and Frequently asked Questions. 'seed' (or Word) started to grow on the inside of me and became
alive. Read Mark Chapter4.. 'The sower sows the Word' ~ Jesus said if
"God's word is unlike the word of man. The scripture states that "the you don't understand this parable, how will you understand any of
Word of God is alive and active" It has the power to produce faith in them!
the heart of a person. The angel said to John that "No Word of God is
without power" The only thing the Word needs, is for a person to Q: So why are Christians sick?
believe! "Fear not, only believe" Jesus told Jairus when He was going A: There are a number of scriptural reasons for this. I will try to cover
to raise his daughter from the dead. them for you.

My Son, attend to My Words, incline your ears to My sayings, keep 1) Lack of knowledge of what Christ has done for them.
them in the midst of your heart, for they are life to those that find ‘My people are destroyed through lack of knowledge’ Hos4:6 Not
them and health and medicine to all your flesh" Proverbs4v24 knowing what the Lord has done. Ignorance of the Word of God
won’t protect you. When the devil came to Jesus. The Lord said: "It is
Sermons encourage us but only the Word of God can bring faith to written... 'It is written'.. If you don’t know what is written, then you
our hearts. won't be very successful in resisting the devil with the Word of God.
Q: What do you do with the scriptures? .. The Bible states "Be subject to God, RESIST the devil and he will
A: I would play the scriptures over and over. I still do after 20 years! flee (in terror) from you" 1Peter Put up some resistance. The devil is
Jesus said 'Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that like the school bully, stand up to him in Jesus name and he backs off!
proceeds from the mouth of God' - God's Word is to your inner man,
as bread is to your body. It may not be very exciting to listen to.. BUT 2) Not believing in what the Lord has done.
the Word of God has the power to get you healed if you will mix Jesus Himself 'could not (not would not) do any mighty work because
faith (believe) with it. The Scripture says. "He (Jesus) couldn't do any of their unbelief' - Their unbelief stopped the Lord Himself from
mighty work because of their unbelief" (no faith) It does says 'He healing them, save He laid His hands on a few sick folk and healed
wouldn't.. it says 'He couldn't'.. them. Jesus asked a blind man "Believe I am able to do this?" The
blind man said he believed and Jesus healed him.
You had to change what you believed to get saved and you are go-
ing to have to change what you believe to get healed. The Bible says, 3) Unforgiveness in your heart.
"Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing Jesus talked a LOT about unforgiveness. It will stop the healing power
of your mind, so that you may prove what is that good, acceptable and blessings of God faster than anything I have come across in 24
and perfect will of God" years of ministry. Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling. "The love of
God is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost" Romans 8. You
Q; How do you get the word into your heart? have the power to forgive, 'even as God has forgiven you for Christ’s
A: God told Joshua to 'meditate His word night and day' That's how I sake' You just need to make the decision. The moment you make that
started. I would write down the scriptures on healing on bits of paper decision, grace will be released to enable you to do it.
and put them in my top pocket. Every so often, I would pull them out 4) Getting someone to pray for you who has faith.
and read/say them over and over. Mutter' them to myself.. spend "Are there any sick amongst you? Let him call upon the elders of the
church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the
29 30
name of the Lord and the prayer of faith SHALL save the sick and the in the sight of God. "He who knew no sin, was made sin for us, that
Lord SHALL raise them up and if they have committed sins, it SHALL we might be MADE the righteousness of God in Him" 2Cor5:17.
be forgiven him" James 5:15 - Three shalls.. no maybes! "They that have received the abundance of grace and the gift of
righteousness, shall reign (as kings) in life by one, Jesus Christ" Roman
Don’t go and find someone who has no faith.. It's the 'The prayer of 5. Righteousness is a free gift based on what Jesus did for us at
faith' NOT the prayer of unbelief (no faith) that shall heal the sick.. Calvary. Jesus MADE you worthy! He took your sin away and gave
you His righteousness! If the devil can keep you feeling unworthy, he
5) Sin. will rob you of God‘s best!
You cannot live in sin and receive the blessings of the Lord. "If we
confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and 8) Not Forgiving Self.
cleanse us from all unrighteousness" 1John1:9 It’s not when you 'Self' can be a very hard person to forgive! ~ OK.. You missed it..
confess it, that God finds out about it! There are a number of Confess what you did and He will forgive you and cleanse you from
references in the bible to sin and sickness. "Bless the Lord and forget all unrighteousness..(1John1:9) Now, forgive yourself. Get rid of the
not all His benefits, who forgives all your sins and heals all your condemnation (guilt) that will crush you if you let it. The Lord has
diseases" Psalm 103. Jesus told a man Who he had just healed to "go forgiven you, so you must too. "Lord, I will do better next time with
sin no more, less a worse thing come upon thee" 'James 5:14 "The your help" and move on. Guilt will keep you chained to the event
prayer of faith shall heal the sick and if he has committed sins, it shall and you will be unable to move on.. Let it go.. Say, "I let this go in
be forgiven him" Jesus name"
Forgiveness of sin = healing of sickness and disease in the mind of
God. 9) Thinking God is the One Who is making you sick to teach you
something. Sickness and disease doesn't not come from God. It
Q: How do I know if I have sinned? comes for a number of reasons, some are listed here. The devil is the
A: You WILL know in your heart. What does your heart say? "If our one who made Job sick. Jesus 'carried our sicknesses and bore our
heart condemns us not, then have we confidence towards God and pain' Jesus came to do the will of his Father and went about doing
whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions we desire of good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Acts 10:38
Him..." Does your heart condemn you? If not, then don't go around Never did He say that it was the will of God that anyone was sick. He
looking for something! healed ALL that came to Him. He is the same, yesterday, today and
6) Not doing what you know to be right.
'To him that knows to do good and does it not, to him it is sin' - If you 10) Not doing the will of God.
know to do right and don't do it, or the Lord has told you to do Refusing to do what the Lord has planned and prepared for you, will
something and you are not doing it... you can open the door to open the door to things in your life. Jesus said "I come not to do My
sickness, disease and other things! Just repent and go and do what will but the will of Him that sent me" ~ He also said in what we call
you know in your heart to be right. The Lord's prayer.. "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.." A
lot of us thought that said 'My will be done on Earth, Your will be
7) Feeling unworthy. done in Heaven!' Jesus also said. "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and
You may not think you are worthy to receive healing. The fact is, if do not the things I tell you?" I was talking to a lady one time who had
you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour, you are righteous just had a female operation. She was saying about it and I was
31 32
wondering in my heart why this had come upon her. The Lord spoke of the revealed will of God. Before attempting to exercise faith for
to me and said "When she was 13 years old, I called her to the healing, one needs to know what the scriptures plainly teach, that it is
mission fields but she didn't go" I was stunned. I said to her.. "When just as much God’s will to heal the body, as it is to heal the soul"
you were 13, the Lord called you to the mission fields but you didn't
go" Her face dropped and she almost turned white! ~ "How on Earth Remember, above all, is His Fathers heart and His great love and
did you know that?" she exclaimed? ~ I said the Lord just told me. mercy towards us. His mercies are new every morning, not every
She then told me all about it. (She was in her 50's at this time) year. If you missed it yesterday, repent, He is faithful to forgive you,
Disobedience had opened the door and opened my eyes to the get rid of the guilt and move on with His help today.
importance of doing the will of God in your life. Did the Lord still
love her? Absolutely! It's just that she got out of God's perfect will for The Healing Scriptures
her life. Will she go to Heaven? Certainly! The message is around 30 minutes long. The first part of the message
is a straight narration of the scriptures, just as if God was talking
11) Unwillingness directly to you. (His Word IS Him talking directly to you!) It then
"If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land" moves on the quote scriptures and references. It covers the curse of
There are 2 factors here.. willingness and obedience.. You can have the Law in the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy and the things you have
one without the other. You can be obedient but not very willing! The been redeemed from by the power of the Blood of Jesus.
apostle Paul says.. "If I do this thing (Doing what the Lord wanted him
to do) willingly, I have a reward" Note also, "I have a reward" bit. God Over 20 years ago, the Lord led me to do a search of the scriptures
has rewards planned for them that love and serve Him! About the last and write down all the ones that pertained to His promises concern-
recorded words of the Lord Jesus Christ are "Lo, I come quickly and ing healing. He then told me to record them as a narration. The result
My reward is with Me to give to everyman according as his work is known simply as The Healing Scriptures. "Faith comes from hearing
shall be" Rev22. and hearing and hearing by the Word of God" Romans 10v17 God
told Joshua to 'meditate His Word day and night'
The Lord told me this recently. "A lot of the body of Christ are just
content to go to church and don't want to do much about the For a free healing scripture cd..
Gospel" ~ We forget about 'In that day' ~ Then, we shall all have to
give account to Him Who commanded us to preach the gospel..

One of the finest scriptural books on healing I have ever come

across, is by FF Bosworth, a minister in early 1900’s. It‘s called, ‘Christ
the Healer' and published by Fleming H. Revell. You cannot read this
book and have any doubt that it is God’s will that you be healed. The
scriptural evidence is overwhelming. If you are interested in
ministering God’s grace to people, then I strongly advise getting a
I quote: "Before anyone can have a steadfast faith for the healing of
their body, they must be rid of all uncertainty concerning God’s will
in the matter. Appropriating faith cannot go beyond the knowledge
33 34
How satan steals the Word: Look at the Bible examples. The woman with the issue of blood.. She
SAID "If I so much as touch the hem of His garment, I SHALL be
Jesus said a REALLY important statement about this and its vital we healed" Then she went (acted on what she believed) and did it! Jesus
give attention to what He said.. I consider it one of the MAIN reason said.. "Daughter... your faith (acting on what she believed) has made
we fail to receive or understand the things of God.. you whole"

Mark 4: "And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how Jesus said.. "The sower sows the Word" This is the primary parable
then will ye know all parables?" So we can see the VITAL importance that Jesus said it was VERY important for us to understand. "so is the
of understanding this.. Kingdom of God as if a man should cast seed into the ground" The
'seed' is the Word of God. The 'ground' is the soil of your heart.
Mistakes we make:
OK John, "I'll give that a try!" Don't bother.. It doesn't work by trying, Mark4:24 "And He said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with
it works by believing. You will 'try' it for a few days or weeks and then what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you
give up and get discouraged. Why? Because what are you are trying that hear shall more be given" In others words, the measure of
to achieve is based upon your efforts to produce something, instead thought and study you give to the truth you hear, will determine how
of letting Gods grace do the work. much comes back to you. The amount of seed you sow and the
attention you give to it, will determine your harvest. We measure to
2) Doing it because ‘John’ or somebody else said it would work. ourselves the blessings and things of God.
Wrong.. It works because JESUS said so.. I can help you but your faith
MUST be in Jesus. "For he that hath, (to him/her that sows the seed and pays attention
to looking after it) to him shall be given: (the seed starts to grow and
"All this are possible to those who BELIEVE" produce) and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that
"When you pray, BELIEVE you have received it and you shall have it" which he hath. (Don't do anything with it and you will lose it) And he
said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the
I was reading this scripture one time when the Lord spoke to me.. ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed
"and this is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. (it's growing, just
according to His will, he hears us and if we know He hears us, what- believe and give thanks) For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself;
soever we ask, we receive from Him" (This Greek word is the word we get our word 'automatically' from.
You heart will produce whatsoever you sow into it) first the blade,
I focused on the words '.. if we know.." The Lord spoke and said. "Do then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is
you know God hears you, or do you wonder?" I thought and said.. brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the
"mmm.. sometimes, I wonder Lord" harvest is come. (The harvest is 'faith' and will enable you to freely
receive from His grace by believing)
That's one aspect of faith.. It KNOWS God hears us.. Jesus said
"Whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, He WILL give it FIRSTLY:
you" so faith believes and acts upon that scripture and gives thanks. 1) We have to 'sow' the Word into our hearts. We do this by 'hearing
and hearing by the Word of God' and by meditating upon it.
Faith is not 'what' you believe.. It's ACTING upon what you believe.
35 36
This agrees with Proverbs 4:24. "My son, attend to my words; incline THIS IS HOW WE GET ROBBED!
thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep
them in the midst of thine heart. (Why?) For they are life (Zoe.. the NOW.. PLEASE NOTICE THIS! ~ Jesus said.." But he that received
God kind of life) unto those that find them, and health (medicine) to seed into the good ground, is he that heareth the word, and
all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; (Why?) for out of it understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some
are the issues (the forces) of life. an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. Here is the key..
'understands it'.. IE: He that sets his heart and spends the time, by
MY EXPERIENCE: pondering, meditating and sowing the Word into his heart, will
This is what I did with healing. I wrote the scriptures down concern- 'understand' (get a revelation of) it..
ing healing on a small card and kept it in my pocket. I went to work
as normal but for the next 3 DAYS (not 3 minutes) I would pull the Jesus also said "And these are they by the way side, where the word
card out and read the scriptures over and over and then meditate is sown; but when they have heard, satan cometh immediately, and
upon them. That's what God told Joshua to do. "..but you shall taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts'
meditate upon them day and night.. " Jos1:8
Why is this? It was because they didn't spend the time sowing the
I would then spend some time praising God quietly (I was at work) word into their heart! We can 'hear' and yet not hear! That's what
and then back to thinking about the healing scriptures. I would speak Jesus meant when He said "He that has ears to ear, let him hear"
them out quietly over and over again.. "By Whose stripes we were satan, our enemy, steals the word from us! How many of us can
healed" When I got home, I continued to do this.. Jesus said "IF (our remember what our Pastor preached on last week? If we had taken
choice) in your continue in my word, you are my disciples indeed what was preached and spent some time each day meditating upon
and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" what was said and studying the Scriptures he spoke about, the devil
wouldn't be able to steal it!! People 'receive the Word with joy' IE: we
So I went to bed, looking at the dozen or so scriptures I had wrote get all excited about it but fail to do anything with it.
down and went to sleep thinking about them and praising God. If
you are Spirit filled as in Acts2:4, then spend a lot of time praying in Faith is a product of the Word of God.. "so then faith comes by
the Spirit (1Cor14:2) If not, then just keeping thinking about and hearing and hearing by the Word of God" The word 'Word' there, is
meditating the Word of God. 'Meditate' means to mutter' - to chew the Greek word 'Rhema' and it means the 'spoken word' as opposed
over' (Much like a cow chewing grass) to the 'Logos' or written Word. Faith comes when the 'Logos or 'seed'
of God becomes the 'Rhema' of God. The harvest has come and faith
I did this for 3 days.. For the first 2 or so days, I felt nothing. I was just rises in our hearts.
acting on the Word of God.. Jesus said: "He that hears my Word and
doeth it.. Him I will liken to a man who built his house upon a rock.." Don't allow the devil to steal the Word from you! All you have to do
So I was building mt 'healing house' through faith (believing) in His to allow him to do this is... nothing.
grace and just allowing the Word to be planted and grow in my
heart. By the end of the 3rd day, the power of God was so strong Jesus said "He that follows me shall have the light of life" (King James
upon me! The tangible healing power of God was present! version) This is not a salvation scripture. You get saved by repenting
The 'harvest' had come PLUS I KNEW' that I KNEW' that healing was of your sin and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. This
for me.. and everybody else! is a 'LIFE' statement! I'll put it to you as the Lord showed me one day..
37 38
"He that practices what I preach shall have entrance into the God Article on Seeding for YOUR Healing
kind of life, here and now" As you become a 'doer of the Word and
not a hearer only" and put into practice what Jesus and James said, The following is an excerpt from a book written around 33 years ago
the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to the God kind of life (Zoe) that by the late Oral Roberts, one of the great ministers of our time. The
is available here on this Earth. The life of God that Jesus walked in is book is called 'The Miracle Book' by Pinoak Publications in Tulsa.
available to us by the grace of God. Sadly, it seems to be out of print now. You can go to their website
and see if you can find it. It's about how a lady received her healing
RECAP: from the Lord and follows the theme of 'seedtime and harvest' that
1) Believe the Word of God to be true, despite what things look like. God put into motion in the Book of Genesis.. "for as long as the Earth
2) Plant the seed in your heart by hearing and meditating up on the remains, it shall be seedtime and harvest.."
Word of God.
3) Act upon the Word of God. (Do what it says)
4) Forgive, if you have anything against anybody. (and pray for them) The lady (Mrs Marie Fischer) was in the advanced stages of cancer
5) Give thanks. and had survived major surgery but the fear of it coming back
daunted her. "It tormented me day and night I was so sick and
nothing seemingly could be done" - She thought "I'll try praying for
Do the 3 day seeding like I did! God is no respecter of persons.. my healing!" ~ I began.. "Lord, I love you. You know that I've given
What do you need a harvest of? Sow some seed into your heart! God my life to you, that's it's my hearts desire to serve you, for I have
has said: "As long as the Earth remains, it shall be seedtime and served you these many years. I take care of my health. I eat the foods
harvest" This is not just talking about growing corn, this is God's that are healthful to me. I do everything I'm supposed to do..." On
spiritual principle! and on I went..

Jesus said, "So is the Kingdom of God as if a man should cast seed into Finally I stopped and then the Lord spoke to my heart. "If you would
the ground" be quiet long enough, we could have a conversation"

God Bless I thought.. "that's makes sense!"

The Lord seemed to say "Sure Marie, you've given your life to Me.
You've been saved a long time but you haven't learned as much as I
hoped you would."
"What should I do?" I asked.
The Lord said. "What is it you want?"
"I want my healing"
He said "How about planting a seed of healing for someone else who
is need of healing"

39 40
"OF COURSE!!!" It was just as though a light came on. (That’s the Understanding Grace;
‘revelation’ knowledge I talk about) The 3 keys of Seed-Faith living, God’s grace is what saves us.. ‘By grace are you saved (healed,
had worked for me in other areas of my life. Why not use the 3 keys delivered) through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of
to bring about my healing" God” God gives us His Word and when that Word comes alive in
our hearts, faith rises and believes God for His promises.. the first one
Immediately I set about obtaining the names of people who had being the promise of our salvation..
need of healing. A man who was going to have brain surgery,
another who was to have heart surgery, a child who was seriously ill. “You can ONLY receive from Him based upon His grace and His
I got out of bed and began to walk back and forth across the room willingness to help you”
with the list in my hand.
“Therefore it is by grace, that it might be faith” So many are trying to
‘get’ something from Him. You cannot receive from Him like that..
I asked myself "How would I feel if you were facing brain surgery? Why? Because it is by GRACE.. Faith in His grace..
Get in there! Feel compassion. Put yourself in their shoes. Be with
that person" I did. I went down the list calling the name of every We acknowledge that there is nothing we can do or add to what
person and praying with real heartfelt compassion. When I knew I Jesus did for us.. We accept that and freely receive salvation by
had reached this point, I said.. 'Now Lord, be with this person. Let believing (having faith) in His Word.. yet after that, we think we have
him live and move and have his being in you.. as you did for me' to do more to get anything else from Him..

“He that spared not His only Son but delivered Him up for us all,
For 3 days, I prayed like this. It wasn't easy. For the first 2 days, I was shall we not with Him also FREELY GIVE us ALL things together with
weak, dizzy and nauseated. I had to hold on to the furniture to keep Him?”
my balance but I tried to ignore the symptoms. The more I concen-
trated on these people, the less I thought about myself. Eventually, I Do you see it Brethren? He wants to ‘Freely give’ us things! Jesus said
became relaxed in my praying. I really enjoyed these times of “freely as you have received, freely give” We got from Him by
intercession... and... by the end of 3 days of praying for others, I ‘Freely receiving’ through believing.. not believing in what we can do,
found that I was perfectly healed. When school opened, I was but by having faith in His grace..
refreshed, rejuvenated and ready and I have felt great ever since..
Jesus said “fear not little flock, it is the Fathers good pleasure to give
John's comments: "For whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap" you the kingdom” Put it this way.. ‘It gives the Father great joy to
"Give and it shall be given you.." give you things!’ We can’t earn it and we don’t deserve it.. we can
‘FREELY receive it based upon what Jesus did, based upon faith in His
grace, or His good pleasure to give it to us..
The 3 keys of Faith that Oral Roberts found out are:
Faith in His healing grace, faith in His delivering grace, faith in
Key No. 1 ~ God is the source of your total supply ‘whatever we need’ wonderful grace!!
Key No. 2 ~ Seeding for your miracle
Key No. 3 ~ Expect a miracle!
41 42
CHRISTMAS PRESENTS: Yes, it is important to know and quote the scriptures but don’t do it
It was heading towards December when a young son came to his from the ‘I’m going to make this happen’ attitude but rather from a
father and said “Father, what must I do to earn my Christmas presents heart attitude of “Father, I thankyou for what Jesus did for me at
this year?” The father stood there stunned.. “My son” said the father, Calvary when he bore my sickness and carried my pain. Father, I ask
“You don’t have to earn anything, you are my son and it gives me you to heal my body based on your grace and I thankyou for it now
great pleasure to give you presents!” in Jesus name” Then just give thanks that your prayers have been
heard and answered and act your faith..
How do you think the father felt when his son asked him that ques-
tion? It didn’t matter how much the father had do to earn the money, and the Lord said to me:
how many extra hours and going without, so he could give his son “Gods attitude towards you is one of grace”
presents.. all that mattered was that on that morning, when the son
ripped the carefully wrapped presents open, was the joy on his sons Tradition says “How sweet”
face! All the extra hours, the going without, faded away as he saw the What it really means, is God is looking at you with a heart attitude of
joy on his sons face! ‘what can I do to bless and help you today!” Don’t believe me? Look
at these scriptures..
Don’t rob our Heavenly Father of His joy in giving you things!
“and the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and said “Ask what I
All we have to do is ‘freely receive’ what it is His good pleasure to shall give thee”
give us!
“and Jesus said to them “What would you that I should do for you?”
“.. and they came to Jesus and said, ‘what must we do that we might “and the blind man casting way his garment came to Jesus and Jesus
work the works of God?” Jesus said to them, ”This is the work of God said “What will you that I should do for you”
that you might believe on Him Who He has sent” They didn’t ask
Him what to do to get saved, they asked about doing the works of The God who cannot lie and does not change and Who delivered up
God. Jesus said “believe on Me” His only Son for our salvation, says to you today.. ‘what do you want
me to do for YOU?’ Jesus said “Ask and you SHALL receive.. (Why?)
Jesus has done all that is necessary for us to receive from God.. That your joy might be made full” God wants you full of joy, not full
“Father, I have finished the works you gavest me to do” How many of sickness!
of us are trying to ‘work the works of God?’ Jesus overcame every
temptation.. “He was tempted in every way as we are, yet without 20 odd years ago, I had a strange experience. One morning, I felt
sin, let us therefore come boldly before the throne of grace that we rather odd.. not ill, just strange.. I felt like I was ‘under the Law’ which
receive mercy and find grace to help” The throne of what? The is strange indeed as I am a gentile! The feeling would not go away. I
throne of GRACE.. Stop trying to ‘work the works’ Stop trying to phoned a friend of mine and asked him to come over and pray with
‘work’ for your healing, your present.. Stop confessing the Scriptures me. Whilst we were praying about this, I suddenly saw what I had
with the attitude of trying to ‘make’ something happen. “For it is the done. There was a situation that I was facing and I had said in my
Fathers GOOD pleasure to give it to you!.. The price has been paid heart “I know what I will do about this!’ What was wrong with that
by Jesus.. Go and freely receive from Him based upon His grace..
43 44
you ask? It was wrong because it was based upon what “I’ could do Faith is an act.
about something. It was centered upon what “I, me and myself” Faith is not what you believe, it’s ACTING upon what you believe!
could do.. not on what the Lord had already done.. and that little “and when Jesus SAW their faith…” How did Jesus ‘see’ their faith?
decision moved me from ‘grace’ to ‘the Law’ I substituted God’s By their actions! “Do you not know brethren that faith without works
grace for my works. I apologised to the Lord and immediately the (corresponding actions) is dead!” James.
feeling left! I should have said ‘Lord, I ask you for grace to help me
overcome this situation and I thankyou for it in Jesus name” How There is a mighty Sister in Christ who is confined to a wheelchair who
easy it is to move from grace to works (our efforts) doesn’t believe (anymore) that it is God’s will to heal her. She
believed for a while, then reconciled herself to the fact God wants
Paul says “You have begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect her that way.. She is mightily used on the Lord, yet is still in a
by the flesh?” wheelchair.. Why is this? Because she doesn’t know that faith is not
just what you believe, its ACTING upon what you believe.
Make some adjustments in your heart and then go to Him in Jesus
name, based upon His grace and willingness to help and heal you. You will never receive from God by standing still. Even when Moses
Go and freely receive what gives Him great pleasure to give us.
was trapped at the Red Sea with the Egyptians coming for them, he
stopped and prayed.. (I would have thought that would be the thing
A leper came to Jesus and said “Lord, if you are willing, you can
to do but God didn’t) God rebuked him! God said “Tell the children
make me clean” Jesus said “Of course I am willing!” (New Jerusalem
of Israel to GO FORWARD..”
translation) Jesus settled the question about Gods willingness to heal
for the leper and everybody else who will come to Him. For God is
I was watching a video of a ministry preaching on healing and the
NO respecter of persons.. ‘Whosoever will’ can freely receive from
front row was people in wheelchairs. At the end of the service, the
His grace!
minister went down and laid hands on the people and told them to
walk in Jesus name.. Many sat there and lifted their hands and praised
“But I didn’t feel any better after I prayed!’ What have our feelings
the Lord but one sweet little lady picked up her handbag and started
got to do with it? I had this problem a while back and the Lord spoke
to push herself out of the wheelchair (she couldn’t walk) and stood
to me and said “Faith has nothing to do with feelings, absolutely
up and then started to walk.. a bit unsteady to start with but
continued anyway until she was completely well! The crowd went
wild but I was looking at all the others. Why were they not healed I
The Word of God says ‘and the Lord SHALL raise him up..” Lay hands
on the sick and they SHALL recover” Just start to thank God that He
is raising you up and you are recovering..
Answer: Because they didn’t do what the minister of God told them
to do… and that was to ‘rise and walk’ ~ Jesus told people to go and
Sometimes the healing is instant, sometimes it is by process..
DO things (act their faith)

“Go wash in the pool of Siloam” (But Jesus, the guy is blind! he
doesn’t even know which way the pool is!!) Yet he ‘went and
washed’ and came again seeing!

45 46
“He told a group of lepers.. “Go show yourselves to the priests (but The Lord: “What are you going to do?
Jesus, they are not allowed to do this, they are unclean!) but ‘as they Me: “I am going to pray.”
went’ (acted their faith in Jesus words) they were healed. Lord: “What are you going to do whilst you pray?”
Me: “I am going to believe”
Jesus said to a paralysed man “Rise take up your bed and walk” (but Lord: “What are you going to believe?”
Jesus, he is paralysed, his legs don’t work!) But the man obeyed what Me: “I am going to believe that which I am praying about has been
Jesus said and was made whole. heard and answered”

I remember many years ago, a friend on mine, a lady minister was “Well, ok’ you may say.. I’m going to get something from God!’ Well
feeling very ill with the flu or something. She had prayed but didn’t how about just receiving something from Him instead? He’s already
feel any better and decided to go to bed.. As she lay there, the Lord in the giving business because that is His very nature.. “For God SO
spoke to her and said “only sick people lay in bed!” ~ “Oh Lord” she loved the world He gave His only Son..” Instead of ‘getting’ Try
said (she told me she felt really ill and didn’t want to hear that!) but ‘receiving’. “as many as received Him, them He gave the right to
she pushed herself back out of bed and started to praise God for her become the sons of God” ~ “Have you received the Holy Spirit since
healing… within a short space of time (about half an hour I think) she you believed?” Why not just believe and ‘receive’ your healing from
was completely well.. Faith is an act.. His grace? (His good pleasure to make us well)

The Prayer of Faith: “Heavenly Father, I thankyou for my healing. I freely receive what
So what is ‘The Prayer of Faith?’ that saves (heals, delivers) the sick? Jesus did for me at Calvary when surely He carried my sickness and
It’s simply the prayer of believing it receives when it prayers. bore my pain. I believe is done and I receive it now and thankyou for
it in Jesus name, Amen” We don’t have to beg and carry on, just
1) It knows and is confident in God’s will about the matter. receive what gives Him great pleasure to give us.
2) It believes its prayers are heard AND answered WHEN it prays.
3) It give thanks to God for the answer it believes has already come. EAST, SIMPLE and LIGHT.
Three BIG words in the Bible.
Let look at the Scriptures Jesus said “Come learn of Me for My yoke is easy, My burden is
Mark 11:24. ”Therefore I say unto you, what things soever you light” Paul said “I would not have you moved from the simplicity that
desire, when you pray (not after) believe that you have received it is in Christ” Easy, Simple and Light. Religion makes it difficult.
and you shall have it” Traditions of men makes God complicated.. but Jesus said ‘My yoke
is easy’ What are you yoked up to? ‘My burden is light’ What are
Mathew 18. “What things soever you shall ask in prayer believing, you carrying around?
you shall receive”
“Lest you become as a little child, you will not enter the Kingdom of
“This is the confidence (faith, belief) that we have in Him that if we God” Have a look at a little child.. They are just ‘whoo hoo’ every-
ask anything according to His will, He hears us where! They don’t have a care and just believe what their parents say
and generally go around having a ball. What happened?
I was about to go and pray one day, when suddenly had a vision.
It was a conversation between ’me’ & the Lord. I heard these words:
47 48
My Story.. for His Glory. any sick amongst you?" it asked.. I put my hand up to Heaven
The different ways Jesus has healed me over the past 28 years! and said.. "Yes, one over here!" I continued reading.. "Let them call
upon the elders of the church and let them pray over them,
Over the past 28 years, I have been healed of lots of things, including anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of
terminal diabetes. I am writing my experiences and what I did to faith shall heal the sick and the Lord shall raise them up and if they
receive what it is ALWAYS His good pleasure to give. have committed sins, it shall be forgiven them" The words 'shall'
leapt from the page.. No 'maybes'.. just 3 shall's'.. so off I went
I am nobody special, like the apostle Paul says.. "I am the less than the down to the little local church.. I called upon the Pastor and a
least of all saints.." Yet I have been healed many times and am acutely friend of mine and showed them James5:14 from my bible! I told
aware that there are many, many beloved brethren who are in need them what was wrong and asked if they believed what the Bible
of healing. This is written to help you receive from His grace and for said! Thank God they did! So I said, "Well I need a miracle in my
His glory.. I will start at over 26 years ago, with a creative miracle in neck and according to the Bible, Jesus hasn't changed, so let's pray
my neck and work forward to the past few months.. now!" Well they anointed me with oil in the name of Jesus and
started to pray.. It felt like someone was pouring warm honey
Going back to the very beginning of my walk with Him... I can down my spine. This beautiful presence seemed to envelope me..
remember receiving the revelation of divine healing shortly after I was time stood still. All I knew was, when I moved my neck around, it
saved in November 1981.. I had spent many hours previously, over a didn't go 'clunk' anymore!! All the pain had gone and my head
couple of weeks praying in the Spirit and reading the Bible.. Prior to rotated freely.. That was 25 years ago and I am still well today!
this, I had fallen off a roof and damaged my neck upon impact.. Thank you Jesus!
"Nothing too serious I thought" Just hurt a bit. Well, you get used to
living with things after a while and I lived in a small town with no The next time was when sickness struck my body. I had been get-
chiropractors, so I just put up with the pain in the back of my neck. ting the revelation on how to use faith for your self to receive from
After a year or so, I started to get headaches, which was unusual for the Lord- and one morning, I awoke and felt awful! I can
me.. First, one a week, then 2 and so on.. The pain got so bad, It felt remember going down the driveway (we lived in a little farmlet at
like I wanted to pull my eyes out to get at it!.. and I used to bathe the time) and starting to pray about my healing. I believed what
them with a hot flannel to help ease the pain. Eventually, I went down the Word of God said and started to praise God for my healing. I
to the next town to get some treatment but it didn't seem to help for felt terrible! I continued in prayer and thanksgiving for about half
very long. Eventually, they sent me to the 'Big city' to get some expert an hour or so.. Then, it was like I seemed to 'know' what was the
advice. The prognosis was not good. The fall had damaged the spine cause of this and 'where' it was. I turned and pointed to space in
and the cushioning between the spine had been damaged and had the air and said something like.. devil, I command you to leave me
been slowly grinding itself away! They said this would only get worse in Jesus name" I started to praise God for my healing... within a
as I got older and there was nothing they could do (Remember, this few minutes, the pain and sickness was replaced by joy and
was 25 years ago and surgery was still very limited) So they sent me praise.. I was well.. very well! I found out that indeed, as the
back home.. Scriptures says.. "God inhabits the praises of His people" ~ God
turned up and everything that wasn't of Him... left!
The Prayer of Faith:
One day, I got to the Book of James... Chapter 5, verse 14.. "Are there

49 50
His Mercy: back to me. Many years before, he was jogging and fell and land-
This is how I learnt about His mercy.. I had been out driving in my ed badly on his foot. He put his hands on his damaged foot and
car and noticed that exhaust was leaking. So when I got back home. said "In the name of Jesus Christ, be healed" he then acted his faith,
I got some spanners to tighten it up. As I lay by the side on the car, I believed it was done and stated to carry on running. To start with,
heard the lord say.. "Careful, it's very hot" I can remember turning he said, it was agony and he literally dragged his damaged foot
around and saying, "it's ok, I will be careful" Well, you guessed it. As down the road.. thanking the Lord for his healing (faiths an act!) He
I put my hand near the exhaust to tighten the clamp, I misjudged said he had gone about 20 metres dragging his foot, when the
and my wrist hit the bottom of a very hot exhaust pipe! I pulled my power of God hit him and he sprinted off down the road..
arm out and looked at a painful, red burn.. I immediately said completely healed...
something like.. "Lord, forgive me for not listening to you. Have
mercy on me Lord and heal me please" Immediately, all the pain left Well, His testimony came back to me (see the importance of tell-
my wrist and I was instantly healed! I can remember sitting there in ing what the Lord has done for you!) and I knew 'He' had that sort
awe, looking at my wrist that was healed.. giving thanks and learning of faith, so I rang him. He answered the phone and I told him..
about his great mercy.. "Jim, I've fallen out of a tree and broken my foot and I want you to
agree with me about my healing" ~ He said.. "I've just finished my
"His mercies are new every morning" prayer time with the Lord!" and he prayed and I agreed with his
prayer. That was the about the only time in my life that I 'felt' faith!
The Prayer of Agreement and my broken foot: ~ Something came down that telephone and lodged in my heart!
"Again, I say to you, that if any two of you shall agree on earth as Nothing outwardly seem to changed but I believed and gave
touching anything they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My thanks.. I walked around thanking the Lord for my healing.. (My
Father Who is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered to- head was saying 'you had better get to the hospital!') Only You can
gether in My name, there am I in the midst of them" Matt18:19 decide what needs to be done. I chose to believe it was done.. If
you can't, then go to the hospital!!
For some strange reason, I decided to climb a tree outside our
house. (I wanted to see what the view was like from up there!) I got For three days I walked on that foot, praising God for my healing..
up a ways.. about 20 foot and was standing on a branch that, look- It was so painful at night, I used to put 2 pillows either side of it, to
ing back, wouldn't have supported a squirrel! The next thing I knew, keep the weight of the blanket off it.. In the morning I had to fight
I was on the ground. I was a bit dazed and stood still for a bit to get all the fear that would come.. "now you are going to have to walk
by breath and take stock of things. I wandered back across the road on it and you'll make it worse" and so on.. Well on the third day (I
to my house. I noticed that as I walked, my foot hurt.. Not too bad think) I said something like.. "NO! Jesus said He would heal me
at first, so I ignored it. After a while at home, my foot started to and I believe it's done!" and I put my foot out of the bed and onto
'really' hurt! There was this pain across the top of it! I reached down the floor and stood up! I was completely healed.. No pain and I
and felt it. It was then that I felt the break. You could feel the break could walk perfectly! (You could still run your hand across the top
in the top plate of my right foot. I thought about what to do. I could of my foot and feel where the break had been!!
still walk but it was now 'very' painful.. Now notice this! ~ I 'knew'
that I didn't have faith for a broken foot and was searching in my Note: Only You can decide where your faith is at.. Jesus said "As
heart as to what to do.. It was then that my Pastors testimony came YOU have believed, so be it done to you" If you can't believe, then

51 52
get someone to pray for you who can! (It's the prayer of faith that Have you prayed to the Father in Jesus name? Then 'believe' He has
heals the sick.. James5:14 not the prayer of unbelief) Go to the heard you! and give thanks! Have you told the sickness to leave in
hospital, believing and giving thanks.. Don't get condemned about Jesus name? Then 'believe' it is done and give thanks!
where you at in the Lord.. "There is therefore NO condemnation to
them that are in Christ Jesus" Get someone in the Body of Christ to About 21 years ago: The last headache / migraine I ever had:
help you with their faith.. It was a hard day at work with a migraine hanging around. It felt
like someone was crushing my head! I remember leaving work and
Healing of an internal organ locking up. I then placed my hands upon my head and saying "In
I was at work one day and I started to have this pain on the inside the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command this thing to
of me. I never thought a lot about and rebuked it in Jesus name but leave my body and the pain to leave" ( well something very similar)
it continued and became very bad and sharp. I spent the next week I was acting on what Jesus said in John14:12-14 "If you shall ask
praying and speaking the Word of God over it. (You know when anything in My name, I WILL do it" This is not a prayer scripture
something serious is wrong on the inside!) I would stop and do this (John16:23 deals with that) But the right to use His name against
several times during the week but little changed. I got home one anything that troubles you
day and it was still hurting.. I sat down on the couch and my little
kids climbed up on me.. The TV was on and I was still hurting! Then, Q: Did you feel any different?
whilst the kids were sitting on my lap, the room seem to fill with a A: None whatsoever!
thousand voices! All I could hear was "Believe! believe! believe!..
over and over the voices went. There was literally thousands of Now tradition and sense/head knowledge/reasoning says 'well it
different voices all saying the same thing.. over and over. Then they didn't work' but the God Who cannot lie, said "If you shall ask ANY-
stopped.. I then shut my mouth and did what the voices said.. THING in my name I WILL do it" Jesus also said "Whosoever (that
I believed! On the inside, in my heart, I said "I believe I received my included me!) shall say unto this mountain, 'be removed and cast
healing, I believe it is done" I never said another word from my into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that
mouth, just my heart.. I believed. After about 10 minutes of the things which he says shall come to pass, he shall have
'believing, I started to feel a warm glow, somewhere in my stomach whatsoever he says" So I acted upon those words.. Faith is not
region.. The warmth grew and grew and the pain got less and less.. I 'what you believe but acting upon what you believe.. Faith is an
continued to 'believe it was done' After about another 20 minutes act! "Do you not, that faith without works (corresponding actions) is
or so, I was completely well! dead" James.

You see, I was speaking the Word of God but not really believing! I now had a 20+ minute drive home.. All the way home it hurt and
It's the believing that brings the power of God to you! my head kept telling me nothing had happened but I CHOSE TO
BELIEVE WHAT JESUS SAID. I thanked God it WAS done (Jesus
Jesus said: said "He WOULD do it" so I believed and thanked God is was
"All things are possible to those who believe" done.. For 20 minutes, I fought the ONLY fight we are told to fight
"Believe I am able to do this?" in the Bible, the fight of faith ("Fight the good fight of faith") and for
"As thou has believed, so be it done unto you" 20+ minutes, I felt no better. Tears were streaming down my face
"Fear not, only believe" with the pain and I fought to drive and also fought to hold onto the

53 54
Word of God. I turned the last corned home when suddenly I better! (so what do you believe?) I was still standing there believing
looked up at the sky and said "Father, I thank you that you love me when Col stopped and came back to me. He said "John, what do you
so much and that you sent Jesus to die for us" Then suddenly out of believe?" I said " I believe I have received my healing!" He said "Good
the clouds came a giant hand and arm. It came straight towards me. lad" and moved on.. Now, the fight of faith continued.. all evening! I
It reached into the car and grabbed something that was gripping went to bed praising God that I had received my healing when Col
onto me (the source of the pain) and then flung it off.. The air was prayed and fell asleep praising God. I awoke in the morning, jumped
filled with righteous indignation.. I could hear "How dare you.. how out of bed.. perfectly healed! "What things soever you desire, when
dare touch my son!" The 'thing' that was troubling me was flung you pray BELIEVE that you have received them and you SHALL have
away.. a LONG way away! The pain suddenly left and peace came! them" The woman with the issue of blood in the Bible said the same
Then more tears came.. this time, tears of joy! and I rejoiced and thing Mark chapter 5 .. (That's where I got it from!) She said "If I so
gave thanks the rest of the way home. THIS is God's attitude to much as touch the hem of His garment, I SHALL be healed.. She
anything that troubles YOU! Give Him some faith to work with.. acted her faith and received from the Lord)

Q: Why did it take so long? "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in
A: My faith (believing what Jesus said above how I felt and speaking health, even as your soul prospers" 1John
the Word of God) was giving substance to that which I hoped for
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence (proof)
of things not seen" Hebrews 11:1 ~ I HAD to believe what the My healing from terminal diabetes: 2006
Word of God said and act upon it (The only way I could act in this Diabetes; If you wonder about the benefits of praying in the Holy
case was to believe it was done like Jesus said and give thanks) Spirit. Here's a REALLY good reason!! I had diabetes and the Lord
Every time I gave thanks, my faith gave a bit more substance to healed me. Go and listen to my testimony (8 minutes) at
what I was believing for.. That was the last headache/migraine I can
remember having.. God has no favourites.. The Bible says at least 4
times that God is no respecter of persons (no favourites) YOU can
do this too! Just believe and act upon what the Word of God says.

The Healing of my back: About 18-20 years ago.

My lower back was giving me a lot of trouble and I was in a lot of
pain. We had a minister coming to the church who I knew and was
looking forward to hearing him preach. Now.. Listen to this. I said in
my heart.. "When Col gives the alter call, I will go up and when he
lays his hands on me and prays for me, I SHALL be healed!) So at
the end of the service, I joined the healing line and when Col got to
me, he said, Hi John, what's up?" I told him about my back, He
prayed for me and then moved on to the next person.. I felt NO

55 56
The Healing Scriptures in the Bible healed all that were sick, that it might be fulfilled that was spoken by
Isaiah the prophet saying ‘Himself took our weaknesses and carried
'My son (and daughter), attend to My words, incline your ears to My our sicknesses' - Matt8:16-17
sayings, keep them in the midst of your heart, for they are life to
those who find them and health (medicine) to all your flesh' - Prov- 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever' - Heb 13v8
erbs 4:24.
'I am the Lord, I change not' - Hos4:6 then faith comes by hearing and hearing, by the Word of God' -
Romans 10:17 'and you shall serve the Lord your God and He will bless your bread
and water and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee' -
The following are commonly known as the 'healing scriptures' The Ex23v25
bible declares.. 'no Word of God is void and without power' Print out
these scriptures and meditate upon them. Put them on your fridge or 'what is easier to say. Your sins are forgiven or to say 'be healed' but
by your bed. Get God's Word into your heart and it will produce that you may know that the Son of Man has power to forgive sins, I
faith in your mouth. say to you, rise take up your bed and walk!'

'Who His own self bear our sins in His own body on the cross, that 'I have heard your prayer and seen your tears.. behold I will heal you'
we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness, by Whose -11Kings 20:5
stripes you were healed' -1Peter 2:24
'Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean. Jesus said 'Of
'Surely He has carried our sickness and bore our pain, yet we did es- course I am willing'
teem Him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted but He was wound-
ed for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chas- 'I have seen his ways and will heal him' - Isaiah 57v18/19
tisement necessary to obtain peace was upon Him and with His
stripes, we are healed' - Is53v 4-5 'For I will restore health unto you and I will heal you of your wounds,
says the Lord' - Jer30v17
'Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits.. Who for-
gives all your sins, Who heals all your diseases' - Ps103:v2-5 'and great multitudes followed Jesus and He healed them' - Matt19v2

'Are there any sick amongst you? Let them call for the elders of the 'To you that fear my name, shall the sun of righteousness arise with
church and let them pray over them anointing them with oil in the healing in His wings'
name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall heal the sick and the
Lord shall raise them up and if they have committed sins, they shall 'The blind and the lame came to Him in the temple and He healed
be forgiven him' - James 5v14 them' - Matt21v14

'When the evening was come they brought unto Him many that was 'and the disciples cast our many devils and anointed with oil many
possessed with devils and He cast out the spirits with His word and that were sick and healed them' - Mark6v13

57 58
'Now when the sun was setting, all that had any sick brought them to The Prayer of Faith
Jesus and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them' -
Luke4v40 “Are there any sick amongst you? Let them call for the
elders of the church and let them pray over them
'and he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick'
- Luke9v2
anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord and the
prayer of faith shall save (heal) the sick and the Lord
'and the people followed Him and He received them and spoke to shall raise them up and if they have committed sins it
them about the kingdom of God and healed them that had need of shall be forgiven him" James5:14
healing' - Luke9v11.
There are 3 'shalls' here... no maybe's
'I have heard your prayer and seen your tears.. behold I will heal you' -
11Kings 20:5 This is a promise from the Almighty, the God Who cannot lie and
does not change, to us, His Church.. the Body of Christ. It is also a
'Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean’ Jesus said 'Of course message from our 'Heavenly Father' Who loved us so much, He
I am willing' gave His Son for us..

'I have seen his ways and will heal him' - Isaiah 57v18/19 Notice: its says ‘let them call’ This is really important. It has to start
with us, not the elders or anybody else. Many came to Jesus with
'For I will restore health unto you and I will heal you of your wounds, obvious difficulties (one man was blind) yet Jesus asked him what
says the Lord' - Jer30v17 he wanted Him to do for him (err.. it’s rather obvious Jesus, he’s
blind!) He could have asked the Lord to heal his toenail and Jesus
would have and he would have gone away still blind. It has to
come from you, that’s why Jesus asked them what they wanted.
Jesus didn’t heal everybody (even though He wanted to) He
healed all .. ”that came to Him” It had to start with ‘them’

You cannot prayer the prayer of faith for others unless they come
to you and ask. It’s only for you. ‘Whatsoever things YOU desire..’
IE: They are desires for you, not anybody else. You may desire
someone you know to be healed but there may be things in their
life that is stopping them from receiving from His grace.

If you know someone who is ill, then you need to pray & intercede
for them and allow the Lord to work things out in their life.

This is how to do it..

59 60
Praying for others: The moral of the story? If you are going to pray for others (who
come to you.. Remember ‘let them call..’) I know I’m keeping on
This is what Jesus said about it: but this is really important.. God cannot violate a persons free will.
Jesus was teaching the disciples to pray one day. After teaching Jesus said “Let him who is thirsty come and drink of the water of
them what we call ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ He went on to say: life” The invitation is there but we have to respond. You need to
stay in there until they are healed. It takes time and persistence
And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go (You are not trying to ‘talk’ God into doing something, rather
unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves; creating the power (more about this in a minute) to get the will of
God done in another's life.
For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing
to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble Remember ‘Michael?’ It took around 30 days to get him well. Some
me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I days I would just go to him (He asked, or at least agreed, gave his
cannot rise and give thee. consent to what I proposed) and pray for 10 minutes. Other times,
I would be there an hour or so ministering God’s grace. Over that
I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is period of time, things started to happen.
his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as
many as he needeth. And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given I am going to include some of John G lakes writings from the early
you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
1900’s (We need to find out what these great men of God knew!)
He and his team would pray for people until they got well. Some-
Jesus is still teaching about prayer and receiving from God. Now
times it was instant, other times it took time..
notice the subject here. ‘Which of you having a friend’ (so this is not
about ‘self’ This is about a friend who comes to you in need but you
This is from his early original manuscripts (around 1910) that I was
have nothing to set before him) So what do you do? You go to ‘your
given a copy of 27 years ago;
friend’ and seek supplies! At first your ‘friend’ doesn’t respond but
because of your ‘importunity’ He rises and gives him whatever he
needs (for his friend who came to him at midnight.. or his darkest

1) The first ‘friend’ came to his friend. (‘Let them call’.. that’s what
the first friend did)
2) The second friend didn’t have what was needed so he went to
someone who he knew did. (We can’t heal people but we
(should) know where to go to get it!) God is our sufficiency..
3) Now he started to pray his friend to give what was needed for
his friend who was in need.. (This is what ‘intercession’ is..
standing in the gap for another)
4) The second friend gave him what was needed because of his
‘importunity’ or ‘stick with it ness’ for want of a better word.
61 62
“For the Kingdom (realm) of God is not in word but in power and in Before the Holy Spirit fell on the 120 in the upper room, they had
the Holy Spirit” been locked away praying and discussing the things of God for
many days..
“but you shall receive power (Gr: ‘Dumanis’ - miracle working
ability) after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you” “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication,
with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, & with his brethren”
Sadly, for the most part, a lot of the Church has lost her power..
They were all in prayer for many days until suddenly..
To get the will of God done in the life of another, especially if they
are in trouble and need healing, you need to get the power of God “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with
involved. one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from
heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where
Why does this take so long sometimes John? Good question and they were sitting.
here’s the answer.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it
Peter had been taken prisoner.. “Peter therefore was kept in prison: sat upon each of them.
but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for
him” And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak
with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance”
Notice: It was the Church, a group of people who ‘prayed without
Again, we see the manifestation of the awesome power of God to
ceasing’ They had importunity..
persistent prayer. Jesus said “Men aught always to pray and not lose
You ask.. ‘Is God deaf? or does He need to be talked into some-
thing? No.. neither, for “The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous
Here’s another example from Lakes ministry to demonstrate this.
and His ears are open to their prayers” So what is happening? The
power of God is being created on this earth to get the will of God
done! Look at the result of this persistent prayer..

“And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light
shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him
up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands”

The power of God created through persistent prayer by many

individuals was so great, that an angel manifested into the Earth and
set Peter free! You can see now why ‘Dear Lord, heal so and so’
doesn’t work too well. The Lord wants to heal them but we have to
provide the faith and love for Him to do this sometimes.

63 64
When the Holy Spirit undertook for my healing from diabetes, it Oddly enough, it was Daniel in the Old Testament that gives us
took 3 days of me praying.. (I’m still healed and well by the way!) insight as what is happening behind the scenes so to speak..
Thankyou Jesus! He’s no respecter of persons. What He does for
one, He will do for all. We have a enemy. Jesus said “Your enemy is the devil” not
people. Paul says “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6.

Here’s what the angel sent from God had to say to Daniel:
“said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou
didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before
thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.

But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and

twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to
help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia”

1) God heard Daniels prayer the first day!

2) The answer was sent from God immediately
Every day is a new day! We tend to look at a day as a continuation 3) Evil forces tried to stop the answer coming to Daniel for 21
of our lives but God deals with mankind on a day to day basis.. days until the angel went back and got help from Michael.

“His mercies are new every morning” We have very little idea what is happening behind the scenes as
“This is the day (not month) that the Lord has made” Paul says in Eph 6.
“Take no thought for tomorrow”
Daniel didn’t have the authority as we do in Christ or the name of
Get rid of yesterdays baggage and the devils lies and don’t worry Jesus.. God hears our prayers in Jesus name but there may be
about tomorrow.. NOW you can have a great day! things hindering us from receiving.. Let’s give Him some faith to
work with and love one another, to enable Him to work things
Believe you have received when you, or someone else prayed and out for our good..
just keep believing and giving thanks everyday until the thing you
desire has manifested in your body. If you need assistance with to be continued..
your faith, then ask your brothers / sisters in Christ to believe and
stand with you every day.. That’s what we are here for!

“The body is held together by that which every joint supplies”

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I trust this has been a blessing to you and brought glo-
ry to God Who has patiently taught me about how to
apply my faith in His Word and freely receive from His
grace, these past 28 years..

This book is a work in progress.. I constantly update it

as we progress in His grace.. feel free to give it away

God Bless


PS: I am not a Pastor but if you ‘really’ need to talk. I

am on Skype. john.reynolds.ministries
in Western Australia.

Send me an email and we’ll set up a time and I’ll talk

and pray for you.

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