Branch-Line Hybrid-Rings With Coupled-Lines

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Iwata Sakagamit, Takatugu Munehiro t, Hiroyuki Tanakatt, and Tatsuo Itohttt

A branch-line hybrid-ring is composed of four quarter-wavelength-transmission lines, and hence
occupies a large area on printed circuitboards because of its loop structure. In this paper, a branch-
line hybrid-ring which includes microwave C sections is proposed for size reduction. The perfect
input match and isolation can be attained at a center frequency as in a normal hybrid-ring. No
practical differences are found in the frequency characteristics between the normal network and the
proposed one.

A branch-line hybrid-ring(briefly, BL hybrid) is an important circuit element in microwave
integratedcircuits and can be used as a power divider/combineror a mixer together with nonlinear
elements[1]. The prototype network is composed of four quarter-wavelength transmission lines
with a loop structure, and hence occupies a large area on printed circuit boards[2]. For this reason,
reduced-size hybrid rings using multilayer meander-like transmission lines or lumped capacitors
have been proposed[3,4]. In this paper, a BL hybrid-ring which includes two microwave C
sections[5] is proposed for the purpose of size reduction. The perfect input match, isolation, and
power split can be satisfied at a center frequency according to the classical microwave network


Figure 1 shows a network consisting of two transmission lines of line length I 1 and 1 2 and a
coupled line section called microwave C-section. Let the phase-shift of the C-section at a center
frequency be (cG. Then,

*co = 2arctan(taro/v1W) (1)

where 8c0=21 c/XO, m = Zae/Zao = (1+k)/(l-k), and ZaeZao=Za2. The Zae and Zao are the even
and odd mode characteristic impedances, 1 c is the coupled-line length, ko the wave length at a
center frequency, and k the coupling coefficient. As the coupling is given by K = -lOlog iok2
[dB], the phase shift +co can be determinedby K and line length 1 c.
Suppose that the coupled line is in an inhomogeneous medium [6], then the total F-matrix is given

tMuroran Institute of Technology, 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran-shi, 050 Japan

ttS.B.Techno-Research Co.,LTD, 495 Akiba-cho, Tozuka-ku, Yokohama-Shi, 245 Japan
tttDepartmentof ElectricalEngineering, University of Californiaat Los Angeles,
405 Hilgard Ave., Loas Angeles, CA90024, USA

rAi Bi :,

FiFaiFl Fa2 j 2 (2)

wher Fct is a F-matrix derived from a transmission line equation in an inhomogeneous medium
It can be proved that Fal and Fcin or Fcin and Fa2 are commutable to each other under the
condition of ZaeZao=Za2 and Pae=Pao. This means that Fi maintains the same matrix elements
under such conditions regardless of the position of the C-section as long as the sum of I 1 and 12: is
constant. Therefore, the total phase shift of the network in Fig. 1 is given by

= 2arctan(tarf) c/J) + 0aI + Ha2 (3)

where 0c. 0ab and 0a are the electrical length of the coupled line and the single lines
Figures 2 and 3 show the phase-shift of the C-section and that of the combined network of Fig. 1.
The phase shift of the C-section does not reach 900 at the center frequency under the condition of I c
= ko/8.22, whereas the phase shift of the network in Fig. I is compensated so as to be 900 by the
two single lines.


Normal hybrid-rings are composed of four quarter wavelength transmission lines. In Fig.4, two
of four quarter-wavelengthtransmission lines are replaced by the network in Fig. 1. Let us analyze
the frequency characteristicsby using a Y-matrixmethod.
The admittancematrix of Fig. 1 which includes the C-section can be derived from, (2) as follows:

0 Y -1 -l il (4)

where yi- 1 1= Yacoth(4n and Yi- 12 = Yacsch(t). Regarding the single line of quarter wavelength,
the Y-matrixis given by yi-1 1 = Ybcoth(Ob), Yi-12 = -Ybcsch(Ob), i=2,4 and Ob=(nf/2fo). yb is
the characteristicadmittance of the single line. Therefore, the admittance matrix of the proposed
network at Fig.4 is given by

Y11 Y12 Y13 0

'Y Y12 yll Y13
Yt= Y13 & y1l0 Y12 (5)
L 0 Y13 Yl2 yll J

wherey11=Y1 l11Y2-11, Y12=y-12, Y13=Y2-12.

In this paper, the four ports of the BL hybrid are assumed to be terminated by the same
impedanceZo. The equal power split being supposed, relationships of Za = Zo and Zb Z61V2 are
established. In general, the scatteringmatrixis given by

S =(E - Yt)(E +Yt) (6)

In a normal hybrid-ring, the network design for equal power split will be finished if Za = Zo and
Zb = Zo/12 are chosen. The frequency characteristics are uniquely deternined. However, in the
proposed network, two other parameters, the coupling K and the coupled-linelength I c still exist.
A. Case of I c=Xo/8.22
Theoretical calculations under the condition of I c=Xo/S.22 are shown in Figs. 5(a)-(d). The
input match, isolation and equal power split at a center frequency are satisfied. The frequency
bandwidth becomes narrower as the coupling is tighter. However, there will be no need to assume
tight coupling in the proposed network.
B. Case of K=lSdB
The case where the coupling remains K=15dB but the phase shifts at the center frequency are
respectively4co = 00, 300, 600, and 900 is investigated. These parameters of 1co were determined
by the coupled-line length I c. No practical differences are found among the frequency
characteristics under the four conditions of 1oc

The network was built up with a homogeneous medium of dielectricconstant er=2.6 K=15 dB
and Iko = 600 were selected for the coupled'section. The frequency characteristics were measured
by an ADVANTEST R3762B network analyzer. As the network.was hand-made, we designed it at
low frequency band (600MHz) to confirm the theory. However, it is considered that this structure is
more effective in the MMIC design in the regions of the millimeter waves, for the line length is
relatively long compared with the cross-sectional dimensions. For instance, the cross-sectional
dimensions are on the order of itm, whereas the line length is on the order of mm. Furthermore, it
has been reported that no practicaldifferences are found in the comparison of the quasi-static and the
full-wave analyses regarding coupled two-line systems [7]. Figure 6 shows the amplitude
characteristicsof K=15 dB and ko = 600.

The case that transmission lines of a normal BL hybrid-ring are folded to reduce the network size
and that the folded lines begin to have the electromagnetic coupling has been taken up. The
conditions required for a normal BL hybrid, input matching, isolation and (equal) power split are
still satisfied. The location of the folded coupled line section is arbitrary under ZOeZoo=Z02 and
equal phase velocities of the even and odd modes. This feature will facilitate the network design.
The differences of the frequency characteristics between a normal BL hybrid and the- folded BL
hybrid are so small as to be negligible at loose coupling, and hence will not be a problem for
practicaluse. The area of the proposed hybrid is reduced to 22/55, compred with a regualr square of
normal BL hybrid.

1. S.A.Maas, Microwave Mixers. Norwood,MA:Artech House, 1986.
2. J.Reed and G.J.Wheeler, "A method of analysis of symmetrical four-port networks," IRE
Trans., MTT-4, pp.246-252, Nov.1966.
3. T.Hirota, A.Minakawaand M.Muraguchi,"Reduced-sizebranch-lineand rat-racehybrids for
uniplanarMMIC's,"IEEE Trans., VolMTT-38, pp.270-275, March 1990.

4. S.Banba, T.Hasegawa and H.Ogawa, "MultilayerMMIC branch-linehybrid using thin dielectric
layers," IEEE Microwaveand guided wave letters, Vol. 1, No. 1 1, pp.346-347, Nov. 1991.
5. B.M.Schiffman, "A new class of broad-band microwave 90-degree phase shifters," IRE Trans.,
vol.MTT-6, pp.232-237, April 1958.
6. G.I.Zysman and A.K.Johnson, " Coupled transmission line networks in an inhomogeneous
dielectricmedium," IEEE Trans., MTT-17, 10, pp.753-759, Oct. 1969.
7. Y.Fukuoka, Q.Zhang, D.P.Neikirk and T.Itoh, "Analysis of multilayerinterconnectionlines for
a high-speed digital integratedcircuit," IEEE Trans.,vol.MTT-33, pp.527-532, June 1985.

t Zae, Pal=jtan(Oae)
Zao, Pao=jtan(Oao)

04- 12

Pal=Jtan(Oal) Pa29 tan(0a2)

Fig. 1 Combination of a coupled line section and two
trasnmission lines of which line length are 11 and 12

: No coupling
- K=lOdB- : K=3dB
: Nocoupjing /
. -- - : K=lOdB-
- : K=3dB
180 180

0 a)
90 a)90
0 -a

0 0 1 2
2 Normalized Frequency
Normalized Frequency
Fig. 2 Phase shift of the C-section Fig.3 Phase shift of the network in Fig. 1.
Ic= XO/8.22 = XO/8.22 t;

o r t 3S

port?2 In
4 port4
Zb = Zo/VT2, lb =XgI4

Fig.4 Branch line hybrid-ring with two C-sections

5 25

15 0.
3 0

2 5

I 0.51
0.5 1 I.5
I. 1.5
Normalized Frequency Normalized Frequency

(a) VSWR at port I (b) S21 from ports I to 2


7 '
6 I
5 ''

0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.
,NformoIz ed F re8q W e n c y i N o m a I Normalized Frequency

(c) S31 from ports 1 to 3 (d) S41 from ports 1 to 4.

Fig.5 Frequency characteristicsof a BL hybrid-ring with coupled-lines of 1 e Xo/8.22.

.z -: No coupling(NormalBL hybrid-ring), -- - - K=lOdB,
----------: K=3dB


-10 -10
A -20 -20:
- o Measurem o Measured
- Calculate Calculated
-30 0o 600

(a) S j 1 at port 1. (b) S21 from ports 1 to2.

m '0



.0 a

Frequency [MHz] Frequency [MHz]

(c) S3 1 from ports 1 to 3. (d) S41 from ports l to 4.

Fig.6 Frequency characteristicsof a BL hybrid-ring with coupled-lines of K=15dB and 4co= 60°.


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