The Spirit of Jezebel

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Jezebel Spirit / Queen of Heaven / Harlot Spirit / Spirit of Jezebel

The Jezebel spirit seeks to hide itself, seduce, intimidate, manipulate, murder and trade in human
Some people talk about the "Jezebel spirit" because this is the kind of spirit that was working
powerfully through Queen Jezebel, a Sidonian princess who married King Ahab of Israel, and killed
so many prophets of God. The woman Jezebel is mentioned also in the book of Revelation, chapter
2, verse 20 in the context of the church of Thyatira. Here she is called a false prophetess, a teacher
of sexual immorality. It would seem here again that Jezebel is the name of a person who comes
under the influence of this spirit, because the Lord says he gave her time to repent.
The Queen of Heaven/Spirit of Jezebel/Mystery Babylon/Harlot Spirit is a very religious spirit, but
it promotes religious things that are contrary to God. Jezebel promotes fleshly indulgence amongst
God's people and shuns the cross.
The Jezebel spirit is the enemy of the true prophets of the Lord. The book of Revelation has a
chapter almost exclusively devoted to exposing this spirit Chapter 17. In this chapter we read that
the woman is drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
(Revelation 17:6). So this spirit especially hates and seeks to murder righteous people and those who
speak faithfully the Word of the Lord, just as Jezebel the wife of Ahab was responsible for most of
the true prophets of Yahweh in her day (1 Kings 18:13)
This evil power is also exposed in the book of Isaiah, chapter 47
"Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; Sit on the ground without a throne, O
daughter of the Chaldeans! For you shall no more be called Tender and delicate. 2Take the
millstones and grind meal. Remove your veil, Take off the skirt, Uncover the thigh, Pass through the
rivers. 3Your nakedness shall be uncovered, Yes, your shame will be seen; I will take vengeance,
And I will not arbitrate with a man." 4As for our Redeemer, the LORD of hosts is His name, The
Holy One of Israel.
5"Sit in silence, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans; For you shall no longer be
called The Lady of Kingdoms. 6I was angry with My people; I have profaned My inheritance, And
given them into your hand. You showed them no mercy; On the elderly you laid your yoke very
heavily. 7And you said, "I shall be a lady forever,' So that you did not take these things to heart, Nor
remember the latter end of them.
8"Therefore hear this now, you who are given to pleasures, Who dwell securely, Who say in your
heart, "I am, and there is no one else besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, Nor shall I know the loss
of children'; 9But these two things shall come to you In a moment, in one day: The loss of children,
and widowhood. They shall come upon you in their fullness Because of the multitude of your
sorceries, For the great abundance of your enchantments.
10 "For you have trusted in your wickedness; You have said, "No one sees me'; Your wisdom and
your knowledge have warped you; And you have said in your heart, "I am, and there is no one else
besides me.' 11Therefore evil shall come upon you; You shall not know from where it arises. And
trouble shall fall upon you; You will not be able to put it off. And desolation shall come upon you
suddenly, Which you shall not know.
12"Stand now with your enchantments And the multitude of your sorceries, In which you have
labored from your youth
Perhaps you will be able to profit, Perhaps you will prevail. 13You are wearied in the multitude of
your counsels; Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, And the monthly prognosticators Stand up
and save you From what shall come upon you. 14Behold, they shall be as stubble, The fire shall
burn them; They shall not deliver themselves From the power of the flame; It shall not be a coal to

be warmed by, Nor a fire to sit before! 15Thus shall they be to you With whom you have labored,
Your merchants from your youth; They shall wander each one to his quarter. No one shall save you.
We are still dealing with this Babylonian spirit today. It is the spirit that takes captive the people of
God. It is this spirit that caused the church to go into the bondage of Roman Catholicism for
centuries. Note Revelation 17:9 the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. It is
a fact that Rome is built on seven hills. The same spirit which caused the Israelites to worship "the
Queen of Heaven" mentioned in Jeremiah 44:17
19 and Jeremiah 7:18 is the one behind all the false mother/son religions that ever have been,
including the Marian cult of the Roman Catholic Church. This spirit does lying wonders, such as
making statues weep.
Jeremiah 7:18 says:
"The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes
for the queen of heaven; and they pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke Me
to anger."
The true God is NOT happy with such worship to the Queen of Heaven. Why do Roman Catholics
and socalled Orthodox Christians call Mary the "Queen of Heaven" and practically exalt her above
Jesus in their art and theology? It is this same idolatrous spirit, taking a "christian" form.
But this harlot spirit has an influence beyond that of roman catholicism. Its influence extends into
Hollywood and the TV programs Christians pollute their minds with, into the United Nations, and in
fact into the whole global political, economical and religious system of the world which is now
seeking to unite all people everywhere under the antichrist. It gets into the church as a spirit of
ungodly control and seduction which encourages people to "live it up" in the world as long as they
are submissive to the church leadership and don't move in the Holy Spirit. It seeks to kill the
prophetic even in pentecostal churches, and this has happened in many places already.
To say 'No' to this spirit you will start to experience opposition in this life. You can dream along
well enough and live a life of carnal pleasure, telling yourself you are Christian, without having too
much trouble from this spirit, because in this way you are still held captive. Try to break free, and
you will see what it is.
God has promised to judge and destroy this spirit and its works. This will not come without pain to
the people of the world.
We may well be entering the season of this kind of judgment, with the collapse of economic
systems. Yet, I believe that this Babylonian spirit has not yet come to the zenith of its power. We
will have to persevere and endure for some time yet. Things may get worse before they can get
Even so, we can get the claws of Jezebel and Babylon out of our own lives. We do this by taking an
uncompromising stand for truth in an age of religious expediency. We do it chiefly by embracing the
cross. Those who do not are enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction. (Philippians
"18 For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the
enemies of the cross of Christ: 19whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose
glory is in their shame
who set their mind on earthly things."
We have to be willing to actually suffer for Jesus if we want to defeat this evil power. It is by saying
'No' to the cravings of our flesh and to carnal ambition that we can be the true servants of the Lord in
an age of "deep darkness" (Isaiah 60).

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The cross is the place where we truly meet the Messiah. Any "anointing" which is not rooted in the
cross is a false jezebel anointing. Such false anointings can be used to gather people together to hear
what their itching ears want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3). And many are impressed because the people so
gathered can be induced to give large amounts of money to the cause. This then multiplies the
influence of this false spirit.
If we keep the cross central in our lives and our teaching, we will do much to escape this spirit. For
their is no deliverance from its witchcraft and its sorceries on the fleshly side of the cross. The man
who is dead and hid in God will escape her, but the ungodly and the fool will not.

The Roots of Jezebel

Babies are born to be normal, loving beings. This is to examine why anyone, like a Jezebel, would
turn evil, or be open to an evil presence, that would dominate their thinking. Scripture says we war
not against “flesh,” but against (evil) spirits, and principalities in high places. We have to remember
that Jezebel is a spirit that infects people, who are victims as much as those people they damage by
their behavior.

First, it is important to control or arrest the damage that the infected person is creating. But we
should not stop there. We should examine the roots of the problem with the person, and help deliver
them out of this situation, if possible. If we can get to the root of why someone has a Jezebel spirit,
then we may be able to help free them from that overpowering influence, and help them to recover.
Otherwise, the salvation and eternal destiny of their souls is at stake.

Common ways to open the door to this spirit:

1. Abandonment of father, and loss of spiritual and physical protection. This past century, the
absence of the father in the home is not just economic. A little child, a girl especially, needs to
have a strong male image that teaches her that she is valuable, loved, protected. When this male
covering is gone, their life seems out of control and hurtful. The child will immediately go into a
mode of self protection, learning ways to control its environment, to avoid further pain and
harm. The mother may seem inadequate in some cases, and the child may see the mother as the
one who sent daddy away, and therefore responsible for her pain. If the mother is a traditional,
stay at home mom, then the child learns that this mother cannot protect her as they feel needed,
and they grow up viewing traditional women as weak and incompetent. The mother was not
good enough to “keep her man.” If the mother is abusive, then this makes women the enemy
forever. If the mother is a “liberated woman” in the liberal sense, the child learns that only
women are powerful, and only they should be trusted and bonded with. If the mother has values
that are against traditional moral values, then the child will end up on the slippery slope into
lesbianism/homosexuality. If daddy seems to make it known that he left for another woman, or
that he openly expresses his interpretation and value of love as sexual, then the child will learn
that to get daddy’s love, it is sex that will get his attention. This lesson will be transferred to
other men that a girl (or a boy) will want to be involved with. The child will look for love “in all
the wrong places,” and will use sex, not love, to lure others, since they do not know what true,
godly love from a male figure is really like.

2. Child abuse. Child abuse, especially sexual, since it is so intimate, has permanent consequences.
….the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN), part of the U.S. Dept. of Health
and Human Services compiles data about the number of cases reported to Child Protective
Services (CPS) each year, but the fact is the number of reported cases is small compared with the
number of actual cases. We can reason this by looking at several studies which asked adults
about childhood abuse. Adults are more likely to report their own childhood abuse, because they

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no longer live in fear of immediate retaliation from the abuser and they have had time to recover
from the psychological effects of living in an abusive household.

A study conducted at a large managed care organization in the northeast, which examined the
differences in annual health care costs between women with and without histories of abuse,
found that “childhood abuse and neglect histories were reported by 42.8% of the women in this
HMO sample (sexual abuse: 18.4%; physical abuse: 14.2%; emotional abuse: 24.1%; emotional
neglect: 21.1%; physical neglect: 12.2%), with about half of these women meeting severity
criteria for more than one type of maltreatment.”

See more here for definitions and signs of abuse, and effects on adults:

The effects, but not all, include disturbances in sexual interest; difficulties during sexual contact;
dysfunctions of desire, arousal or orgasm; seductive behaviors, compulsive activity and
prostitution; precocious sexual behavior; confusion of sexuality and nurturing behavior; anxiety;
self-destructive behavior; relationship problems; re-victimization.

We can see how the doors to the Jezebel spirit are being opened here, since she is known by
many of these traits. The abused child will understand sex as physical stimulation only, and will
disassociate love, intimacy, and trust from the experience. Thus others become objects of
stimulation and gratification. There is no place for a real relationship, because they do not
understand what one is.

3. An already established Ahab father, Jezebel mother in a family.

Children can get their identity from their parents, who are the role models.

4. In both cases 1 and 2, there is a lot of anger, rage, and bitterness. There are memories that have
never healed, and the person cannot forgive those in their past. This unforgiveness
subconsciously motivates every decision made regarding relationships. Trust is gone, and the
person may hold suspicion of everyone that resembles those that betrayed them from an earlier
time. The younger and more vulnerable the child is when things go wrong, and the more
repeated the injury, the more angry the adult will become. This anger “energy” at the past, that
was out of control for them, will be channeled into controlling everything in their present and
future. The un-forgiveness acts as a self defense mechanism, since they are acting to prevent
further injury by hurting others first, to “disarm the enemy.”

5. Abusive relationships in adulthood. If the childhood was normal, but the person made a bad
choice, then usually the person can recover more quickly, and not degenerate into sociopathic
behaviors. But, if the person is influenced by negative people around her who misadvise her, and
cause her to adopt their views, then there is trouble. However, I think if the person can obtain
good counsel later, this mindset can be reversed. If the abusive adult relationships reinforce the
childhood abuse, this more deeply ingrains the Jezebel spirit that has infected the person.

6. Lack of general moral values in home growing up, or early social influences outside the home
which contradict morality. If there are no moral values taught in the home as to right and wrong,
then any value set can arise, which is totally demonic or anti-social. The outside influences
include schools, teachers, and fellow classmates, who may come from non-ethical backgrounds.
If teachers for example, usurp the authority of the parents, and teach values contrary to the moral
values of the home, then the parents can be undermined, and the child can go out of control, and
turn into a nightmare for the parents. A good example of this is teaching that homosexuality is

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acceptable to children as an alternative lifestyle. This moral corruption of children will lead to
aberrant behavior later, especially since they are being taught that their parent’s morals are a lie,
and they can rebel against the parents if they wish to. Early influences also include those from
the media, where immorality and violence is celebrated. Any child who learns early on that there
is no God or no morals, and there is no one to answer to for their behavior, ends up creating their
own rules. The “do what you want” attitude is godless, and can lead to anything, even murder.

7.   Basic personality type- Even in childhood, we see different personality types.  Some children
seem more aggressive and dominant, and others are more shy and passive.  Discipline and
positive guidance is needed to guide the children to develop proper social skills, and to bring out
strengths of each one. If a lack of discipline occurs, the child may go in a direction that is more
self–oriented or more self-destructive.  We call the child “spoiled” for this reason.  When the
basic personality type is coupled with a bad environment, then there will be trouble, and they
will lack appropriate social skills, and use their own ideology of how things should be done.

The aggressive Jezebel usually comes from 1,2 and 4. The more sneaky charming Jezebel usually
comes from number 3 and 5.

Typical question about Jezebel’s motives:

Do you think a jezebel knows she is a jezebel? And why would someone actually go to all the
trouble to hurt other people? That is the part I can’t understand. How do you actually sit there and
plot who you will hurt, and then feel good about it. Or is it self-destructive behavior on the jezebel’s
part so that she can feel bad, and then she is the “real” victim?


yes she knows…….but she does not CARE……

what she wants is more important…

as she grew up, she probably had plenty of fights with other girls, who let her know what she
was…..there was plenty of name calling… she learned how to win over them
She does not care if she destroys….she sees the other person as a failure based on their
weaknesses…and she is the success because of her strengths… her, it is the other persons’ fault
they are hurt. If they weren’t such a loser, they would not get hurt.
Now that we know about her, how do we help the soul that is bound and free her?
In the Bible, Jezebel was a powerful, wicked queen, and wife of a passive king called Ahab. She was
a false prophetess who worshiped the false god, Baal. Baal was the god of prosperity, god of the
harvests, god of fertility and sex. (Does this sound like some of the modern day gospels that some
people preach?)
Child sacrifices were common. She was killed by several eunuchs at the order of commander Jehu.
Jezebel was a witch, and her spirit of witchcraft is still in operation today in the church, and in the
world. It will take both a Jehu and the cooperation of the injured victims (spiritual eunuchs) to kill
her again.
The Jezebel spirit is sociopathic. Behaviors you might see (3 or more):
1. They gain power by destroying others. It is like an adrenalin rush when they “win” over someone.
They manage to get in positions of authority, and are difficult to displace, once there.

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2. They are controlling, manipulative, bossy.
3. they can either be warlike in their personalities, so that they are intimidating,
so “sweet,” “perfect,” deceitful, “timid” and sneaky, they are able to fool and recruit others to join
them. Sometimes they can be very charming and charismatic.
4. critical of others, vicious to the point of bloodthristy.
5. they are never wrong.
6. They recruit others in their charges against their victims. They act to persuade recruits, and do not
give up this activity until the recruits are won over. If the potential recruits do not cooperate and buy
into things, this angers them.
7. they are narcissic. While they can tend to be oversensitive themselves, they have no concern for
the feelings of others. They are not sympathetic to their victims, and tend to play the role of victim
themselves, in order to gain sympathy. This way the real victim is left stranded, and opposed by
others if they ask for help. Being the center of attention really pleases them.
8. they lie, and they believe their own lie. Avoiding the truth, or intentionally acting to withhold
truth is part of this. false picture is presented to others.
9. impulsive, failure to plan ahead. chaotic at times
10. lack of remorse after hurting someone. they justify the harm.
11. consistent irresponsibility.
12. irritability, aggressiveness (open , or subtle), can be quick tempered.
13. failure to conform to social norms. person is an “outlier” or nonconformist. has their own ways.
14. psychological counseling will not help, since they deny what they are.
15. claims to religious sentiments, but very superficial in devotion. Bornagain status is debatable,
and unlikely, but would have to be evaluated on an individual basis.
16. usually women, but can be men. The women tend to control their men with sex. And they pick
passive men (Ahabs) so they can dominate them.
17. usually married. If single, could be lesbian, homosexual man, or promiscuous man.
18.  They falsely accuse you, and they do NOT forgive you …..How to break this spirit:
**since these individuals usually have achieved some level of authority, only someone who outranks
them, or a group effort will work. If you are a woman, you need to strong and self confident. If you
are a man, you need to be the same, and also not be influenced by threats or tears out of a woman.
You also need to have enough male hormone to stand up to her. Also, if you are a man, and this is
your wife, be sure the men in your support group can be trusted with her.
1. be sure you are not enabling this person; ie. you are not an “Ahab”
2. gather facts about the person’s activity and behavior, be able to prove it. you have to start by
addressing real behavior. you cannot start by telling someone “they have a spirit.” Be prepared to
question the person why they behave that way. Make a list of wrongs. Be prepared.
3. gather witnesses, who are also sincere believers (if in a church setting), or other credible authority
figures, because the person will attack back, and deny everything. The aggressive types will use
their authority to abuse, criticize, & threaten you, and try to have you discredited, or removed. The
more sneaky types go into “victim hood” mode, immediately trying to solicit and recruit support,
and make you look like you are the abusive one.

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4. isolate the person. make sure their own recruits (buddies) are not around. It gets its power from
others….so if you get it alone, it is more vulnerable, and more easily defeated. You have to remove
the source of its power and “gang up” on it.
5. confront the person with the facts. – expect denial. They will lie through their teeth!!
6. Reject the person’s behavior based on the facts. Tell the person they will not be accepted back
into the group unless they repent.
7. If the person repents – showing willingness to change then
a. Church setting – as a group, bind and cast out the demonic spirit in Jesus name, and persist until it
is gone. Expect high resistance, since it is a controlling (witch) spirit. There will be screaming and
yelling before it is cast out. It will try to attack you and call you names. Also, expect and ignore
plays of “victim hood” during deliverance. Sometimes the spirit cycles between being the attacker,
and being a victim. This is to confuse you, so do not give in.
b. secular setting – document records, give warning that future behavior will be monitored. This is
because their basic nature has not changed yet, and an eventual repeat of behavior will occur. If it
does, the person needs to be fired.
8. Once the spirit is gone, the person needs support and counseling to examine how the spirit entered
to begin with, so they can close the door on further attempts by the spirit to enter.
9. If the person does NOT repent, then cut off ties with the person, telling them forgiveness and
deliverance is available to them. If you do not cut off ties, they will worry you to death and destroy
your peace.
As one commenter stated: The Jezebel needs to learn the meaning of the word “NO!!!!!!!!!“
*** So far, what has been explained is how to identify and possibly stop its activity. Understanding
the roots of the Jezebel, and Healing for the person who has this spirit requires more insight. See the
last link below for how to heal and deliver a fallen Jezebel.
Jezebel wife and mother
The reverse can be true also, it can be a jezebel father and husband, so as one reads, consider the
opposite going on, and it is the man doing the controlling, instead of the mother.
For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey,and her speech is smoother than oil,but in the end she
is bitter as wormwood,sharp as a twoedged sword.Her feet go down to death;her steps follow the
path to Sheol;she does not ponder the path of life;her ways wander, and she does not know it.
Proverbs 5: 47
Men who have married and fathered children with Jezebel (sociopathic) women face special
challenges. They deserve all our love and support. The courts often do not recognize that a
sociopathic woman is incapable of functioning as a mother. Fathers are left to helplessly watch as
precious children suffer at the hands of their mother.
The courts would be wise to get smart and take heed because studies of adopted children reveal a
terrible truth about female sociopaths. Female sociopaths carry stronger genes for the disorder than
do males. A mother is more likely to pass this trait to children she has never met, than is a father.
Psychologists, and the court system, because they are fundamentally humanists, and not religious,
do not see the demonic aspect of the Jezebel, and so label her as a sociopath, or as antisocial.
Therefore, the success of counseling by an atheistic or agnostic therapist will have some, but limited,
results. Therapy will also take a lot longer. Years longer.
The victim really needs prayer, deliverance, and to get away from the Jezebel, unless they are going
to tackle the challenge of delivering the Jezebel spirit out of her to restore the family.
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Controlling, irresponsible, dishonest, will lie without remorse
inability to love, and put others first – selfish
never wrong, so never sorry about anything
may either be the aggressive type, or the sneaky type
nonstop turmoil in the family, through multiple generations, and is a charming and frightening
makes singularly vile false allegations, and calls the police
emotional blackmail
originally, may have become pregnant with or without marriage—then uses the child to sponge off
of the father for as long as possible.
may emotionally damage the child, trying to turn him or her into a manipulative minime. In the most
despicable cases, the children are exploited.
may allow a new partner to sexually abuse the child
may cause traumatic stress disorder in innocent family members
creates a sense of frustration and hopelessness in victims
Courts are unlikely to take the child away from the mother, unless she does something terrible, and
it can be proven. That may not happen. Jezebels are skilled at going up to the legal limit but not
crossing it. They know just when to stop so they can keep the support check coming.
uses the children to control the husband
husband will feel constantly drained in every way – emotionally, financially, mentally, physically,
will make the husband or children feel like they are to blame for anything wrong that happens at
very critical, venomous
will lie to the children about the father
children can become withdrawn, or end up like mom when they grow up this may seem opposite
logic, but it will be the opposite sex child, rather than the same sex child. This is because the
opposite sex child will innately desire the approval of the Jezebel parent, and will subconsciously try
to mirror the parents’ behavior in order to get that approval. Or the child can go in the opposite
direction, and become an “Ahab” See post about Ahab.
children can become alienated from the father, being influenced by the mother.
can end up making others support her, as if it is their eternal duty to her parasitic.
I have heard this in one case where the children were divided between the two parents. the mother
took the healthy one, and left the father with the sick one, and did not offer to help with the sick
one’s expenses.
she may file false police reports on husband to prevent him from seeing children
father will get dragged through the courts multiple times in a few years. Each case can involve
hundreds of pages of documents that he has to answer, repeated submissions of ‘new’ evidence or
complaints, and many days in court at a huge cost, sometimes forcing the husband to borrow money.
accuses spouse of not caring about child. changes the access arrangements at the last minute, and
when husband is not available, or can’t get to changeover that quickly, she tells child that husband
doesn’t want the child.
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many petty actions to make life difficult
children can have frequent nightmares, and need frequent reassurance from father. After extended
holiday contact with her mother, child can return very clingy, and sleeps in father’s bed for a couple
of nights, until she/he settles down. Child is very easily frustrated, and is very hard on herself, since
she has been made to feel guilty about just about anything.
child will eventually learn that the jezebel parent is lying, and will consider them cruel, mean, and
neglectful. The child will learn not to trust the jezebel parent.
in case of a remarriage – the step mother jezebel may be viewed as the “wicked step mother” by the
children. She will not care about them, but will interfere with the real biological mother’s rights or
relationship with the children.
jezebel parent will cause relationship problems with the spouses’ parents.
Suggested Corrective actions
Document all negative activity, and get witnesses to back you up, esp for court situations..
if the father will provide the child with as much love and affection as he can, this will help him
counteract the negative influence of the sociopathic, jezebel mother. And if the woman really starts
to become dangerous, his documentation will help him save his child.
Explain to the child…..“Yes, dear, I know your mother doesn’t like me very much right now since
the divorce. She is angry at me right now, and I understand that. Sometimes when people become
angry at another person they say or do bad things. Anger is not an excuse to do bad things, but I do
understand how she feels. I hope that she will resolve this anger and that she and I can be friends. I
am your dad and I will always love you, even if I am angry at you, I will never quit loving you.” etc.
The father should also validate the child’s feelings on this by maybe saying, “I love you, and I think
that sometimes when you talk to me on the telephone it upsets your mother. You do not have to
choose between me and your mother. It is okay with me for you to love your mother even though we
don’t agree on things. Just because she is mad at me doesn’t mean that I am angry with her or that I
want you to quit loving her.”
Important for the child to know that they do NOT HAVE TO QUIT LOVING ONE PARENT in
order to please the other one.
It is very important to support the child, and build up her selfesteem to counteract all the put
downs and criticisms received from the jezebel parent.
It is important to support the child’s relationship with the other parent because they do love them,
despite the way they are treated.
In case of (your) broken promises…… reassure child that you will not deceive her, or break a
promise, unless you explain to her why you had to break the promise, and that you will make it up
later. Like if you have to break a promise to take her to the zoo, because your car needs repair.
If deliverance, rather than separation, is desired, read the following:
Jezebel – Poor Little Me
This is a cross between the sneaky, charming Jezebel, and the Peter Pan Jezebel.
The Jezebel always misrepresents herself as something she is not.  Look around her, and find the
Ahab that is supporting her.
General characteristics:
The underlying need is for attention and control, driven by self pity, and a need to blame others for
their mistakes, to maintain their reputation as a sweet and innocent person.

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The main behavior is victimhood, and denial of responsibility for wrongdoing.
They are irresponsible. They do not accept responsibility for their own behavior. It is always
someone else’s fault.
Behavior may be “normal” until they make a mistake of some sort.
Then the blame is passed to someone else, and the Jezebel becomes the false victim of the true
This way she gets the positive attention, the comfort, and rescue efforts of others, while the true
victim gets branded as evil.
False victimhood should be distinguished from a true victim of any abuse, before deciding someone
is a Jezebel.
This personality creates the abuse.
Notes about self pity as a general behavior, in otherwise normal people. It has some positive, self
healing aspects:
Self pity exists as a real emotion. All real emotions have both a positive and a negative side. The
(tiny!) positive side of pity lies with its powers of anesthesia.
Self pity numbs the pain. It puts you to sleep. It wraps you in a cocoon of mush – and keeps you
‘safe’ from intrusion.
Self-pity is the psychological state of mind of an individual in perceived adverse situations who has
not accepted the situation and does not have the confidence nor ability to cope with it.
It is characterized by a person’s belief that he or she is the victim of events and is therefore
deserving of condolence.
Self pity is generally regarded as a negative emotion in that it does not generally help deal with
adverse situations.
However, in a social context, it may result in either the offering of sympathy or advice.
Self pity may be considered normal, and in certain circumstances healthy, so long as it is transitory
and leads to either acceptance or a determination to change the situation.
Self Pity in Jezebels:
1. They are constantly offended at the behavior of others, and display passive aggressive attacks in
sometimes subtle retaliations.
2. cannot forgive.
3. perceives injury where there isn’t any, then attacks
4. gets the true victim in trouble, and then takes credit for being the victim.
5. They are careful to misrepresent the actions of others as abusive, when there is no intent to be that
6. Irresponsible. Do not accept responsibility for their actions.
7. They are immature, have no true authority, but want others to see them as experts, or so gifted,
that they are worthy special attention. They are unqualified to be in the position they want, so they
fake it, and create a delusion.
8. “I didn’t create the problem so I can’t end it!”

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9. Helplessness is a manipulative tactic.
10. They always need someone to rescue them.
11. Even if they do not generate the misunderstanding, they will foster it, or encourage a lie, if it
benefits them.
12. Life is a melodrama.
13. They will not admit when they are wrong. Even if it is obvious.
14. Defensive pride.
15. Can disrupt families, workplaces, churches, etc. by fostering misunderstandings.
16. Women are the “damsels in distress,” and can get men fighting over them.
17. Men can be the “sweet, hurt guy,” and turn women into fighting dogs.
18. No remorse over the damage they have caused to others.
19. They are usually the most “holy, anointed” person in church, since they are so perfect.
20.  Their “sadness” at their mistreatment is used to solicit sympathy from others.  Notice how
quickly they can become “sad” over something.  People will run to their rescue.
21. This can occur individually, or within a group, that has been brainwashed into believing that it is
a victim, when it is actually the perpetrator of crimes.
Either individually, or as a group, these people are dangerous. There can be legal losses, broken
relationships, job loss, child care custody disputes, mental illness, medical damages, loss of life, etc.
In a large social context, imagine an entire country creating chaos, violence, and murders over
blaming true victims for criminal behaviors of others.
True victims can die, or suffer permanent damage, while “poor, little me” goes free.
The Jezebel spirit in a culture draws its authority from other supporting (Ahab) cultures, which
permit its behavior, because it benefits them.
It is our responsibility to seek out the truth at any time, and not allow innocent victims to be blamed
and persecuted as the guilty ones.
Jezebel Peter Pan 
Are you with someone really nice, but they are nothing but problems?
Male or Female
Immature form of Jezebel, undeveloped, but still a big problem
Has a preadolescent mentality
Friendly, adventurous, seeking fun and mischief, but breaks social rules to do this, thrill seeker, likes
challenges, does things to see if she/he can get away with it
Socially very agreeable, but actions can reflect rebellion against established values.
Not intentionally malicious, but it has the rebellion tendencies, and will lie. It causes damage this
way, through breaking social norms and rules.
Irresponsible, does not admit to wrongdoing unless they get caught
careless, so may get caught a lot
takes risks

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Can tell the truth, but can also lie if necessary
“sincere liar” – they can sincerely believe what they are telling you is the best thing to say, so that
justifies it.
Sincerity is motivated by practical considerations.
May have very sincere look on their face when they are lying to you. May be very sweet about it.
poor judgment, impulsive
May appear independent, but since makes so many mistakes, has certain dependency needs on
others to compensate for them
They need the success of others to balance out their failures. This is good for them, but pulls down
the other person, burdening them
fantasy thinking. unrealistic
escapist – will try to run away from problems, and “start a new life” with someone who may not
know about all the problems, entangling them
actually desires a good life with others, wants acceptance
Has the attitude “the end justifies the means” – example, stealing is ok if it is for a good reason.
lying is ok if it impresses a potential mate. Cheating is ok if you need something more than they do.
Poor decisions affect the rights and opportunities for others, does not consider consequences of
actions, especially how it affects others.
a. careless with car, ending up in accident, this destroys the only family car. Now others cannot get
to work, school, etc.
b. criminal or indecent behavior hurts family reputation
c. does drugs or steals, and gets caught by police, family now suffers as they have to pay for a
lawyer, and do without income, or money provided by person.
d. wastes his/her money and does not help with their share of the expenses.
e. drinking while driving – may cause accident and kill someone
f. looses driver’s license for violations, and now others have to taxi them around everywhere. This
causes a burden to others. This person may also try to drive with a revoked license.
g. puts expenses on credit cards or causes other expenses, knowing they have no way to pay for
them. They let others assume the burden on joint responsibilities.
h. abandons children to the care of others, and goes off to become a prostitute, exotic dancer, or to
just to live a life without the children.
Little or poor self control – they do what they desire to do, even if they know it is wrong. Their
desire overrides any conscience they might have.
“Repeat offender” character type. does not seem to learn from mistakes. repeats mistakes, causing
more undue hardship on others. It is like they “just don’t get it” They cannot seem to make the
connection between behavior and consequences, and that the behavior is really wrong.
Will first deny wrongdoing, then may admit it, apologizing, but really this does not register in their
brain, because they will go right out and do it again.
They make excuses, rather than express true understanding of their wrongdoings.

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They can put others at risk
They may conceal their delinquent behavior from a potential mate, and limitations and problems that
result from that. This may adversely affect finances, credit, social standing, job status or
Promiscuous behavior starts at an early age. Sees nothing immoral about it.
Can be religious, but mirrors spirituality of others. Has no depth of their own. Cannot really relate to
God, but may express faith of some sort. Expressing faith may be useful in impressing someone.
Faith and religion, to them, is something you “do.” It does not really change your life. They know
the right words to say.
If they get rejected by you, they will just realign with another person who feels sorry for them, and
start another life
Dealing with them
They do not want to grow up. Usually, only a series of major shocks will begin to change them in
the sense that their behavior might be more under control, and more responsible. However, even
with a shock, like punishment, they may go out and repeat behaviors again. There would have to be
strong responses to each behavior, and that is more than any one person who is dealing with them
has the internal resources for.
If you stay with them, be prepared for a life full of losses, and missed opportunities, and regrets.
Compensating for their mistakes will drain you emotionally, financially, socially, physically, and
If you break it off with them, it may hurt, but you might be better off.
Pray for their deliverance, and yours. Only God can change a person from the inside. Try spiritual
counseling. They actually do not want to be this way.
***If this person is still a child, and you are the parent, you should be disciplining them, and giving
them strong moral guidance.
The Jezebel Spirit and the Single Woman in the Church
This page deals exclusively about incorrectly identifying who in the church has the Jezebel spirit.
The spirit is demonic, so an error here could lead to much distress, and lack of success in stopping it.
There are other pages on this site that discusses the Jezebel further.
In the Bible, Ahab was a wicked, but passive, king over Israel. He had an aggressive, hateful, hot
tempered, controlling, witch of a wife named Jezebel, who was more  wicked than he was.
Jezebel, as queen, derived her power and authority from her relationship with her husband, the king.
If she had not been married to the king, she would have had very little authority, or influence.
If she had been a single woman, or a widow, she would have had no authority whatsoever. In a male
dominated culture, the woman derives her strength and influence from how important her husband,
or father, is.
Little has changed in 4000 years. Even now in the secular world, women cannot succeed very well,
unless they have the support of husband and family, or they are single, and have no obligations, like
conflicting child care issues.
But in the process somewhere, they have the support of men who control everything, or the support
of women, who originally had to have the support of men.
Modern churches allow women to minister to some extent, but there are restrictions which are in
practice, but maybe not in writing.

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Many churches do not see women as ministry material, because they consider women to be in a
submissive, and supportive, role to men only. It is the husband who is the minister, and the wife just
supports him.
In some cases, we see women ministers, who have the support of their husbands, and therefore
support of the church.
Sometimes, we may see elderly women as ministers, who have been widowed, who had a successful
marriage, before their husband passed away.
Usually, women’s roles are confined to cleaning the church, child care during services, the choir,
musician, or office work.
What you will rarely, or never, see is a divorced woman, or a single mother with children, being
allowed to minister in any fashion, especially in a leadership role.
They are not considered ministry material, but instead, are considered in need of being ministered to
They are spiritually deficient, and incomplete. They are not qualified. They are many times
portrayed as women who have failed spiritually, or who are on the prowl for other women’s
Most churches are designed to accept intact families, young people, and the elderly.
Divorced women are outcasts, and many times stereotyped as sinful women, unable to keep a man,
despite any evidence to that effect.
At best, they are treated as pathetic creatures, not leaders. They are women of lesser value than the
married women.
They are usually shunned by married women, or ignored, and not invited to any gathering of a more
personal nature.
They are held responsible for their failed marriage, even if it was the exhusband who was at fault.
Married women are considered more pure.
A divorced man will be accepted more quickly than a divorced woman, even if he was the one to
commit adultery, and ruin the marriage. He is somehow forgiven. He can even remarry, and go into
But the victimized wife basically becomes a fallen woman.
The pastor will avoid her too, and not talk to her, unless his wife or another “more respectable”
woman is present.
Divorced women are to be prayed for; they are not to minister.
This is not to assert that all divorces are due to the man, but to just describe treatment of the woman
who was not at fault in her failed marriage.
Divorced women are lepers.
They are seen as women who sex drives must be unsatisfied, and therefore out of control. (When did
a wedding ring guarantee that people behave themselves?)
It never occurs to the church that such woman may actually be leading a very pure, and holy life.
The stereotype is that married women are pure, and divorced women are not, or not likely.
This happens to be very traumatic and demeaning for the decent woman who may either have
leadership ability, wonderful thoughts to share, or who is just someone who would like some

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If her children are small, or still with her, then she is nothing, and may not get much kind treatment,
unless it is Christmas time, and people want to be “charitable.”
Maybe she can redeem herself if she remarries, or becomes successful in the secular world.
If she remarries, then maybe her sex drives are more under control, and then maybe she can be
treated as respectable. She is now more pure.
This would add status to her position in the church if she pays tithes, but it will not change the
opinion of the married women about her as a person, as long as she is single.
If she gives large offerings, it might be seen as trying to gain the pastor’s affection or attention, and
be viewed secretly with resentment.
There is a lot of personal testimony to back this statement up.
Somehow, sex and holiness are linked in a twisted way. Sex in marriage does not make one holy.
And someone who is not married, is not necessarily leading an unholy life.
Someone who is married can be a very nasty person. The same is true for the unmarried.
People should not be stereotyped, and should be considered on their individual merits or limitations.
In this current church social structure, therefore, divorced women do not do well, and have no
opportunity to contribute their talents, authority, or influence over what goes on the in the typical
church. If they are welcomed there at all, they are just “there.”
Their money offerings are always welcome. In the church, as with any social group, there can be
administrative problems.
One complaint some churches have is that there is a tendency for some individuals to want to
control the pastor.
In recent times, it has been popular to coin the term, “the Jezebel spirit.”
The Jezebel is usually thought to be a woman who is out to destroy the church with rebellion.
The divorced woman is seen as a rebellious Jezebel, who has refused to submit, or cannot submit, to
a man, which is why no man “wants her.”
It is disregarded that she may have been betrayed, mistreated, or abandoned, victimized and abused,
by her exhusband.
She is seen as one who would rebel against male authority.
It may not be relevant to anyone that the reason that men don’t want her now, is because they do not
want her 4 kids, or because she has lived too many years raising her own children by herself, and
now she is old, and tired.
She just does not look that good anymore.
A life, without the support of others, has worn her down. If she gets old enough, or ugly enough,
then the church might accept her back, because she will not be a sexual threat anymore.
But will she still be a “rebellious woman.” and a threat to the pastor?
This assignment to the powerless individual as a scapegoat is unfair.
Usually, the accuser is actually the Jezebel, but is too “holy” to be suspected.
We must recall that Jezebel had gotten her authority as queen, from her husband the king, who
passively let her do whatever she wanted.
Jezebel was a rebellious witch against God, yet she was properly married.

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How can one reconcile the role of Jezebel spirit in the church, and the powerless, and many times
despised, divorced woman.
This woman is shunned.
How could an outcast influence anyone in the church?
While it might be true that the divorced, both men and women, may not act properly, and could be
rebellious, it also has to be admitted that these people usually do not even attend church.
If they do, they do not have the ability to overturn the pastor’s authority, or hold a position of
influence. And who is to legitimately claim that married people cannot be equally rebellious?
People need to get past the misconception that marriage guarantees holiness, and that the unmarried
are automatically sinful.
Holiness is closeness to God, and walking in obedience to His ways, with a loving heart. Holiness is
available to all people who devote themselves to God in depth and sincerity.
The church must not pick out the powerless and make them scapegoats for problems they feel they
are having in the church.
Their marriage status should not be important.
Each person’s commitment and faithfulness to God should be viewed fairly.
It is wrong to put artificial labels on people anyhow.
It is worse to use God’s Holy Word to justify unfair accusations.
The divorce rate in modern society is somewhere around 50% of couples.
Many people will become lost, and leave church, if they are not loved, and accepted, in the church
as equals.
Most divorced people do not even attend church. People need to be more kind.
If the church does not treat them properly, these people will seek provision and support elsewhere.
Usually, they look to the government, and any political party which will offer them financial and
social benefits, even if it compromises their morals.
There is no support or acceptance in the church for these emotional outcasts. They are not secure.
Even though both political parties in America support civil rights and aid to the poor, the outcasts
are looking for more: acceptance and security.
They then look to their political party or the government as their God and provider, and feel
compelled to turn their back on moral issues like abortion, homosexuality, pornography, and all the
antiChristian, antiAmerican, and godless legislation that many current politicians represent, just to
gain acceptance and financial help.
So they vote for whomever may give them favor.
They are also prey to secular thinking, and false religious theories and doctrines.
The outcasts react, and look for a solution to their rejection by the church. The church should not
have pushed them in this direction.
God will hold all believers responsible for the plight of these “fallen angels.”
***the point : the Jezebel Spirit is real….She can be single or married…….but be careful, and
responsible, about identifying who has this spirit. It would be very destructive if an accusing finger
was pointed at the wrong person. An innocent person would be hurt, and alienated, and the guilty
party would still be free.

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Jezebel - Healing the Male Charismatic 
This wound usually comes from a sexual contact at an early age, when the child is too immature and
innocent to comprehend the nature of sex.
Guilt is usually experienced, so the child keeps the wound a secret.
He then becomes obsessive about his “evil inclination,” and out of control with it.
He cannot handle the adult feelings because he is only a child.
Sexual addictions are almost always connected to early childhood abuse.
They can occur later in life as well (needing a slightly different approach), but the grip on the soul is
the greatest when it is done early on.
The innocence of the child is replaced with the feeling on being in hell his whole life, and that there
is something inherently wrong with him that can never be healed.
Feeling destroyed, he destroys others. Actually, it is hard for him to feel anything., which makes it
easier for him to hurt others.
This is what I would first tell the Male Charismatic Jezebel to do, to get started on the healing
First of all, forgive yourself.
You were just a child.
Emotions were strong then, which is why the feelings “stuck.”
It was a good door, however, for a spirit of lust to invade you, which was intensified by the guilt you
1. so first, forgive yourself, and see yourself as a victim, not an evil person.  This lessens the
demonic stronghold on you.
2. you have to somehow heal the feminine relationships in your life.  You will not do this with
women your age. 
You will replace the negative with the positive…….
You will do this with older women, preferably elderly, who need compassion.  Visit a nursing home.
Find ways to volunteer, spend time showing kindness to older women. 
The contact you have with them will give you positive exposure to the feminine element to your life,
and you will learn to appreciate women as people, instead of things.
Have nice conversations, learn from them, listen to their problems, help them walk or eat.  Hear
about their past, the good and the bad memories.
3. Go to library, and ask for books written by women who have been abused.  Read and  understand.
4.. Mother image – nonphysical relationship.
a. either spend time more with your own mother, learn from her, do things for her, appreciate her
b.  Find an older woman, with high morals, who can be a mother image for you…..spend time with
her, do kind things for her…..learn from her.
5. If possible, go back to the place where you were wounded. You will see it from a new
perspective. See it as an adult now.
Spend time in reflection, and recall the event. You will see the experience in a new light….as an
adult….it will help you release the guilt.

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6.   Read your bible like your life depends on it.  Learn what is in there.  That should consume you
the rest of your life.

7. Trust the Lord Jesus for deliverance. Give your heart to him and ask him to heal your heart. So
you can actually feel love in your life.

8.  Be patient with yourself.  It will take time.

Real Love is a wonderful thing. It puts us in touch with our true divine nature that God breathed into
us when he created us.

To know real love is to know God himself.

Know that you will be ok.

Love heals.  Love yourself again.

The Sneaky, Charming Jezebel

**this page is similar to the one for the aggressive type. But careful reading will show differences.
1. They gain power by removing and destroying those they are afraid of. Many times they also have
a spirit of fear, and are suspicious of others as threats to their security or position. May be highly
insecure, but do not admit it. Anyone who may expose them is the enemy.
2. They are controlling, manipulative, subtle. They will take credit for the accomplishments of
others, and have the others overlooked.
3. So “sweet,” “perfect,” deceitful, “timid,” “innocent,” “feminine,” and sneaky, they are able to fool
and recruit others to join them. They can be very charming and charismatic. Their charm is learned
behavior, and their “sincerity” is not sincere. It is plastic and fake in order to portray a positive
image that others will admire. They can use their charm to get into positions of authority, while not
even being qualified for that position to the extent that they claim they are. They really “smile” a
little too much, and sometimes smile in a situation where it is not appropriate.
4. Quietly records criticisms of others they want removed, sweetly backstabbing. False, contrived
documentation kept. Gossip works well. They will hold secret meetings behind their victims back to
present their case. Of course, they do not see this as gossip, but label it as “sharing a concern.”
5. They are never wrong. To admit they are wrong would mean destruction of their artificial self
image. They have defensive pride to protect their ego.
6. Instead of aggression, these draw on the compassion of others to win support. They become the
false victims in a conflict while the true victim gets the blame. They recruit others in their charges
against the true victims. They act to persuade recruits, and do not give up this activity until the
recruits are won over. If the potential recruits do not cooperate and buy into things, this angers them.
They will use charm and pity to continue to persuade others. They also use gender differences to win
over Ahab men to their point of view.
7. They are narcissic. While they can tend to be oversensitive themselves, they have no concern for
the feelings of others. They are not sympathetic to their victims, and tend to play the role of victim
themselves, in order to gain sympathy. This way the real victim is left stranded, and opposed by
others if they ask for help.
8. They lie, and they know they are lying. Avoiding the truth, or intentionally acting to withhold
truth is part of this. False picture is presented to others. Lying is necessary to protect mistakes they
make, and blame on others.

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9. Impulsive, failure to plan ahead. Chaotic at times.
10. Lack of remorse after hurting someone. They justify the harm.
11. Consistent irresponsibility.
12. Irritability, subtle backstabbing, can be quick tempered if they loose their fake “smiling”
13. Failure to conform to social norms. Person is an “outlier” or nonconformist. Has their own ways,
but pretends to be mainstream.
14. Psychological counseling will not help, since they deny what they are. Most therapists do not
understand spiritual matters, so this makes them unqualified to help.
15. Claims to religious or ethical sentiments, but very superficial in devotion. Unethical. Bornagain
status is debatable, and unlikely, but would have to be evaluated on an individual basis.
16. Usually women, but can be men. The women tend to control their men with sex. And they pick
passive men (Ahabs) so they can dominate them.
17. Sexual manipulation and seduction is very helpful. Instead of trying to overtly dominate the
male, a woman will pretend to be submissive and overly in sexual need of her mate, making him feel
masculine and protective over her. This actually gets her more advantage than the aggressive
approach. However, she does not really care about the sex. She just wants her mate to feel sexy and
attracted to her, so she can have anything she wants.
18. Usually married. If single, could be lesbian, homosexual man, or promiscuous man. They could
also be a frustrated single person, in general, who cannot find someone, and needs social acceptance,
or acceptance in the workplace, by any means necessary.
***Note: When dealing with this situation of victimhood, it is vital that a proper investigation is
made to distinguish the real victim from the fake one. The real one will tell the truth. The Jezebel
will be unfair and lie. Position or authority is not relevant. Only character and proof, or lack of it,
can tell the difference.
Jezebel In the Workplace
There are many in lifetime ministry, where there is some attempt to follow God’s commandments,
who have written on spiritual topics like this. I have been working in the secular world, where there
are no rules.
Being unprotected by anything sane, I have definitely seen the worst, and the best, from those who
do not believe in God. Behavior can be extreme in the secular world, and no one really repents. The
upper class and the most educated have no reason to acknowledge any shortcomings, since that
would tarnish their professional image. For those that work in this secular world, and are not under
the covering of a church setting, this may sound familiar. Because there are no real rules governing
behavior, anything may be permissible, since the ones causing the trouble may be the ones making
the rules.
There are good authority figures, and there are bad ones. The goal of anyone is to succeed in their
work environment. The first step is to identify the jezebel spirit, and determine how you are related
to the person who has the spirit. Are they beneath you, are they coworkers, or are they above you?
1.  If they are above you, you may be in trouble. In this case, you have to be very submissive and
agreeable, even if they are totally wrong.
   a.  Document everything you are told to do. Keep records in case you are falsely accused,
you may have some defense if there is an HR department where you’re at. If there is a
reason to believe you might get fired, you may need documentation for the
unemployment office to show that you were dismissed unfairly. Report all abnormalities

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to the HR department as you experience problems. This way, they are kept up to date.
These jezebel supervisors will lie about you to get rid of you , and this might affect your
career. You may need the HR department to give you a job reference, if the jezebel won’t
do it.
b.  look for a different workplace with a better situation. Be highly agreeable with the
jezebel until you can escape out of there. Use a mild excuse for finding another job, such
as “closer to my home.”
2.  Coworker –
a. follow 1a. above
b.  determine if the supervisor is an Ahab ( passive person who permits jezebel behavior) –
if not, you are in luck. Report concerns to them, as well as HR. If they are an Ahab, you
will have to tolerate the jezebel. The only good thing is that if the Ahab supervisor is so
indifferent to the jezebel behavior, they will be indifferent to any fights you have with the
jezebel as well. stay in close contact with the Ahab supervisor, staying calm and
confident, and express “concern” when the jezebel is out of control. This way you make
yourself look good, and cover yourself, in case the jezebel slanders you behind your
back. Make sure you do a good job, so the jezebel cannot backstab you.
      c.  You can also get your coworker alone, if they are threatening you, and let her/him know
they have issues which are being documented, and being prepared for HR evaluation.
You have to let them know you have support behind you. Stand up to them, and do not
take any abuse.
3.  If they are beneath you. This is great. You can follow the steps outlined under identifying
and removing the jezebel spirit. Click here to see how to identify and remove the Jezebel
a. document behavior, as described above.
b. if YOU are an Ahab, you’d better get someone else to handle this. If you do not get over
your own passivity in the face of the jezebel, you will make it horrible for everyone in
your workplace. Your lack of courage and resolve will cause the jezebel to hurt others.
Make sure someone competent can, and will, handle the negative behaviors of the
jezebel, if you can’t.
c. note the different responses as to whether you are in a secular setting or a
church/spiritual setting.
d. make sure you are prepared to defend any disciplinary action you take. Keep records.
They are vital, in case the jezebel accuses you of discrimination, or another false charge.
Jezebel Identify and Remove
In the Bible, Jezebel was a powerful, wicked queen, and wife of a passive king called Ahab. She was
a false prophetess who worshiped the false god, Baal. Baal was the god of prosperity, god of the
harvests, god of fertility and sex. (Does this sound like some of the modern day gospels that some
people preach?)
Child sacrifices were common. She was killed by several eunuchs at the order of commander Jehu.
Jezebel was a witch, and her spirit of witchcraft is still in operation today in the church, and in the
world. It will take both a Jehu and the cooperation of the injured victims (spiritual eunuchs) to kill
her again.
The Jezebel spirit is sociopathic. Behaviors you might see (3 or more):

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1. They gain power by destroying others. It is like an adrenalin rush when they “win” over someone.
They manage to get in positions of authority, and are difficult to displace, once there.
2. They are controlling, manipulative, bossy.
3. they can either be warlike in their personalities, so that they are intimidating,
so “sweet,” “perfect,” deceitful, “timid” and sneaky, they are able to fool and recruit others to join
them. Sometimes they can be very charming and charismatic.
4. critical of others, vicious to the point of bloodthristy.
5. they are never wrong.
6. They recruit others in their charges against their victims. They act to persuade recruits, and do not
give up this activity until the recruits are won over. If the potential recruits do not cooperate and buy
into things, this angers them.
7. they are narcissists. While they can tend to be oversensitive themselves, they have no concern for
the feelings of others. They are not sympathetic to their victims, and tend to play the role of victim
themselves, in order to gain sympathy. This way the real victim is left stranded, and opposed by
others if they ask for help. Being the center of attention really pleases them.
8. they lie, and they believe their own lie. Avoiding the truth, or intentionally acting to withhold
truth is part of this. false picture is presented to others.
9. impulsive, failure to plan ahead. chaotic at times
10. lack of remorse after hurting someone. they justify the harm.
11. consistent irresponsibility.
12. irritability, aggressiveness (open , or subtle), can be quick tempered.
13. failure to conform to social norms. person is an “outlier” or nonconformist. has their own ways.
14. psychological counseling will not help, since they deny what they are.
15. claims to religious sentiments, but very superficial in devotion. Bornagain status is debatable,
and unlikely, but would have to be evaluated on an individual basis.
16. usually women, but can be men. The women tend to control their men with sex. And they pick
passive men (Ahabs) so they can dominate them.
17. usually married. If single, could be lesbian, homosexual man, or promiscuous man.
18.  They falsely accuse you, and they do NOT forgive you …..
How to break this spirit:
**since these individuals usually have achieved some level of authority, only someone who outranks
them, or a group effort will work. If you are a woman, you need to strong and self confident. If you
are a man, you need to be the same, and also not be influenced by threats or tears out of a woman.
You also need to have enough male hormone to stand up to her. Also, if you are a man, and this is
your wife, be sure the men in your support group can be trusted with her.
1. be sure you are not enabling this person; ie. you are not an “Ahab”
2. gather facts about the person’s activity and behavior, be able to prove it. you have to start by
addressing real behavior. you cannot start by telling someone “they have a spirit.” Be prepared to
question the person why they behave that way. Make a list of wrongs. Be prepared.
3. gather witnesses, who are also sincere believers (if in a church setting), or other credible authority
figures, because the person will attack back, and deny everything. The aggressive types will use
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their authority to abuse, criticize, & threaten you, and try to have you discredited, or removed. The
more sneaky types go into “victim hood” mode, immediately trying to solicit and recruit support,
and make you look like you are the abusive one.
4. isolate the person. make sure their own recruits (buddies) are not around. It gets its power from
others….so if you get it alone, it is more vulnerable, and more easily defeated. You have to remove
the source of its power and “gang up” on it.
5. confront the person with the facts. – expect denial. They will lie through their teeth!!
6. Reject the person’s behavior based on the facts. Tell the person they will not be accepted back
into the group unless they repent.
7. If the person repents – showing willingness to change then
a. Church setting – as a group, bind and cast out the demonic spirit in Jesus name, and persist until it
is gone. Expect high resistance, since it is a controlling (witch) spirit. There will be screaming and
yelling before it is cast out. It will try to attack you and call you names. Also, expect and ignore
plays of “victim hood” during deliverance. Sometimes the spirit cycles between being the attacker,
and being a victim. This is to confuse you, so do not give in.
b. secular setting – document records, give warning that future behavior will be monitored. This is
because their basic nature has not changed yet, and an eventual repeat of behavior will occur. If it
does, the person needs to be fired.
8. Once the spirit is gone, the person needs support and counseling to examine how the spirit entered
to begin with, so they can close the door on further attempts by the spirit to enter.
9. If the person does NOT repent, then cut off ties with the person, telling them forgiveness and
deliverance is available to them. If you do not cut off ties, they will worry you to death and destroy
your peace.
As one commenter stated: The Jezebel needs to learn the meaning of the word “NO!!!!!!!!!“
*** So far, what has been explained is how to identify and possibly stop its activity. Understanding
the roots of the Jezebel, and Healing for the person who has this spirit requires more insight. See the
last link below for how to heal and deliver a fallen Jezebel.
599 Responses to “Identify and remove the Jezebel spirit”
Well your observations are correct,I tend to agree with most of the observations,You appear to be
emotionally hurt ,by the church,by leadership ,by the fact that you were are a single mom.Men are in
the same position .The Catholic church prior to Vatican II excommunicated both parties ,there is no
innocent party .and
when I was called to Bible college being an evangelist ,and teacher,and was part of Assemblies of
God ,I was told the If I went to southeastern their bible college,They would not ordain or license me
as even as the divorce was before being born again ,it was literally the unpardonable sin.I was
accepted at Open Bible and explained the situation,Was able to attend had a large ministry to the
poor and homeless they ordained me locally and
with the same hands ,they ordained my associates ‘Open Bible”
they all fell into sex sin and lost everything the two paid for
buildings as well as a 50 year old bible college and the property.
No one gets away with anything. Any way for the past 21 years ,having a prophetic mantle ,I have
delivered messages to pastors ,confronting their sin and false doctrine and unobserved the fall of
their ministries,In a near death experience, The Holy Spirit

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revealed to me what i should do ,Read and live what Jesus says in the red letters,and do what He
did ,healed the sick,cast out demons,and raise the dead spiritually ,by leading them to Christ,and
literally if He wills that.I have sent this inner healing prayer to many that request prayer from all
over the world .and am trying to let the Holy Spirit reveal to me how to deal effectively with the
people that are controlled by and control others with this spirit.In my study of marriage I still see no
provision for a Church divorce ,the closest we come to that is the annulment (the sale of
indulgences) or the Jewish Get or Ghet.
both nonbiblical .The Church is accepting secular divorces ,as the basis of remarriage .They are
literally marrying people into adultery,and polygamy.Jesus Christ removes the Moses provision,in
Mark 10 and Luke 16:18,stating that from the beginning it was not so ,what God has joined together
let no man ,women ,government put asunder.

Jezebel - Healing

Now that we know about her, how do we help the soul that is bound and free her?

Who should be the vessel that God uses?

This is, for sure, the most difficult section for me to write. Healing a human soul after a deliverance,
or after a person repents, or is stopped in their tracks is something only God can really do. Anyone
who has been involved with her most likely dislikes her, or has negative memories of bad
experiences with her.

So, anyone that God uses to help her has to forget who they are, what they feel, and what their
memories tell them. They have to be lost in the love and will of God, in order to reach out, and help
heal someone who has been so wicked, unrepentant, and damaging. The only person the former, or
arrested, Jezebel should see in front of her is Jesus Himself. Only He can heal and deliver. Only He
can touch and make her whole. Any person who tries to interject their own ways and methods will
destroy all that God would want to happen. It will take someone who is close to God, who is pure of
heart, forgiving, who can love unconditionally after being damaged, who is whole and mature in
spirit. They need to be lost to self, and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty’s wings. That is to say,
the “flesh” has to be dead, and the human spirit in submission to the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Consecration to divine will is paramount. Purity of heart is essential.

Find Jehu

The Bible tells of a newly anointed king who was able to destroy Jezebel by commanding her
eunuchs (castrated slavesvictims) to throw her out the window. Jehu is not a passive male, but a
masculine one, fully accountable, responsible, honorable, strong, decisive, highly moral and ethical,
a leader who is self –realized and confident, a man whom God can trust to do his will, not given to
lust, but has self control, and submits to the will of God. Jehu is the one to take the next step.

Jehu is should be a male, because of the ultimate influence he will have on Jezebel’s spirit, but if
one is not around, then a woman who is gentle, spiritual, and a strong mother figure can substitute
until a male Jehu is found. (Why a male? Because early on, the physical and spiritual power, ie.
positive control, protection, she was seeking from her real father was not there, and so she had to
become a power unto herself. Power and control became essential for self protection, since
protection and control was missing as a child.)

Jehu’s role will be spiritual, definitely nonsexual, and one of authority over her. Jehu must have
authority over both Ahab and Jezebel. He cannot be a subordinate to either of them.
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Jehu’s first mission: Divide and conquer

Jezebel has always gotten her power from 2 sources: Ahab and her social network. She has to be
separated from these influences in every way. She has to be totally cut off from them, or she will be
reinfected. This will also be important in helping a recovering Ahab as well. Ahab must not have
any supervisory role over her, even in a distant way. If this is the workplace, Jezebel and Ahab must
be reassigned so that jezebel cannot manage under the authority of Ahab, or vice versa. If this is the
marriage, a temporary physical separation is needed. If this is the church, then they need to be
socially disassociated from each other.

Jehu’s second mission: Go back to her roots

What was the cause of the original behavior?

1 Reenter the father figure – good and pure and loving. Jezebel needs to find the godly kind of love she
never had with her father, and rediscover it in an elder, male mentor. Counseling can be set up for
frequent contacts. Jezebel can review her life with her new father figure. He will give her the
strength she never had before, so she can learn it is ok to be gentle, and weak sometimes, because
she is protected now. She can go to him when she is hurt or afraid or angry.

The mentor should have an objective role in whatever situation she is in – work, home, church, etc.
and she should be able to confide in him without worry of others knowing what is said. The mentor
will listen to her story, then slowly, over time, guide her gently in the right direction. The safer she
feels, the less aggressive she will become. The defenses and false behavior will decrease as she finds
emotional security in her new father and friend. She will find value again as a woman, and learn she
can have respect just for who she is. She will also learn that God loves her, and is a true Father as
well. She will learn to feel loved. Instead of doubt, she will experience faith again. Anger will be
replaced with forgiveness and gentleness. She will learn to trust more, and release control, instead of
maintaining it to protect herself.

The father figure can be Jehu himself, or a trusted, qualified individual that Jehu recognizes as

2. Reenter the mother figure. If the early mother figure was somehow a failure to jezebel, an elder
mother figure needs to enter. She enters as a companion, successful, objective, loving, caring, holy,
and supportive. Jezebel needs a female role model to learn how to behave and learn from. She needs
to learn the nurturing, spiritual values unique to women.

3. Both elder figures will advocate and explain the moral values that God has provided. Sinful behaviors
will be discouraged, with calm explanations, and godly behavior will be encouraged and rewarded.
No guilt will be assigned to her, but as she is encouraged to follow a godly path, she will win the
praises of her new parents. She will learn that this is the way she really wanted to begin with.

They will both also explore the roots of her feelings, and help her see how everything went wrong,
and why she chose to behave in the wrong way. She will learn to accept that positive behaviors are
ultimately more rewarding. For example, she does not need to control a world if she feels safe in it.
She no longer needs to seduce men to get love. She feels loved and valued without having to
perform seduction now, and without demanding it. She will need a lot of positive reenforcement of
her new, more acceptable behaviors, in order to establish them as more permanent behaviors.

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This may take months, or years, to accomplish. Or, you never know, she may bloom almost
overnight. Sometimes the more strongly a person has been held captive by Satan, the more quickly
they run in the opposite direction, once they are free, and know they are safe.

Jehu’s final mission: help Ahab recover

We need to understand that Ahab is a victim too. He also needs to explore his roots and have
positive father and mother figures enter into his life as mentors and counselors. He needs
to have the same help that Jezebel gets. Why is he so weak and afraid and dependent? He
needs to discover that he has a Jehu inside of himself, who is his true self. Once he finds
Jehu within, then he can finally find his strengths and true role in his environment.
Jezebel – A Man’s View
To all Jezebel Ladies out there – is this really the reputation you want with men at work?
This is a man’s testimony, and the text is written by him for this web site.
Jezebel # 1 The Jezebel Boss
To begin, I will use my own personal experience of having both worked for, and under a jezebel.
Both experiences were by far the most traumatic times of my entire life. I will start by telling you
my experiences working for a jezebel. This was a period of 2 1/2 years. She was the Director, and I
was the Assistant Director. Here is exactly what happened from day one with this sick, demented
woman. I was not given a separate office, but was put out on the floor with all of the employees of
the department. This was her way of telling me that I was absolutely and totally subordinate to her,
and I would never be much more than a working Contracting Officer. I had NO supervisory duties.
In fact, I had to have all my work reviewed by her before it went out. My hours were usually from
7:00 am until whenever. During my first month until the day I left, that miserable soul called in sick
every single morning and told me she would be in around 9:00 or 10:00, if at all. She was always
As bad as the workplace was with her in there, she had her allies in different departments. She found
the most evil women in the entire organization that she could count on to do things for her. Things
that would help her look good at everyone else’s expense. She was able to take business trips to any
place she wanted to go for whatever reason, but usually they were up to Delaware where her mom
and dad lived. So she was getting paid her salary plus travel pay for free, but no one else could do
the same.
Once when she was on one of these “business trips” she called me from her parents home and was
giving me orders over the phone like she was still at work. When I reminded her that I was in charge
while she was gone, she went totally out of control, yelling and screaming that she was in charge
ALWAYS. That’s when I started looking for a way out of there. So, I had documented every single
event that happened every day and kept it handy just in case I would have to use it. The day finally
came when I had had enough. I went into her office in full view of all of the employees and
slammed the door behind me and from what I have been told, I could be heard, word for word, for
the entire time I was in there. All the employees were in absolute shock, but the kind of shock that
someone would actually take on this demon. I gave her the worst verbal spanking she had ever had.
She shriveled up behind her desk into the corner of the wall like a trapped animal with total fear in
her eyes. I almost started feeling sorry for her, but I felt so justified in telling her to “stick it where
the sun don’t shine”.
After that, I went straight into the General Manager’s office and had a talk with him. He was, and is,
a very strong alpha male. I told him that I was not getting along with jezebel, and I thought he
should know why. I gave him all of my accounts of what was going on in the office and all I got
back from him was, “well, I know that working for jezebel is not easy, but…”. Then, I knew that it

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was over with that organization after that. He was protecting one of his department heads. When I
came back, jezebel had left for the day… she was sick… again!
The employees told me they heard every single word and they wanted to know how I felt after it was
over. I said, better… much better. The employees said they wish that they could have said the same
things that I did, but they were so afraid of her they didn’t say a word to her. I was the only one who
did. My mistake. She made my life so miserable, I could not get out of there fast enough. She told
me that I could NEVER leave the workplace for any reason at any time unless she gave me
permission. She would call me at MIDNIGHT and tell me to come over to the office and do some
work that she felt was so important that I had to get it done immediately. This went on until I finally
left there.
This was about 3 years ago now, and I heard that after I had left, she totally went wild and was
pushing her weight around the entire organization as though she were the boss. It got so bad that
when the GM had enough emails from the employees from all departments about her, he finally
removed her from the position and put her directly under him. It didn’t last long. She was gone
within 6 months. Thank God! If I was of any help, then great. If not, then I feel bad for the
employees who were still stuck there after I left.
Now, I need to explain what tactics she used when all this was going on. She lied to me. She lied to
management. She lied to her employees. She felt no sense of remorse after hurting someone’s
feelings. She had virtually all the women crying at one time or another, and the men so mad that one
of them actually took the piece of paper that she gave him with a ONE PERCENT pay raise, and
tore it up and dropped it on the floor in front of her. All she did was just laugh some kind of hideous
laugh that sounded so sick, so evil, and so demented that it made my stomach turn. She always acted
like she was the injured party and that everyone should feel sorry for HER. She took 100% of the
credit of all the employees hard work, and she never gave them anything but grief, strife, and stress.
The more I think about it, I have to come to the conclusion that she was either 1) mentally ill, or 2)
demonic. I am serious. I am having a hard time to this day when I think about all that we went
through with that jezebel. Like I said before, I have forgiven her, but my flesh still harbors some
deep hatred of her that only God can remove from my heart.
Conclusion Jezebel “Boss” traits:
jezebel over me: Obsessed with Power. Takes all of the credit. Has no feelings of remorse or
empathy. Always right, everyone else is stupid. Arrogant. Withholds vital information from
subordinates and then springs a surprise on them by telling them they should have know it too.
Never can tell anyone they are appreciated. They do the opposite of whatever is suggested just
because they can. Demands absolute control. Leaks untruths to others. Likes chaos. Cannot keep her
own workload managed. Is messy, disorganized, and blames subordinates for all her shortcomings.
Slanders and/or defames one’s character. Tells lies ALWAYS. Incapable of telling the COMPLETE
truth. Looks for sympathy because she is always “sick”. Expects people to cater to her. Has secretive
phone calls to other conspirators. Looks and acts more masculine then feminine. Is threatened by
any female who has the normal characteristics of honesty, brains, and other traits that are associated
with those in the mainstream. Not happy unless she has made others miserable. Constantly goes to
her boss literally crying because she is so swamped with work, and everyone else in the department
is to blame. She sets everyone up for failure, and they do.
Jezebel #2 – The “Subordinate” Jezebel
Now for the jezebel that worked for me. This particular jezebel was a sneaky one. She worked her
little evil deeds behind my back. What she did not know was, I knew what she was doing. I
pretended that I wasn’t aware of certain things just to see how far she would try to push me before I
would do something. Well, that didn’t take too long. I told her to write a “white paper” to the
General Director with HER name on it as the author so that she could get some credit for doing
some good work. This particular jezebel was bright, charming, intelligent, and wanted to always be
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the one who could have “face time” with the bosses. So, I thought, what the heck. I think she can
handle anything that comes her way, so why not. So, I told her to get me a copy of the “white paper”
on a certain day.
When that day came, the paper had not shown up on my desk, so as I was leaving, I saw her going
into my office and came right back out within seconds. So, I pretended I did not see her, and I came
in the next morning, and on my desk was a handwritten note from her that she didn’t think there was
anything of importance to tell the general director.
So, I ended up doing the paper myself, then after I came back from the meeting, I called her into my
office. (I called my boss, a male, to come into my office at the same time.) I did not want to ever be
alone with anyone of the opposite sex without someone else being in there at the same time. So, I
asked her why she did not do the paper like I asked her. She told me she didn’t think there was
anything important enough to tell the general director. I told her that the paper was not my idea, but
the general director’s idea, and I wanted her to have a chance to excel and write a paper with her
name on the byline.
She just stared at me, with my boss sitting off to the side. Then there was an uncomfortable silence,
and I told her I would talk to her later. She left my office. My boss said that I had no choice. I had to
write her up. I knew it, but he was right. I could not let this go. So, my boss and I called her into the
office again a little later and handed her a written reprimand. She read it, looked at me, smiled and
signed it. She said she would be going to HR. I said okay. She went. She lost. HR told her that she
had been asking for that for a very long time (she apparently had a history before I got there).
From that time on, she never spoke to me again. And from that time on, I kept giving her a
“satisfactory” rating rather than an outstanding rating. She would never admit that she was wrong,
and I never bothered her about it again. She retired because of me. I felt very bad about that until I
found out that she was having an affair with another guy in our office, and she dumped her husband
and took everything, and the poor ex husband died 3 months later. The new guy got everything. A
new house to live in, a new car, and a slightly used new wife.
Conclusion – Subordinate Jezebel traits
Her characteristics were these: She was sneaky. She loved to start rumors. She liked attention. She
rebelled against higher authority, especially male authority. She lost no sleep when her ex died a
terrible and lonely death. She was tall, slim, attractive, and liked to gain the attention of men by
being very warm and charming around those who were in a position to help her. I was told that she
had used her sexual attraction to her advantage to get what she wanted, but I really never saw any
proof of it, but it sounded like something she would do. Other traits: Secretive. Tries to sabotage the
boss. Can be unusually manipulative for her own gain. Complains about others. Always tries to defy
authority. Hates a male boss. Hates males, but uses them; sometimes by enticing them with sexual
favors. Use ANY method to stay ahead of her competition. Has one agenda: to become the alpha
Jezebel 1 and 2 common traits
These common traits are their ability to use either their female charm, or ability to intimidate those
around them to get what they want. They respect no man. They respect no inferior female. They
ALWAYS are combative, pushy, bossy, mean spirited, conspiring with other jezebels. They always
take, but never give. They think of no one but themselves. They probably have been hurt by some
man, and now they are eager to “get back” at the enemy.
Final Thoughts – a message for women
From a male’s perspective, I must admit something that may be hard for a female to quite
understand, but I will try to explain it like this. First, I absolutely love women. I love the differences
between us. I love the way they think, and everything about them. To me, women are soft, tender,
loving, and a joy to be around. I love the way they look. I love the way they smell. I love everything
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about them, but there is a catch to all of this. I usually walk head first into something and don’t see it
coming when it comes to jezebels.
I usually just see all women as my friend and are comforted by their presence. But the bad thing
about that is, I sometimes get used and don’t catch on until it is too late. There are degrees of evil in
some jezebels. Some jezebels are out there and I would never know it, but if I run into one as evil as
the one I did 3 years ago, I can usually figure that out right away. So, my point is, men are in a very
tenuous situation when it comes to women. We love them, but we are also very cautious these days.
Especially in the workplace where one single word spoken and is taken the wrong way can ruin a
man’s career in a New York Second.
Jezebel as an apostate religious authority-
** I am just using this one person as an example. There are many apostates and heretics in the
church. Many websites address the multiple false teachers and prophets. I am using this person
because we do not hear much about her, yet she has mislead many. Pray for her. -
Seemingly calm, serene, idealistic, educated, inspiring to many. But what is wrong?-
A. Denial and flawed logic to support a rebellion against biblical truth, or any truth.-
I recently debated the “homosexuality is a sin” issue with a couple of gays. The actual arguments are
not relevant here. But to try to “trump” me, they quoted -
Rev. Dr. Mona West, who wrote the article, “The Bible and Homosexuality” -
Here Dr. West decides homosexuality is not a sin by twisted rationalizations, and deliberate,
unjustified misinterpretations. She claims:-
1. Sodom story: the sodomites were not condemned and destroyed for homosexual sins, but because
a. they were trying to rape the angels to show cultural dominance, not homosexual lust. -
b. they did not show hospitality !!!   -
However, the bible does not say this. This interpretation is deliberately wrong. The intended rape is
due to lust. -
And many people were rude throughout history, but none of them were destroyed by fire and
brimstone for it. -
God had already condemned the city before the angels even showed up, so her statement is-
deliberately false.-
2. She then quotes Leviticus, which is VERY clear as to meaning, and then totally denies it has
anything to do with homosexual acts: -
“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (18:22)-
“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they
shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (20:13) -
She claims it is a rule to prevent social dominance over their Mediterranean neighbors by
performing anal intercourse with them!! However, it is clear that the bible never says this, nor
mentions the neighbors. She is making things up again. God is referring to same sex relations. This
PhD does not apparently think like one, and is not willing to understand the clear command against a
man being with a man in a carnal way.-

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3.. Dr West apparently does not want to properly interpret Romans 1:2627 either, and uses the
Mediterranean neighbors again as an excuse. She has come up with a fantastical argument of sexual
dominance by anal intercourse as a new way to wage war, and win over enemies If only the ancient
biblical nations had agreed, this would have saved much bloodshed. I do not recall David fighting
Goliath in this way, for example.-
4. . She finally concludes that the Bible is not the revelation of God, only Jesus is, even though Jesus
is quoted in the Bible. She equates believing what the Bible says as idolatry. Now since the bible is
the only record of what Jesus taught, she has just contradicted herself. She is also implying that she
is so special that she has the revelation of Jesus, and scholars over thousands of years have not,
while rejecting the Bible as idolatry. -
Her thinking pattern is disconnected and irrational. It is mentally disturbed. Analogy: She is
basically claiming that the sky is not blue, but it has trees in it, so it must be orange. -
Conclusion: Repeat of same pattern seen in other Jezebels : She just lies, and uses some form of
authority to persuade others, who apparently are looking for a lie to believe in. There is nothing
rational or valid about her conclusions. But she does not care. It works for her, because people are
looking for lies to believe in. Their acceptance of her lies makes what she says “true.” So now God
has to change his Word to fit in with her thinking. -
B. The success, then, is dependent upon people who are desperate to hear a lie, because the truth is
so obvious. Success is with the ignorant and sinful, people looking for excuses to sin, not the
spiritually wise and holy. Somehow, they think Jesus allowed for a permissive interpretation of
“carnal love” to replace holiness. -
But Jesus said:-
Jn 14:15 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.-
Jn 14:21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me -
1 Jn 2:3 And by this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments -
1 Jn 5:2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and observe His
commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His
commandments are not burdensome. -
2 Jn 6 And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment,
just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it. -
Rev 12:17 who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. -
Rev 14:12 Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their
faith in Jesus. -
Nowhere in the teaching of Jesus did he allow for fornication, homosexuality, abortion or other
apostate issues of today. He made it clear if we love God, and Him, we will walk in obedience and
love. This love is spiritual, not carnal. People who walk in carnal love obey their flesh, not the Spirit
of God.-
C. Credentials questioned. -
2Tim 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.. -
In this case, I was curious as to how someone with both a Master’s in Divinity, and a PhD in
Theology from a known seminary could be so obviously corrupt or stupid. I therefore ventured upon
calling the Louisville, Ky Southern Baptist Seminary to check on her credentials outlined in her
online resume.-
They confirmed she went there. However, the interpretations she presents do not reflect the obvious
theology she would have studied at the seminary. So she either deceived the seminary, being a closet
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lesbian, and learned facts which she never internalized as truth, or she changed her orientation
afterwards. I believe she was a lesbian all along, but deceived the school. It is a short time between
when she graduated in 1987, and when she started writing heresy (1990), and transferred to the
Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) by 1992. She apparently waited until after she graduated
to start writing as, and admitting to, being a lesbian. When I talked to the school, they indicated her
theology was inconsistent with the school’s philosophy. -
Mona completely rejects the Word of God, even though she spent years studying it, and having the
opportunity to learn it properly. Apparently, her need to justify her sin was much stronger than her
desire to know the truth of God’s Word, as God meant it to be interpreted. Now, she spreads her
heresies to encourage homosexuals to believe that homosexuality is not condemned by the Bible, but
actually is approved by it. She has an unrepentant heart, and leads others in this direction.-
This is a good example of the apostasy predicted in the Bible, where even the elect of God are
deceived, and are deceiving many. The salvation of many people have been lost through her apostate
2Ti 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.-
Jam 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.-
1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.-
While some people sin out of ignorance, this person deliberately rejected the Word of God as
idolatry, , and set up her own opinion, and herself, as the “real truth.” This is true idolatry. -
The Conflict Oriented Male Jezebel – Spirit of War
Here I assign 2 levels to this. Any truly wicked person starts out with less powerful beginnings.
Unless he is checked, he will continue on to something worse. This spirit is destructive. and sadistic.
**** Note:  When people think of witches/”jezebels” in the bible, they automatically think of
women. While individual women are occasionally mentioned in scripture, most of the witches were
men. Click here for more on male witches in scripture.
Level 1 Low level conflict and deception (hoodlum
delinquent typeterrorist in the making):
Usually NOT religious. Atheistic views. Person could care less about God, and may mock God or
others for faith oriented behavior.
May or may not be educated or successful, but is wise in a wicked way.
Internally feels out of control, so the response is to control the environment.
Does not trust others, so has accusatory nature
Likes to start fights
Can go from peaceful to violent in seconds.
Has anger issues and prejudices. Insults people.
Puts people against each other. Victims may be used as their proxy, interacting with others as they
set victims up to take the fall while they enjoy watching the performance.
He keeps his allies and targets separate to avoid exposure, so they do not compare notes, and figure
out it is him.
Twisting people’s words, to initiate a wrong view of a situation. Starts his own propaganda.
Applies ‘fear’ tactics, faking expertise

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Scam artist – tries to convince others he is indispensable, the only expert that can handle the
problem at hand.
Steals and cheats
They will agree to anything, then turn around and do the opposite. They will accuse you of breaking
the contract.
Legal, custody agreements and normal social or personal protocol mean nothing to them.
They enjoy playing the role of the victim.
Does not like to be contradicted. Will attack you if you do. Will use abusive language and insults.
Best response:
Expect them to disregard the agreement. Avoid involvement. Be selfsufficient. Avoid any “Trust
Me” lines.
Level 2 Bully
terroristdictator :
Often successful and intelligent. He can craft complicated deceptions.
May use constant repetition to persuade others. He just keeps telling the story until people start to
believe him.
Religious temperaments:
a. By now, he is more mature, and has learned that religion is a useful tool to control others. He is
not sincere, but puts on a show to win support.
b. or has adopted an extreme religious ideology that drives radical thinking and behavior
c. He is at war with God Himself.
Can have either open or secret agendas for power.
Recruits others through intentional lies and propaganda.
He can masterfully fake his abilities and credentials, if he does not have them. He is smart enough to
be an imposter and get away with it. An example is a terrorist faking his ID to gain access to a
He exploits others, and must be in absolute control.
Intellectual. manipulative, and charismatic.
Backstabs his way to high positions.
He ruthlessly abuses his power. Will physically harm others.
Makes threats, and carries them out, with others he has recruited.
His wicked intent is to harm others he opposes, and establish a strong support base.
He places others in problem or failure situations. He can be in control and deny help, putting them in
a dependency mode, where they will need him. Dictators do this. They impoverish the people, and
then blame their enemies for this, and start a war.
The bully has no social conscience, and is often suspicious and paranoid.

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Violent reaction to being contradicted. Reacts strongly to a sense of being exposed, or having
control taken away from him. Becomes accusatory, and takes some sort of action against the
contradiction – open conflict, or subtle undermining.
Claims victim hood to gain support.
Others may support him to further their own objective.
Can start open wars.
Will break treaties or agreements. Only agrees to peace to buy time.
Will blame other side for a contrived reason, in order to reassign blame for the conflict.
Best response:
Prepare to get out of the way and put distance between you and them. Don’t get involved in
anything illegal. Trying to stop them may backlash with a cascade of retaliation. Or, prepare
to defend yourself, because they will try to hurt you.
Environmental development scenarios:
society – delinquent progresses to gangster, crime
family – rebellious child progresses to abusive adult, family problems
church – unsaved person progresses to fake saved status, and causes problems in church,
rebellion and sometimes church splits.
workplace: misfit but borderline competent progresses to supervisory position by
marriage – disagreeable, cheating spouse progresses to abusive spouse, divorce.
politics – malcontent progresses to terrorist, dictator
Jezebel in Children
Jezebel in children will show up as rebellion and lying. They are influenced by other children they
meet at school. This is serious and must be dealt with.
It will take both parents, or a male and female parent figure, to effectively deal with it. The child
will need consistent discipline, and moral training. This is a daily and weekly thing, not just when
the child acts up.
Question the child about what they have heard and answer the issues. You need to know what
someone else is indoctrinating them with. Remember public schools are very proabortion, sex rules
in school, even in the lower grades. Schools are godless now. You cannot even trust the teachers, at
times. We have reports now of teachers raping or having sex with children, so you have to be on
your toes.
If you are a single parent with no one to help, you are going to have a long, uphill battle, and you
will lose it. You need to find someone to help you – even if it is just a friend – to back you up.
Anyone is better than no help at all.
Make sure whoever helps you has good morals, and is selfdisciplined. Do not pick someone who
will make things worse, because they have self control issues themselves.
A pastor can be involved to reinforce what the parents are doing.
A psychologist is a last resort, but only if it is a Christian counselor. Most psychologists are
humanists, and may actually encourage the behavior since humanism is based on individual choice,
rather than submission to divine authority.

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Pray blessings over your child. Let your child hear this. They need to know, even during their
rebellion, that there is a better way to be, than the way they are. Be patient. It might take years,
because whatever you do at home could be reversed at school. Changing schools may not help, but
you can try.
Each day, try to inspire the child with a desire toward higher moral and behavioral standards. Tell
them how Jesus loves them, how you love them, and how they will do wonderful things someday to
help others find Jesus, and his love.
Continue to bless them. Pay attention to them daily. What they are looking for is love. Maybe you
are too busy for them. Make time for them on a consistent basis. Use discipline, be firm, but loving.
Best wishes. Do not give up – ever!! This is your child. If you give up, then who can they depend on
to help them?
Also, remember that we are in the end times. It was predicted that we would have this kind of
problem. Prayer and unity in the family is important. You are fighting a spiritual enemy for the
welfare of your child.
2Ti 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2Ti 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
The Jezebel spirit also enters when there is woundedness in the family because of abuse or
separation Click here for more .….about the roots of Jezebel
Jezebel - Children shall put their parents to death
I just buried a friend. I watched her suffer, and die, for over 10 years, before she took her last breath.
Mat 10:21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child:
and the children shall rise up against [their] parents, and cause them to be put to death.
This seems like something difficult to imagine, that family would turn against each other, and
children would harm their parents.
Thankfully, for the most part, this does not happen.
But this is to address the situations when it does happen.
Over the centuries, there have been many cases of someone converting to Christianity, and the
unbelieving family turning against them. This is what most people would think the bible passage
However, today, this has taken on a more sinister development.
Source # 1 – Cult churches and the Jezebel Pastor
There are opportunities for the false church to have direct access to the children, in the parents’
absence. Sunday school classes, private relationships and meetings, and youth groups.
In Christian families, children are learning rebellion and disrespect for parents in cult churches, from
false pastors (Jezebel pastors) who lure them, and fill them with a superior attitude, and the
permission to slander and condemn their parents.
Seeing the pastor as a “holy man of God” they are easily influenced to go against their parents, who
seem spiritually unsuccessful in comparison.
While children are just babes, the cult church will brainwash them behind the parent’s back, and
convince them they are “anointed” and more holy than their parents.
This justifies the demand for the parents to submit to the selfish demands of the children.

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This reminds me of the Nazi youth groups who turned in their own parents as criminals to be
prosecuted. All it took was an accusation.
Cult churches turn young believers into Baal worshippers, as the children are lured with power and
prosperity messages.
Parents who are trying to teach humility can be usurped by the church, who takes the children as
church property.
It might take overly trusting parents to take awhile to realize what is wrong.
By the time the parents realize what is happening, the false pastor and cult church has gotten the
allegiance of the children, who are then encouraged to spin false tales of their parents.
Children then are more attached to the church than their parents, and will falsely accuse them of
abuse, when the parents try to discipline them for rebellion and disrespect.
Parents are accused of trying to control their children.
They are accused of abuse and other sins, while it is really the children who are committing sin
against the parents, by lying about them.
Parents can get reported to child protective services for just trying to bring up their children
Children and the church can align and bring legal action against the parents, in order to completely
destroy the parent’s reputation, their parental rights, and the family structure itself.
The stress and damage against the parent can be incredible, and even lethal.
I saw this happen with my friend. She died of a broken heart, but officially it will read that she had
medical problems.
If your child is showing these symptoms, investigate quickly, or you will lose them.
Source # 2 – Jezebel family members who are “Good Christians”
First of all, there is no such thing as a “Christian Jezebel.”
A Jezebel is an unrepentant sinner, and needs to be saved. The Jezebel is also a tool of the devil
Anyone who is a Jezebel cannot legitimately call themselves a Christian.
The Jezebel family member, whether it be a spouse, parent, grandmother, uncle, etc, is a source of
rebellion and control in the family.
Many times, they are important people in the church, and have some sort of ministry, because they
want this attention and control over others, who should obey them, since they are so “special.”
They are quick to call themselves teachers, pastors, prophets, etc. They want that authority position.
Children can be manipulated into turning against one parent, and favoring the family member. This
can cause huge problems, and damage. 
The same family breaks up, and legal cases can arise from the influence of the Jezebel activity.
The immoral and twisted value system of the Jezebel will be transferred to the children, and the
children will turn against their parents.
I have testimonies from decent parents on this site who are suffering from this kind of attack.
Source # 3 – School & Society
You may teach your children at home what is righteous, but they can unlearn everything at school.

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Godless teachers and administrators, inappropriate teachings, and rebellious children will convince
children that the parents are wrong, and they are right.
They have convinced themselves that they are better authorities than the parents are when it comes
to child rearing.
They are also prepared to look for “abusive parents” who by their standards, discipline their children
in any way.
They encourage children to report any form of discipline.
There is real abuse, which should be reported.
But, rational, and appropriate, discipline is not abuse.
But, they will use any form of discipline as a criteria to contact Child Protective Services, and
remove parental rights, and take control of the children.
There are good teachers and bad ones, so this depends on the moral values of the teacher.
The majority opinions out number, and outvote, the parents on any issue.
Law officers and other officials have been known to misadvise children. I knew of one officer who
was advising underage runaways that they could legally leave home at 16 years old. So, instead of
supporting the anguished parent, who was looking for the child, he was aiding the rebellious
The values of society are not necessarily moral.
Children will go with the majority opinion, and peer pressure.
Children will sacrifice their parents, if they are convinced that the parents are wrong, and hindering
their “rights” and “freedom.”
Source # 4 – the Parents themselves
If parents are rebellious, abusive, and lawless themselves, they should not expect anything different
from their children.
They cannot have a double standard. One for themselves, and one for the children.
Parents have to set a good example, and be right with God, before they can hope for anything
positive for their children.
Stay close to your children, and confirm daily what is being taught to them.
Do not just assume that the only thing they are getting at school, or out in the world, is academic
Be quick to deprogram them, and make your own rights known and assert them.
Set a good example for them to follow.
Jezebel - Male Witches in the Bible
When people think of witches in the bible, they automatically think of women. While individual
women are occasionally mentioned in scripture, most of the witches were men.
Witchcraft does exist in the bible, but under different names witchcraft, sorcery, astrology, idol
worship, wizards, familiar spirits, magicians, etc. Most organized groups of sorcerers were men,
operating in king’s courts and temples. In the bible, there were isolated cases of women at work as
My purpose here is to

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1. explain the association of witchcraft with pagan god worship
2. define general witchcraft, according to traditional guidelines (the topic of “white witchcraft” is a
separate discussion!!!)
3. show examples in the bible
4. identify witchcraft with both male and female practitioners.
5. for my personal use, identify the word jezebel as inclusive of both male and females, to simplify
discussions. I acknowledge that others on other sites may not do this. I believe in treating people
What is witchcraft?
Witchcraft, in various historical, anthropological, religious and mythological contexts, is the use of
certain kinds of supernatural or magical powers in order to inflict harm or damage upon members of
a community or their property.
Modern Witch claim:
“Witches and Wiccans practice a naturebased religion, and worship at least one Goddess and/or
God. Satan, or “The Devil” is a Christian belief. Witches do not believe in the devil, and therefore
do not worship one. People who worship Satan are known as “Satanists”. Witchcraft is not
What they do not see is that the god or goddess they worship is a demon, a false god presented to
them by Satan. So they are deceived. Since they do not see themselves worshiping Satan directly,
they are doing so indirectly, as demon worship replaces the worship of the One True God of the
General Biblical view:
In the Hebrew Bible references to sorcery are frequent, and the strong condemnations of such
practices found there do not seem to be based so much upon the supposition of fraud, as upon the
abomination of the magic in itself. In the King James Bible the Hebrew words ‫( כשף‬kashaph or
kesheph) and ‫( קסם‬qesem) and the Greek φαρμακεια (pharmakeia) are translated ‘witch’,
‘witchcraft’ or ‘witchcrafts’.
Deuteronomy 18:1112 and Exodus 22:18 state “Thou shall not suffer a witch to live.” The word
“witch” is a translation of the Hebrew kashaph, “sorcerer”. As such a closer translation would be
“one who uses magic to harm others”. The Bible provides some evidence that these commandments
were enforced under the Hebrew kings:
“And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and
they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray you, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and
bring me him up, whom I shall name unto you. And the woman said unto him, Behold, you know
what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the
land: wherefore then lay you a snare for my life, to cause me to die?”
(The Hebrew verb “Hichrit” (‫ )הכרית‬translated in the King James as “cut off”, can also be translated
as “kill wholesale” or “exterminate”)
The New Testament condemns the practice as an abomination, just as the Old Testament had
(Galatians 5:20, compared with Revelation 21:8; 22:15; and Acts 8:9; 13:6). The word in most New
Testament translations is “sorcerer”/”sorcery” rather than “witch”/”witchcraft”.
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New Testament sorcerer:
Act 8:9 But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery,
and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:
Sorcerers in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court
Dan 2:1 And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams,
wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him.
Dan 2:2 Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and
the Chaldeans, for to shew the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king.
1Ki 16:31 And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam
the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and
went and served Baal, and worshipped him.
1Ki 16:32 And he reared up an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.
1Ki 18:19 Now therefore send, [and] gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of
Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s
1Ki 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if
the LORD [be] God, follow him: but if Baal, [then] follow him. And the people answered him not a
1Ki 18:22 Then said Elijah unto the people, I, [even] I only, remain a prophet of the LORD; but
Baal’s prophets [are] four hundred and fifty men.
1Ki 18:25 And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, Choose you one bullock for yourselves, and
dress [it] first; for ye [are] many; and call on the name of your gods, but put no fire [under].
1Ki 18:26 And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed [it], and called on the
name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But [there was] no voice, nor
any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.
1Ki 18:40 And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And
they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.
1. the “god” of thunders, god of “peace,” as Satan’s right hand man, god of the rain, thunder, fertility
and agriculture, and the lord of Heaven. Worship involved sex rituals. Jezebel was the priestess of
Baal. In one biblical incident, there were 500 male priests, and one female, named Jezebel. She was
known for her deceit, destructiveness, rebellion against the God of Israel, and violence. It is this
spirit of rebellion and violence that can characterize any witch – whether they are male or female.
2. also known as Molech god of fire and child sacrifice
something practiced by witches as well
2 Kings 23:10 (on King Josiah‘s reform):
And he defiled the Tophet, which is in the valley of Benhinnom, that no man might make his son or
his daughter pass through the fire l’Molech.
Jeremiah 32:35:
And they built the high places of the Ba‘al, which are in the valley of Benhinnom, to cause their
sons and their daughters to pass through the fire l’Molech; which I did not command them, nor did it
come into my mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
3. also known as Dagon – creator and subduer, warrior, slayer

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Dagan is mentioned occasionally in early Sumerian texts but becomes prominent only in later
Akkadian inscriptions as a powerful and warlike protector, sometimes equated with Enlil. In the
preface to his famous law code, King Hammurabi calls himself “the subduer of the settlements along
the Euphrates with the help of Dagan, his creator“. An inscription about an expedition of NaramSin
to the Cedar Mountain relates (ANET, p. 268): “Naram
Sin slew Arman and Ibla with the ‘weapon’ of the god Dagan who aggrandizes his kingdom.”
When Moses performed certain signs in Pharaoh’s court to show God had sent him, the magicians
were able to duplicate some of the signs.
Exd 7:10 And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had
commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a
Exd 7:11 Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt,
they also did in like manner with their enchantments.
Old testament (As a man who will honor a foreign – pagan god of forces and war):
Dan 11:38 But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces (fortresses, strongholds, places
fortified for safety, strengths, strong forces, powers): and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he
honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
Dan 11:10 But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and
[one] shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return, and be stirred up,
[even] to his fortress.
Dan 11:11 And the king of the south shall be moved with choler, and shall come forth and fight with
him, [even] with the king of the north: and he shall set forth a great multitude; but the multitude
shall be given into his hand.
Dan 11:24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do
[that] which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey,
and spoil, and riches: [yea], and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a
Dan 11:30 For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return,
and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have
intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.
Dan 11:31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and
shall take away the daily [sacrifice], and they shall place the abomination that makes desolate.
New testament:
Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven
heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Rev 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear,
and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great
Rev 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped
the beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Rev 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power
was given unto him to continue forty [and] two months.

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Rev 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his
tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power
was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Gal 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication,
uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Gal 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Gal 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before,
as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of
1Ti 6:3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, [even] the words of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
1Ti 6:4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof
cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
Isa 59:6 Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their
works: their works [are] works of iniquity, and the act of violence [is] in their hands.
One reason for putting this together is to clarify that:
1. witchcraft exists in the bible in different forms – sorcery, magic, etc
2. its basic intent is to do harm people, and rebel against, or replace Yahweh with a false pagan god.
3. it includes not just pagan god worship, but, as iniquity, can be characterized by violence, strife,
conflict, war, envyings, evil surmisings, railings (false accusations, which would lead to conflict),
power plays, child sacrifice (now seen in abortion, and suicide bombings by children), and perverted
or illicit sex.
4. as evil, it is demonic in origin
5. Men are witches too. In the bible, there were more of them mentioned, as operating in groups,
than there were women, who operated as individuals.
6. In my posts, I use the term “jezebel” to denote either a male or female witch, even though the
named personality Jezebel herself was female. Remember she was associated with 500 men witches,
or “prophets” of Baal, the god of fertility, war, peace, child sacrifice, fire, etc. So there were more
male than female witches in just this one story.
While the term has come to indicate an unchaste, rebellious woman, the actual Hebrew translates
‫ ִאיזֶבֶל‬as “Baal exalts.” The last 2 letters, reading right to left, ‫ בֶל‬is translated Bel, or Baal.
Obviously, more men than women were involved with Baal. Jezebel just happened to be queen.
Because of the social status of men, their role as witches (male jezebels) can be more powerful than
women. They can rule entire nations, and cause wars and persecutions. Women are usually weaker
The ultimate male witch (male jezebel) will be personified in the coming antichrist figure, who
comes against the saints, and comes to destroy Israel, plunging the entire world into war. The
antichrist will come as a male jezebel of war and conquest.
Religious Spirits
The manifestation and activity of religious spirits require a friendly union between “flesh” (the
fallen human nature) and demons. It is not solely demonic activity, so being around them requires a
different spiritual response.

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Jesus had no trouble with demons. Demons bowed and fled. He easily cast them out. But the
Pharisees were a different matter. Religious spirits do not bow down and obey, because of the
human free will element involved.
To interact with them, is like dealing with a hybrid of demonic and human. The human component
makes it difficult to remove the demonic, because the human part is enjoying the fellowship, and
power the demonic gives it, and does not want it to leave. Deliverance will not happen without the
human will agreeing to it.
How to recognize them:
Religious spirits oppress and persecute others, usually true believers. They do this in the name of
they criticize others almost constantly, and recruit others to join them.
They are controlling, and legalistic, rigid in opinion.
Very unforgiving about what they accuse you of doing wrong
Their religious zeal, spirituality, and righteousness is not of God. They have no personal relationship
with God, just a religious agenda they want followed, with them in control.
focus on perfection, not progress
are proud and arrogant
find fault with others but not with themselves
know how to tear down, but not to build up.
unable to receive correction and instruction
they will not listen to man, only God.
will not submit to any human authority, unless that authority exalts them
believe that God has appointed them to fix you. God cannot do it without them. They are appointed
to fix everything wrong in your life. But they fix you by tearing you down, by destroying you, and
criticizing everything they think is wrong with you.
will not tolerate weakness or failures in you. Bible says to bear one another’s burdens
always want recognition
suspicious of every move of God as being from the devil. They watch and study and do not believe
it. Spread doubts. If God did not do it before, then He cannot be doing it now. God is not allowed to
do anything they do not understand. They forget that the devil copies God. God does not copy the
they glory in yesterday, but not today, unless they are in the center of it
they will not join in any group outside of theirs and will forbid you to do the same. “We have all the
truth.” Cult thinking. You cannot go anywhere else except their church, or you will be defiled.
they do not understand the work of grace in someone’s life
they take false stand on dreams and visions, theirs are ok, not but yours
no room for God working in their life. they are already perfect.
may have started out as spirit filled, but they think they can perfect themselves in the flesh.
they will put religious curses on innocent people
if unchecked, they will progress to the demonic, and then will need deliverance

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they make false accusations, then justify then with irrelevant scripture, to “sanctify” the evil that is
spoken. This can be the most twisted and confusing experience.
Example: they accuse you of being a “snake” or a “scorpion” because you do not agree with them
(you happen to be correct). Then they pull some scripture that talks about something NOT related to
your “error,” but has to do with why you will go to hell, or need to repent. They say the sky is red,
and you say it is blue. They then quote this passage, which is irrelevant:
[1] I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the
dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
[2] Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all
longsuffering and doctrine.
[3] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall
they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
[4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
What does this passage have to do with the color of the sky? Nothing! It is there to mentally confuse
you, and keep you in spiritual chaos. The scripture is a trap, not to enlighten you, but to get you to
concede to them. So the devil is inappropriately using the Word of God as a sword against you, and
you need to recognize this strategy, and either reject and expose what he is doing, or be well
armored with the Word of God yourself, and fight back with more than he has.
Intensely unforgiving. They recall past “mistakes,” even from 20 years ago. They will never let you
forget the mistake and will bring it up to condemn you. It may not even be a mistake, but they think
it is. They use the mistakes to prove that you are evil or wrong, and need their advice.
Why are they so prevalent?
1. some have always been around, through history, example, the Pharisees in Jesus time. It comes
from a desire to be important.
2. the modern charismatic movement opens the door for false spirits.
a. those which desire power, to prove they are “anointed” of God, when they are not called of God.
So they are fakes. They become false teachers and false prophets, etc. Some are self deceived, and
do it to gain acceptance. Others are just corrupt, and do it for money, power, etc.
b. those which may or may not be “anointed,” or have a ministry calling on their lives, but who
criticize others who actually ARE called of God, as fakes. Limited in their understanding, they
actually attack true teachers of the gospel, and true prophets (who are rare) and claim they are fakes
when they are real. Example: the persecution of the prophet Jeremiah by the leaders in his day. They
claimed he was a false prophet, but he was real, and telling the truth.
What to do
1. beware of them . Jesus said to “beware the leaven of the Pharisees.” (Matt 16: 8)
2. resist them, as “God resists the proud” ( James 4:6)
3. recognize them (Rom 10:24) as those with convictions, zeal, and righteousness that is not of God
4. if you have the authority in a church, as in pastoral standing, etc, dismiss them. If you don’t, they
will cause you a lot of trouble, including trying to have you dismissed, because you are not up to
their standards.
5. if you do not have any authority over them, just leave them alone, or leave the church
environment, if the pastor will not do anything. Given enough time, they will attack you and cause

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you spiritual harm. Remember, they crucified Jesus. Imagine what they would do to you, if given the
6. be realistic. These are the last days. You will find religious spirits everywhere. If you leave one
church, you will find more in another. So if you pick a big enough church, if you want one, then you
will have a better chance of finding some nice people to associate with.
7. Pray for wisdom, and the ability to discern spirits, for your own protection.
The Jezebel Pastor / Minister-
It is not really about God…. It is about him !!!!-
He talks about God, but is not in love with Him. God is an academic topic, not someone he has a
personal relationship with.-
Many claims of exaggerated nature, regarding personal accomplishments, based on self –efforts, not
undeserved mercy of God. -
He has special “anointing” that makes him someone you need to look up to. -
You need to depend on him for prayer and blessings, since you do not have the gifts and favor he
does. -
He needs to lay hands on you, since he is your intercessor, not Jesus. (He does not tell you this, but
he never tells you to go directly to Jesus when in need. He tells you to come up for prayer, and HE
intercedes). -
* This is different than just praying for someone to show support. We all can intercede for each
other as well, but we must recognize the true intercessor, who is Jesus. -
Sin of pride. Grandiose self image. Not humble.-
Demands attention. Struts around the stage, storms around, or paces around to keep your eyes on
him. Very theatrical.-
May have a dreamy, far away look in his eyes – this makes him look “spiritual.”-
Undaunted by resentment of him, seeks envy as proof that he is something superior that others are
Benefits whether – reputation is good or bad- he can use the bad reputation to his advantage, saying
the devil is after him.
Overreacts to situations-
Boastfully displays God’s blessings as favor from God, and to inspire adulation, imitation, and
* Much of his money blessings he got from taking the money you gave to God. -
Seeks attention, and special recognition for being so special. -
“Be like me” messages.-
Manipulates others to obtain status, control, compliance, money, attention. -
Effective brainwashing tactics. You believe everything he says, without checking out the content for
Religious cult atmosphere. Too much uniformity in behavior. Putting church as top priority, instead
of family. People will let their families go hungry in order to pay tithes to the church, or they will
spend more time at church than with their families. Will sacrifice self and family for church, and this
puts stress on everyone. Families may break up. -
He targets the naive, vulnerable, uneducated or mentally weak. They believe whatever he says. -
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Great emphasis on money, personal empowerment, prosperity to keep you hooked. -
False “power of God” movement - counterfeit – demonic origin. Clue
do you feel no better, or worse afterward, if you are “slain in the spirit?” Think about it. If the real
God touches you, He does not do it without it affecting you in a constructive way. -
Little or no emphasis on holiness, purity, or humility.-
Entertains, or allows, false prophecy to enhance self image or image of his “chosen ones” who help
him. God does not choose you, he does. -
false prophecy : over generalized, vague, no impact on your spirit, something anyone can say about
anyone, or anything. (God loves you, seek my face, come to me, I know your problem, and I will
help you, God is calling you to serve Him, this country has problems, etc) Any specific things said
were picked up from knowing you anyhow, or they were already predicted in the Bible, and they are
plagiarizing it. Or they guess and get it wrong. Future events do not come true. -
true prophecy: specific details given, impacts your spirit, unique to you. Say things that only God
knows about you, or the situation. No way of knowing these things unless God is involved. What
seems like unlikely predicted events actually come true. -
He falsely portrays himself to be virtuous, the perfect father, husband, spiritual leader, advisor,
mentor, friend. -
Controls you by enrapturing you with his spirituality, and you submit. -
Can control you by twisting scripture to make you feel guilty if you do not obey him, or do not
believe the same way.-
Distorts scripture. Puts new meanings on existing passages, or uses them out of context for the
purpose of gain.-
Feels “gain is godliness” in some way. Poverty is a curse, and you must strive for worldly gain.
Jesus “died” so you could be “rich.” -
Jezebel Prayer Against Witchcraft Control
Are you, or your loved ones, oppressed? This can be an effective prayer. Pray this daily or as
frequently as you can. Have others pray with you, if possible. Print this out and keep it nearby, to
use as a reference. Add to it, to make it fit your individual prayer needs.
In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I bind all principalities, powers of the air,
wickedness in high places, thrones, dominions, world rulers, and strong men exerting
influence over_____________( for all persons prayed for, also workplace, finances, home,
etc.), and I forbid them to operate against him/her/them or against the one praying this
In the name of Jesus, I bind and break witchcraft, witchcraft control, mindbinding spirits,
spirits that block and/or bind the will, mind control, destruction, lust, fantasy lust, perversion,
intimidation, rebellion, rejection, schizophrenia, paranoia, anger, hatred, wrath and rage,
resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, slander, unteachableness, deception, doubt, and
unbelief, passivity, pride and false humility.
In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the spirits of Ahab and Jezebel, fear, hypnosis and
hypnotic trance, rock music, greed, addiction, drugs, alcohol and compulsive behavior.
(Pause and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any other spirits which should be named.)
In the name of Jesus, I bind kings, princes, and world rulers for each spirit named. I strip
each spirit, and his hierarchy, of power, armor and rank, and separate each from the other. I

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speak confusion to the ranks of the enemy, and declare their assignments against_________
are hereby rendered null and void.
In the name of Jesus, I bind and break all evil affecting the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch,
hearing; all evil against the emotions; and all evil against the seven points of body used by
witchcraft – the base of the spine, spleen, navel, heart, throat, between the eyes, and top of
the head.
In the name of Jesus, I bind and break all evil on the systems of the body – reproductive,
skeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory, endocrine, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous
In the name of Jesus, I bind and break any and all evil powers giving aid or pulling these
systems in our bodies toward evil, by means of energy drawn from the sun, moon, stars,
planets, constellations, earth, air, wind, fire, water, light, darkness, matter, elements……or
from lines, squares, circles, symbols, artifacts and/or potions against us.
In the name of Jesus, I bind and break any transference of spirits in family, friends, or
associates of ___________( name the names of the people from whom you forbid
transference of spirits – those that would curse you or others in this way). With the sword of
the Holy Spirit, I sever all evil soul ties between these negative persons and _________
(those you wish to protect). I declare that the blood of Jesus covers ___________(victim’s)
mind, emotions and will, preventing these soul ties from ever being reestablished.
In the name of Jesus, every spirit in this prayer is bound off each person prayed for, as well
as for the person uttering this prayer (Matthew 18:18). This prayer is also in effect for every
person, with whom those praying and those prayed for have contact.
In the name of Jesus, spirits from the netherworld, spirits between, over and around those
praying and those prayed for, and all familiar spirits are completely bound and forbidden to
manifest – in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the power of all curses spoken, all rituals or sacrifices,
all divination, spells, incantations, meditations, and all sorcery or magic.
I release and call upon the Spirit of the Lord…..the spirit of ……
wisdom….understanding….counsel…might…knowledge…and the fear of the Lord ( Isaiah
11:2) upon the persons praying this prayer, and the persons prayed for, along with spirits of
mercy, grace and peace.
In the name of Jesus, I place shields of Faith over the minds of those persons to protect
against infiltration from endtime mind control.
Thank you Father, that no weapon the enemy forms against us shall prosper, because we are
covered by the blood of Jesus, and You have put all things under His Feet ( Isaiah 54:17,
Ephesians 1:22). Because Christ dwells in us, we declare that greater is He that is in us than
he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
For those that feel afflicted, do not feel alone. Sometimes, up to 100 people come here on one day,
because they are having trouble. You are not alone.

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