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You still have Something left
Joseph ‘s gift of the interpretation of dreams was not activated until
he entered the prison in Egypt, where he interpreted the dreams of
the butler and the baker. Dreams got him into trouble while
interpretation of dreams took him to the throne. Hitherto, his
brothers were the ones who interpreted his dreams when he shared
it with them with such statement as ‘’shall you indeed reign over us?
{Genesis 37:8} his brothers fought his dreams while pharaoh sought
for Joseph’s interpretation of his dreams (Genesis 41:14-15).

Verse14: “then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought
him quickly out of dungeon; and he shaved, changed his clothing,
and came to Pharaoh.
Verse15: And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I have had a dream, and
there is no one who can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you
that you can understand a dream, to interpret it.”

Joseph brothers that fought his gift were not as important to his
destiny as the Pharaoh that sought for his gifts. His brothers took his
coat of many colours, potiphar’s wife also snatched his garment
(Genesis 39:12); but he was given a new raiment when he was
crowned (Genesis 41:14-42). His brothers only fought what they
perceived but forgot that God hid Joseph’s upward flight in the
unseemly, which was the gift of interpretation of dream.

One of the things that the philistines forget about Samson was that
if he had his mouth intact, he could still pray and ask God for
restoration (Judges 16:28). They took off his eyes but forgot to take
the mouth he used in praying to God. The only time it was recorded
that Samson prayed to avenge the philistines, God answered him.

Then Samson called to the LORD, saying “O LORD GOD, remember
me, I pray! Strengthen me, I pray, just this once, O God, that I may
with one blow take vengeance on the philistines for my two eyes!”

What would have happened if he was more consistent in prayers?

The weapon of Samson’s mouth was hidden from his adversaries
because the real joker is usually in the unseemly.

When Paul the Apostle was put in prison, he said “the Word of God
is not bound” – ll Timothy 2:9. By his statement, he meant that his
adversaries did not know that he still possessed strength in the
unseemly which means that the unbound Word is far more potent
than his physical imprisonment. From Joseph to Samson, and to Paul
the Apostle, it is evident that God sells dummies to our adversaries
by letting them waste their time fighting the wrong perceived
strength in our lives.



Dig out the precious stone in you through a persistent prayer time.

Don’t be discouraged open your mouth to God, if there is a man to

pray, there is a GOD to answer!

Whatever you are going through now is not the challenge, you still have
something left, you have your mouth, that gift is still there in you, that talent
is valid, that potential is crying inside of you to come out…. You need to
release it. A close mouth is a close destiny!

Seek only true divine intervention in a place of persistent Prayers. Do

the small thing and allow God to do the big things.

ll Chronicles 7:14
If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves,
and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I
will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
From the passage of the Bible above, both you and God need to do
three (3) things:
YOU: 1. Humble (be sober, don’t think you can do it by yourself)
2. Pray and seek God face
3. Turn from wicked ways (sinful ways).

Once you correctly and sincerely take this 3 steps above and return
to the love of Christ shown on the cross of Calvary then God will
take the below 3 steps too…..

GOD: 1. will hear from Heaven

2. Forgive your sin
3. Heal your land

Jesus loves you and dies and risen for you and wish you manifest all your
potentials in this world and reign as kings, get Him on the track of your life
and you shall finish the race with distinction, you shall become a victorious
and achieve your goals
Life without Christ is Crisis!

Dear LORD JESUS, I come to you in the multitude of your tender love which
you show to me on the cross of Calvary, have mercy upon me, and forgive
me all my sins, come into my life afresh, restore to me the joy of my
salvation and renew your steadfast spirit within me, do not leave me neither
forsake me, I rededicate my life to you today, Be my LORD and Savior as you
are from the beginning. Make me what you want me to be, for I pray Father
of heaven in the name of JESUS CHRIST MY LORD, AMEN.

1. Every virtue inside of me that my enemies are fighting, Father, let them turn out
to glory for me in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. The gift, talent, or idea that will manifest my glory, Lord gives to me by your mercy
in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. Oh Lord God, whatever I will lay hold with my hands and prosper me, by your
divine encounter, let it manifest in me from henceforth in the name of Jesus Christ.

4. The God giving potential inside of me crying for manifestation, begin to manifest
now in the name of Jesus Christ.

5. Lord God Almighty, I pray to you, let my potential take me to my glorious throne in
the name of Jesus Christ.

6. Every forces attacking my greatness, catch fire now in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. Lord God Almighty, restore to me the years cankerworms and termites have eaten
by your mercy in the name of Jesus Christ.

8. Every demonic dungeon household battles have placed me not to manifest my

glory, Oh Lord, bring me out by mercy in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. Lord put my destiny helpers in a situation that will call for my attention for my
glory to shine in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. My Father, My Father, change my raiment as you do to Joseph in the name of

Jesus Christ.

11. Every forces fighting the manifestation of my glory, Holy Ghost fire consumes
them now in the name of Jesus Christ.

12. Every sickness fired into my life, holding my potentials not to manifest properly,
Medical Unit of Heaven heal me now in the name of Jesus Christ.

(Praise and Worship God for answering you prayers)

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joining, supporting this end time revival movement contact us with the
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Facebook Page: Trinity Movement Gospel Mission.

The Trinity Movement Gospel Mission is an Interdenominational Ministry

Act 13:47
“For so the LORD has commanded us: I have set you as a light to the gentiles that you should
be for salvation to the ends of the earth”.

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