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Hyperledger is a global, open source consortium, hosted by The

Linux Foundation, advancing cross-industry blockchain technologies.
These technologies - distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and more - are transforming the way business transactions are conducted
across the globe. They cut the cost, complexity, and risk of centralized systems. They are making waves in industries as diverse as
finance, banking, healthcare, supply chains, and manufacturing.

Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies for Business

250+ member companies 730+ contributors 10 project codebases 88,000+ commits made

Highly modular 140+ Meetups worldwide 11.2M+ lines of code Open, transparent
technologies governance

The Hyperledger Greenhouse


Permissionable smart Permissioned with Decentralized identity Mobile application focus Permissioned & permissionless
contract machine (EVM) channel support support; EVM transaction family


Blockchain framework As-a-service deployment Model and build View and explore data Ledger interoperability
benchmark platform blockchain networks on the blockchain

For more detail on the blockchain frameworks and tools hosted in the Hyperledger greenhouse, visit

Join the #blockchain conversation. Follow Hyperledger on

Read our white papers:
An Introduction to Hyperledger
Hyperledger Architecture, Volume 1 & 2
Hyperledger Blockchain Performance Metrics

Hyperledger Community Resources

All are encouraged to contribute to contribute to the development of our open source projects:

Subscribe to Hyperledger mailing lists at Contact us to organize a Hyperledger Meetup in your city at or join the Meetup nearest you at
Learn more about the way we work at

Join the discussion on Chat at List your project built with Hyperledger frameworks and tools in
the Blockchain Showcase at
Search for open bugs or report a new one at blockchain-showcase
Report security bugs to or through
the bug bounty program at Browse the Hyperledger Vendor Directory of member companies
that offer products and services based on Hyperledger
Discover training, white papers, case studies, blockchain showcase, technologies at
our vendor directory and more at

Learn more ways to make an impact on Hyperledger projects at

Join the Hyperledger community as a corporate member and...

Ensure the strength and longevity of Publicly proclaim your leadership Work with other blockchain leaders
a core technology to your business. in the blockchain space. to develop and promote Hyperledger.

For membership inquiries visit or email

“Hyperledger aims to serve as a trusted source of innovative, quality-driven open source, collaborative software development, creating
modular, open source components and platforms. The optimal focus of Hyperledger is to advance industry goals of distributed ledger
and smart contract technologies. Hyperledger is forging a brand that will be widely seen as the accepted default ‘safe’ deployment platform
for enterprise teams, and be seen as a great home for active collaboration around new technologies. At that point, we can say ‘mission
accomplished.’” – Hyperledger Executive Director Brian Behlendorf

Premier Members

Hyperledger comprises a diverse community, including more than 250 members, spanning across industries and regions. For the complete
member listing, visit

Help shape Hyperledger’s future, visit

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