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uw-s1 RADIOGRAPHIC AND RADIOSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF WELDED JOINTS (a) All welded joints to be radiographed shall be examined in accordance with Article 2 of Section W except as specified below. (2) A complete set of radiographs and records. as described im T-291 amd T-292 of Article 2 of Section VW. for each vessel or vessel part shall be retained by the Manufacturer until the Manufacturer's Data Report has been signed by the Inspector. (2) The Manufacturer shall certify that personnel performing and evaluating radiographic examinations required by this Division have been qualified and certified in accordance with their employer's written practice. SNT-TC-1A!! shall be used as a guideline for employers to establish their written practice for qualification and certification of their personnel. Provi- sions for training. experience. qualification. and certifi- cation of NDE personnel shall be described in the Manufacturer's Quality Control System [see Appen- dix 10]_ (3) The requirements of T-285 of Article 2 of Section V are to be used only as a guide. Final acceptance of radiographs shall be based on the abili to sec the prescribed penctramctcr image and the spec: fied hole or the designated wire of a wire penetrameter, 1! Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-14, “Personnel Qualification and Certification im Nondestructive Testing.” is published by the American iety for Nondestructive Testing. Inc, 1711 Arlimgate Plaza, Caller #28518, Columbus, Ohio 43228-0518. (5) Indications shown on the radiographs of welds and characterized as imperfections are unacceptable under the following conditions and shall be repaired as provided in UW-38. and the repair radiographed to UW-51 or, at the option of the Manufacturer, ultrasoni- cally examined in accordance with the method described m Append 12 and the standards specified im this paragraph, provided the defect has been confirmed by the ultrasonic examunation to the satisfaction of the Authorized Inspector prior to making the repau. For material thicknesses in excess of 1 in. the concurrence of the user shall be obtained. This ultrasonic examination shall be noted under remarks on the Manufacturer's Data Report Form: (1) any indication characterized as a crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration: (2) any other elongated indication on the radio- graph which has length greater than: (a) V4 in. for t up to 34 m. (®) Yt for t from 34 in. to 24% in. (co) 3% in. for ¢ over 24% in. where t= the thickness of the weld excluding any allow- able remforcement. For a butt weld joming two members having different thicknesses at the weld, ris the thinner of these two thicknesses. Ifa full penetration weld imecludes a fillet weld. the thickness of the throat of the fillet shall be ancluded 1n f. (3) any group of aligned indications that have an aggregate length greater than r in a length of 12r, except when the distance between the successive imperfections exceeds 6£ where Z is the length of the longest imperfection im the grouv: (4) rounded indications in excess of that specified by the acceptance standards given in Appendix 4. (©) All welded joints to be examined by Real Time Radioscopic Examination shall be examined in accord- ance with Appendix Il of Article 2 of Section V as specified below. GQ) A complete set of records. as described in I- 292. shall be evaluated by the Manufacturer prior to being presented to the Inspector. Imperfections listed in UW-51(b)(1). (2). (3). and (4) are unacceptable and shall be repaired as provided in UW-38 and the repair reexamined by either film or Real Time Radioscopic Examination. Records shall be retained by the Manufac- turer until the Data Report has been signed by the Inspector. (@ Provisions for training, experience. qualifica- n. and certification of personnel responsible for equip- ment setup. calibration. operation. and evaluation of examination data shall be described in the Manufactur- er’s Quality Control System [see Appendix 10]. (3) The use of Real Time Radioscopic Examination shall be noted under remar on the Manufacturer's Data Report.

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