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4 CHAPTER No. g j Pacts’ Qe Bury | tos # DING DRawine "6.1 BASIC DEFINITION goncrete P _ with__time, material. ded-in anyshape but, ‘becomes an artificial stone-like one particles may be "assembled" at. site to provide A because of the relatively Siti architectural shape and most of the construction. are’described below: rr cost, concrete is used. for The main constituents of concrete A) water “and __is atively cos foncrete. (Lime) and some other mate: inding material. ie : Sadin ee . >(BI cilier Material} It is required eS vat ie same time, to provide sufficient strength. Most commonly filler’ material, is composed of natural round gravel” or crushed stone but other materials like brick-ballast; loated clay and ‘iron’chips may-also be used in certain es. Filler material may also be termed as "Aggregate". ials_may_also_be Used as and, articular aggregate, particles of all -the be present. in a suitable proportion. —_In -other sizeof aggregate particles should: gradually nimum_so.that the smaller particles may — fill he larger particles Ege a eneS Sie eee Tt T hat the- larger eee hale ae press an i ending u the particle. siz e ter proportion. Depending ) te, tories CEnaeaD ana pps! of aggregate having particle Th 7ib-in) ( is called Coarse. Aggregate si @ Jesser than or équal ames (or=Sangy. There ‘are. two main types of concrete to be- used construction purposes namely Plain Cement Concrete 1o” Reinforced Cement Concrete. ahs: re 1 1@iain_Genent Concrete? lt is abbreviated as P.c.c. cani without the provision of embedded - steel ee reinforcement). - It: is sufficiently strong in coapre {or (internal force corresponding to push on a body) ree in_tension «(internal force corresponding to pull on a bode ‘Ratio of the constituent ma mae 5 terials is also written with particular P.C.C. to be used in the following standard wage P.C.c ( Parts of° ~ parts df / parts of »\ A cement.” * Sand 4 )4 A \ Coarse Agd. Willent Stebpeiss and is the simple (Fo) example, P.c.c. (ae by weight is one Z and coarse aggregati 7. parts Fig. 6.1 Aggregate Particles. in Concrete: Concrete If the cement content in concrete is 10%) thi rete is called jean concrete nly .usedQunder. the ind__ foundation: ) and PsC.G.,. (4:6:12) -are the examples of leat : werk ZT ») Gornas. Canceekpe If the cement content is fio to 154) the. concrete .is ‘called normal. concrete,. the exampl being 4). Normal concrete is used in D.P.C.,R-C-C~ ant PS eS Leif : In rich concrete, the tenboe Ae ents ju more” than-about 15% as in P.C,0. (1:1.5:3). 1t is z when __smalter—structural members-_are required. tl" ‘Support. heavier loads fo: ectural reasons- js abbreviated as R.C.C. and ig defined as-_ the with the addition of steel bars or reinforc ment to. tension) pene Sinead in para o-1-3- R.C.C. is used te columns, etc. roof-slabs and concre : Vv pots and to J bricks in masonry, Mud mortar — and lime mortar Were initially used but now-a-days cement sand mortar most commonly used abbreviated as C/S mortar. Its Zonstituents are cement and sand and_the io _of + these Ssterials is also specified. For exanple, (1:2) ©: mortar means that cement is one part out of three by weight ‘and vand is two parts out of three by weight. : The term root slab is use for the-actual-load_carrying Part of, the roof present as the lowermost —— ee es 6-4-8 Golunn~ MinkL teo% aS Struc Which provides a continuous sreeert ter upper part of ‘the building and carries the load e fo In case of a column, the ma: xis of the member. Column ace ub Of bricks}R.C.0, or Steel. ars (lessen a ~e Proof Course (P0095, Ginckf orate Ny cpa {b a yw re! a porous structure tnd _ the feks suck “Capillaries. Asa result, or: er parts rom Underneath and pump it to upp: ce. With Tame e ee building under the action of capilla ‘ary _ force. dampness - Mortar ~and~ concrete deteriorate reducing | re. With time plaster falls og ashing . and _saintlog se 2. "Further these ort =germ growth and 2! —main-dimensions of the building which distinguish i Troma WALL ee : 6.1.6 [Da if proo nt of view. A continucus nee ae the @ the ground level to pr ‘ourse oF 2 SORE UP which is called damp proaf © the OPC 14g a een Sre-is ‘any direct contact betw m a kwork of the super structure,” even Part, whole of the b dings te provided galls consists of|1% ~in] to C.Ci@i:2:47,over which tig goats Sy id Stso provided. The top of DPC is made in + ie ground floor top of the buildin , Bi —3” ece(4) ° cd . : : “Is apse] seedy is a structural unit made up of properly burnt s0i1 having the nominal dimensions . (including the Har thickness) as shown in Fig. 6.4. 6.4 Nominal Dimensions of a Standard Brick "Possible thickness of brick walls is always an integral Multiple of 4k -in or 1/2 brick. 2, : ‘ of ee (CoH) Catia (Gina od) es [ceiling Height ofthe called ceiling ft. In other } the clear height available inside a building is known multe ting height. Smaller ceiling height is pret le _for Guistorey buildings, and for buildings where artificial neageonditioning Te to be used. Size of air-cgnditioners of Sets depend upon volume of the building. Bigger ceiling or, B thE is preferable-for single storey buildings ~levél. In the her_than/ the floor 1 the [gE nsoner than at the bottom of the windons ee term S.L. ig dertveg eet es eer aye oe tee, used but the (ave seri’ there © and. ts afso important still 2, : : definitions. for e for verandahs ‘and open. areas ofa building, Further wom, different for different storeys. 6-1.11\ Plinth Level \(p.c.): the building, It i S_made higher ‘than amount depending upon the following facto; of 1 ft. A : > i) The building must be p inside the building, ii)” Drainage of the used water from the building must be easy. iii) Future trends in the locality like raising of street and road levels is to be kept in ming. 7 6-41-12 Ground Level g/L); 6-1.19fParapety x @ * atety My r= ight: S811 wall provided on eriphery of sving 2 nesany ana een ae Set epaner ot eet ti OF -Yr—oe about 5°-0" from top of ther ote where 20 the height “is only recommended in those buildings #ner’ :, f to the root is, not % ‘f paterials on the roof surface. 3 Pe goundary Walls} 3 (is. the outermast wall_of_a building ‘marking — the st of the area used to provide safety and privacy 42" te building. In undeveloped localities, height of g“youndarywall_should be higher than eye-level of | 8 og person but should not be so high that it blocks the jot”. of the wind or the sun. This height is about 5 to, 7 agon the G-L. In developed areas, according to the .bye~ Gf the controlling authorities, the plot is to be ‘kept Gn at least three sides and inside a constructed block ge having its own outer wall with one or two entrances. bs constructed portion is separately safe and provides yacy- SO, in such cases, we may reduce the height of the Cindary Wall. Sometimes boundary wall is replaced by fantation only. ‘ 16 Riser and Tread: The height covered in one step of a stair is .called fdser) and the-wivtm-of horizontal platform required for one epof stair is calle For © public buildings, riser is usually made equal to in while the ‘Taisen e ONE STEP ‘ : - Fig. 6.6 ° 49. 6.5 Steps of a Stair. : Stepped Wall Foundation Ss laximum number of Stey must not exceed 12 to 14, Longer flight ma and uneasy for the-pérson using it. Further , a longer space which is generally not availabis Side a building. : ae ih o Yy be. | i dight-ofistair 4 Nember of treads in-a—t ris lesser oe he number_of_risersbecause the to; Serves the purpose of one.ty Number — fac = fequired for a stair may, be found out as: follows: Number of risers = Height to be covered in : inches Riser in inches = Having decided the values for the riser ang the number of risers are then decided using the above ré}sctt rounding the answer. The value of,riser may then be tony adju accordingly- ‘stegy M 6.1.18 Landing in Stairs: eh TA . " Landing in Stairs The horizontal platform provided between two fii hts: a stair ‘is called landing. It enables us to change the direction of stairs so that these may be accommodated in lengthwise smaller space. Further it provides an oO for taking rest during ed of the stair. znnnieai “ if 6.1.49 Foundation} Lo bie The portion _of_a_structure/under columas \and walls: which transfers load of the structure to the soil underneath. h o An Safe “way without—excessive settlement is called Goundations The load concentration within walls and—columns ii is generally much greater because these structural elements. n resist the load of greater part of the building transferred to them by the beams and the roof-slabs. The function of a \ foundation is to re-distribute this load over a larger area reducing the load per unit area (load intensity) until it becomes equal to the safe bearing capacity of the soil’ « underneath (0.5 to 1.5 Tons/SFt). cope : t Consider the example of an object weighing 100 kg which : is required to be lifted and carried by some distance. If one labourer is employed, it will be very difficult for hin to lift the load. Suppose the same load isto be lifted by a Pportunity p ite x employing ten labourers, the work will be completed quilt. | easily. What happens in the second case? Although aoa toad ¢ le load remains the same, the load per person (called oo) intensity) is reduced from 100 kg-in the first case in the second casel§ In case of a stepped foundation, brick wall is Bre below’ ground level in different steps. The Seats thickness: of the wall in one step should be 24 "ET icy). | brick). on either side with a total of 4% -in_ iced of 3-in'® The height of each step may vary in multiple : tt a ie est vel: are required (ou or fete are” gente of fpundation from. the Srere’ mi cotsctan (oot en wach foundation, lean ind £8 to be provided; mixture of brick-ballast with, 25% pa or equal to ee of this layer must be jesser. Mculations of the lo. depth (6" oF 9") if detailed teps are found out by eae is not possible: the number of y art/2" viding the wall thickness in inches icient so th of foundation fram the G-L- must with pepth ‘ound pat nu of eco feet as ge TT ale rain and ta avot ake care of the possible erosion bY fe ein it (1ik d the top soil layer naving organic stter e roots of trees and grasss etc.) + 4.20 Lintel! concealed beam pr windows and ventilators: intes te o seatl venslty penings 17 walls like doors, DEL DRAWING AND BUILDING DRAWING! ee ODE ARISON BETWEEN MO! ,2 COMPE conventions fterences of the previous here are minor di sed in the model drawing (discussed in the rapters) and those in the building drawings however s whatever discussed for 1 be used meept wise bot i nd sectional Vv Although © inpla orthographic © Wine building drawing °F such a Size of the abject? the building drawing from the much bigger» The first difference of ee ie that mom et object ey inches. Becauee ot mensions mi in feet instead of fen il ° it greater. etference ° 4 tthe object with the rawing. space available; the dimensions are to be reduced Ny times for the drawing work- The “conversion factor theen the actual size an e drawing size, ane referred > as reduction factor i . Following | set of ee is, a araiy, "used in Iding . drawing when "ing in the impert3 nits, architectural scale re Mto para 13 af the 1/16 » the bul Vyavz, 174 ch-feot scale and ale is ac . 4 Cale means that one inch of the drawing line represonts ¢ reduction factor being 12 1 Wy, 200t of th ture In e structure? A Sale means that y/2-in of the drawing line represents etructures the reduction factor being tot the actual 12) rer titec tures sc. tually an it y be defined . 24. Other scales may also : . ‘Simi, scales are written on the drawings in the folowing vee way: Stan ina Drawing line size = One foot of the Structure For example, izin = 1-4 - 172-in = sy 1/4-in = jy - (A) INCH UNITS re amare : p = t feast” "rere Te MMT ra ‘ OF t Ae, 50 2m (B) METRIC Ismaut piv. = 20mm. Fig. 6.7) architectural Scales On the architectural scales, the erm tly.. written: taking dato factors. On one side of showing feet of another foot actual measurements account the reduction the zero-mark, we have the divisions the building while the other side his Givided into 12 inches. To medéure , aay dimension, first a point is selected corresponding to ‘4 whole feet dimension. After moving towards the zero of mA Scale and going beyond it, another point is series bot tting inches ‘of tHe actukl strocture. The: wistange Betwwen the two. se1dcted points will be the ireauice dimension. For bigger scales the inches may Dd 4 Givided inte 2 or 4 parts while approximation for i of anvinch is to be made tor the smaller scales. he id sby tl scale is generally the biggest eee er ruiie scale Civil Engineers and that is why they may call i — ineer'S are not shown by this civil Engin scale metric scales direct ratio between the a in actual size is written. For. example, ; tprat imm or im of the drawing line represent 20%, the ectual structure respectively. Other examp 74250, 3 and so on. i ctual dimensions of the structure are written on ings Tedardless of the Scale used. Wind g Front Sider the side of the builg at side whether it sion. i i i is called ing having main entrance is is the smaller or the larger ine! 2.3 Angle.of Projection: In contrast to the model drawing where 3rd angle rojection is used, ist angle projection is still in use for he building drawing. Latest trends are to shift all types f. drawings towards 3rg angle projection but there are two ain difficulties. Firstly all drawings of ° the existing Wildings are according to the ist angle projection. econdly all the unqualified labour is trained with time eeording to the old method and it is very difficult. to make y change in this so rt of life-long learning without any stematic education. : view which is opposite to the side MMe which we are looking at the object relative to the Iront.. The article 3.10, especially Fig. 3.9 ang Fig. 3.10 y ibe revised to have a clear idea about this arrangement Of views, Sometimes, in building drawing, the end view is drawn on a different Seale than the other views. In that it is not possible to draw E.y, exactly in line wi +) however, all the other princi sia Ples of the ist an Mejection are still followed. oe 82/4 Terminology for Different Views; Mala Tep Schonuieas gti Plan: In architectural or building drawin : t m lays drawn as a sectional top efce formed by” eee ee imaginary horizontal cutting plane Just above tne “ming 1. The view is drawn after removing the upper pang Tit kermed as PLAN. Plan shows. the position ang the size “ot mierent elements of a building Iice wall thtckneagg’’ Pition of beams, doors windows, almirahs ang esses, Sy . < venti besides other optional details ac Sanitary rieeseese s tn; : . is, and furniture, etc, Peeks ASSP tte raaaon that 4b Wi11 only parapet wall and ee ey ef a budiding ang Nothing A> vation: Simpleorthographic vi eireceance: of the finished building is called eShem rf which is equivalent to front view in /the model gy Va biog Elevation is only drawn for the super-structure wi line is drawn at the bottom showing the ground what is present above it is shown. This view is communicate the appearance, hence, d in it. More than one elevations may also be drawn *VOldeg 1 building namely front elevation, rear elevation, ‘a ¢ elevation and right elevation. Sometimes @levatigng Weft © named according to their directions, i Simple top ew used leve: ang EF Us, imensioning je" [ly ty for example, "re © elevation, S-elevation; E-elevation ang Wrelevation, Usua i? ? the most important view or the front elevation se drawntaae F is simply called elevation, “nang d Sections In place of E.V., drawn in the mode, 4 Grawing, section is drawn here. Section, in building 2 drawing, is a term used for the sectional front view or ‘eng ¢ - view of a building drawn to a’ suitably ‘bigger scale showing both the super-structure and the sub-structure; maximua details and all the dimensions are given in cutting is assumed starting from the right up to the bottom of the foundation exposing all> the hidden details like wall thicknesses, floor layers, ~. roof layers, beams and. lintels. Further heights ot doors, windows, and ventilators as well as ceiling heights fat various parts of the building are also shown: If the detaile are more complicated, more than one sections may also be drawn. Plan and section are completely dimensioned for each it. Vertical top of the parapet wall and every part. Before starting with a particular section, its path of - cutting must be shown in plan otherwise it’ will become meaningless. Direction of vision to obtain a sectional view is also shown on the cutting plane by arrows, triangles | or some other suitable means. Each cutting Plane and its associated section may be denoted by different. letters - or | numbers, x Sections are drawn for clarity and to show even the: smallest details in a way that these are easy to’ be reads: hence, usually bigger scale is used for them: Sometimes sections are drawn on the same scale as that of the plan. an q elevation but are never drawn on a reduced. scale. pap bhey scale for sections'is the most common practice. Apprapigy ss symbols for the building materials in elevation (exteri ; g section (af “ $ after cutting), "as given in Chal n Chap) and section NS are r as these contain epee, important for 3 Civil to carry all the dimensios renarry Out structural sions and details yively less important for a al design. Elevation is Pir view 5 very much inport Civil Engineer, howevers Big may be convinced by portant for an Architect. The yed by the colour by Ghe appearance of the building Wevee are relativel ed elevations. and perspectives: Hy. certain speen less important for an architect ial and complicated architectural carried out plan is 5 to show “np the model drawin i : 1g all the views are fogether” to save time but, in the building drawing, 1 Be 9 pleays completed first. Next step for an engineer i e@ path of cutting and then to start with the section. lesser time as far is drawn at the end consuming 2.6 Division of Drawing Space and Dimensioning? e views are kept approximately rawing because the exact is generally selected that views are sufficient to to separate. the views- inside the views as is preferable to give possible. between thi n building d jable for drawing he drawing is so The spaces in— to each other il ‘ of the space avai Wery difficult. Scale for t Miepaces eft, in-between th pccommodate the dimensions and Further few dimensions May be written mpared with the model drawing but it Bimensions outside the views as far’ as 6 in Building D a features are only shown by hed line is not used to show 5.2.7 Dashed Line rawingt nidde! In’ building drawing yeas ne. of sections an pe nether ened Sine symbol is free to represent any other : ty building drawing, dashed line the drawing. n ortain important features in plan like g Stc.,, which are .above the tels sunshades» yanten i . d with the fing plane and are removed upper part horizontal. cutting hese features which are removed with tioning: eC ware ok nidder features because these are not remaining part af the object after Sn 4 ype plaster thickness which is s/e-in to 3/42 Japoseible to be shown on architectural scete? oily 2 thick line is used for plastered face of represent the plaster thickness. Remember that f to : 2h oa 4 ot. ar Tie = ope. Marcelle oe ag \ SECTION AA Seavert’ Ho i ane Boundary Wall * w ce \ halical tc j FU EY. WEEDS oe | ton of two,” 45 SS le in section is the repetit ¢ at a spacing of about 3/16-in. The : ing two lines OF the oe ently draw triangle and piternatively using them. ed to the article 4-1 for details of this method ‘ — NA BUILDING: + PICAL FEATURES PRESENT 1 as in plan of. the then’ window is cut horizontally, ie obtained between ; two ends of the ction will come in’ the ng, an empty space + Wall, Symbol of brickwork in se ae put not in the space for the window as in Fig. De Further from Echind the cutting plane, two ends of (the wall at the bottom of the window) will be / Window is always showt in the closed. position representing the thickness of the’ drawn © enet two lines tselt are to be draune. These lines “may, be inthe. thickness of the wall--with any suitable: 12 7 Spacing in-between, not according to the scale, lines will serve the purpose of a symbol. fo: sections If sunshade is to be added on top. of the w in. external walls to protect the window from rain ahdou: une it must be dashed line in plan because actuall sew) is removed with the upper part of the building during tne “own cutting assumed. Each type and size of the wi e gra Ndow i * by different numbers like W1, W2, W3, etc. Wherever eed atts type of window (suppose W1) comes, only its tyoo (iy ane eran written and then its dimensions may separately’ ce given 45 hen the form of a standard table called Schedule of onesies in : will avoid duplication of dimensions and wily Beat ae tae complete record .of the number and sizeof a11 the dooré, windows and ventilators. Sizes of the features of this “ are always recorded in the following standa rd way: erti : : assum WiV,D. (Number in subscript) Horz. dimension x Height For’ example, in W2 6'-0" x 4°20" 5 6-0" with aie the horizontal dimension and 4°-O" will be the height. DL O"x 7°-0" | means a door having 4°-0" horizontal Ginensfon and 7'-0" vertical dimension. with i * solic l 6" DEEP Symbc \ LINTEL Super Hi goinc fh S" THICK» by "[ | 7 SUNSHADE "6" WIDE. | 64,2 C. ELEVATION . ‘ > iW 6:0"x4"0" ' 1 woo ~~ SUNSHADE. A~ HORIZONTAL SECTION . Fig. 6.10 Symbols of Window in’ Di ferent Views: 28) = yindow, in vertical section is-shown by four Times forizontal section, see Fig, 6-10 (B). On top.” y there is R.C.C. lintel shown by light grect grader, if « present, Will be connected with the 3 the same R.C.C. symbol. For elevation (or exterior the window, as in Fig. 6.10 (c), the outer line (iss 15 ae exactly according to the dimensions whereas the inner , i fs only drawn symbolically without scale | 2° main at + the buildings. The details of doors, windows and Piiators may be provided in separate drawings: Ventilator: Myentilator is denoted by the letter wye section and elevation just like a window, cutting .for the ‘plan, the ventilators are and is shown in When we removed~ i Fig. 6-11 Symbol of Ventilator in Plan ee ith the upper part. At the level of cutting, there is 4 Shown by the symbol of brickwork "in .section. plid. wall ymbol of a ventilator, just’ like a window, is then uperimposed on the plan by using dashed lines. A window ing near the ceiling is called ceilacious window » denoted A 4 Door is denoted by the letter °D’ and is shown in ftical section in closed position like a window. At’ thé tom of the door, the top floor finish layer will be tinuous over the brick wall underneath. D.P.C. is not ®vided under the doors and all such openings Which start z the floor level like verandah opening, etc. In plan, P door is shown in open positica and, with «thin line, Ng of the door during opening is also shown: The space” @en. two ends of the solid wall is left exactly according the dimensions of the door. Frame’of the door is “then Sippymbolically without the actual dimensions. Next, for ane leaf door, considering the inner edges of the frame hal. centers, two arcs are drawn having radii equal tos qualf the clear distance between both ends'of the frame. Bengt ames showing the leaves of the déor are": thence Pendicular to the wall. The advantage of this:sym “3 Door: Ba: : @ consumed bythe door 4’). - tes. the spac' " i Sed that it also indi ee door: is preferred for wide dogpei” opening. Dows present away from the corners of the for. the dot topme: ors prgnauld preferably be accommodated neg oom Single-lea 43 Be c = leaving a gap of about 4 yon, Q corner of the bytiding : Ts et G6" DEEP Vinten y D2.2*6'x GLg" + ELEVATION ¢ FLUSH Door SINGLE-LEAF poor | Ds 2-6"xete" > : | qs B. VERTICAL SECTION SWINGING DOOR a : : : ; a A. HORIZONTAL SECTION Fig. 6.12 Symbols of Doors} DOUBLE-LEAF DOOR i . ‘ ae the other wall. The symbol is drawn nearly in the same way. as ‘that for a double-leaf door. A Swinging door may open on: both the sides and is preferred. for kitchen of a residential”: building, clinics, and cafeterias, etc. In elevation, the door is ‘shown according to, its surface appearance..’Flueh door (having plane surface with pattern of the wood visible) is shown b y the symbol of wood in elevation. a paneled door (divided. i . nto panels) is shown by drawing lines to shaw pattern ap <4 Proximately without the actual dimensions. 6.4.4. D.P.Ci: i a Pamp proof. course (DPC) is provided inside “all “the | « walls which are continuous above the. plinth level. “Its topi is . generally made 4 in level with the top of the floor’. puildt The own varies fo een eu eines ential soils to 3" for . in section i official isa dark SO eos a eR eas 5 dation Foun jal typical For ge THick ical Foundation Details for a Thick Wallt ie thick saving er-line this 5 TYP or a typical fol It is preter (servin re half ocedure different n the roof details typical 9 thick etails are of tions i layer je mud plaster bitumen coating » show! space suitable + described in a separate line ending mith the starting. from the top-most layer, as shown in Description of a layer includes its thickness: a, about its material of construction, >» ROOF DETAILS if" THICK BRICK TILES LAID IN (3) evs MORTAR oven <4, "THICK PROPERLY SLOPPED MUD PLASTER OVER. ee fe 3’ THICK EARTH INSULATION oveR - ie 80 G./SQ.M. POLYETHYLENE SHEET over’ | se 2 COATS OF HOT. BITUMEN. OVER Biases |G 6" THICK R.c.c. SLAB P es ot F t t : e 6.4.6 Floor Details: ie Floor details are wri tten in the same ‘way as the details. Each la yer is described in separate line and description is started from the topmost layer. Garth at the bottom of the ground floor has no definite’ thickness ‘as the earth is continuous below. / Fig. 6.15 Typical Floor Details p> FLOOR DETAILS iy" THICK FLOOR FINISH OF. P.C.c, 4° THICK P.C.C. U4s8y OVER 4" THICK -SAND FILLING ovVER WELL ComPACTED EARTH 24) OVER 6.5, DRAWING OF A BUILDING: "having practice to” draw Plan, section a elevation’ for important features of a building, drawing .o’ 2) OS ‘pie Gees Pean of the Building i i of doors and windows ,and foundations _ heights, ube! Sections tha host important. view in ee. 3H. f brawirlg. The three dimensional view of ‘the, Enzo enpogiaee an idea of the sectional vi ew from one hereas,. it may also be used to have an° ides abou whe! , Fig. 6:19 Same as Fig. 6.17 With Cutting Plane for Section aa nterrelationship Shed een An section and’ in “elesatice may view of the same Called Section. Maxi written in this view The three views accordin division The starting bottom-lert drawing sheet border line. S dimensions with its with) the selected ~ point. completing the section just above i l spaces are left on + Section is drawn on is selected heré) on’ the the scale. In this case BP Fig. 6.24. The! approximate. red“at the! from the left y UoTy29g 40} BuTAaTO JaA3Y HICK P.C.C. (418) OVER Gaeeg Age THICK SAND CUSHION OVER Oeste eee \SECTION A-A Qt core Ae na of the Building egy ez Elevatio + Sige t SCHEDULE OF NINGS c_OF OPENINGS SCHEDULE OF -OPENINS® Ea eager} CpeseniPTioN > WeRTe Pale WOODEN PANELLED : SINGLE LEAF DOOR 4 STEEL PANELLED GLAZED 3-0" pe _ |winpow WITH WIRE-GAUZE STEEL PANFLLI 9 oe : LLED GLAZED VENTILATOR WITH WIRE-GAUZE get lof" DEEP WOODEN 2-6 2 SHELVED ALMIRAH ~ fa lhs Openin = SE" —— les over the (pj $ : in the rectang Ot~area i Hay oy eae gitterent trials to achieve the best sate Oe covered, in mind the position of the doors tg be ‘On: keeping lt to fulfill all th, Provideg it is difficu le requir cra an that case, we have to consider the Preferences ments , — to the selected pattern, roughiy tea ding : pled atthe ‘graplt paper making smati adjustments” fhe the position of do i Decide about 9ors wind. ventilators: almirahs, exhaust fans, and air-conditioners If these features cannot be adjusted’ accuratels Peconerse: the arrangement. 6.8 TYPES OF CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS: 1. Proposal drawing or proposal sketching 2. Perspective 3. Submission drawing 4. Working drawings 5. Completion drawing 6.8.1 PROPOSAL AND PERSPECTIVE: First architect collects data and requirements ‘for the building such as the funds available, plot Size, use of the building, number of stories desired, north direction, plot- level especially in comparison with road level, required [gem sizes, etc. Then he makes a number of pri 95als keeping in’ mind the by-laws of the controlling authorities. For Proposals, plans and elevation are drawn on a very small stale like 1/8 or 1/16 while the section is usually ‘not Needed. Plans and elevation, in these drawings, are made attractiy, 2 colouri and, if needed, perspectives are also({drawn to impress the Client qe The proposals are then discussed with the client and changes are made according to his wishes. Sometimes, if the flient dislikes the proposals altogether, new proposals are fo be made. Offering of proposals is continued’ till the client is satisfied with a certain plan. 6.8.2 SUBMISSION DRAWING: Submission drawings. are actually legal documents used fe, 2Pprove the plan from the.controlling authorities \like La and LMC. ‘ a ; Plans (ground floor Plan, first floor, plan and so cols an elevation ‘and a section is drawn in these drawings. PLans_ TE EG) oes aa, ae ee jon here is. used details are ino 176 scale and: is the simplest Be tee Gencecate’ natant 1/8 scale. Sect KE give important heights put all the quired That is why it is \also oraem ‘on 4 maken. enroush: such # portion so that it 4° Betional view. . gite plandis required in the submission drawings for. Sater in size than 10 marlas- Site plan shows the ° actual building or the constructed portion as ¢ to the total plot area- ike 1/46 or 1/32. If site P the main plans are only drat for the constructey without showing the open spac _the bow ms so shown in the site plans passing» then con! compare! scale drawings portion wall. Various services are al Waample, if sewerage line is of the main line are shown an is indicated. Further comments are WASA Sewerage Line" etc. for the plot nection “disposal written like 6.25 Site Plan Fig- WASA SEWER LINE ocat. on pian-is also drawn to indicate the location of tl 7 Sgcale like 1/64. It is 4 part-plan of the teal’ scheme; one or two main toads with their names and neighbouring plots are shown: i Doors, windows and ventilators are marked by Di» D2). wo. Wd, W2pececens and Vis V2,«0--0+ in the plans ta and other related details are these componen form of a table called Schedule of Openings- The sizes of given in the Statement of Areas oF Schedule of Areas is also in which total area of the plot, prepared in tabular form pee oe, aa towable covered areas ground fic, covered area, allonecovered area etc. are given: area and first flog é SECTOR E, NEW TOWN ee ROAD ~X y SE 36 ROAD-Y Fig. 6.26 Location Plan Submission drawing should have the name and complete. address of the owner’ and further it should” be properly signed by the owner. The drawing should also be signed by a’, licensed architect. Sometimes stability certificate is also required. , : These drawings are submitted to the controlling authorities and only. after their approval, the construction. can be started, . $:8.9- (GARIN DRAWINGS: : : Working drawings are those drawings which are used for carrying out construction. at the site according to the design. Examples of the working drawings are as follows: a) Architectural working drawings 6) Structural working drawings i) Foundation plan ii) Reinforcement details iii) Plumbing works a, ret (Plumbing means “the water supply and its ‘disposal. inside the building) iv) Details of doors and windows ¥) Bathroom and kitchen details vil Electrification plan (After approval of the plan, through the submission drawing, architectural working drawings are made in which all the details are given which are necessary for the at- site construction. The sections are drawn on enlarged scales and a5 Many number of sections are used as needed to clearly explain the structure. On blown-up scales, stair details and Getails of kitchen and bathrooms etc. are also show). Further, position of various types of, furnitures is. also drawn indicated in the plans. More than one elevations are to represent the shape from different directions. In working drawings, we can make small changes from the approved plans like alteration in the position of doors. and windows. and small adjustments in the internal sizes of the rooms. After structural and plumbing design of the building, working drawings are made to show the results of these designs. 6.8.4 COMPLETION DRAWING? after construction of the building, drawings are made according to the actually constructed features called completion or as7built drawings. These drawings are then submitted to the authorities to get the completion certificate and only after their approval the owner can legally occupy the building.

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