Imayam College of Engineering: Question Set: Register No

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Question Set : A Register No :


Department of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING----------------
Internal Assessment – II
Sub Code & Sub Name : PR8592 WELDING TECHNOLOGY Date: .2.2020
Year & Sem :III & VI Time : 1 Hours
Part – A Max Marks : 50
(Answer all the Questions) 10*2=20
1. What is meant by gas welding? Mention the types of gas welding process

2. What is the principle of oxy acetylene welding?

3. Name the types of flames used in gas welding process

4. What is carbon arc welding process? Give its merits,demerits and application

5. Give the major differences between Shielded metal arc welding, submerged arc welding , TIG and MIG

6. What is the principles of resistance welding? Mention its application

7. What is seam welding? State its merits,demerits and application

8. What do you understand by projection welding?

9. What is resistance butt welding? Mention its types

10 What is high frequency resistance welding?

Part – B
(Answer all the Questions) 2*10=20
11.a Explain TIG welding system with neat sketch. State its merits,demerits and applications 10


11.b Explain plasma arc welding and its types with neat sketch.State its merits,demerits and 10
12.a With neat sketch discuss the various types of seam welding process. 10

12.b Explain percussion welding process with neat sketch.State its merits,demerits and 10

Part – C
Compulsory 1*10=10

13. (i) Explain high frequency welding process with neat sketch 10
(ii) Explain shielded metal arc welding with neat sketch

Staff Incharge verifier HOD

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