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To What Extent Immigration Contribute To

Country's Welfare
Immigration is the movement through which individual permanently move from their
place of residence to another country." In simple words immigration is the medium
through which people move from one country to another for high standard of living ,
earning money, to gain knowledge or education . Settling people in another country
or region either permanently or temporarily, has many benefits for host country as
well as home country. From many parts of the world more and more people migrants
to USA ,Canada, UK, Australia, Newzealand and European countries. Immigration
helps in country by several ways, for example overseas students invest a lot of
money which is very much helpful to the countries welfare. Immigration also
contribute its role in the economic growth, cultural activities, increase the standard
of living and settles good relationship between two countries. This essay will
discuss the immigration's contribution to the country's welfare.

To begin with, there are different types of immigration, classed under different
categories of visa. The first one is employment visa or working visas, is most
commonly authorized to highly skilled workers. Candidates which have advanced
knowledge and are highly educated , get visa under this category. Some of the public
and private business companies in different parts of world sponsored these types of
visas. Foreign students are actively encouraged by the government of different
countries for study. "There are a number of categories of student visa, most of which
require a confirmed offer from an educational institution. Visas are often granted on
the basis of family background" . In family background they see whether a student's
family has enough funds to study in foreign country. These funds includes living cost,
transport cost, tuition fee of the course, travel charges and health insurance. Now-a-
days all the countries has strict rules for the student visas. All the students have to
pass the English language requirements, for example they have to do
IELTS(International English language testing system) and TOEFL( Test of English as
foreign language). There are also number of different types of family visas, which
includes Parent visas, Spouse visas and tourist visa. These visa are help to
permanent setting in foreign country. Family and student visa applicant requires to
live for at least 4 years.

As we all know immigration plays an important role for the people and country."
Earning a high income and learning new cultural practices are some of the
advantage of immigration. For businesses, immigration allows entry into new
markets thus increasing the number of customers for the business' products. In
terms of disadvantages, immigration can lead to an increase in crime rates as well
as spread of viruses or diseases such as swine flu, cancer ,AIDS etc." But we can
see that the advantages of the immigration are more than the disadvantages. So we
are now more discuss about the role of immigration for welfare of the country.
Immigration is a good thing because foreigners will do the jobs in different parts of
the world. Truthfully, immigration is good because immigrants bring in new ideas,
new culture, new food, and so on. When a person is migrate from one country to
another it is very helpful for the country in which he/she is migrate or live there.
Brain drain also help in welfare of the country. "Brain drain refers to the increasing
tendency of the young, energetic, capable and talented youth of a country to migrate
to another country in search of their future. However, Immigrants contribute
economically by earning and spending money, which benefits local businesses, and
by generating tax revenue". Many organizations also state that immigrants provide
companies with a pool of workers whose skills are very beneficial for company and
the development of nation. America is one of the most powerful and developed
country in the world, what is the reason behind this? The reason is immigration, as
from last 5 years nearly 8 million people migrant to America. American government
give visa to highly skilled students and employers so that they can contribute their
role for the development .People from China, India, Japan, Pakistan who are well
educated get job in different fields in America. "International tourism also one of the
part of immigration and it also help in the economies of the countries for example
entry of new companies and tourism field that has made air travel cheaper and
accessible to all people from all corners of the world".

Furthermore, Multinational companies have started new brands or branches in

different countries due to globalization. When people move from one country to
another for some business meetings, they share their products and make dealing
.This leads to the exchange of goods and product between countries. Many branded
clothes, fruits, vegetables, machinery, automobile spare-parts etc import and export
to other countries. So in this way employees of an organization travel to various
countries in a big number and give benefit in field of welfare to countries. There is
one of the most important point for immigration is spread of movies and satellites
channels across the world has inspired the views to visit other countries. Immigrants
come with their own culture and may influence host cultures by their own cultures.
Immigrants spread their culture to foreign countries and the people of these
countries excited to learn some different culture. For example a person who is
belong to India and he is a Punjabi. As we all know Punjabi culture are very popular
in all most all the countries of the world. Suppose he is now lives in Australia and he
spread their culture , like to tell the people about their 10 Gurus , their history, How
strong they were and what are the problems to face. He also spread dressing of their
culture like salwar suits for girls and kurta pajamas and turban for boys. He also
gives the knowledge of their native language that is Punjabi. As we see today most
of the foreign countries and foreign people also adopts Punjabi culture. Many
foreigners like the dresses of the Punjabi's. Now in foreign countries in every city
there are many Gurudwaras (religious temples) and people like to visit Gurudwaras
and this helps to spread culture and promote religion. In some countries Punjabi
language is declared as second language of the country. The state "Surry" in Canada
declared Punjabi language as the second official language. This all is happen by
immigration or we can say that moving of people from one country to another
country. The person who is from India also spread their festivals. Festivals can be
used to attract international visitors and investors, government can promote special
feature of celebration along with art that is associated with the festivals in various
countries. These promotions attract people of other countries to visit our nation to
be a part of the celebration. This helps to increase the economic growth of nation.

However, Immigration also helps us gathering information about new technology in

the world. People which are migrate from another country gain some knowledge of
new technology which helpful for other countries those who have no such
technology. This helps to create good things or some other products by new
techniques . Immigration also helps in innovation of new ideas and thoughts. It
means to create new ideas for developing new technology, for trading etc. A good
decision making person helps in the companies to increase the income by his good
decision. He should be good person and ability to make good or innovative ideas to
company for the welfare of that company. Multinational companies like IT collects
finance from foreign countries due to their creative mind and innovative ideas. From
their innovative mind he/she create or generate new products in any field which
meets the need of the people. Than this new product transportation any part of the
country and ear money. To add on, many youngster who are coming to foreign
countries for study also contribute in the welfare. The quality of life is improved with
immigration. This benefit is usually experienced by oversea students and probably
helps them to fulfill their goals and a better life in future. Canada, Australia, UK and
Newzealand attracts more overseas students because these countries has the
combination of well profiled universities which are internationally recognized. So, if
any student who qualified from these counties' universities can get a job in their
home country as well as in foreign countries.

In a nutshell, it can be said that immigration builds good relationships between

nations. It helps in financial as well as economic growth of the nation. Immigration is
helpful for us like to get knowledge about the culture, language, food and creates
innovative ideas. Immigration should follow strict rules and laws while processing
any case so that in future terrorist activities and drug dealers will not achieve their

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