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Submitted by Abby Gail A.

Tiongson AC181

A Youth Tired of Hidden Agendas in the Wet Market

In our modern world where business establishments are multiplying day by day, each one

of us have had a personal experience of some common unethical practice we see in the

establishments. I became so tired of these practices that I just accepted it as a norm and be more

cautious every time it happens. I mostly experience unethical practices at the wet market in our

community. Some market vendors in our community, who sells fish, pork, vegetables and other

food which prices depend heavily on the weight, tamper their weighing scale to use it as an

advantage to make profit. If you are already used to shopping in the market, you would notice if

the seller is committing this act of fraud. Otherwise, you are the one who would’ve been taken

for a fool for being ignorant. Although sometimes it can be hard to notice, the adults in my

community have already reported it to the local government unit however these sneaky vendors

still have their way to get out of trouble. They have two weighing scales, one with a seal

authorized by the government, one for their unethical tactics, that is, a weighing scale who gives

you an inaccurate weight measurement. So I got fooled once, I will try my best to not be fooled

again by staying vigilant. Besides from weight measurement, some vendors give you their near-

rotten products by hiding it from the pack of good ones. One experience I got is when I bought a

set of tomatoes, when I got home, I notice three of them are already rotten. I got pissed but then

again, the market is far from our place, thus, complaining won’t work.

These two unethical practices I mentioned, also happens in markets like “Farmer’s

Market” in Cubao. So ever since the day I got fooled by unethical schemes such as these, I

always double check things I bought not only food products but all things I bought like clothing,

school supplies, and the like as to avoid the hassle of raising a concern, hoping it can get better. I

learned to be more careful and to report things that I know is not right.

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