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The University of Edinburgh

Welcome Ceremony 2015

Warm up

Tell about your Welcome ceremony at the BSU (when/where/the

participants/their message etc.).

Main activity

Comprehension Check
1. What does the ceremony start with?
2. Who presides over the ceremony?
3. Who opens the meeting with a moment of reflection?
4. What is the fundamental mission of the University of Edinburgh?
5. What challenges face people around the world?
6. Why is it important for students to step outside their own
disciplines? Do you have such an opportunity at your university?
7. What does Tim O’Shea ask students to do and why?
8. What two things does University ask from the students? How to
achieve these things?
9. Make a list of instructions Tim O’Shea gives to students.
10.What prizes are presented by the Chancellor? Who can get these
11.What is the aim of Students Association? What is the message of its
12.What opportunities does Sports Union give?
13.What important ceremony takes place during Welcome Ceremony?
14.How did coming to Edinburgh change Steve Morrison’s life?
15.Explain the following statement – “I was a warm-up man for Gordon
16.Why is it important to be multi-disciplinary? Do you agree?
17.What is a very Scottish democratic tradition? Is it a good idea?
Would you like to have such an opportunity?

Look at these quotes from the talk. What is your interpretation of these
quotes? Do you agree with them?
1. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world.” Nelson Mandela
2. “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. But
when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something
very special”. Nelson Mandela
3. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow
already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”.
Steve Jobs
4. “Some people you will be pleased with more, some people you will be
pleased with less, but welcome them all and welcome them equally, because
difficulties are also a gift, and you will find them to be your blessing, and you
will be theirs”.

Follow up
Writing assignment
I. Let’s imagine that you are a rector of the BSU and tomorrow it’s
September, 1st and you are going to speak to an audience. Present your
welcoming speech.

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