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The Issue of Slut Shaming

What Slut Shaming Is and Why It Is This Kind Of Huge Trouble

Since we have not yet posted relating to this social happening, I figured it was time to
address and clarify it.
Slut shaming is an important yet complicated issue which is really applicable today. Slut
shaming happens on a daily basis. It occurs both in day-to-day interactions between people.
Additionally, it occurs on a much bigger scale in the media and on-line.
What's Slut Shaming?
Slut shaming is the action of shaming or insulting women for expressing their sexuality. That
is always a subjective issue. Latest Naked News Stories:Zelda Suplee andLooking Good
Naked Man! may be labeled a slut for dressing a particular way as well as just discussing
specific manner.
The exact significance of the pejorative term slut is quite relative. The casualties of slut
shaming, nevertheless, are always female.
Guys are sometimes referred to as sluts. Nevertheless , once they are, the term is normally
used jokingly or even as a backhanded compliment about a guy's sexual prowess.
Some common examples of slut shaming comprise:
Critical comments made to girls or women at school or at a workplace, such as you dress like
a slut / whore.
Hostile, sexually-oriented remarks about female celebs posted on the world wide web.
Flame wars on the internet where female commentators are slut shamed. The original
conversation will not even have to be about sex. Trolls and other competitive commentators
will often revert to slut shaming as an aggressive strategy to silence females who differ with
them on any issue.
Casualty-blaming responses to sex crimes for example rape, as in if she was dressing like
that/walking around in that area, she was asking for it.
Slut Shaming
Slut Shaming and the Sexual Double Standard In Society
So naturally, this problem goes back many centuries. The term is most closely connected
with what is referred to as the double standard relative to the genders. Conduct for which
women are generally labeled sluts would be implemented fairly differently for guys. Simply
having Awesome year is traditionally a time for reflection and the making of resolutions. of
sexual partners is sometimes enough for folks to label a woman "slut".
With menthis behaviour is generally passed off as sowing his wild oats. At Biblical Nudity And
A Biblical View of the Nude Body , a sexually promiscuous man is considered roguish, which
is not completely a negative designation. So, slut shaming is rooted in the double standard
that has long been put on both sexes.
Slut Shaming
Recognizing and Reacting to Slut Shaming
Slut shaming is a social problem. That said, it can have quite personal consequences for girls
and women who've been victimized by it. The first step in responding to the issue would be to
recognize it for what it is. Sometimes, slut shaming masquerades as harmless ribbing or
politically incorrect comedy. Yet it's easy to see the real motivation for calling girls sluts is to
judge, shame and control them.
The greatest method to cease this practice is to recognize it, point it out and call people out
on it. Even if you can not change the thoughts of the man doing the slut shaming, you can
help to make others realize that this behaviour is not practical or socially acceptable.
This post about slut shaming was released by Young naturists and Nudists America FKK
Tags: feminism, girls, sex positive, sexuality
Classification: Body Image Sites, Feminism and Women's Issues and Human Rights, Sex
Positive and Sexuality
About the Author (Author Profile)
Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and co-founder of Naturist Portal.

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