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COPY11 code of

understanding the self


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Man are inherently sexual
a. our sexuality is rooted in
how we understand and define
b. how we perceive others;
c. how we see the world .
(Gila Shapiro, 7-20-2016)
Sexuality is a multidimensional,
complex mix of the following

1. physiological
2. interpersonal
3. cultural
4. emotional
5. psychological
Guide Question:
Describe yourself in terms of the
following aspects in three-five sentences
1. Physiological
2. Social
3. Cultural
5. Psychological
Sexual arousal emerges as a new
phenomenon in adolescence and
it is important to view sexuality
as a normal aspect of adolescent
(Shirley Feldman, Contemporary Psychologist,
Stanford University)
Adolescence is a
bridge between the
asexual child and the
sexual adult
(Tolman & Mcclelland, 2011)
Adolescence is a time of sexual
exploration and experimentation
of sexual fantasies and realities, of
incorporating sexuality into one's
Risks Factors in Adolescent Sexual
Many adolescent are not emotionally
prepared to handle sexual experiences.
Early sexual activity is linked with the
following risky behaviors:
1.Drug use
2. Deliquency
3.School -related problems
Sexual Identity
1. results from those physical
characteristics that are part of
our biological inheritance
2. genetic traits that make us
males or females.
3.genitals and facial hair are
examples of sex-linked physical .
Developing a Sexual Identity

1. Mastering emerging sexual feelings and forming a

sense of sexual identity are multifaceted and lengthy
2. Learning to manage sexual feelings such as sexual
arousal and attraction.
3. Developing new forms of intimacy and learning
how to regulate sexual behavior to avoid undesirable
4. Involves more than just sexual behavior
5. Sexual identities emerge in the context of physical,
social and cultural factors with most societies placing
constraints on the sexual behavior of adolescents.
It is the subjective result of the
brain's neurology within the context
of society's culture.
It refers to the characteristics people
associate with male and female
(Myers2017, Social Psychology)
Gender role
-results largely from the specific traits
in fashion at any one time and in any
one culture.
example: women appear to be able to
express their emotions through crying
more easily than men, although no
known physical cause accounts for this
Some accepts or
reject their sexual
identity, or their
gender role, or both.
Some are perfectly
happy with their sexual
identity but don't like
their gender role.
Different studies have shown different ideas
about how sexual identities are formed:

1. Some claimed that they not to have thought

about their formation of their sexual identities;
2. Some stated that society was responsible for their
3. That gender determined their sexual identities.
4. Some were issues of choice versus innate feelings
toward sexuality, having no alternative to
5. Influence of religion in determining sexual
Activity: Each student will conduct
a Quick Survey to 5 students.
(inside the campus only)
1. How did you come to know of
your sexual identity?
2. Who helped you developed your
sexual identity?
3 Aspects of Gender role
(Human Development, Dacey, 2002)

1. Gender-role orientation
- individuals differ in how confident
they feel about their sex identity.
Males often have weaker gender-
role orientation than females
3 Aspects of Gender role

2.Gender-role preference
-some individuals feel unhappy about
their gender role, and wished either
society or their sex could be changed,
so that their gender role will be
3 Aspects of Gender role

3.Gender-role adaptation
-Adaptation is defined whether other people
judge individual behavior as masculine or
-if a person is seen as acting "appropriately"
according to her or his gender, then
adaptation has occurred.
-people who dislike their gender role or
doubt that they fit well may be said to be
poorly adapted
Male versus Female Identity

Identity precedes intimacy for

men...for women, intimacy goes
with identity, as the female comes
to know herself as she is known,
through her relationships with
Case Analysis:
John Morris is a British author, spent most
of her life as successful author JAMES
Although born a male, she deeply resented that
she had a male sexual identity and hated having
to perform the male gender role. She always felt
that inside she was really a woman.Morris
decided to have transsexual operation that
changed her from male to female.The change
caused many problems in her life, but she says,
she is infinitely happier to have her body match
her feelings about her gender role..
Theories related to
1. BiologicalTheory:
- emphasizes the influence of genes
and hormones.
- a more functional level of gender-
role. Identification than either of the
more traditional roles.
2.Evolutionary Psychology
- holds that actual behavior s including those typically
seen in the two genders, are programmed into our

-males and females are genetically predisposed to

react to the environment in specifically different ways
like other mammals

-in most species, the male is responsible for guarding

the family group;
and the female is responsible for watching over the
3. Psychodynamic theory

-emphasizes inner conflicts

of children
4. Gender-Schema
Schemas are internal
cognitive networks
shaped by socialization
that organize and guide
individual perceptions.
4. Queer theory
-focuses on the construction of identity
and examines how normalization is
implicated in its construction.
-emphasized that ‘one is not born a
woman, but becomes one’;
gender is not so much something one
is, it is something one does;
It has no relation to biological truths
about the sexed body.
Videos to Watch:
1.Front Row: The Out and Proud
Policeman: PO1 Jessie Quitevis
Gay Documentary
GMA Documentary
September 26,2016
2.Transgender Parents Who Conceived
Two Sons Naturally
(ABC News, January 17, 2015,YouTube)
3. TEDX Talk: Chella Man
(Published: May 9, 2018)
4. Moments of Mom
1.Front Row: The Out and Proud Policeman:
PO1 Jessie Quitevis
Gay Documentary, YouTube
September 26,2016

Guide Question:
1. What are the qualities of Jessie Quitevis as
police officer of Taguig City.
2. What is your reaction on the petition that
PO1 Quitevis should be disqualified as a
police officer .
Video 2

Transgender Parents Who Conceived Two Sons

(ABC News, January 17, 2015,YouTube)
Guide Questions:
1. What are the struggles of Bianca and Nick on finding
their sexual identities?
2. Make an analysis/reaction on Bianca (Jason) and
Nick (Nicole) as
a. Transgenders
b. Transgender Parents
Video 3


(Published May 9, 2018, YouTube)

Guide Questions:
1. What are the struggles of Chella Man on finding her
sexual identity ?
2. Make an analysis/reaction on Chella Man as a

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