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Analysis of the

Kartilya of the Katipunan

Kartilya ng Katipunan was primarily written by Andres Bonifacio. Emilio
Jacinto later made revisions creating a new rulebook known as Decalogue. It
served as a guidebook for newcomers those people who are willing to join the

The original version has 14 paragraphs that contains the values that a
Katipunero should have. Each paragraph is unique in such a way that they
tackle different aspects of a person’s life. In which case, anyone may have
different interpretation. Hence, it is only appropriate to have a better
understanding or explanation to its contents.

1. The first tenet highlights the importance of living a purpose-driven life. A

Katipunero who does not have a purpose lives a useless life.

2. The second rule is all about doing the right thing. A deed carried out for the
sake of fame is not worthy of praise.

3. The third tenet shows what kindness really means. True act of kindness for
a Katipunero is in the love and service he render to other people and not the
other way around.

4. The fourth tenet highlights equality. Every Katipuneros are treated equally
no matter what race or educational background he has.

5. The fifth shows what honor should mean for a Katipunero. A true
Katipunero values honor more than his personal interest.

6. The sixth tenet is all about being a man of word. A Katipunero who has a
sense of shame must be a man of his word.

7. The seventh rule gives importance to time. A Katipunero must give

importance to time. For the Katipunan, a time that is lost will never be back.

8. The eighth tenet is all about fighting for what is right. A Katipunero must
protect the weak and fight those who oppress the weak.

9. The ninth tenet highlights the importance trust. A Katipunero is careful

with what he says and keeps the things that must be kept secret.
10. The tenth principle is all about being able to lead a family. A Katipunero
must lead his family to the right path. If the leader is consumed by evil, so does
his followers.

11. The eleventh principle is all about women. A Katipunero must give
importance to a woman. He must not see her as an object, nor a past time. That
whenever a Katipunero sees a woman, he will remember his mother who
nurtured him.

12. The twelfth principle gives importance to every actions that one has to
make. A Katipunero must not do the things that he does not want to be done to
him or to his family.

13. The thirteenth principle is about having the right character. A Katipunero’s
life is not measured by what is his status in life nor with the things that he
possess. Instead, it is in his character and his love for the native land.

14. The last tenet, shows a glimpse of what the author desire. It shows the
sense of hopefulness for the motherland and that all the sacrifices made is not
all for nought.

And while we have different interpretation with what was intended by

Bonifacio, there is one thing that everyone can agree on:

Kartilya ng Katipunan was meant to guide us in living our everyday life its
fullest. More importantly, it highlights the importance of having the right
attitude towards other people.

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