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- The progress of human civilizations throughout history mirrors the development of S&T.
- Human person (both the bearer and the beneficiary of S&T) flourishes and finds its meaning in the
world that he/she builds.
- Meaning in the world; PURSUITS OF GOOD LIFE.
- However, in the person’s pursuit of the good life, he or she may unconsciously acquire, consume, or
destroy what the world has to offer.
o It is thus necessary to reflect on the things that truly matter.
- Science and Technology must be taken as part of human life that merits reflective and meditative
thinking (Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher).
- Science and Technology despite its methodical and technical nature, it gives meaning to the life of a
person making his/her way in the world.
o Methodical - done according to a systematic or established procedure.
o Technical - having special and usually practical knowledge especially of a mechanical or
scientific subject.
MARTIN HEIDEGGER (1889 – 1976)
- One of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century
- The Question Concerning of Technology, 1954
o He urges us to question technology and see beyond people’s common understanding about
- According to him, Technology was the key to understanding our current time.
- His philosophical works focused on ontology or the study of being, DASEIN in German

- He diagnosed modern society as suffering from diseases of the soul.

1. We have forgotten that we are alive
2. We have forgotten that all being is connected
3. We forget to be free and live for ourselves
Definitions of Technology according to M. Heidegger
1. Instrumental definition: Technology is a means to
an end
- Technology as a tool available to individuals,
group, communities that desire to make an
impact to society
2. Anthropological definition: Technology is a human

Technology as Way of Revealing

- Heidegger asserted that the true essence of technology can be pursued through the correct.
o In other words, the experience and understanding of what is correct lead us to what is
- Heidegger urged people to envision technology as a mode of revealing as it shows so much
more about the human person and the world
- Truth is “brought forth” - brings out of concealment, the arising of something out of itself

- Techne -> episteme (refers to the human ability to make and perform)

Modern Technology: Bring Forth or Challenge Forth?

 Bring Forth – proper attitude and use of technology

 Challenge Forth - subjects do not have essence they are merely viewed as material
- Modern technology challenges nature by extracting something from it
- Makes people think how to do things faster, more efficiently and less effort.
ENFRAMING as Modern Technology’s Way of Revealing
- Revealing modern technology by considering it a process of ENFRAMING
o Putting nature in a “frame” – easier control according to desires
- Destining – the role of humans take as instruments of technology through enframing.
o Humans are challenged forth by enframing to reveal what is real
o Carries with it danger of misconstruction or misinterpretation
Enframing is related to two ways of looking at the world:
1. Calculative thinking - humans desire to put an order to nature to better understand and control
2. Meditative thinking – humans allow nature to reveal itself to them without the use of force and violence
Dangers of Technology
 Dangers lie in how humans let themselves be consumed by it.
 It is our (humans) responsibility to recognize how we become instrument of technology

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