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476 B. R, LOVEYS AND P. E, KRIEDEMANN Physiol, Plant, 28: 476-479.


Rapid Changes in Abscisic Acid-like Inhibitors Following

Alterations in Vine Leaf Water Potential
CSIRO Division of Horticultural Research, P.O. Box 350 G.P,O.,
Adelaide S,A, 5001 Australia
(Received November 22, 1972)

Abstract Experiments reported here were designed to test these

Endogenous levels of abscisic acid-like inhibitors doubled propositions. We excised vine leaves to follow any short
within 15 minutes of leaf excision in Vitis vinifera under term increase in ABA-like inhibitors at the onset of
laboratory conditions. At that stage water poceiitiai (^) Kad stomatal closure (10 min after excision) and then related
fallen to -15 bars and stomatal closure was occurring. After this information to changes in leaf water potential, and
prolonged stress (6 days and final i(i -13 bars) inhibitor levels gas exchange during prolonged moisture stress and sub-
in intact vine leaves increased by a factor of 44 but showed sequent recovery. Our results emphasise the speed with
a rapid decline following rewatering. Photosynthetic activity which levels of endogenous ABA-like inhibitors can alter
was not immediately restored, and its gradual recovery was
not directly related to inhibitor level. in response to changes in leaf water potential.

Introduction Material and Methods

Stomatal closure associated with plant moisture stress Grape vines {Vitis vinifera L, cv. Sultana syn, Thomp-
probably depends upon the combined effects of reduced son Seedless) were planted as rooted cuttings in 5 litre
turgor and abscisic acid (ABA) formation within the containers of sterilised soil and grown in a shade house
leaves, Stomatal behaviour is known to be modified by (50 "h full sun). Shoots were trained vertically and
ABA (Little and Eidt 1968, Mittelheuser and van Steve- showed vigorous growth. The vines were well established
ninck 1969, Jones and Mansfield 1970) while environ- at the time of experimentation (12 weeks after planting).
mental stress can lead to massive increases in endo- Gas exchange rates (determined under laboratory con-
genous levels. Wright and Hiron (1969) for example, ditions) were measured repeatedly on certain "reference"
demonstrated a 40 fold increase after 4 hours following leaves, which remained attached to the vine and served
a severe reduction in wheat leaf moisture content. Since as an index of the vine's day to day performance, and
endogenous levels of ABA need only double for stomatal on additional leaves which were subsequently removed
closure to be initiated (Kriedemann et al. 1972), the for water potential measurement and inhibitor extrac-
enormous increase during prolonged stress is likely to tion,
impair subsequent stomatal function. This could be re-
lated to the widely documented "after effect" whereby ABA-like inhibitors were extracted in 80 Vo v/v
stomata fail to regain normal function for some days aqueous methanol containing sodium bicarbonate (Len-
despite immediate restoration of a favourable leaf water ton et al. 1971) and cooled with solid carbon dioxide.
potential. Moreover, stomatal closure which occurs dur- After a 24 hour period of extraction at 2°C the homo-
ing the initial phases of moisture stress might also be genate was filtered and the methanolic extract was
related to ABA formation provided the time course of evaporated under reduced pressure at 30°C. The aque-
increase was sufficiently rapid (minutes rather than ous extract was then treated as described previously
hours or days). (Kriedemann et al. 1972). Eluates from the thin layer
plates were dried onto filter paper discs, dissolved in
Located at Merbein, Victoria, Australia. 3 ml of water and assayed with the Avena coleoptile
PhiysioL Plant, 28,,--1973 MOISTURE STRESS AND ABSCISIC ACID 477
Table 1. Short term effects of water stress on inhibitor levels 40
in Sultana leaves. 15 minutes elapsed between excision and •—•ABA
homogenisation. X—X MOISTURE
»30 TENSION 14
Water potential Inhibitor I SE (dryl
Treatment ( ) g g 12 ^
(bariSE) initial fresh weight 10 -^

Control -2,63 ± 0,80 0,15 '

8 I
Stressed -15,72 + 2,80 10 6 I
1 Difference significant at the 0,05 level of probability. 4 I
Figures are the mean of 3 determinations.

- '6 1600^
straight growth test, Coleoptile sections 6 mm long and JC.
cut 3 mm from the tips were incubated in the dark at
25 °C with the 3 ml of the aqueous inhibitor solutions 1200-i
for 1 hour. One ml of an incubation medium contain-
ing glucose (2 X 10-2 M)^ KH2PO4 (10^2 M) and IAA O
(2 X lO"* M) WHS then added to each dish and the in- 800 £
cubation continued for a further 6 hours. Inhibitor con-
centrations in the extracts were estimated by reference 400 o
to known concentrations of (±)-ABA. Gas-liquid chro- 3 "a.
matography of methylated extracts confirmed the pres-
ence of a compound with an identical retention time as
methyl-ABA, 4 6 10 12
TIME days
Recovery of ABA
Figure 1, Qhanges in leaf water potential, ABA-like inhibitor
The efficiency of this extraction procedure was mea- levels, and gas exchange rates during prolonged moisture stress
sured by adding approximately 0,2 [.ig (± )-2-'"'-C-ABA and subsequent recovery.
(26 ±2,6 mCi/mmol) to the methanoi used to homo-
genise 20 g of vine leaves. This rate of addition repre-
sents approximately one tenth of the endogenous con- stomatal resistance (routinely 2 to 4 s • cm ') were simply
centration in well watered vine leaves. In three separate excised. At the first suggestion of stomatal closure
experiments the percentage recovery in the final fraction (gauged from gas exchange measurements) we removed
was 76,1 ±2.5 (SE), the leaf from the cuvette, measured, its water potential
Photosynthesis and transpiration of single leaves was and immediately homogenised the lamina in cold meth-
measured under controlled conditions. Single attached anol. Stomatal closure was generally initiated within
leaves were enclosed individually in a circular cuvette, 10 minutes of petiole excision, and a further 5 minutes
their COg and H3O vapour exchange was monitored by elapsed before extraction. Over this period, inhibitor
infrared gas analysis at saturating irradiance (25 Wm'^) levels virtually doubled. The increase is statistically
and optimum leaf temperature (25 °C), The response of significant (Table 1), The figures take into account any
vine leaves to environmental conditions together with drop in fresh weight due to transpirational losses follow-
details of our measuring techniques have been described ing excision, (Both control and stressed leaves will have
previously (Kriedemann and Smart 1971, Kriedemann lost some weight prior to homogenisation, the magnitude
of their fresh weight losses doe to transpiration will
differ. This loss generally amounted to only 5 or 6 %
Leaf water potential was measured with a pressure of final weight, but data in Table 1 were nonetheless
bomb (Scholander et al 1965). corrected,)

Results Long term effects

In addition to the rapid increase following excision,
Short term responses
ABA-like inhibitors continue their increase during more
The consequences of a rapid decline in leaf water prolonged moisture stress. Figure 2 shows changes in
potential on levels of ABA-like inhibitors were examined leaf water potential and inhibitor levels, together with
under laboratory conditions. Attached leaves which had corresponding values for photosynthesis and transpira-
achieved a steady rate of gas exchange and minimal tion. These grapevines had remained unirrigated for
478 B. R. LOVEYS AND P. E. KRIEDEMANN Physiol. Plant. 28. .1973

6 days and were then rewatered. Part of the population In the present instance we have demonstrated a sig-
was kept dry to act as a control for the rewatered group. nificant change in inhibitor levels in vine leaves within
During droughting (day 0 —f day 6 in Figure 1) water 15 minutes of petiole excision. Stomatal closure during
potential fell comparatively slowly due to combined the initial phase of moisture stress may well be due to
effects of mild weather and large moisture reserves in the generation of inhibitor rather than to a fall in leaf
the root medium. The penurbation between day 4 and water potential per s.e. Equally rapid changes in growth
day 5 followed the low evaporative demand of over- substance level have been demonstrated in the levels of
cast and humid conditions. Nonetheless, after 4 days, endogenous gibberellins in wheat leaves in response to
water potential had fallen to -10 bars and inhibitor red light treatment (Beevers et al. 1970) and in the
levels had risen 26 fold. At the end of 6 days gas ex- cytokinin content of Rumex seeds following irradiation
change had fallen to a very low level (leaf resistance with red light (Van Staden and Wareing 1972). The
varied from 50 to 100 s - cm"'). Water potential had rapidity of these responses highlights the plant's ability
fallen to -13 bars, and the concentration of ABA-like to respond quickly to environmental change and empha-
inhibitors had increased by a factor of 44. sises the need for care and speed during the initial stages
of growth substance extraction.
In the absence of supplementary water this situation
was maintained ("dry" curves in Figure 1) but inhibitor The coupling system between cell turgor and ABA
levels fell precipitously after irrigation, and leaf mois- synthesis is indeed fine but its exact nature obscure. The
ture status was rapidly regained. Inhibitor concentra- increase in ABA following water stress appears due to
tion nevertheless failed to reach its pre-stress value, and synthesis rather than release from a bound form (Mil-
endogenous levels remained about double the level at borrow and Noddle 1970, Zeevaart 1971), and Mil-
day 0. Stomatal function did not recover immediately borrow and Noddle propose that the site of regulation
and 5 days elapsed before gas exchange was back to may lie between the presumed ABA precursor (5-(l,2-
normal. epoxy-2,6,6-trimethyI cyclohexyl}-3-niethyI penta-CM-2-
tMra-4-dienoic acid) and ABA.
Equally intriguing but as yet undocumented, is the
Discussion disappearance of ABA. Accumulation of massive levels
The lag in photosynthetic recovery following mois- of inhibitor in leaves of droughted grapevines was
ture stress is at least partly attributable to impaired sto- matched by a remarkable and virtually complete loss
matal function (transpiration curve Figure 1) which 24 hours after watering. A dissimilation mechanism
could in turn result from the slightly elevated levels of with this sort of capacity must occupy a key position in
ABA-iike inhibitor. However, stomata tend to lose sen- ABA metabolism and the physiological effects of this
sitivity to applied ABA once a leaf has experienced hormone.
moisture stress (Kriedemann et al. 1972) and although a
final level of 2.08-2.25 mg (±)-ABA-kg"i dry weight Beferences
(compared to an initial value of 0.S9 mg (±)-ABA • kg"'
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with no history of water shortage, "hardened" plants Phytochrome and hormonal control of expansion and
(droughted vines in this instance) are less likely to re- greening of etiolated wheat leaves. —.Planta 90:286-294.
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As an alternative explanation the massive increase in opening in leaves treated with abscisic acid. — J. Exp.
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plant extracts by gas-liqaid chromatography. — Planta
sunflower photosynthesis was probably limited by photo- 96:271-280.
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Milborrow, B. V. & Noddle, R. C. 1970. Conversion of mingsen, A. E. 1965. Sap pressure in vascular plants. —
5-(l,2-epoxy-2,6,6-mmethyl cyclohexyl)-3-methyl penta- Science 148: 339-346.
cis-2-trans-4-dienoic acid into abscisic acid in plants. — Van Staden, J. & Wareing, P. F. 1972. The effect of light on
Biochem. J. 119: 727-734. endogenous cytokinin levels in seeds of Rtm^ex obtosi-
Mittelheuser, C. J. Bt Van Steveninck, R. F. M. 1969. Sto- folius. — Pianta 104: 126-133.
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