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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

138 (3rd series)

C. Rosano, M.A. Ikram, and M. Ganguli, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 10

Epidemiology of epilepsy
University of Pittsburgh Comprehensive Epilepsy Center (UPCEC), University of Pittsburgh Medical School, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Modern epidemiology of epilepsy maximizes the benefits of advanced diagnostic methods and sophisti-
cated techniques for case ascertainment in order to increase the diagnostic accuracy and representativeness
of the cases and cohorts studied, resulting in better comparability of similarly performed studies. Overall,
these advanced epidemiologic methods are expected to yield a better understanding of diverse risk factors,
high-risk populations, seizure triggers, multiple and poorly understood causes of epilepsy, including the
increasing and complex role of genetics, and establish the natural course of treated and untreated epilepsy
and syndromes – all of which form the foundation of an attempt to prevent epileptogenesis as the primary
prophylaxis of epilepsy. Although data collection continues to improve, epidemiologists still need to
overcome definition and coding variability, insufficient documentation, as well as the interplay of socio-
economic factors and stigma. As most of the 65–70 million people with epilepsy live outside of resource-
rich countries, extensive underdiagnosis, misdiagnosis, and undertreatment are likely. Epidemiology will
continue to provide the necessary information to the medical community, public, and regulators as the
foundation for improved health policies, targeted education, and advanced measures of prevention and
prognostication of the most common severe brain disorder.

DEFINITIONS that seizure was a provoked seizure, such as neonatal,

febrile, or acute symptomatic seizure, whether it was
Achieving homogeneity regarding nomenclature, tax- a single unprovoked seizure, or whether it was a recur-
onomy, and definitions is an essential prerequisite for
rent unprovoked seizure, mandating the diagnosis of
accurate documentation of epileptic phenomena. Using
epilepsy (i.e., disease).
heterogeneous taxonomy may lead to a mismatch in the
identification of key diagnostic features and pathophys-
Epileptic seizure
iologic entities and thus lead to results that cannot be
compared regarding the key epidemiologic parameters, An epileptic seizure is now generally accepted as being
such as incidence, prevalence, and risk factors. It is defined as “the transient occurrence of signs and/or
important therefore to clearly distinguish an epileptic symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous
seizure from other seizure-like events and mimics, such neuronal activity in the brain” (Fisher et al., 2005).
as syncope, tics, breath-holding spells, transient ische- When including seizures when attempting to diagnose
mic attacks, and mental health-related events. Once epilepsy (i.e., disease), the suspected event must be
the clinical entity has been identified as a true epileptic distinguished from other paroxysmal neurologic entities.
seizure (i.e., symptom), it is important to determine if Other events that are often mistaken for seizures include

Current address: Sergiu Abramovici, MD, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, 6 Weizmann St., Tel-Aviv, 6423906, Israel.
Cell-phone number: +972-52-7360535, Email:

*Correspondence to: S. Abramovici, University of Pittsburgh Comprehensive Epilepsy Center (UPCEC), University
of Pittsburgh Medical School, Suite 811, Kaufmann Medical Building, 3471 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA.
Tel: +1-412-877-2582, E-mail:
transient ischemic attacks, migraine-related transient Epilepsy
neurologic deficits or visual phenomena, syncope, acute
Epilepsy is defined as “a disorder of the brain charac-
psychosis-related hallucinations, parasomnias, espe-
terized by an enduring predisposition to generate
cially rapid-eye-movement sleep behavioral disorder,
epileptic seizures, and by the neurobiologic, cognitive,
hyperkinetic movement disorders, like tremor, chorea,
psychologic, and social consequences of this condition
and athetosis, metabolic and toxic derangements that
(Fisher et al., 2014).” A diagnosis of epilepsy should be
cause movement and awareness-related changes, and
made in any of the following conditions: (1) at least two
nonepileptic behavioral spells (Smith, 2012). The latter
unprovoked (or reflex) seizures occurring > 24 hours
is common in conversion disorders and was diagnosed
apart; (2) one unprovoked (or reflex) seizure and a prob-
in 25–26% of epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) admis-
ability of further seizures similar to the general recurrence
sions (Salinsky et al., 2011). Misidentification of the
risk after two unprovoked seizures, occurring over the
specific episode may lead to false diagnosis and misdiag-
next 10 years (at least 60%); or (3) diagnosis of an epilepsy
nosis of epilepsy, thus skewing the data towards over- or
syndrome (Fisher et al., 2014). The definition of epilepsy,
underestimation of incidence and prevalence.
as adopted by the International League Against Epilepsy
(ILAE) in 2014, requires the occurrence of at least one epi-
Acute symptomatic seizures leptic seizure. This detail is extremely important in the cur-
rent and future study of epilepsy epidemiology, since
An acute symptomatic seizure, or provoked seizure, is a
previous definitions of epilepsy required two seizures at
seizure that was provoked by a direct insult to the brain.
least 24 hours apart. As many cohorts studied after this
This insult may be focal, such as stroke, encephalitis, a
declaration are expected to include more cases diagnosed
tumor, or any focal process exerting direct irritation over
with epilepsy, the future incidence and prevalence of epi-
the cortex. Other insults may be generalized and exert
lepsy are expected to rise. Nevertheless, there are some cir-
their effect indirectly by a systemically diffuse toxic,
cumstances under which recurrent seizures do not
metabolic, inflammatory, or paraneoplastic process. In
necessarily mandate the diagnosis of epilepsy and are sel-
a review of several studies conducted between 1990
dom considered as such. A cluster of multiple seizures
and 2005, on diverse populations from different parts
occurring in a period of 24 hours, a single episode of status,
of the world, the incidence of acute symptomatic seizures
or febrile seizures should not be considered epilepsy indef-
ranged between 20 and 39 cases per 100 000 persons per
initely (Commission on Epidemiology and Prognosis,
year (Loiseau et al., 1990; Hauser et al., 1993; Forsgren
1993). While epilepsy can begin in the neonatal period,
et al., 1996; Jallon et al., 1997; MacDonald et al., 2000;
neonatal seizures are usually considered to be reactive to
Olafsson et al., 2005).
an acute cerebral insult and usually do not persist beyond
a few weeks after onset.
Unprovoked seizure
An unprovoked seizure is a seizure without any identi- Drug-resistant epilepsy
fied focal or systemic immediate cause, although it fre- Drug-resistant epilepsy, also named intractable epilepsy
quently has such an event as an antecedent, serving as or refractory epilepsy, is defined as failure of adequate
a risk factor. A classic example is the emergence of sei- trials of two tolerated, appropriately chosen and used
zures after a significant latent period of several months or antiepileptic drug schedules (whether as monotherapy
even years following a stroke or encephalitis. In an anal- or in combination) to achieve sustained seizure freedom
ysis of several studies conducted between 1990 and (Kwan et al., 2009). This definition requires expert epi-
2005, on diverse populations from different parts of lepsy care, since there are numerous cases of patients
the world, the incidence of isolated unprovoked seizures using multiple agents in combination but often inade-
ranged between 42.3 and 61 cases per 100 000 persons quate dosing, which have as yet, or unrightfully, been
per year (Loiseau et al., 1990; Hauser et al., 1993; declared as drug-resistant epilepsy cases. This, of course,
Forsgren et al., 1996; Jallon et al., 1997; MacDonald has a direct implication on quality of care and timely
et al., 2000; Olafsson et al., 2005). In general, these stud- referral to presurgical evaluation of adequate cases.
ies revealed that the incidence of acute symptomatic sei-
zures, although variable, tends to be lower than that of
Active epilepsy and epilepsy in remission
epilepsy. Acute symptomatic seizures are predominant
in men, in patients younger than 1 year, and patients older Active epilepsy and epilepsy in remission are opposite
than 65 years. The variability in results regarding the but elusive and poorly defined terms. These terms, how-
incidence of acute symptomatic seizures may be ever, become important for understanding that different
explained by different methodologies in case validation types of epilepsy behave in different ways and a patient’s
and definitions used (Hauser and Beghi, 2008). epilepsy may be active or in remission, depending on an
elaborate matrix of factors. It is complicated to define of the investigated susceptible population. This is usually
when to consider a patient’s epilepsy as in remission, expressed as number of new cases per 100 000 persons
but it is clear that these patients may not be included in per year.
some epidemiologic studies.
Public health surveillance
Epilepsy resolved
Public health surveillance is defined as the ongoing sys-
Epilepsy resolved is a term adopted recently by the ILAE tematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health
Task Force to define patients with age-dependent epilepsy data, necessary for the design, implementation, and eval-
syndromes that have passed the applicable age and who no uation of public health prevention programs (German
longer have seizures, as well as those who remained et al., 2001). This ongoing process provides researchers
seizure-free for over 10 years, of which at least 5 years with a dynamic view of incidence, prevalence, morbidity,
were without any seizure medication (Fisher et al., 2014). and mortality related to epilepsy, utilizing sources such
Therefore, since epilepsy represents a heterogeneous as national mortality registries and hospital discharge
group of diseases with variable duration, typical age of data. This study permits constant monitoring of health-
onset (and resolution times in age-limited entities), sever- care program effectiveness and medical policy success.
ity, and manifestations, there is great variability in the Public health surveillance involves the systematic iden-
registration and inclusion of patients in various epidemi- tification of epilepsy cases at multiple points of contact
ologic studies. Variability and unpredictability of epi- (hospitals, clinics, physician offices, electroencephalog-
lepsy dynamics are important factors responsible for raphy (EEG) laboratories, schools, etc.) using a broad
the skewing of the incidence and prevalence of epilepsy definition, or inclusion criteria matrix, with high sensitiv-
and must be taken into account when studying epilepsy ity, followed by a more specialized and refined criteria
epidemiology. matrix for high specificity, thus assuring broad and cor-
rect identification of cases (Banerjee et al., 2009).
AND CHALLENGES Epidemiologic research
A recent study estimated that there are roughly 65 million Epidemiologic research is typically a more elaborate and
people living with epilepsy worldwide (Ngugi et al., 2010); detailed study, conducted over a relatively short period of
however, since then, the number has surely increased. In time, usually for deliberate testing of a novel hypothesis
developed countries, the annual incidence of epilepsy regarding a specific healthcare paradigm. These studies
was estimated to be around 50 per 100 000 population describe the incidence rate, prevalence, and mortality
and the prevalence was estimated around 700 per rate of epilepsy, as well as defining high-risk groups,
100 000 population (Hirtz et al., 2007). In the developing associated risk factors, comorbidities, causes, severity,
world, with middle and low income, the numbers are esti- and outcome (Thurman et al., 2011).
mated to be higher (Hauser, 1995; Ngugi et al., 2010). A successful epidemiologic study or surveillance pro-
Proper study and analysis of epilepsy and epidemiologic gram should be economic and avoid collecting unneces-
characteristics pose an enormous challenge, partially due sary data. It should be accepted and easily tolerated by
to heterogeneous definitions, different methods of compar- subjects. It should be accurate, with sensitivity, specific-
ison, and different resources. There are two mechanisms ity, and positive predictive value for measured informa-
used for the epidemiologic study of epilepsy: public health tion as high as possible. It should reliably represent the
surveillance and epidemiologic research. general population of patients – since some epileptic
patients will never be admitted to hospital, basing col-
Point prevalence lected data solely on discharge registries will poorly rep-
Point prevalence is calculated as the total number of resent that population (Thurman et al., 2011).
patients diagnosed with active epilepsy on the prevalence There are several commonly used data sources for sei-
day, divided by the total population under study on that zures and epilepsy-related surveillance and epidemio-
prevalence day. It is of note that active prevalence differs logic studies:
from lifetime prevalence, in that the latter includes
patients with a past history of epilepsy, epilepsy in remis- DIRECT POPULATION SURVEYS
sion, or even resolved epilepsy (Banerjee et al., 2009).
These studies are more advantageous in small popula-
tions, where data can be gathered via door-to-door
interview of patients and their proxies. In recent years
Incidence of epilepsy is defined as the number of new these studies have been replaced in part by telephone-
cases of epilepsy over a specific time period, as part and web-based questionnaires; however, as modern life
is ever more demanding, people do not find the time to ostracism,” with well-known negative consequences:
participate and samples may be underrepresentative shame, withdrawal, isolation, limited access to
quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Another disadvan- resources, and even various forms of discrimination
tage of this data source is occasional cognitive difficulty prevalent even in modern society (Link and Phelan,
the patients may have. This factor may cause poor recall 2006; Hatzenbuehler et al., 2013). Ironically, what mod-
of important information like age of onset and date of ern society focuses most on – “good medical and surgical
last seizure. There is also limited detection of nonconvul- treatment” – represents only a smaller part of the Lennox
sive seizures, which leads to skewed reports. pyramid (Lennox, 1960). Stigma as a sociopsychologic
construct was originally conceptualized, best defined,
EXISTING CODED DATA and most profoundly studied by the sociologist Erving
Goffman (1922–1982), who defined it as “the process
This information may be based on International Classi- by which the reaction of others spoils normal identity”
fication of Diseases, ninth edition (ICD-9), ICD-10, and (Goffman, 1986). The concept has been further devel-
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical oped (Link and Phelan, 2001), in particular with a more
Terms (SNOMED-CT)-coded discharge diagnosis. The comprehensive understanding of its public health impli-
data comes from national or regional registries, hospital cations (Link and Phelan, 2006) and recognition as
discharge registries, and coronary registries. Studies “a fundamental cause of population health inequalities”
based on coded data are prone to error due to occasional (Hatzenbuehler et al., 2013). Just two short decades ago,
lack of training and individual coding interpretation and it was eloquently stated that “the history of epilepsy can
coder knowledge. There is often limited and poor iden- be summarized as 4000 years of ignorance, superstition,
tification of nonepilepsy behavioral spells, due to lack and stigma followed by 100 years of knowledge, super-
of readily available EMUs (Salinsky et al., 2011), leading stition, and stigma” (Kale, 1997). Considering the pro-
to erroneous diagnosis of epilepsy that may skew registry found effects of stigma on public and overall visibility
data as well. of affected persons, modern epidemiologic studies have
to incorporate these realizations in order to achieve more
EXISTING UNCODED DATA accurate results.
These data may be gathered from additional nonmedi-
cal figures such as teachers, religious leaders, and DESCRIPTIVE EPIDEMIOLOGY
traditional healers in some populations. Pharmacy OF EPILEPSY
prescription records regarding antiseizure medication
represent another data source. However, since there is The epidemiologic study of epilepsy mandates the con-
growing use of antiseizure medication in the treatment stant gathering of information regarding patient demo-
of depression, migraine, and some pain disorders, a graphics, incidence, prevalence, seizure types, etiology,
growing number of patients without epilepsy are being and risk factors. Cross-checking information from mul-
prescribed and may be erroneously identified. EEG lab- tiple sources may improve study accuracy, by increasing
oratories represent another commonly used source of case ascertainment. Epidemiologists increasingly deploy
information. advanced automated data-mining algorithms and data-
base analytics for better case ascertainment and enhanced
data accuracy, although case ascertainment and valida-
tion still represent major challenges. Nevertheless, epi-
Special emphasis should be placed on the role of stigma lepsy was estimated to affect 65 million people
in the skewing of epidemiologic studies and treatment worldwide, with roughly 80% of these people living in
gaps. What we understand nowadays as stigma leads the developing world (Ngugi et al., 2010; Thurman
to the regrettable, unnecessary, and preventable suffering et al., 2011). According to the fact sheet on epilepsy
of patients with epilepsy due to social factors which we (no. 999) published by the World Health Organization
all experience. Over 50 years ago, William G. Lennox in May 2015, epilepsy accounts for 0.75% of the global
(1884–1960) conceptualized his infamous “epilepsy burden of disease (
pyramid” (Lennox, 1960). The foundation and main factsheets/fs999/en/), as measured by combining years
structure of the pyramid are built of “social-emotional of life lost due to premature mortality and years lived
conditions” created by society and family that may in less than full health (Fig. 10.1). In 2012 epilepsy alone
be healthy and lead to “public understanding and was responsible for 20.6 million disability-adjusted life-
acceptance,” along with family support instilling years (DALYs) lost, and was comparable to DALY of
“security, courage and hope.” Alternatively, the structure breast cancer in woman and lung cancer in men
may be broken, leading to “misconceptions and (Murray et al., 2013).

Fig. 10.1. Disability-adjusted life-year rates from epilepsy by country (per 100 000 persons) in 2004. (Reproduced from https://

Incidence of all unprovoked seizures Central and South American studies

The incidence of all unprovoked seizures (age-adjusted) In Central and South America prevalence studies reveal
ranged from 41 cases per 100 000 persons in New York, results ranging from 3.7 per 1000 persons in Argentina
USA (Benn et al., 2008) to 69 cases per 100 000 person- (Melcon et al., 2007), through 11.1 per 1000 persons
years in Minnesota, USA (Hauser et al., 1993). The crude in rural Bolivia (Nicoletti et al., 1999), to 17.1 per
incidence in Stockholm, Sweden was 33.9 per 100 000 1000 population in Ecuador (Cruz et al., 1985). The latter
person-years (Adel€ ow et al., 2009). In general, the inci- study was performed on a population with endemic goi-
dence of unprovoked seizures was reported to be higher ter and therefore may not represent accurately the general
in male when compared to female patients, both in a US population of Ecuador. A rate as high as 38.2 per 1000 in
study as well as in a study conducted in Iceland (Hauser Mexico has been reported (San-Juan et al., 2015).
et al., 1993; Olafsson et al., 2005). A record-based age-adjusted prevalence of active epi-
lepsy in Chile was 17.6 per 1000 persons (Lavados
Incidence of acute symptomatic seizures et al., 1992).

The incidence of acute symptomatic seizures was esti- European studies

mated between 29 and 39 cases per 100 000 person-
years, with increased incidence in men as well as in European studies reveal an age-adjusted prevalence of
the extremity age groups of the very young and the 5.4 per 1000 persons in a medium-sized city in France
elderly (Hauser and Beghi, 2008). (Picot et al., 2008), 2.71–3.3 per 1000 persons in Sicilian
municipalities (Reggio et al., 1996; Rocca et al., 2001),
and a crude prevalence as high as 14.2 per 1000 persons
Door-to-door and record-based epilepsy in Albania (Kruja et al., 2012).
prevalence studies
As reviewed by Banerjee et al. (2009), door-to-door and Asian studies
record-based epilepsy prevalence studies reveal dynamic Asian studies documented a prevalence of 2.2 per 1000
and diverse worldwide age-adjusted epilepsy prevalence, persons in India (Koul et al., 1988). The crude prevalence
with numbers ranging from 2.2 per 1000 population in rate of epilepsy was 9.98 per 1000 persons in Pakistan
India to 32.8 per 1000 population in Mexico. It is impor- and 7.0 per 1000 persons in Turkey. In both countries
tant to take into account that the studies were performed the prevalence was roughly twice as high in rural com-
years apart and therefore cannot accurately serve as sub- pared to urban areas (Aziz et al., 1997). Lifetime preva-
strate for comparative studies between different regions. lence of 7.0 per 1000 persons and active prevalence of
4.6 per 1000 persons has been reported in China
North American studies (Wang et al., 2003).
North American studies revealed an age-adjusted preva-
African studies
lence of epilepsy estimated to be 5.0 per 1000 persons in
a self-reported epilepsy study in New York (Kelvin et al., African studies documented the prevalence of epilepsy in
2007), 6.8 per 1000 persons in 1980 in Rochester, MN Nigeria ranging from 41.0 per 1000 persons in a pilot
(Hauser et al., 1991, 1996), and 7.1 per 1000 persons study (Osuntokun, 1982) to 5.3 per 1000 in 2011
in Mississippi (Haerer et al., 1986). (Osuntokun et al., 2011) in the most recent and updated
study. Other studies conducted across the continent decades of life, but this interpretation may be skewed by
revealed age-adjusted prevalence of 3.6 per 1000 in underdiagnosis of SUDEP in infants, attributing their
Tunisia, 12.5–14.3 per 1000 in Zambia (Birbeck and death to sudden infant death syndrome, and in the elderly
Kalichi, 2004), an age-adjusted prevalence ratio of 7.4 population, attributing their death to other age-dependent
per 1000 person in south Tanzania (Dent et al., 2005) comorbidities like cardiovascular disease. Nonetheless,
vs. 8.7 per 1000 persons in north Tanzania (Winkler SUDEP was found to have a significant mortality burden
et al., 2009). In Benin, the age-adjusted prevalence as calculated in years of potential life loss, second only to
was 7.33 per 1000 persons (Yemadje et al., 2012). stroke when compared to other neurologic diseases
(Thurman et al., 2014). It is important not only to monitor
Incidence of epilepsy SUDEP but also to raise awareness of this devastating
epilepsy complication from an ethical and patient educa-
Incidence of epilepsy is usually reported as the incidence
tion point of view, since patients and their caregivers do
of epilepsy cases according to the old definition requiring
want to know about this, and prefer to learn about it from
recurrent (more than one) unprovoked seizures. In North
their treating physician rather than incidentally while
America, age-adjusted incidence of epilepsy was esti-
browsing the internet (Ramachandrannair et al., 2013;
mated to be 44 cases per 100 000 person-years
Kroner et al., 2014). The increasing awareness and active
(Hauser et al., 1993). In South America, a study con-
epidemiologic study of SUDEP yielded important
ducted in rural Chile reported 111 cases per 100 000
insights regarding its risk factors, among which the most
person-years (Lavados et al., 1992), representing the
important and modifiable one is represented by uncon-
highest epilepsy incidence reported. In Europe, age-
trolled generalized tonic-clonic seizures (Hesdorffer
adjusted incidence of epilepsy in the London area based
et al., 2011). Having these in mind, efforts are being
on general practice records combined with hospital
made to explore possible preventive interventions and
records revealed an incidence of 46 per 100 000
formulation of preventive recommendations, such as
person-years (MacDonald et al., 2000). In Tanzania,
continuous respiratory monitoring in EMUs as well as
Africa, Rwiza et al. (1992) reported a crude incidence
outside of them, since a possible implicated mechanism
of 73 cases per 100 000 person-years and an age-adjusted
may be airway- and breathing-related (Tao et al., 2010),
incidence of 51 per 100 000 person-years. In Ethiopia,
overnight supervision via direct or indirect methods, or
Africa, Tekle-Haimanot et al. (1997) reported an age-
the selective use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibi-
adjusted epilepsy incidence of 43 per 100 000 and a
tors (Massey et al., 2014).
crude incidence of 64 cases per 100 000 person-years.
In India, a study conducted in 1998 reported an epilepsy
incidence of 49.3 cases per 100 000 person-years (Mani ETIOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS
et al., 1998).
Although in most cases (60–75%), the etiology of epi-
lepsy remains unknown, and according to modern
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
classifications may probably be attributed to complex-
patients (SUDEP)
inheritance, single-gene mutation on susceptibility
SUDEP is defined as the unexpected death of a patient alleles (Thomas and Berkovic, 2014), the epidemiologic
with epilepsy, who otherwise seemed healthy, where study and surveillance of known etiologies is particularly
no cause of death can be found. SUDEP represents one important, since some of these etiologies may be prevent-
of epilepsy’s most devastating outcomes. It represents able and thus offer a unique opportunity for intervention,
a growing focus of interest and awareness when it comes providing primary prevention of epilepsy. In a review of
to the prevention of epilepsy complications, as it repre- studies from the USA, Europe, and Africa, the etiology of
sents a measure for tertiary prevention. This clinical epilepsy, whether with a progressive course (such as
entity is a good example of the importance of epidemio- encephalopathy), a remote cause (such as stroke or
logic studies in identifying and preventing epilepsy com- other self-limited process) or undetermined, was only
plications. The incidence of SUDEP was first estimated identified in 14–39% of cases (Banerjee et al., 2009).
to be 0.09–9 per 1000 patient-years, depending on the Traumatic brain injury (TBI), cerebrovascular disease,
population studied (Devinsky, 2011). and brain infection represent the majority of epilepto-
A more recent study, based on epidemiologic studies genic brain insults (Herman, 2002). Other causes include
conducted in the USA, estimates the incidence of neurodegenerative disease, central nervous system
SUDEP to be around 1.16 cases per 1000 patient-years. demyelinating disease, primary brain neoplasms, or
Identification of SUDEP represents a diagnostic chal- metastasis (Sperling and Ko, 2006). Other less frequent
lenge and is occasionally overlooked. It was found that etiologies are prenatal and perinatal injuries, and preterm
most of the reported cases occurred in the third and fourth birth (Crump et al., 2011). Additional comorbidities have
been extensively reported in relation to epilepsy diagno- 17 of the 28 patients who were started on anticonvulsive
sis and include autistic spectrum disorder, developmental therapy still had seizures (Kotila and Waltimo, 2010).
delay, intellectual or learning disability, psychiatric
comorbidities, especially the mood disorders anxiety Traumatic brain injury
and depression, and other less specified persistent or
TBI represents another major and preventable cause of
evolving neurologic or cognitive deficits that may coex-
epilepsy. It was found that the relative risk for seizures
ist with epilepsy from birth, or appear in early childhood
after TBI ranged between 1.5, after a mild injury, and
(like Lennox–Gastaut syndrome and other static enceph-
17.2 after a severe injury. The risk factors implicated
alopathy conditions), or even later in life. These comor-
in increased risk for seizures after TBI were loss of con-
bid conditions and epilepsy may appear simultaneously
sciousness, amnesia, skull fracture, brain contusion, sub-
or in tandem, with up to years of latency between the
dural hematoma, and age above 65 (Annegers and Coan,
onset of epilepsy and onset of associated neurocognitive
2000). In a prospective longitudinal follow-up on a large
deficit (Rudzinski and Meador, 2013). The combined
cohort of Vietnam War veterans with TBI, posttraumatic
pathogenesis may also have a multiphasic course, as
epilepsy was found in 45–53% of patients, roughly
opposed to the afore-mentioned group of disorders that
35 years after the injury (Raymont et al., 2010). Military
include stroke and TBI, where there is a clear causal rela-
veterans represent a special population at high risk for a
tion between the cause and epilepsy. In this last group of
multitude of neurologic and psychiatric conditions,
comorbidities, these do not represent the cause, but prob-
among which posttraumatic epilepsy deserves additional
ably coexist and are caused by a common precedent path-
consideration, as with recent advances in protective tech-
ologic process or brain insult, whether remote static or
nologies, an increasing number of veterans survive their
progressive, that may even be timing-dependent to a cru-
head trauma (Goldberg, 2010) and subsequently more
cial ontogenetic period or phase (Rakhade and Jensen,
live to be at risk of developing epilepsy. Importantly, vet-
2009). As the common aggressor that causes epilepsy
erans who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder also
and these neurocognitive deficits may represent a com-
have a high risk of suffering from nonepilepsy behavioral
plex matrix of contributing forces that span indetermin-
spells. While the prevalence of these spells among EMU
able time periods, it is as yet poorly understood in the
admissions was similar in veterans (25%) and civilians
majority of cases (Pitk€anen et al., 2007). Intensive
(26%), the delay from spells onset to diagnosis was sig-
research will probably eventually explain some of these
nificantly longer in veterans (60.5 months) when com-
mechanisms, providing treatment and prevention oppor-
pared to civilians (12.5 months) and the cumulative
tunities in the future. For the purpose of this chapter, we
antiseizure medication treatment was four times higher
will focus on primary and secondary prevention of epi-
in veterans than in civilians (Salinsky et al., 2011). Thus,
lepsy by preventing the most prevalent known causes,
veterans represent a vulnerable population that is at
namely cerebrovascular disease, TBI, and infections
increased risk of being unnecessarily treated with antisei-
affecting the brain parenchyma or immediate overlying
zure medication for prolonged periods, exposing them to
meningeal structures.
unnecessary toxic effects and waste of limited resources.
Active efforts at reducing TBI are being made world-
Cerebrovascular disease wide, with mass-media campaigns to encourage seatbelt
and helmet use, with some documented success
Cerebrovascular disease represents a good example of a
(Coronado et al., 2011). Although intuitively these mea-
partially preventable etiology of epilepsy (Kotila and
sures should reduce the prevalence of posttraumatic epi-
Waltimo, 2010). By reducing the risk factors for stroke
lepsy, this relation has yet to be appropriately proven in
(e.g., quitting smoking, controlling blood pressure, lipid
high-evidence-level studies.
profile and diabetes, as well as avoiding a sedentary life-
style), the risk for possible future secondary epilepsy can
Brain infections
be reduced. In a retrospective follow-up study of 200
patients who suffered from stroke, epilepsy developed Brain infections represent the third major category of
in 17%. Seizures appeared in 14% of patients after ische- modifiable risk factors for epilepsy. Neurocysticercosis
mic stroke, and in 15% of patients after intracerebral remains an important cause of infection-related epilepsy
hemorrhage. A significantly larger proportion (35%) worldwide and was found to be the most common cause
developed seizures after subarachnoid hemorrhage. of epilepsy in Zambia in a study from 2004 (Birbeck and
Most of these patients suffered from an arterial spasm Kalichi, 2004). This condition occurs when humans
that caused an ischemic stroke. Among those with sei- become an intermediate host for Taenia solium, a geohel-
zures, 15% had their first seizure within 2 weeks and minth, by ingesting contaminated food, especially under-
55% developed epilepsy within 6 months. Of note, cooked contaminated meat. While this condition was
considered endemic in the developing world due to poor
sanitation conditions and education, it is increasingly
seen in the developed world due to population shifting
and immigration (Del Brutto, 2012). Neurocysticercosis
can cause seizures in the infection phase, or remotely due
to scar tissue formation in the brain. Additionally, bacte-
rial meningitis, especially pneumococcal meningitis,
represents another important risk factor for remote
postinfectious epilepsy. It was found that pneumococcal
vaccination in the USA decreased pneumococcal
meningitis-related hospitalization by 66.9% in children
up to 2 years of age, and by 51.5% in children 2–4 years
of age (Tsai et al., 2008). A multitude of other bacterial, Fig. 10.2. Age- and gender-specific incidence per 100 000 of
viral, fungal, and parasitic pathogens are also implicated epilepsy in Rochester, MN, 1935–1984. Purple, total; blue,
in the pathogenesis of immediate-progressive or male; red, female. (Adapted with permission from Hauser
et al., 1993.)
delayed-onset epilepsy, and represent ongoing preven-
tion challenges using diverse management strategies was partially explained by the higher prevalence of
(Pitk€anen and Lukasiuk, 2011). Therefore, brain infec- lesion-associated epilepsy in men (Christensen et al.,
tion represents an important and, to some degree, rela- 2005). This result is congruent with the results of an ani-
tively easily preventable epilepsy etiology, whether by mal model, in which male rats were more vulnerable to
proper vaccination, hygiene, avoiding raw meat or food develop epilepsy in a combined lesion and hyperthermia
in contact with raw meat, and avoiding other vectors like or lesion and early life stress (Desgent et al., 2012).
mosquito bite prevention. Although, in general, epilepsy prevalence was mea-
sured to be somewhat lower in women, a slightly higher
DEMOGRAPHIC AND GEOSOCIAL prevalence of some types of idiopathic generalized epi-
CONSIDERATIONS lepsy (although some of these syndromes are now clas-
The population of people with epilepsy is far from being sified as generalized genetic epilepsy; Berg et al.,
homogeneous. Significant differences continue to perpet- 2010) was found in women, as typical childhood absence
uate between the two genders, different age groups, with epilepsy was found in a ratio of 19:11 favoring female
increased vulnerability among children and the elderly, dif- gender (Asadi-Pooya et al., 2012). A recent review of
ferent social or occupational classes, such as military vet- sex differences in human epilepsy concluded that,
erans, which are significantly more exposed to TBI, and although the differences are not prominent, they do exist
differences arising from social, economic, and geographic in some forms of epilepsy. In childhood absence epilepsy
considerations, that manifest through heterogeneous and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, there seems to be a
access to education, sanitation, and treatment opportuni- higher prevalence in females; however, the mechanism
ties. These differences manifest as variability in access is still unclear and speculations revolve around differ-
to treatment, personal, occupational or economic-driven ences in gender-dependent seizure network and propaga-
exposure to various etiologic risk factors, level of educa- tion network formation. Nevertheless, the information
tion, and intricate cultural and other geosocial factors. regarding gender differences in epileptogenesis is still
limited and warrants additional research for better under-
Gender differences standing of the pathogenesis (Savic, 2014).

The incidence of acute symptomatic seizures is higher in

Age considerations
men (Hauser and Beghi, 2008). This may be related to
increased preponderance of risk-taking behavior, Most studies agree that epilepsy has an age incidence dis-
increased incidence of TBI, with and without association tribution with two peaks. The first peak occurs in the
to alcohol or illicit drug consumption (Savic, 2014). early years of life and rapidly declines, as the incidence
Additionally, the cumulative incidence of unprovoked of perinatal complications, infections, and birth defect-
seizures in Iceland and the USA shows significant male related epilepsy etiology influences decline. In the sixth
preponderance (Fig. 10.2; Hauser et al., 1993; Olafsson decade of life, epilepsy incidence starts to rise again inde-
et al., 2005). Risk-taking behavior may also increase the pendently of other demographic factors, probably due to
prevalence of late-onset epilepsy related to remote increased incidence of pathologies causing secondary,
causes. The prevalence of epilepsy was measured to be structural-related epilepsy, led by cerebrovascular dis-
slightly lower in women compared to men, and this eases (Stephen and Brodie, 2000).
CHILDREN be around 134 per 100 000, this may be an underestima-
tion, as epilepsy in the elderly is occasionally misdiag-
Children may represent an epilepsy diagnostic challenge,
nosed (de la Court et al., 1996). One of the possible
age-related exclusions, like neonatal seizures, occurring
reasons may be because elderly patients do not always
in the first 28 days, as well as acute symptomatic
show neurologic signs. Most new seizures in elderly
seizures and febrile seizures must be taken into account
patients are with focal onset, with or without secondary
(Commission on Epidemiology and Prognosis, 1993).
generalization, probably because they are secondary to a
Nevertheless, several types of epilepsy can start in the
focal brain insult, such as cerebrovascular disease –
neonatal period and should count as epilepsy if seizures
representing the single most common pathologic factor,
persist after that period, like KCNQ2 related epilepsy
as well as TBI, and encephalitis.
(Singh et al., 2003). Febrile seizures are also not to be
The annual incidence of status epilepticus in elderly
confused with epilepsy, as they are considered benign
patients reached 86 per 100 000 – roughly twice that
unless they are atypical: focal features, prolonged duration
of the general population. Roughly 60% of status epilep-
(>15 minutes), or with associated postictal neurologic
ticus in this age group was remote, symptomatic to a
deficits – all warranting additional investigations. There
stroke. The mortality rate was directly proportional to
are specific age-related types of epilepsy, including infan-
patient age, and etiology-dependent, approaching 50%
tile spasms and West syndrome, Lennox–Gastaut syn-
in patients over 80 years of age, and approaching
drome (evolving from or overlapping with infantile
100% in patients with anoxia (Towne, 2007). Seizures
spasms), and Landau–Kleffner syndrome. There are types
are also more likely to recur in association with neurode-
of epilepsy secondary to inborn errors of metabolism,
generative diseases, tumors, and due to medication, toxic
resulting in severe myoclonic epilepsy and other neuro-
and metabolic causes. Other causes for seizures in the
logic and systemic deficits, such as sialidosis, Lafora
elderly are hypertensive encephalopathy and anoxic
disease, Unverricht–Lundborg, and ceroid lipofuscinosis.
brain injury (Stephen and Brodie, 2000). Patients with
Other myoclonic types of epilepsy may be caused by
nonketotic hyperglycemia may develop focal motor sei-
mitochondrial mutations like myoclonic epilepsy with
zures (epilepsia partialis continua), especially if there is
ragged red fibers (MERRF). These forms of epilepsy also
an underlying focal structural abnormality (Singh and
become symptomatic in early stages of life and are usually
Strobos, 1980).
catastrophic (Kullmann, 2002b). Additionally, epilepsies
A recently published study that used machine learning
due to genetic abnormalities tend to manifest in early
on a prospective cohort analysis, stratified by age, aimed
childhood. Examples of types of epilepsy with gene
to predict age of onset according to predefined risk fac-
mutations that cause ion channel dysfunctions include
tors and to analyze their significance. The study identi-
Dravet syndrome, a severe myoclonic epilepsy of child-
fied 14 risk factors with absolute predictive values that
hood that is caused by mutations in the SCN1A gene
were maximally predictive in patients who were 65–70
and KCNQ mutation-related epilepsy (Kullmann,
years old. These factors were: current chronic medical
2002a). Malformations of cortical development may be
conditions, stroke, events precipitated by stress, family
X-linked, or may be caused by mutations in LIS1 (in sub-
history of epilepsy, generalized tonic-clonic seizure,
cortical band heterotopia), XLIS, Filamin A, mTOR
abnormal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), develop-
(in hemimegalencephaly), TSC1, TSC2 (tuberous sclero-
mental delay, prior psychiatric referral, learning disorder,
sis), and other mutations (Kullmann, 2002b). Other exam-
regular use of recreational drugs, nonepileptic events,
ples of age-related syndromes with typical onset in
birth trauma, and precipitation of seizures by flashing
childhood are childhood absence epilepsy, and later in life,
lights. In contrast, for example, vascular malformations
juvenile absence epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,
had a maximal predictive value at 35 years of age
benign rolandic epilepsy (with centrotemporal spikes) –
(Josephson et al., 2016). This study demonstrates the
13–24% of all childhood epilepsy (Cavazzuti, 1980),
use of machine learning tools in creating models that
and benign occipital epilepsy – 6–13% of childhood epi-
may enable clinicians to predict epilepsy onset in older
lepsy (Panayiotopoulos, 2000).
age, according to present risk factors in a younger
patient, which, through targeted counseling, may reduce
the future incidence of epilepsy in the elderly population.
Epilepsy in the elderly population represents challenges
of its own. The prevalence of epilepsy in this age group
Racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic
(over 60 years old) is expected to grow with the aging of
the population and the increased rate of survival after
brain insults. Although the estimated annual incidence There are few studies that provide insight into racial and
of epilepsy in people aged over 60 is approximated to ethnic difference in epilepsy and unprovoked seizure
incidence. These studies were unable to show a statisti- FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
cally significant difference between non-Hispanic white,
The continuing epidemiologic studies and surveillance
African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians in Huston,
of epilepsy, along with all the implied studies of this vast
Texas (Annegers et al., 1999). There was also no signif-
spectrum of clinical phenomena, its dynamic pathogenic
icant difference in the incidence of a first unprovoked sei-
mesh, and comorbidities, will continue to serve clini-
zure between Hispanic, white, and African Americans
cians, caregivers, patients, and their communities world-
(Benn et al., 2008). However, several studies demon-
wide. Epidemiologic study and surveillance allow better
strated a significant correlation between low socioeco-
understanding of the mechanisms involved in epilepto-
nomic status and increased incidence of epilepsy,
genesis, creating new intervention opportunities and per-
reaching almost double incidence when compared to
mitting the creation of new healthcare policies and
high-socioeconomic-status population (Heaney et al.,
individualized recommendations that will allow for bet-
2002). Presumably, people with high socioeconomic sta-
ter primary, secondary, and tertiary epilepsy prevention
tus are less likely to be exposed to certain residential hab-
modalities. These studies will improve the ability to pre-
itat, occupational, and lifestyle-related risk factors that
dict short-term outcome and long-term prognosis and
predispose to acquiring epilepsy (Banerjee et al.,
foresee possible complications. The epidemiologic study
2009), and their epilepsy is probably less severe due to
of epilepsy still faces the challenge of unification and
better accessibility to the medical system, including bet-
standardization of definitions among different medical
ter access to diagnostic and treatment possibilities.
organizations worldwide, in the vision of a unified defi-
nition and classification system that will permit more
Developing world and treatment gap
efficient studies and unification of cohorts, larger sam-
The treatment gap can be measured directly in a preva- ples, and better data quality. With advances in genetic
lence study and reflects how many of detected cases research and more accurate and increasingly available
do not receive treatment, or indirectly by calculating full exome sequencing, and as the number of known
the proportion of patients who can be treated with mono- mutations involved in epilepsy pathogenesis increases
therapy during a year, using prevalence data and drug sup- exponentially and their mechanisms of action are better
ply data. Most treatment gap studies show a significant understood, new possible therapeutic opportunities
gap in the developing world, with up to 98% not receiving will arise. Genetic counseling will become more
treatment in rural Pakistan (Aziz et al., 1994) and Ethiopia accurate, readily available, and personalized and may
(Tekle-Haimanot et al., 1990), and 74.5% in India facilitate the reduction of fatal or severely debilitating
(Shorvon and Farmer, 1988), compared with much lower encephalopathic-epileptic syndromes and diseases. In
rates in the developed world, with only 10% in Great recent years we have witnessed the exponential growth
Britain (Goodridge and Shorvon, 1983), 7% in the USA of worldwide availability and use of the internet, smart-
(Haerer et al., 1986), and almost 0% in Sweden phones, and the recent introduction of even more per-
(Sidenvall et al., 1996). Most of the difference in treatment sonal wearable computing devices like smart watches,
gap is mostly attributed to poor education, economic pos- and wristbands with biometric features. The increasing
sibilities, social factors (stigma), and deficiencies in health availability of commercial EEG devices with variable
services (missed diagnosis, unavailable drugs, poor orga- accuracy, as well as the emerging field named “the inter-
nization) (Kale, 2002). The treatment gap in the develop- net of things” (Tan and Wang, 2010), that basically rep-
ing world, as studied in China in 2003, recorded that 41% resents the capability of household devices, like the
of patients have never received appropriate treatment and fridge, television, shower, and bed to connect to the inter-
63% of patients with active epilepsy did not receive anti- net and transmit data, and the increasing connectivity
epileptic treatment in the week prior to the survey (Wang between all these devices, mark an era in which much
et al., 2003). According to the fact sheet on epilepsy (No. more versatile, abundant, and diverse information will
999) published by the World Health Organization in be collected from patients’ biometric devices while
May 2015 ( awake, asleep, running outside, or having their lunch.
fs999/en/), nearly 80% of people with epilepsy live in Emerging “big-data” management (O’Leary, 2013)
low- and middle-income countries, and about 75% of and analytic technologies (such as Watson by IBM),
them do not get the treatment they need. Efforts are being (Wagle, 2013), deployment of machine learning algo-
made, both on a local and global scale, to increase funds, rithms (Josephson et al., 2016), and using large-
education, and availability of treatment, in order to mini- scale computing platforms will help depersonalize and
mize this treatment gap. However, in regions where pota- translate this colossal volume of data into predictive con-
ble water represents a huge challenge, epilepsy treatment clusions that will allow better understanding of epilepto-
may be somewhat less prioritized. genesis at individual and social levels. This will also
facilitate the creation of more personalized medicine and Cruz ME, Schoenberg BS, Ruales J et al. (1985). Pilot study to
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